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3 December 2007 - Behind the Scenes - December


Which December update are you looking forward to the most?  

403 members have voted

  1. 1. Which December update are you looking forward to the most?

    • Clan Wars
    • Gravestones
    • Bounty Hunter
    • Letters/Gallery/Diary
    • Christmas Event
    • Wilderness monsters

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i bet my beard on that the zezima gravestone will be very priced :lol:

My private chat is always ON.

Winner of The Tip.It Teamcape Outfit Contest!

6 years. 1 dragon CS drop and some barrows, bad luck?


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I'm looking forward to bounty hunter. Though it would have been cool to see it in action across the globe (hey, sometimes I like to go hang around varrock bounty office and watch the showdowns in the street).




One thing I am waiting for, though, is for the games room to be put on the high scores. I'd like to see life return to that place, and with official high scores, people could once again be waiting for second floor tables to open up.

Into the wilderness, where all can see, no skiller bots to bleed my eyes, and danger at every turn!


Watch me, visit me, pk me.

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I'm thinking the Angel of Death gravestone will let you save an extra item. But it will be very expensive. One thing Jagex has never done is a XP loss effect.




For example, you pay 10 Million gp (this is just a number) for the Angel of Death Gravestone. Now when you die you save an extra item at the cost of 2,000 Health XP.




Seems fair to me.




And that would be a right royal shame. Never, ever have we lost XP permanently, and allowing the rich to keep their more expensive trinkets is so wrong I canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t begin to explain it. I hope this is not part of their thinking.




The mini-games sound awesome, esp Bounty Hunter. If clan wars are not F2P, I wonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t be using it. My clan only wars F2P, like so many others.




I am looking forward to the Dev Diaries, more hints on summoning and RWT will make for interesting reading.




Xmas update ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ meh, I could take it or leave it. Depends on the goodies we get I suppose. If itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s a wearable gift I can use at parties I will do it.




Gravestones ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ has the potential to make pking a little bit more fun, get rid of looters, or plain ol take away the reason to pk in the first instance. It will be interesting to see what they come up with.




New monsters: If they are slayer monsters, I doubt if I will be able to kill em anyway! Spiritual Rangers I can kill, but spiritual dark beasts ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ what, 95+ slayer to kill? OMG ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ wonder what goodies they will drop? Exciting times as usual :)




*must train slayer for next 2 years to get 95*

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I'm thinking the Angel of Death gravestone will let you save an extra item. But it will be very expensive. One thing Jagex has never done is a XP loss effect.




For example, you pay 10 Million gp (this is just a number) for the Angel of Death Gravestone. Now when you die you save an extra item at the cost of 2,000 Health XP.




Seems fair to me.




And that would be a right royal shame. Never, ever have we lost XP permanently, and allowing the rich to keep their more expensive trinkets is so wrong I canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t begin to explain it. I hope this is not part of their thinking.




The mini-games sound awesome, esp Bounty Hunter. If clan wars are not F2P, I wonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t be using it. My clan only wars F2P, like so many others.




I am looking forward to the Dev Diaries, more hints on summoning and RWT will make for interesting reading.




Xmas update ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ meh, I could take it or leave it. Depends on the goodies we get I suppose. If itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s a wearable gift I can use at parties I will do it.




Gravestones ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ has the potential to make pking a little bit more fun, get rid of looters, or plain ol take away the reason to pk in the first instance. It will be interesting to see what they come up with.




New monsters: If they are slayer monsters, I doubt if I will be able to kill em anyway! Spiritual Rangers I can kill, but spiritual dark beasts ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ what, 95+ slayer to kill? OMG ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ wonder what goodies they will drop? Exciting times as usual :)




*must train slayer for next 2 years to get 95*




some lvl 3 will buy it for 10mil and just die once and become combat lvl 1 !


4000000657th to 99 cookin

555555406th to 99 flethcin

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I'm looking forward to the RWT diary. Jagex has been on an anti-RWT tear lately, and many recent changes are geared towards it.




It's too difficult to stop the autoers. They ban one, and five more sign on. They transfer 1000's of raw materials to "person X", and "person X" sells for gp. "Person X" then sells the gp, or buys desirable items in-game, then RW sells those items. Ultimately, RWT involves a one-way trade of something valuable in-game. Jagex's approach is to make that harder by tracking and banning all of the "person X's" out there.




One-way transfer through staking? Bam, gone.


One-way transfer through the party room? Gone, too.


One-way transfer through PKing? Changes are coming this month in some way. The signs are too obvious in this month's BTS.


One-way trades? By introducing the GE, individual to individual (I2I) trades outside of the GE are reduced, making it easier for Jagex to track one-way trades and ban the accounts of the heads of these RWT organizations. Fewer I2I trades means less data that they have to sift through.




