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Clues, Secrets, and Forgotten Eggs about Summoning


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Dont know if this is anything...




The pic says: ogrl wigs.




This might be a anagram for: Rig Glows or Rigs Glow. Both are used for fishing.




[hide=this is a rig]


http://www.doormatflukerigs.com/Super%2 ... 0light.jpg







- I'm not proud of everything I've done, but I have no regrets


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'one-legged, one-eyed men of lymestone'




I dont know if someone posted this but maybe he is tlaking about 50% Luke, the guy from Rum Deal, he is half person, half witchwood




Oh and about the "thingy" they took it away i supose you realice that but maybe you can get an image from another forum maybe


Proud owner of a Questcape

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just did an anagram for chaosudoku and the first option came up:




a ouch kudos




notice the word kudos? definitely could be where summoning starts.. who knows =D




Sudoku is a type of puzzle where there is a 3x3 grid with smaller grids also containing 3x3 grids, where numbers 1-9 are used.


These numbers can only appear once in each smaller grid and only once in both horizontol and vertical lines going accros the bigger grid.




They simply chucked chaos in front of it so it ties in with the chaos elemental.They also replaced the numbers with runes.




Why has jagex done it so 2 runes are aloud to appear in each column/grid.




yes i know what sudoku is but don't you think it's weird how it also has "kudos" in it when the island hasn't been released yet and jagex said it will be revealed soon enough and the fact that the other anagram that said aborted ark also relates to the boat that goes to kudos island?




sorry for trying to help out though i guess.. i'll leave everything up to you since you seem to know everything

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just did an anagram for chaosudoku and the first option came up:




a ouch kudos




notice the word kudos? definitely could be where summoning starts.. who knows =D




Sudoku is a type of puzzle where there is a 3x3 grid with smaller grids also containing 3x3 grids, where numbers 1-9 are used.


These numbers can only appear once in each smaller grid and only once in both horizontol and vertical lines going accros the bigger grid.




They simply chucked chaos in front of it so it ties in with the chaos elemental.They also replaced the numbers with runes.




Why has jagex done it so 2 runes are aloud to appear in each column/grid.




They did not replace the numbers with runes. In fact, it's not even a sudoku puzzle. It's a hidden message.

All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...

This is the truth!

This is my belief!

...at least for now.


"The Mystery of Life"

Vol. 841, Ch. 26

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Dont know if this is anything...




The pic says: ogrl wigs.




This might be a anagram for: Rig Glows or Rigs Glow. Both are used for fishing.




[hide=this is a rig]


http://www.doormatflukerigs.com/Super%2 ... 0light.jpg










It's Ogre Wigs. Part of the E is blocked by the tack, so it looks like an L.




Also, the ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâé Balnea is an anagram for Balance.

All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...

This is the truth!

This is my belief!

...at least for now.


"The Mystery of Life"

Vol. 841, Ch. 26

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Ok guys I think I have a huge discovery/clue here. First, something VERY interesting someone else posted on the other Summoning topic (this is not part of my discovery, just a very interesting discovery:






to end the topic on the suduko(hopefully) here is both my solution and the method in which to solve it






the suduko is a cryptogram it is easily solvable with these 2 clues the A with the soul rune and if you highlight the board and past it in wordpad you get this:


FPRIVATE "TYPE= PICT;ALT=Chaos Elemental's noticeboard" Army starts with a single soul.






It comes out to mahjarrat gathers and army, he slays many masters






































Now for something I discovered to add on to this very clever find:












If no one can tell by now, I'm fairly certain summonign will have to do with the Mahjarrat. By the way, this clue was found by talking to Hazelmere after beating "The Path of Glouphrie". I screenied this a few months ago and posted it into a topic that died out.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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Not sure in if this has been posted before,but n postbag25,the more code at the bottom of the chaos elemental's to-do list spells GECKO.




The circled letters are e,(c?),a,u,l,i,c




And the hat and whistle look strangly like something I'd use with my familiar?






And while I'm on letters from hedge,Chrimbo reminds me of Kol's Crimbo...


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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just a quest, wat do the circled letters in the pic spell or mean?




i n c l e u c




This has already been posted many times, the answer that we all seem to agree on is "Lucien". He is a Majharrot, as reflected in the clues from the message board pic, so he could possibly be the "Mahjarrot deceiver" also stated from secret clues. I beat the quest involving him so I can't enter the room he's in anymore. anyone know how to get to him after beating thw quests? perhaps he can be a clue.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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Well i have made list of people that might got something to do with summoning




Guy that turns you into mushroom (he stands near elemental wizzards in rimmy) - He says that he might teach you one day art of necromancy




Evil Dave - Takes part in quest where you have to summon demon, in rfd he says that he is summining something in his "HQ"




Lucien - Evil dude, takes part in temple of ikov side only clue about him is anagram




Tarn - I dont know much about him but his picture is in new summoning wallpaper




Homunculus - Spirit that takes part in Tower of life quest which after we be able to create monsters by putting some parts of them together




There is a monster called necromancer but he isnt a npc, while fighting he summons zombies




Wise old man , look at his book shelves full of books , some books are about demons and there is strange creature under his bed!

