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Guide to the Revenants! (Updates! February 2nd, 2008)


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Guide to the Revenants!


-by Alpha Koldes












Table of Contents


I. Introduction


II. List of the Revenants


III. General Revenant Facts


IIII. Revenant Speculations


V. Surviving the Wilderness


---A. Being in the Wilderness


---B. Revenant Hunting


---C. General Wilderness/Revenant Tips


VI. Drops


VII. Conclusion


VIII. Credits




I. Introduction


On December 10th 2007, Runescape's wilderness was completely changed. No longer are players free to attack one another. To create an atmosphere that still makes the wilderness dangerous and to replace the threat of player killers, new creatures were created.


These creatures are called Revenants!




The Knowledge Base's description;


"Revenants are vile spirits bound to the lands of the Wilderness following their violent deaths during the god wars. They can never be truly slain, merely banished temporarily before they continue their enraged wandering. They behave like no other monster on RuneScape, and are able to perform a number of surprising tricks..."




II. List of Revenants


[hide=Complete list of Revenants]


[hide=Imp - 7]impmx6.png[/hide]


[hide=Goblin - 15, 22, 30, 37]goblingd0.png[/hide]


[hide=Icefiend - 45]pyrefiendhg7.png[/hide]


[hide=Pyrefiend - 52]pyrefiendhg7.png[/hide]


[hide=Hobgoblin - 60]hobgoblin2ev7.png[/hide]


[hide=Vampire - 68]rvampirewv6.png[/hide]


[hide=Werewolf - 75, 78]werewolf2av5.pngrwerewolfuf1.png[/hide]


[hide=Cyclops - 82]cyclopsvo7.png[/hide]


[hide=Hellhound - 90]revhellhoundqc6.pngrhellhoundvd3.png[/hide]


[hide=Demon - 98]demongy6.png[/hide]


[hide=Ork - 105]orkce4.png[/hide]


[hide=Dark Beast - 120]darkbeastck8.png[/hide]


[hide=Knight - 126]rknightle6.png[/hide]


[hide=Dragon - 135]revdragonyc9.png


Note: Does not attack with dragon breath, anti-dragon shields not needed.[/hide][/hide]




III. General Revenant Facts


-Exactly like how it previously was in the wilderness with players, Revenants can only be fought if your combat level is greater or lower than them by an amount equal to or less than the level of Wilderness you are in.


-Each Revenant attacks with all three forms; melee, ranged and magic.


-Similar to the barrows brothers vs other crypt creatures, Revenants "take priority" and will interrupt your fights with other creatures.


-Reported by Jagex, they can spawn/move to anywhere in the wilderness.


-Revenants heal themselves with food when low hit points. They have a set number of food they eat. They usually will flee or farcast when out of food.


-Revenants can cure themselves of poison a certain number of times.


-Each Revenant may Teleblock (even through Mage pray), freeze and poison you (through ranked attacks).


-When single Revenants meet, they can walk in "clans", following one another until they find someone to attack.


-They have a set amount of time they will stay on the map. Take too long to kill one, and it will 'disappear' or 'teleport'.


-Revenants can walk through spiderwebs and doors.


-Revenants will switch the combat style they are using to fight you, avoiding the protection spell which you are currently using against them.


-The Lunar spell "Monster Examine" gives accurate information for the monsters Hit Points, but inaccurate for Max Hit.


-Revenants will switch from one player to another, seemingly at will, even in a non multicombat area.


-When fleeing from a Revenant, they WILL chase you for a very long time. Simply getting out of their eyesight (not being able to see them on the map) is not always far enough.


-The Salve Amulet's effect DO work on revenants.


-Revenants can spot you from a very long distance away to initiate the attack. You will see the maged or ranged attack animation. (Pictures below - See Hunting Revenants section)


-You can teleport a Revenant away by fighting it while on an Ancient Obelisk, and clicking the obelisk. (You will probably be teleblocked, thus making you stay where you are.)




IIII. Revenant Speculations




With the new Revenants, a lot of knowledge and information is obtained. However, since we are not the creators, there's still a lot to be determined that is not 100% confirmed yet. The following is a list of speculations based on hours of fighting Revenants, websites, in game chats with real players, and these forums.




-Revenants spawn in certain places. They don't spawn "for" specific people. There have been many different opinions on this. Some believe they spawn in certain areas, some believe they spawn randomly and then seek people out. I believe they have set spawn spots and set paths to walk.


-Revenants have a set amount of time on the map. They either teleport away, or simply "log out" as a PKer would. Time on the map is unconfirmed.


-Revenants will pray at altars. (A knight using Chaos altar has been reported.)


-Revenants use Item Protection. Using smite on them will increase chances of getting a drop.