I hope the diary will go into detail on this, and explain their thinking on these recent changes (including whatever wildy changes they are working on.)




Edit: Perhaps you can buy a gravestone, and if you die in the wildy while you have one in your inventory, then you drop the gravestone instead of anything else? Just a random thought that popped up in the old grey-matter.

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I personally don't really like the updates this month


bounty hunter: dangerous minigame (basicly wilderness) not my style


Clan wars: not really in a fighting clan and it could be a dangerous minigame


Wilderness spectral beast: I have a strong dislike of the wilderness


letters/diary/gallery: not exactly an update


Gravestone: Not that I hate it, but i tend to not try to die


Christmas Event: I am excited about this one




but i can see that alot of people would like these updates, even though i don't



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i think the gravestones sound cool ::'

(840th To 99 Farm. Achieved on February 13th, 2008.) (2942th To 99 Crafting. Achieved on September 9th, 2008.)

(23671th To 99 Magic. Achieved on January 17th, 2009.) (46913th to 99 Hit Points. Achieved on March 20th, 2009.)

(30680th to 99 Range. Achieved on March 21st, 2009.) (66351th to 99 Attack. Achieved on July 8th, 2009.)

(2856th to 99 Herblore. Achieved on August 21st, 2009.) (45985th to 99 Woodcutting. Achieved on November 15th, 2009.)

(6119th to 99 Smithing. Achieved on December 24th, 2009.) (98100th to 99 Cooking. Achieved on January 1st, 2010.)

(63214th to 99 Defence. Achieved on January 30th, 2010.) (122697th to 99 Strength. Achieved on February 11th, 2010.)

(15249th to 99 Prayer. Achieved on March 21st, 2010.) (34209th to 99 Fishing. Achieved on July 7th, 2010.)

(9259th to 99 Summoning. Achieved on July 29th, 2010.) (51712th to 99 Firemaking. Achieved on September 6th, 2010.)

(109036th to 99 Fletching. Achieved on September 28th, 2010.) (15821th to 99 Slayer. Achieved on February 3rd, 2011.)

(11652th to 99 Construction. Achieved on June 18th, 2011.)

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is it just me, or does anyone else wish qeltar would quit so we don't have to listen to him whine about every update?




Probably just you and some other people who don't realize he has good points.




On the other hand I'm disspointed on the quest side as I have always been lately. I hate when there's no real content. These minigames just seem as extensions to what's already in the game...Why can't they create a new castlewars-esque minigame that incorporates strategy and combat together with unique environments. This bounty hunter stuff is like tournaments except you can attack others whoop de doo.

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This'll be my review on this BTW:




- Clan Wars


- Bounty Hunter


- Christmas Event


- Wilderness spectral dark beast




Clan Wars Arena:




If anyone has read a previous post of mine here:






Then you should know what I'm expecting from this update.




This update is suppose to be a way that clans can war each other, one vs one, with any amount of opts, using the clan chat system. As details are not specific I'm going to post speculations.




My main concern is how this type of mini-game will be compared to a real life scenario of a war. In a life scenario, the options of what is allowed, and aren't allowed are controlled by the Leaders. Though since it is up to the members to abide by these set-out rules, and sometimes rules are broken, such as no overheads, this causes clans to lose/win.




Will the Clan Arena Mini-Game have the amount of options that previous staking had? As in, will certain armour pieces be allowed to be turned on or off?Can certain food be allowed or not? How long is prep time? Will a large diverse option list of what, and who, and stats allowed in the war be included?




Without such a list, the clan arena will be exactly like the wilderness just without crashers, and looters. And it will still be up to the Leaders to make the rules, and have their members abide obediently. With this however, no one will be able to cheat, making clean wars, and probably less flame.




Another concern is the size of the arena? Will the arena size be determined by the amount of options in each war? Will there be different arenas? Will there be things to hug, or hide in? Would there be possible third-party weapons(catapults, barracks) like in castle wars?




Also, dying in this mini-game. Will you keep or unkeep your items? Another thing here is, if you keep your items, the point of warring in this area will be useless as most people would prefer risking crashers, and cheaters over not having any rune weapons or p2p armour and weapons to loot. Jagex better acknowledge this.




Also will Jagex direct this towards mains more than towards pures? If so, and if they do like in past updates, this could be a total turn off to pure clans. Even though I can't really predict if it will be a turn off by whatever reason, I'm sure Jagex would have been able to find a reason. Though I'm not saying Jagex will, just with past averages, this update may be a turn off for pures.




Overall it should be good as long as most of the above variables are implemented.




Bounty Hunter.




