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The F2P vs. P2P war!


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One day, you go to the main Runescape site. You see a notice.




"As a short update, we have seen on our forums huge dislikes against F2P. To settle this, we are starting a war between the two halves of our players. If Members win, then F2P will be removed and Runescape will have a cost to play AT ALL. All free players' accounts will be banned. On the other hand, if F2P wins, the entire game is open to free players and there will be no cost to play the full game. Members will receive a complete refund, but their accounts will be banned. If it is a tie, Runescape will be closed down, Members will get a refund, and all accounts are banned. There will also be NO sequel."




What would happen if the sides of F2P and P2P fought in a huge war in Runescape? Who would win?




Vote according to this criteria:




1. All autoers will fight to the extent of their capabilities. They are all instantly logged in and will auto-attack any enemy players, regardless of level.




2. Members may use their items, spells, skills, and prayers against free players. Ancient Magicks, Dragon weapons, and Barrows armors have NO effect on Free players. However, Barrows weapons, Dragon Armor, and everything else can damage them. This includes Godswords, Whips, and Granite Mauls.




3. The Multiple Logging-in rule applies. Only one of each player's accounts can be used at a time, free or member.




4. If you are on a free account, you MUST fight Members, and vice versa. You cannot attack a member of your own side.




5. This occurs all on one server. Also, being on the war server is mandatory to log in. No lagging, crashing, bugs, or system updates will occur.




6. Jagex Moderators will be split up. Half fight for members, half fight for Free. They cannot use any of their banning/muting capabilities and CAN be killed.




7. If you do not kill at least ONE enemy, it is considered a forfeit and your account is banned.




8. Free players can enter the member's areas, but they can only perform actions there that they could in a free to play area, such as fill jugs, cut free to play trees, cast F2P spells, etc.




9. If you are killed, you are put into a cage in the middle of blackness with the rest of the dead players. You lose your items, cannot use private or clan chat, and cannot attack or be attacked. This will be your final place on Runescape, as you will be banned when the war ends.




10. You cannot enter special quest-only areas. This prevents Members from killing an enemy and running to a safe area.




11. The only area where you cannot be attacked is Tutorial Island.




12. A player is chosen at random to be diseased. This works like poison, but if you stand next to another player for at least 5 seconds, they too will be infected. You can tell if a player is infected by the Green Skull above their head. You will be damaged 8 from the infection every minute. It will not wear off and the only way to cure it is by drinking a dose of "Banana Essence" which is obtained by using a Sliced Banana on a water filled vial. The potion has 4 doses.




13. As you log in, you must choose your side. If you are a member and choose F2P, your membership is cancelled and you will not be banned if your team (F2P) wins. You also can only use free to play content in the war. To join the P2P side from F2P, you must start a subscription first, and then you gain access to P2P content to use in the war. If your team wins, (P2P) you will not be banned. If you choose the side you are already on, nothing will really happen, and you will keep the content you have to use in the war.




14. The battle lasts for 3 days. After this, the side with the most dead players loses or until a side has been completely wiped out. Only the players who fought count as a member of that team. If, somehow, the losses on each side are the same, it is a tie.




Here is what you can vote:




A- F2P will win, but I want P2P to win.




B- P2P will win, but I want F2P to win.




D- F2P will win, but I want it to tie.




E- P2P will win, but I want it to tie.




F- P2P will win, and I want them to.




G- F2P will win, and I want them to.




H- It will tie, but I want F2P to win.




I- It will tie, but I want P2P to win.




J- It will tie, and I want it to.




K- I do not want the war to occur. (Only choose this if you do not want a certain side to win or tie)






















F-4 (Tied with G)


G-4 (Tied with F)







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Well, to answer the question, I believe members would win. The average combat level is much higher on members, not to mention if you included the members items and skills. A f2p lvl 126 that stuck in rune with a rune 2h would probably loose to a lvl 90 member in torags with a whip and sharks.






It started interesting for me, but I think you went waaaay overboard with the banning and loosing accounts. It would just end RS.


Why not simply make it F2p vs P2p, no items lost and no accounts banned (if items are lost, too many simply wouldn't participate, especially f2p since they would die so easy)


The prize? Access to the members areas for f2p extending to the fishing guild or somehting like that, meaning f2p would get talvery, seers, camalot, fremnik areas, etc. All members skills would remain members, but F2p gets a huge update of land.


I think memebrs vs f2p would fight for that simply because most members don't want f2p to have any updates, let alone access to a large portion of their land, while most f2p would kill for some new places.


Sykoknight - 1900 skill total - 132+ combat


Fighting High Scores from late 2001 - Ranked 1894

Prayer High Scores from March 2002 - Ranked 749

Ya, I've been around too long.

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Get real -.-

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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... members would win, simple as.


I can't really see much of a discussion to this, I can't see J mods fighting members to the best of their ability if it means they'd lose their jobs for one thing, just a silly topic and silly idea to be honest. Post it in questionairs.