-Most, if not all good drops will come from the three highest Revenants; Orks, Dark Beasts, and Knights.




IIII. Surviving the Wilderness


Entering the wilderness, you have two options. You're set out to specifically kill revenants, or you want to be in the Wilderness for any other reason. Depending on which you choose, there are ways for maximizing your efficiency.




---A. Being in the Wilderness


There are many things to do in the Wild, while trying to avoid any Revenants. Whether it's clues, green dragon killing, getting to Bounty Hunter or Clan wars, training agility or anything else, the fun can be interrupted by a Revenant. Depending on your skills, equipment and inventory, they can easily get the best of you.


Staying alive in the Wilderness with the presence of Revenants is fairly similar to PKers. An exception is that EACH Revenant will attack with all three types of combat. To counter this, I suggest having at LEAST 100 in each defense, with minimum 43 prayer and to carry one prayer potion with you for each wilderness trip.




Please make sure read the General Revenant Facts portion of this guide if you have not already, there is combat information you may want to be aware of, no matter what your intention for going into the Wilderness may be.




[hide=Being in the Wilderness, Freeplay Examples]


If you need to be in the Wilderness for any reason in freeplay, I would suggest being equipped as best you can. Maximum defenses, and maximum inventory. There is no real great way to avoid revenants while in the wild as a free player. They WILL destroy you, fast.




-Find the shortest routes possible


-Stay near ladders, doors, tunnels or anything to 'escape' if you can


-Always carry teleport runes


-If you see a yellow dot, mage pray immediately and be prepared to teleport out.


-Be prepared to put on magic or ranged protection


-Keep run energy 90-100% for quick escapes when needed.



Onto the setups:


[hide=Melee Example]ftprevsetupox1.jpginvent1ig0.png


There is not much diversity here, this is practically the best you can have for melee in freeplay. Put in a strength potion if you need to. Always have the teleports.[/hide]


[hide=Range Example]ftprevsetuprangezz4.jpginvent2af6.png


I'd suggest bringing the rune stuff along with you if you can. Again, always have the teleports. Better arrows if you wish.




[hide=Being in the Wilderness, Members Examples][hide=Example Clue Equip/Inventory]revsetuponeqb6.pngrevsetuptwoaz9.png


In this setup, you have plenty of each defense, and are able to pray magic, ranged or melee when necessary. Prayer potion is there for obviously, extra prayer. Plenty of space for items for the clue, and enough monkfish to survive the trip![/hide]


[hide=Example Green Dragon Equip/Inventory]revenantsgreenqr4.pngrevenantsgreen2cb1.png


Very similar to the Clue setup - enough melee defenses to fight the dragons, but prayer potion there for protect from magic/range and teleport runes if needed.[/hide][/hide]




*Remember, the main goal with these examples and this portion of the guide is NOT to attack the revenants head on. It's more to accomplish the goals you want, while being able to defend yourself!


*Obviously you may wear better armor if you feel like risking it or can afford it. These are simply example equipment shots of what I feel is minimum for keeping yourself completely safe.





---B. Revenant Hunting


If you should find yourself wanting to test your ability or just check out the new Revenants, then gear yourself up and head on out to the wild!


These are a couple different methods I've found for doing Revenant hunting.






[hide=Revenant Hunting, Freeplay Examples]


BE WARNED. I would not and do not suggest Revenant Hunting in freeplay. It's dangerous enough adventuring through the wild with them behind you, but deciding to take them head on is a bold move. The suggestions I have are only the best (or close to it) suggestions available. And as you may notice, they are the same as my "Being in the wilderness, freeplay" section, as there isn't much diversity in armor/inventory with freeplay.




-Stay near an altar if you can, pray mage or range depending on your setup and preference, and abuse the free prayer you are given.


-Don't bring too much with you, one slip up, a little lag, and you are dead.


-As stated previously, keep your run energy at 90-100% for escaping Revenants.




[hide=Example one, Melee]ftprevsetupox1.jpginvent1ig0.png


There is not much diversity here, this is practically the best you can have for melee in freeplay. Put in a strength potion if you need to. Always have the teleports.[/hide]


[hide=Example Two, Range]ftprevsetuprangezz4.jpginvent2af6.png


I'd suggest bringing the rune stuff along with you if you can. Again, always have the teleports. Better arrows if you wish.




[hide=Revenant Hunting, Members Examples]


[hide=Example One, High Defenses, Pray Mage]revenanthunt2fa6.pngrevenanthunt4rn4.png


First setup:With this setup, you can see there is high melee and range defenses, with little to no magic defense. The way that you hunt is through one of these methods is with protection from magic on. This seems to be the strongest defense possible, giving you the least chance of dying. Notice the "finishing weapon"(dragon mace). Similar to when fighting people, they eat towards near death, and it can be hard to finish them simply with your primary weapon. Prayer potions and saradomin brew/restore for if you need the defense and hit points boost along with a prayer dose. Super set because some of the revenants do have high combat levels. Teleportation runes if you need to get out fast.