Another mini-game. Not surprised as an entirely new Hiscores list was made for mini-games. Jagex seems to be trying to implement player vs player, and updating the wilderness. Jagex used this entire year to make higher levels happier, and they did a good job. I wonder now if Jagex will be updating one of the oldest places and mini-game of all, pking.




For us pures, I hope so. As anything pking updated is probably going to benefit us even if its crappy when presented. This mini-game implies that you will lose your items, and that the rank system will probably be very similar to the Duel Tournaments rank system, or the same type of application.




Also I'm expecting this area to be added on the northern end of the wilderness(a new island? Or to the East of the wilderness, as it's all water, and easily implemented around there. Also JAgex has hinted towards improving their game map by some hundred squares in all directions.




Anyways, the concept behind this would be like castle wars, with just a few things taken out, and a few things brought in, while things are just polished. I'm pretty sure that this mini-game will be run by the same engine that runs CW. As the two sound similar in only that there are no teams, and you have to find the selected person.




Hopefully you'll be separated by quite a lot from your first opponent as to get prepared and have a look around, and get a grasp of whats going on, then again who wouldn't love to be hurled in and then koed in an instance?




Anyways, it sounds good, hopefully you get what the other person drops, hopefully you can either bank the items pked, or you lose them while in the mini-game. Also hopefully there is a unique reward for coming in certain places within the mini-game, ticket based as to stop cheaters. ;)




Christmas Event.




Just reminds you how fast the years gone by already. This as always is a good way to end the year, and bring on the next year. It sounds a lot more fun than last years however, very more appealing to the ear. Let's just hope it's placed in a more secure area, and possibly a better location, as well as a better story line than a cheap one from last year. ;)




Wilderness spectral dark beast.




Monsters or souls that can pop-up to attack you at any given time, multi, or non-multi?




Sounds devilish and seems like Jagex is adding in something to increase the danger or insecurity of the wilderness. Hopefully these are well programed randomly generated events, that hit 6-20 on a player, with no given warnings and such, and would disappear if you kill them or run away from them. As well they better give good drops as it's kind of pointless to add something dangerous but not increase the amount of gp or treasure to be found.




I just hope it's f2p/p2p. As in p2p you've already got 9 things to worry about, while in f2p only about 2-3. It would probably be better to add in both anyways, as pking is used far more by f2pers, and would be greatly more appreciated by the pking community.




All we can hope for is a good month, with astonishing thought-through ideas and mini-games/updates. Not half hearted ones that kill an aspect of the game or two.




December sounds exciting, and a large month, hopefully we aren't disappointed, and Jagex knows what they're getting into when they announce 'Clan Arenas' when it is such a serious topic amongst clanners. As in it better be appealing to the clan community or they will reject it and flame it. ;)

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Of course, everything will be P2P...


The Christmas update better be less dumb than that dumb reindeer thing that they gave out last year... :evil: When I got it, I wore it for a second then threw it out.

Avatar by Unoalexi!

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Now i'm not one to complain much but when I finally went to bed at 1:32 in the morning hoping for the behind the scenes december, I figured it better be a flippin good month... All I can say is i'm glad I didn't stay up later to find out what's coming.




Clan Wars - wasn't clan chat enough? borrrriinnnngggg




Gravestones - waste of an update and can you imagine how many gravestones will be everywhere? but ok...




Bounty Hunter - just another duel tournament with a different setting




Letters/Gallery/Diary - gallery is always good to look at, diaries gr8 if it has nice rewards and letters sumtimes reveal hints about wots coming so these are ok =p




Christmas Event - sounds exactly like the snowball sort of one last year or the year before where you throw snowballs at the snowball guys... cmon guys be original -.-




Wilderness monsters - sadly this is the only thing that i'm slightly looking forward to, maybe it has a greater chance of dropping d bow.. who knows but it sounds a lot better than all those unoriginal waste of updates.




All I can hope is that Summoning won't be as sad as these updates, I for one love Summoning so they better not ruin it.

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All I can hope is that Summoning won't be as sad as these updates, I for one love Summoning so they better not ruin it.




I find it funny how you call the updates "sad" when they haven't even been released yet.

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Now i'm not one to complain much but when I finally went to bed at 1:32 in the morning hoping for the behind the scenes december, I figured it better be a flippin good month... All I can say is i'm glad I didn't stay up later to find out what's coming.




Clan Wars - wasn't clan chat enough? borrrriinnnngggg




Gravestones - waste of an update and can you imagine how many gravestones will be everywhere? but ok...




