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Rares prices.... (27,000+ views)


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rares have no use at all, and i'm sick of people saying everything is dying trying to be so dramatic...






if rares crash... well at least you still have an item that ... does... absolutely... nothing... ... oh wait, that's your fault for buying it. :wall:


I bet u noob dont even have 300k in ur bank so stop talking like rich ppl.

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rares have no use at all, and i'm sick of people saying everything is dying trying to be so dramatic...






if rares crash... well at least you still have an item that ... does... absolutely... nothing... ... oh wait, that's your fault for buying it. :wall:




If investing in one at 150K and having it worth over 20 Mill now ISN'T a "use" I don't know what is......




I could either have 150K in my bank, or an item "worth" 20mill.




Some items HAVE a "use" option.




While other items ARE a "use" option.




Which is entirely determined by the context, the item has no value in itself.



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I bet u noob dont even have 300k in ur bank so stop talking like rich ppl.


Im assuming this kid's first language isn't english. If it is, he should go back to RSOF.




Anywho, rares are a risk, those who have them have to deal with it.




I for one find them useless.

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I bet u noob dont even have 300k in ur bank so stop talking like rich ppl.


Im assuming this kid's first language isn't english. If it is, he should go back to RSOF.




Anywho, rares are a risk, those who have them have to deal with it.




I for one find them useless.


I feel pity for u english ppl wh cannot write an 'A' grade english sentence.




Anyway, ir u never got the chance to own a rares, how can u say its useless, noob.

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I feel pity for u english ppl wh cannot write an 'A' grade english sentence.




Anyway, ir u never got the chance to own a rares, how can u say its useless, noob.


Thats right, keep humiliating yourself.


I'll stop here to keep on topic.




I main reason I feel rares are useless, is because they serve no purpose other then looks and are insanely over-valued.

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Most rares aren't too expensive to get these days. Rares act like the stock market, they almost always keep going up, which means instead of watching your 50-100 mil rot away in the bank, you can watch it grow in interest through an item. If you look at PHats and Masks and Santas they are worthless to use in any combat situation. You have to realize that rares are only their to look cool or someone who is looking for monetary gain by watching rare prices go up.




Personally I thought rares would always gradually go up in price, but lately it seems that they are going through a lull.

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I feel pity for u english ppl wh cannot write an 'A' grade english sentence.




Anyway, ir u never got the chance to own a rares, how can u say its useless, noob.


Thats right, keep humiliating yourself.


I'll stop here to keep on topic.




I main reason I feel rares are useless, is because they serve no purpose other then looks and are insanely over-valued.


thanks for humiliating me, tbh i dont care.




Well i am thinking of giving u 1 of my rares , see if u sincerely reject my offer.

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You know, for years now I've came very close to selling my Santa Hat multiple times, even once at Christmas when they were over 20m, but I just can't part with it, regardless of how much anyone offers me for it.




Years ago when they were 55k, I worked like mad, mining and selling silver to the General Store when I was about lvl 40, to make enough cash for a Santa Hat, purely because of it's looks. For me, it just has too many memories attached to it, and it's annoying that if I wear it, people just think I'm some rich Merchant that bought it as a sign of wealth. I think I'll actually be glad when they become near worthless again, then at least I can wear it without any hassle.

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All your pricezs belong to jagex!

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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Well i am thinking of giving u 1 of my rares , see if u sincerely reject my offer.




It will have to crash under 30k-3k first ;)

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."

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You know, for years now I've came very close to selling my Santa Hat multiple times, even once at Christmas when they were over 20m, but I just can't part with it, regardless of how much anyone offers me for it.




Years ago when they were 55k, I worked like mad, mining and selling silver to the General Store when I was about lvl 40, to make enough cash for a Santa Hat, purely because of it's looks. For me, it just has too many memories attached to it, and it's annoying that if I wear it, people just think I'm some rich Merchant that bought it as a sign of wealth. I think I'll actually be glad when they become near worthless again, then at least I can wear it without any hassle.






I feel exactly the same way. :D

Runescape player since 6th November, 2003




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I doubt rares will be removed. They're perfect long-term goals that anyone can set. If they're removed or become untradeable, MANY more people will obviouisly quit. Skillers and mains still haven't got a really good reason to quit (like the pkers do), so why give them one?