It's not a serious thread, but it creates a discussion and debate over who would be able to defeat the other. "F2P would win, because..."




Also, who would you want to win? You've only narrowed your choice down to 3 answers.

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...Why the hell Jagex'd refund members? Autoers wouldn't even care about this "war".


1 million Members against 8+ million F2Pers (9 million total players on RS, counting active or not). Members'd probably would get pwn'd by F2Pers, even with good equipment (on the other hand, probably not).


Neverthless, this is a stupid topic with stupid ideas.


(Numbers not pulled out of [wagon], mind ya.)

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P2P mages would congregate together and barrage the living daylights out of all F2P players. It would be so 1 sided that F2P may as well not even turn up.




It's doubtful that they would actually organize in a case like this. Some well-led clans might be able to make an organized attack, but for the most part it'd be anarchy.




F2P has about 10 times the numbers as P2P, so their numbers will probably beat the advanced armor and weapons of the P2Pers.

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dude this is a random post...


i think all of rs should be free and nonprofit (the p2p r not banned)


Goal: To get a f2p skill cape for woodcutting and firemaking!!!

98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER!

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This is the classic battle between quantity and quality- it really depends- Members has AoE spells and items, but F2p has more players... there's also the fact that there aren't THAT many F2pers playing at one time- I don't think that there would be all 8 million F2pers on at the same time fighting.




But yeah. Most of those F2p accounts are also just lowbies that played and quit. Members would probobly win.




Though I don't want it to happen in the first place.





Can be looted to obtain a variable item and reobtain the imp jar. If you are insane, it can instead be exchanged for impling jars from Elnock Inquisitor.
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F- P2P will win, and should.




If EVERY MEMBER with their ice spells etc were to fight and NO FRIENDLY FIRE, it would be pure ownage. Also, the costs of runes or items wouldn't be a problem, since its either your money or your account.




However the "if you dont kill you are banned" rule is really tough. I mean, look at my stats. I STILL doubt I have much killing ability, considering the mass number of people. Then again, there are HUGE numbers or low levels.




Interesting topic indeed.




P2P mages would congregate together and barrage the living daylights out of all F2P players. It would be so 1 sided that F2P may as well not even turn up.




It's doubtful that they would actually organize in a case like this. Some well-led clans might be able to make an organized attack, but for the most part it'd be anarchy.




F2P has about 10 times the numbers as P2P, so their numbers will probably beat the advanced armor and weapons of the P2Pers.




ORGANIZATION will not matter. All you have to do is run in and cast. Also, 10 level 50s wont hit much on me.

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Um...The only way this could possibly work is if they went wild on Runescape's programming. For example, they make things much more interactive and whatnot. For example, I had an idea where, if this war happened and no one got "banned" or anything like that, where perhaps there's a call for all high level F2Pers to go to some random spot, such as Falador, and close one of the gates, demolish the ways to climb up or into Falador, seal off Dwarven Mines, and more or less shutting themselves in, gaining levels slowly, and eventually unleashing themselves onto the world.




To build up food supplies, or perhaps if Fletching is f2p by some point in this, make arrows, you could get a very high level fisher to make fishing spots temporarily. (I'm just spouting nonsense here, so bear with me)




Then, in an epic Battle, F2P gains control of all F2P lands, Karamja, and makes a bulge within the Member lands, the members lose ground...




Or something similar. All p2p make a quick strike of near doom on all things F2P, pretty much wiping out anyone strong or smart. All that'd be left would be just a bunch of low levels, or possibly high levels, hiding out in my suggested sealed off areas, slowly gaining levels, forging armor, yadda yadda yadda. The "War" could go whatever way you just chose to think that it would.








Above, good point.

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P2P mages would congregate together and barrage the living daylights out of all F2P players. It would be so 1 sided that F2P may as well not even turn up.




It's doubtful that they would actually organize in a case like this. Some well-led clans might be able to make an organized attack, but for the most part it'd be anarchy.




F2P has about 10 times the numbers as P2P, so their numbers will probably beat the advanced armor and weapons of the P2Pers.




ORGANIZATION will not matter. All you have to do is run in and cast. Also, 10 level 50s wont hit much on me.






believe it or not, they will. especially if your going to try to kill them all off and make a long stand. that is, without protection prayers(should be added.)

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I'm speechless... No offense, but are you just really bored? Because this thread seems like a WTF moment.




:shock: Saw a good post from title and bam, border line spam. At least it wasn't another summoning post. #-o

RIP Michaelangelopolous
Thanks to cowboy14 for the pimp sig!

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P2P would win easily. Dragon halberds, ice barrage, et cetera. Bulk attacks would slaughter F2P easily. Remember, one ice barrage hits 9 people. One person slaughtering dozens of F2P players, especially when there are thousands of people with high-level ancients, would slaughter even the most powerful of F2P.



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