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Ok guys I think I have a huge discovery/clue here. First, something VERY interesting someone else posted on the other Summoning topic (this is not part of my discovery, just a very interesting discovery:






to end the topic on the suduko(hopefully) here is both my solution and the method in which to solve it






the suduko is a cryptogram it is easily solvable with these 2 clues the A with the soul rune and if you highlight the board and past it in wordpad you get this:


FPRIVATE "TYPE= PICT;ALT=Chaos Elemental's noticeboard" Army starts with a single soul.






It comes out to mahjarrat gathers and army, he slays many masters






































Now for something I discovered to add on to this very clever find:












If no one can tell by now, I'm fairly certain summonign will have to do with the Mahjarrat. By the way, this clue was found by talking to Hazelmere after beating "The Path of Glouphrie". I screenied this a few months ago and posted it into a topic that died out.




That is a very good find, but not everything the Chaos Elemental says has to do with one update, but most of the upcoming ones. This looks like more information on the new quest to do with Slayer than summoning. Great find, though.

All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...

This is the truth!

This is my belief!

...at least for now.


"The Mystery of Life"

Vol. 841, Ch. 26

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Just have to say I been observing this project since its inception and I have to say it's developing very, very nicely. Keep up the good work! Stuff like this is what make TIF great!

All I learned in life, I learned on Tip.it

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all of the red circled letters = EULNIC




leucinthis is afrench word whch means -A white, crystalline, nitrogenous substance formed in the decomposition of albuminous matter by pancreatic digestion, by the action of boiling dilute sulphuric acid, and by putrefaction. It is also found as a constituent of various tissues and organs, as the spleen, pancreas, etc., and likewise in the vegetable kingdom. Chemically it is to be considered as amido-caproic acid.




this could relate to summoning like in the tower of life were u need a peice of the creture you are trying to summon.




lucien this is a name and i looked up the meaning to this name and it means "Bright, Light"




lucine this is not a word but if you spell it "leucine" which still only has the red circled letters in it just useing the "e" twice it becomes a word and the definition of the word is-an essential amino acid. C6H13NO2




and for those who dont know what a amino acid is-an amphoteric organic acid containing the amino group NH2; especially : any of the various amino acids having the amino group in the alpha position that are the chief components of proteins and are synthesized by living cells or are obtained as essential components of the diet.




so basicly it is a building block to your body.




nuclei-the central part of atoms, consisting of a number of protons and neutrons. or An organelle containing chromosomes that is the site of cellular DNA synthesis and RNA replication.




which means something to dowith altering dna that means maby something with a part of the animal your summoning such as a peice of hair or bones???






all possable words from that clue ne ideas?




those are the 4 word s i came up with that made sence and had something to do with creating life or could be link to summoning.



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Just have to say I been observing this project since its inception and I have to say it's developing very, very nicely. Keep up the good work! Stuff like this is what make TIF great!




Thanks :thumbsup:


Nice siggy, btw.

All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...

This is the truth!

This is my belief!

...at least for now.


"The Mystery of Life"

Vol. 841, Ch. 26

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all of the red circled letters = EULNIC




leucinthis is afrench word whch means -A white, crystalline, nitrogenous substance formed in the decomposition of albuminous matter by pancreatic digestion, by the action of boiling dilute sulphuric acid, and by putrefaction. It is also found as a constituent of various tissues and organs, as the spleen, pancreas, etc., and likewise in the vegetable kingdom. Chemically it is to be considered as amido-caproic acid.




this could relate to summoning like in the tower of life were u need a peice of the creture you are trying to summon.




lucien this is a name and i looked up the meaning to this name and it means "Bright, Light"




lucine this is not a word but if you spell it "leucine" which still only has the red circled letters in it just useing the "e" twice it becomes a word and the definition of the word is-an essential amino acid. C6H13NO2




and for those who dont know what a amino acid is-an amphoteric organic acid containing the amino group NH2; especially : any of the various amino acids having the amino group in the alpha position that are the chief components of proteins and are synthesized by living cells or are obtained as essential components of the diet.




so basicly it is a building block to your body.




nuclei-the central part of atoms, consisting of a number of protons and neutrons. or An organelle containing chromosomes that is the site of cellular DNA synthesis and RNA replication.




which means something to dowith altering dna that means maby something with a part of the animal your summoning such as a peice of hair or bones???






all possable words from that clue ne ideas?




those are the 4 word s i came up with that made sence and had something to do with creating life or could be link to summoning.




lawl typo's ftw

Due to my epic stats, I have now started WGS (but I still hate spoilers).


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in the to do list, at bottem u see this:




if u wanna use, here is code:



--././-,-./-,-/--- :) <- i did '','' instead of ''.'' coz other wise -.- would pop up




its morse code




it makes:




--. is G


. is E


-,-. is C


-,- is K


--- is O




That makes Gecko :) credits to me please.. and wiki for translating it for me :)




My blog


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