I doubt they will ever be removed either, but I could see Jagex de-monetizing them (making them non-tradable, replacable by Diango, like rabbit ears or scythes).




They weren't afraid to get in the face of PKers and stakers; why should rares owners feel any safer?




That would be a shame, IMO, because rares aren't the symbols of corruption many people make them out to be. They will always be souvenirs of an earlier, better time in my book. They are the "inverted Jennys" of the Runescape world.




I guess because they said they wouldn't make any big other changes anymore. I take their word, maybe I'm too naive, but hey, it's all I got. ;)

**Sciz, Slayer of Full Dragon**dpiconani212tk1.gif

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I hope they plummet to stop the obsession.




I main reason I feel rares are useless, is because they serve no purpose other then looks and are insanely over-valued.




rares have no use at all, and i'm sick of people saying everything is dying trying to be so dramatic...






if rares crash... well at least you still have an item that ... does... absolutely... nothing... ... oh wait, that's your fault for buying it.




Wow, the ignorance is just astonishing :roll: . All rares are used to show off and that, my friends, is a use. Therefore all rares are neither useless nor worthless.




Looking at this quote again:




I main reason I feel rares are useless, is because they serve no purpose other then looks and are insanely over-valued.




Oh now this is just classic. Disregarding the main use of an item as an attempt to claim that it has no use is completely redundant. I could say, by that same logic, "Ya know, bandos armor is completely useless, it serves no purpose other than providing good stats". The purpose of bandos armor is to provide good stats, obviously if you ignored the stats it would be useless.

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Oh now this is just classic. Disregarding the main use of an item as an attempt to claim that it has no use is completely redundant. I could say, by that same logic, "Ya know, bandos armor is completely useless, it serves no purpose other than providing good stats". The purpose of bandos armor is to provide good stats, obviously if you ignored the stats it would be useless.


You make a fair point there, but if you compare someone that had bought a rare with someone that had bought the best possible equipment. If both players investments price were to crash the rare owner would frantically try and sell, while the equipment owner's investment has higher liquidity and can be sold quicker.




As a side option, the equipment owner could always just use his equipment and know it is the best. However his equipment may significantly drop in price. The rare owner on the other hand, has much more difficulty finding a buyer and lowers his price to attempt to get his investment back into cash(contributing to the crash). Then again, the rare could have sentimental value and the player may not want to sell it.




The equipment player knows hes got the best equipment he can get and dosen't care much about the price fluctuations on it.




The rare player thinks he has made a good investment and feels he may be able to ride the crash out. There is still doubt and fear that his investment could crash and burn.

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Oh now this is just classic. Disregarding the main use of an item as an attempt to claim that it has no use is completely redundant. I could say, by that same logic, "Ya know, bandos armor is completely useless, it serves no purpose other than providing good stats". The purpose of bandos armor is to provide good stats, obviously if you ignored the stats it would be useless.


You make a fair point there, but if you compare someone that had bought a rare with someone that had bought the best possible equipment. If both players investments price were to crash the rare owner would frantically try and sell, while the equipment owner's investment has higher liquidity and can be sold quicker.




As a side option, the equipment owner could always just use his equipment and know it is the best. However his equipment may significantly drop in price. The rare owner on the other hand, has much more difficulty finding a buyer and lowers his price to attempt to get his investment back into cash(contributing to the crash). Then again, the rare could have sentimental value and the player may not want to sell it.




The equipment player knows hes got the best equipment he can get and dosen't care much about the price fluctuations on it.




The rare player thinks he has made a good investment and feels he may be able to ride the crash out. There is still doubt and fear that his investment could crash and burn.




The bandos example was just that, an example. No need to go all 'liquidity on it'. Would you prefer: 'Ya know a tinderbox is so useless, all it can do it lite logs'?




OT: Rares have always gone up in price in the long run, always (fluctuated, but up nonetheless). I dont see a reason why they would not continue to go up.




I believe the main reason is that rares are going down is because of the promise of summoning (possible the biggest update since rs2?) in combination with the GE.






-> Puts in santa @ max price; omg its not selling right away!


-> Puts in santa @ normal price; omg its not selling right away!


-> Puts in santa @ min price; yay sold!


oops GE average price goes down




This doesn't happen? Of course it does! Why else would the price keep dropping! I think the main misconception of the GE is that you will get your money/item INSTANTLY which is not always true.