Bounty Hunter - just another duel tournament with a different setting




Letters/Gallery/Diary - gallery is always good to look at, diaries gr8 if it has nice rewards and letters sumtimes reveal hints about wots coming so these are ok =p




Christmas Event - sounds exactly like the snowball sort of one last year or the year before where you throw snowballs at the snowball guys... cmon guys be original -.-




Wilderness monsters - sadly this is the only thing that i'm slightly looking forward to, maybe it has a greater chance of dropping d bow.. who knows but it sounds a lot better than all those unoriginal waste of updates.




All I can hope is that Summoning won't be as sad as these updates, I for one love Summoning so they better not ruin it.




Cynic :-w




I am in love with Clan Wars, it's making me want 94 magic / 94 range even more <3:




What I'm afraid, though, is that Clan Wars will just turn into Castle Wars. Ancients all over, owning everything up. Hopefully they'll integrate some system to prevent it from being a messy slaughterfest and actually involve strategy.


Ever wanted to find street prices of RS items? Check out the SPOLI Index


Nex Drops: Pernix Cowl, Pernix Chaps, Torva Helm, Torva Platebody, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Chaps, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Torva Platelegs, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Chaps, Virtus Robe Legs, Zaryte Bow, Virtus Mask, Torva Legs, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Virtus Robe Top, Zaryte Bow, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Virtus Robe Top, Torva Platelegs, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Body, Torva Platelegs, Torva Platelegs, Virtus Robe Top

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spectral dark beasts :shock: :o i just realised this could be a new 90+ slayer monster and with it being in the wildy its gonna make it so unpredictable!dont forget now players have priority over monsters so these are gonna be twice as dangerous and an exponential amount more dangerous if its in multi combat areas.




Good point, I hadn't considered it could be a new slayer monster!


@ the people saying "gf wildy", you're idiots. This looks like a good month for player killing in general and it only stands to make things better.




And I reckon the tombstones are just decorative, not sure




I hope it's not a new slaying monster... It takes me an average of 14 hours to achieve a dark bow from Dark Beasts. I don't fancy spending 14 hours in the Wild with my best equipment in the distant hope that I'll get the best drop. Especially in those first few weeks when everyone will be dropping by, taking pot shots and honest slayers.




I'm already making plans for this update. I'll probably use Whip, Rune Def, Glory, and possibly a prayer item such as Proselyte Plate. Whip, Glory, and the new uber drop would be protected and I could use Protect Item for one more item/uber drop. The Glory would serve as my tele. Chances are however, that "pkers" will kill us just for a few prayer potions. Also if this is multi, they might do the autoskulling glitch :shock:.



4x Phat owner: Blue, Green, 2x Purple


3100+ GWD bosses soloed.

Solo GWD Drops:

5 Bandos Plates, 4 Bandos Boots, 3 Bandos Hilts, 2 Arma Helms, Arma Skirt, Arma Plate, 3 Arma Hilts, 4 Zammy Spears, Steam Staff, 15 Sara Swords, 6 Sara Hilts, 29 Shards.

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When I read that BTS what came to mind is.. the Wild is going "buh bye". Maybe not soon, but at some point. I could be wrong, of course.




How? I fail to see how you read any of that quote as wildy is going to die..




They're gravestones, nothing more, nothing less, just gravestones. Decorative gravestones.



That may be the case, but in BTS November all they said was something about duel tournaments. Nowhere did they say staking would be eliminated. Of course Jagex wouldn't announce PKing being nerfed, the rants forum would be full the ENTIRE month, they'd rather wait until the day of the update. And I can see it too, all these attempts to end RWT and the wilderness is one of the final steps, unfortunately.


is it just me, or does anyone else wish qeltar would quit so we don't have to listen to him whine about every update?


It's just you

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All I can hope is that Summoning won't be as sad as these updates, I for one love Summoning so they better not ruin it.




I find it funny how you call the updates "sad" when they haven't even been released yet.




They haven't been released yes, but it gives us an idea of what it will be like, and clan wars for example isn't a barrows minigame is it? no, completely different, they're just trying to satisfy the duellers because of their nerfed update that ruined staking n such completely.




i'm not a staker/dueller/pker and yes these might be for those people but i just found the updates they're going to do to be unoriginal and almost regurgitated ones, I was hoping for atleast a DIFFERENT christmas update

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bleh boring month for me as i dont pvp much. Might join a clan just for the clan wars though..


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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Because of the unoriginal and regurgitated updates coming up, it actually makes me wonder if summoning will be implemented nicely... the j mod that did slayer apparently is doing summoning so it should be extremely well done, but this month makes me re-consider =l I don't know, maybe i'm just putting all my eggs in one basket, maybe they're just trying to get this month over with quick n easy so they can focus on the release of summoning and if there will be any problems.. I'm just disappointed with the originality of december's updates and i'm glad I didn't stay up any later to find out what was coming :uhh:

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