[hide=Example Two, Less Defenses, More Prayer]revenanthunt1xi3.pngrevenanthunt4rn4.png


Same as first setup, but less defenses for the prayer Bonus[/hide]


[hide=Example Three, Even Defenses, No Prayer]revenanthunt5jd1.pngrevenanthunt6nx2.png


Third setup: Prayer free. More magic defense, and no need for using prayer. Less costly, but also in my eyes, less efficient.[/hide]


[hide=Example Four, Full Veracs]revguideveracsha9.jpgrevenanthunt6nx2.png






Fourth setup: Full Veracs. It's my personal favorite way to hunt Revenants. Better chance of dying due to taking more damage, but you have extreme knock out power hitting through their defenses. I usually smite this method for maximum chance of item.[/hide]


[hide=Example Five, Ranging]revenanthunt7ii6.pngrevenanthunt8rv3.png


Fifth setup:I highly suggest praying any of the three combat styles to prevent at least some of the damage. As a ranger, you're highly susceptible to damage. You will take a fair amount of damage, but can expose of the Revenants fairly quickly, too.[/hide]




-Maging attacks against the Revenants seems highly ineffective. Your defenses will be too low and the Revenants will rip you apart. Give it a try if you wish, but it will not be nearly as effective as any of the other methods.[/hide]




Attack images from the Revenants:






Magical attack (Teleblocks, even through Magic pray)






Ranged attack (Can freeze or poison)




---C. General Wilderness/Revenant Tips


-Keep run energy at 90-100% when in the Wild, save it for when you need to escape.


-If you see a yellow dot, or believe a Revenant nearby, put Magic Protection on. Their teleblock will still hit you, but it's effect will be cut down drastically.


-Always carry at least one Anti poison and one prayer potion with you. If you're freeplay, the best you can do is carry maximum food.


-(more to come)




VI. Drops


Revenants have been rumored to retain a few worthwhile drops. I believe because they're supposed to be replacing player killers in the wild, they drop items frequently dropped by PKers. PLEASE recognize the fact I have not confirmed all of these for myself, but have contacted many people and read many threads before posting. Also, if enough people report getting the unconfirmed drops, (or I get some myself)I will add them to the confirmed drops list






Confirmed drops:


Glory Amulets


Dragon Daggers


Obsidian Capes






Clue Scrolls (Unconfirmed levels)


Food (Confirmed 4 shark drop)




Unconfirmed drops:


God Staves (Guthix, Zamorak and Saradomin)




VII. Conclusion


Suitable replacement for Player Killers?


Revenants are in my opinion, a suitable replacement for PKers. You do not get the same amount or quality of drops, but the threat of going into the wild still remains. Your tasks WILL get interrupted by Revenants, and you do need to adjust your equipment and inventory based on their presence. Many people (especially those in free to play) will choose NOT to go deep into the wilderness out of fear; just like when the threat of PKers was alive.




To hunt, or not to hunt?


Revenants offer a fairly good drop list. Glory amulets, dragon daggers, obsidian capes, and possibly more. But because the drop ratios for these items are so low, not being able to find Revenants when you want to, and the difficulty they offer - hunting them for loot or profit is NOT recommended. But if you want a fun, new challenge, have time and resources to waste, then Revenants might just be the thing for you.




In conclusion, prepare yourself for the Revenants WHENEVER you enter the Wilderness for whatever reason you go there - and good luck in the wilderness to you all!




VIII. Credits


This guide wouldn't have been possible without help from many people. Thank you to everyone who contributed. If I missed your name, please feel free to PM me - I want anyone who assisted to get full credit.




[hide=Thanks again guys! (hidden for length)]


My fellow Revenant Hunters!:




Spa Ins








M 0 0 S E




Kate Stille






Guide outline - Jordanweb


Proofreading/Info/Pictures - Eradicate It


Proofreading - Drasyka


Testing/Info - choasdemo135, penderwyll, archermanme


Knowledge base - Runescape.com


Tip it


RSOF Blog (Quick Find: 19-20-409-54725194) Interview - The Deader


Jagex Ltd


This and this TIF thread and everyone who contributed.








Plagiarism: I worked very hard on this guide, and I made sure to credit everyone possible who contributed. Please make sure not to use this for any other sites without getting permission first. Thank you.




Please, post all constructive criticism you may have. Any information I missed, guide outline, spelling and grammatical errors, continuity or any other comments you might have to make the guide better are 100% appreciated. Negative responses with no real input will be reported. Thanks for reading my first guide, Guide to the Revenants!