Nevertheless, I think they'll go up after all the summoning hubbub. Don't you?

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people are always saying rares are useless. By that logic, diamonds are also useless in rl because they are a just a rock.
It's good that you brought that up. Rubies, emeralds, and sapphires, are all rarer gems than diamonds. Diamonds were just brilliant advertising, in movies and such, as a symbol of marriage. Despite knowing this, guess what I'm going to have to buy when I propose? Thats right, a diamond.




"Honey, it's a sapphire, diamonds are more common its just advertising."




Wont. go. well.








At any rate. 2-3 years ago, a friend and me when we first got into rares realize that they were entirely manipulation. It's amazing what people used to do, sitting on the forums trying to get a "manipulation movement" going. All it takes is like 10-20 people with strict prices, so long as no one else is selling under them, the price does rise thanks to the manipulation.




The GE gets rid of all that. The people posting on the forums everyday like "Selling santa 25m no lower" with a bunch of random smiley faces and people cheering him on, fellow santa owners, obviously.




As sad and pathetic as it was, it kept the prices the way they were. Those days are gone, so no one really knows whats going to happen.








IMO the biggest factor in the price of rares is wealth consolidation. Sure, we can pretend its about alchemy, and actual GP in the game, and its obvious that this does play its role(construction changes on rares prices), as do the hundreds of other factors people bring up. However, I think its more about wealth consolidation.




Staking, merchanting, autoing, RWT, despite you guys pretending no one did RWT, it helped to consolidate cash. Cash from 3-4 Autoers moving to the account of a player, who could now invest the cash.




Slayer was the fastest rise in rares, is it just coincidence that it was a huge money consolidator? Many of the current top skillers, guess how they made all the cash to skill? Did anyone remember n0valyfes runescape log? He literally went from a nobody special, to a 400m bank, in a few months. Whoever was high enough combat to do slayer fast back then, had a great opportunity back then.




At any rate, the age of rares is pretty much over. Slayer was the prime time to own a rare, these days, not so much. I hear the mantra of "It's supply and demand, they'll never go down!" I had taken a break from this game since November 2006. Guess what? My masks and santas? They never peaked higher than they did in august 2006, when red masks were 49mil each. At least for the lower rares, phats continued to rise, ignoring the trends of the lower rares.




Also people seem to not realize that easter eggs, disks, etc have mostly been stable. Wearables were pretty inflated. If it really were so much supply and demand, why are pumpkins worth less than santas? Pumpkins are far rarer.

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My santa has lost 50% of the money I spent on it, but I will hold onto it.




I mean, I don't urgently need the money, a bad investment is a bad investment I guess.




At ^^, how do you know that pumpkins are more rare then santa hats?




Couldn't a player get many pumpkins, but only one santa?

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Manipulation is still happening, only right now it's being done to lower the prices. Watching the disc. items forum for a bit I noticed alot of people were bumping up outdated threads with titles like "selling santa at the lowest price, G.E", all the while you werent able to buy one for the lowest price at the time.




The opposite is going to happen once the people who have hundreds of millions buy up rares when they hit rock bottom. The forum will then be filled with "buying santa's at the max price, G.E". People without one may be more incline to buy one and people with one may be more incline to hold on to theirs.


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Also people seem to not realize that easter eggs, disks, etc have mostly been stable. Wearables were pretty inflated. If it really were so much supply and demand, why are pumpkins worth less than santas? Pumpkins are far rarer.




I think simply because people can't wear pumpkins, and they liek to show off so the demand is bigger for them.

**Sciz, Slayer of Full Dragon**dpiconani212tk1.gif

-97/99 Slayer

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My santa has lost 50% of the money I spent on it, but I will hold onto it.




I mean, I don't urgently need the money, a bad investment is a bad investment I guess.




At ^^, how do you know that pumpkins are more rare then santa hats?




Couldn't a player get many pumpkins, but only one santa?




Pumpkins are a destroyable rare, while santas are not so much. When pumpkins came out alot of Pkers ate them because they healed alot. When santas came out, a person got one and didnt typicaly drop them.




Also, when trading, alot of people learned the hard way to trade pumpkins in notes, If you un-note them you can accidently eat them during trading lag in busy worlds. That is why the number so is much less than santas.

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