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~Discussion: Guys playing as Girl Characters?~


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Saw a few of them before, some even admit to being a girl character just to get free stuff from boyfriends.




Its like a common trend on online gaming, its like bunch of desparate males trying to woo one single female, not all act that way, but most does. Seen that happen on few online shooting games too, one girl logs in, first everyone is ok and silent because no one know she is a girl, boom, once in game team speak activity and she said something, text msg and in game voice chat start to flying all over the place (hey at least you know the other person is a girl, lol)




I still remember getting my cousin to try RS for fun, so she makes a girl character with a feminie name, within few moment that she get off tutorial island and start training near Lumby, tons of guys start asking her to be their girlfriend, and tons of trades request to give her free stuff. Better treatment? definitely, Sick? nah, just your good old nature kicking in.......(of course when they start spewing offensive or adult type stuff, then yes, sick and perverted.)

a happy Runescaper

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i've had some people call me a guy playing as a girl (i'm a girl irl)




but I think it's wrong, and anoying




Congratz for bumping a 3 YEAR OLD TOPIC!










OT: I guess... Whatever floats your boat.


I don't believe that a person with so many posts, has hanged around for such a decent period of time would make such a stupid mistake. A mod probably deleted the bumper's post. Happens all the time.




OT: Guys playing as girls kind of... sicken me. I almost wanted to retch when I had to add a fe to my characters gender, while doing the initiate thing.


Why don't you just go change your sex irl. :roll:


Not trying to be insensitive here, but people doing that usually register as pervert, paedophile, etc.


Although, it does have some merit. If i was going to park my butt in front of a computer 24/7, naturally a pixeleated figure with moar curve would be better to look at. :lol:

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If I'm gonna watch my characters butt all day id rather it was a womans butt i was watching than some dudes even if it is a CGI dude.




Actually thats a complete lie, I have a male character, but I imagine that's how a lot of them think.

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Not trying to be insensitive here, but people doing that usually register as pervert, paedophile, etc.


Woo! Epic generalisation.




Why would people do it on a game if it didn't work though? I think that more points to a fallacy in the male population's psyche rather than the transvestites/sexuals'.

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The guys who pose as female characters for the sole purpose of gold digging really irk me -.- (the other reasons hardly bother me)...I believe such gold diggers cause encounters like this particular one I experienced:




Mr. Example: "Be my Gf?"


Me: "I don't cyber date..."


Mr. Example: "Come on plz plz plz"


Me: "*silence*"


Mr. Example: "I hav 2 sets of ful dragon"


Me: "*silence*"


Mr. Example: "I hav 5 gfs that all sed yes"


Me: "*silence*"


Mr. Example: "Forget u (expletive) ur a nerd"


Me: *says in head: "Yes I'm the nerd who doesn't fall for pixels that are probably being controlled by other guys."*




It truly is my honest opinion that all 5 of those supposed "gfs" were males who all said yes because they were able to score with another fool who has a thing for female avatars. With so many of these posers it causes 2 stereotypes: 1. female players are gold diggers and 2. the creation of Rule 30 "There are no girls on the internet."




End of the day...female players are given a bum rap :|.


~Retired 13-July-2010~

Thanks for the great memories folks :).

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Well Lady Shahdie in there defense Rule 30 is pretty clear on the subject :P






OT: I play a girl character because I am too lazy to walk all the way over to the make over mage and change back... freaking Wanted! quest.



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I am a female in RL and in RS ... personally I haven't seen guys as girls (or have I not known?). Back in the day I knew guys did this to get items from Male RS characters. I made all my pures male just to stop guys hitting on pixels.








I would turn to a guy on Lady Cai if not her name D:



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Wow... Someone bumped this thread AGAIN...




OT: People who do this because they are into roleplaying and their character is a girl its ok, but people who do it for money I think it's lame.

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Alot of people do this and asking for a by/gf and seriously .... no 1 like to have gf in pixel world becoz they are not real + most are control by boys -.-


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This is why I actually think changing into a guy would be best. Ah well, I'd get flamed for that as well. I suppose some have good reasoning though, it's economically sensible to be a girl. :|

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This is why I actually think changing into a guy would be best. Ah well, I'd get flamed for that as well. I suppose some have good reasoning though, it's economically sensible to be a girl. :|




I disagree with your biased beliefs.




[hide=I am NOT responsible for this flaming]29mr476.jpg[/hide]




Just kidding, I had to, I'm bored. :?

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One reason people aren't touching on is variety. It gets boring looking at the same thing every day for 2 years. As soon as I'm done with this nech task I'll change into a girl. Curious to see how my armour would look anyway.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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One reason people aren't touching on is variety. It gets boring looking at the same thing every day for 2 years. As soon as I'm done with this nech task I'll change into a girl. Curious to see how my armour would look anyway.




I haven't understood that, Brunokiller brought that up to. I don't really get bored of the way I look, mostly because I don't stare at my avatar seriously enough to get bored with it, I have changed my hair since I made my account, and the only time I've been a girl is that quest... Recruitment Drive? Something like that.






There was a time though I changed my skin color 1 shade darker to have a little tan 8-)

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Well I don't think its as common as you say, because I've only met one person who's really a guy when he played as a girl. I asked him why, and he responded because he wanted free stuff. Really I think that's quite a lame reason, just changing your gender to get an advantage in a game. But, it really is their choice so let them do what they want.


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I think that this is the only situation where a "Don't ask, don't tell" policy works just fine. Who cares if they're really a guy, and they play as a girl? Let them do as they please with their character.

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...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Previously i was a dark skinned male with a beard and [bleep]ey hair wielding a shield and whip.




I can assure you that looks nothing like the real me.






Now I am a female with no beard and a bit of [bleep]ey hair.




Looks nothing like the real me either.






What are we discussing here actually? Would you not be allowed to take the shape of a Ogre (of that was possible) either because it isn't similar to you? I also don't have a terror bird in real life. Does that mean I can't walk around with one in Runescape?




Isn't this a role playing game where reality is not an issue?



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I think that this is the only situation where a "Don't ask, don't tell" policy works just fine. Who cares if they're really a guy, and they play as a girl? Let them do as they please with their character.




Exactly. Runescape is a fantasy game. In regards to your character, you can do whatever the hell you want and it's no on else's business whatever that may be.

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What is with all of the guys playing on runescape as girl characters? I don't know if it has just been me, but lately I have noticed a lot more females in runescape. Now, i know most of them are for sure actual girls playing the game, but there is a significant amount of characters that are female.




You have a typo in your first paragraph ;)




I don't really talk much in rs unless I'm bored and I want to screw around, so it's not much of a problem to me.

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I'm pretty sure, technically, this is roleplaying. I'm pretty sure that's not exactly their direct intention ( phr33 st0ff plx ), but in other games nobody really has a problem with a male playing a female character. The way I see it, Runescape is no roleplaying game so this is just kinda creepy- but only is it creepy if they willing accept their male. OOC dude.




( I know they classify it as a roleplaying game, but honestly? If you want to roleplay Runescape is not the place to be )



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My best friends in Runescape who were guys have played as girls. They claim they have more fun. I don't question how they play the game so long as their game-play doesn't affect my game-play experience.




People can do whatever they want. This is an online game. If guys have an unfair advantage by being a girl character, then girls have that same 'unfair' advantage since guy character-models don't "have it" either. And that's just a load of poppycock.




Just don't expect me to give out free stuff due to your gender and I'll be happy :lol:


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