Man, I really do love Runescape, and I'm sure if it was a real person I would of asked it to marry me by now.

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good guide :thumbsup:. I died twice in the wild for clues, i might try that setup. Maybe you wanna add a wilderness course inventory? That might be helpful for some people.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Very good guide, especially the set-ups for hunting, might try it later to see if i can get anything on your list (or not on for that matter).




Can see myself referring to this in the future. :thumbsup:

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

Scottish fiction

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great guide 10/10 for the pics and organisation




but i dont get the point of killing them, do they drop stuff?

3 Dragon Claws, 60+ Barrows items, 2/4 Gwd Hilts(Bgw & Agw)

Quest Cape, Woodcutting Cape, Cooking Cape, Fletching Cape, Prayer Cape and Hitpoints Cape.

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Good job Alpha! Very nicely laid out, and gives all the essential information on revants. Also, as far as I know, this is the first rev guide, so, good job! =D> ::'

R.I.P Shiva and The Old Nite

Visit My Huge Goals!!! <---- Click This

My Pk Gallery


GWD: 3x Saradomin Sword, 2x Saradomin Hilt, 2X B Boots, 1x Tasset, 2X B Plate, 2X Shard, 1X D Med

TDs: 3x Solo Claws, 1x Solo Armour Piece

99 Untrimmed HP, 0% Pc'd and before Soul Wars -- Trimmed July 1, 2009

First Untrimmed HP Cape to 96 summon, top 300 to 96 summon

Proud owner of the strength, magic, range, and hitpoints capes.


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Awesome dude!!!

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Very nice.




Just one question; do protection prayers work 100% as they would against other NPCs or is it still like fighting a normal person (as in they don't work 100%)? Just curious :)




Other than that, very nicely laid out.




10 flaming ding-dong-ditch bags out of 10.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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Very nice.




Just one question; do protection prayers work 100% as they would against other NPCs or is it still like fighting a normal person (as in they don't work 100%)? Just curious :)




Other than that, very nicely laid out.




10 flaming ding-dong-ditch bags out of 10.




From what i know they use all 3 types of attacks so prayer won't work

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Just one question; do protection prayers work 100% as they would against other NPCs or is it still like fighting a normal person (as in they don't work 100%)? Just curious




From what i know they use all 3 types of attacks so prayer won't work




Yes, unlike versus other players before the Wilderness changes, the prayers work 100%. I can see where Sith is coming from though because they will just switch combat type versus the prayer you're using. (You throw on magic, it'll start ranging). But it still is worth using, that's why I offer a couple methods using ppots. :)




Good job Alpha! Very nicely laid out, and gives all the essential information on revants. Also, as far as I know, this is the first rev guide, so, good job! =D> ::'




Thanks man, I wanted to rush to get it done before someone else put one out, but at the same time it took me a whole extra week to get it done longer than the expected date, 'cause I wanted it to be pretty inclusive and thorough.




Maybe you wanna add a wilderness course inventory? That might be helpful for some people.




Perhaps... I offered a couple different equips for people venturing in the wilderness, so people can get of get the jist of what they should bring - but if enough of you guys say you would like an agility inventory/equips, I'll definatly throw it in :0




And to everyone else who replied with great ratings or positive comments, thanks very much!



Man, I really do love Runescape, and I'm sure if it was a real person I would of asked it to marry me by now.

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I suppose it was worth my time....




But really, it was a great guide. The information was... informative. Everything was in the right order, and an overall great guide.




I rate: 9/10




Why? Maybe a picture or two of you fighting them?

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Very nice guide. Helps a lot out there now.






Albel doesn't say anything anymore, just comes in, leaves an arrow and vanishes into the night :(Probably
practising some euphonium

You nearly had me fooled, you fooler you


9/10. To me, always associate Albel with musical stuff in OT.

Everyone with a goatee and glasses is Albel now.

lmfao albel m8 wat r u doin, hi though.



[hide=Runescape Achievements]99 firemaking(2007), 99 woodcutting(2008), 99 fletching(2009), 99 magic(2010), 99 cooking(2010), 99 farming(2011), 99 construction(2011), 99 runecrafting(2012), 99 Hunter (2014),  99 ranged (2015), 99 HP (2015), 99 Slayer (2015), 99 attack (2015) 99 Defense (2015) 99 Prayer (2015) 99 Summoning (2015) 99 Strength(2015) 99 Herblore (2015) 99 Dungeoneering (2017)  99 Mining (2017) 99 Crafting (2017) 99 Smithing (2017) 99 Thieving (2017)  99 invention (2017) 99 Fishing (2018), 99 Divination (2018), 99 Agility (2018), MAXED (05/17/2018)[/hide]

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Wow i could see the effort you put in into organizing it, and it looks great!




Awesome guide!

Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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