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"I want a girlfriend/boyfriend", and other such relationship advice


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Okay, so all this is really starting to disgust me. You guys are starting to treat women like prizes to be one, or big game to be hunted and taken down with the proper technique. Seriously, trying to get someone to break up with her boyfriend? That's low.




That's a little unfair, it's almost impossible to talk about the theory behind it without sounding like that. Guys who are naturals do it subconsciously all the time, the only difference is we know the reasoning behind it all.

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oops nvm I read it wrong



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Well, I'm in grade 8, and I guess you could say she's not the most 'attractive' girl. She doesn't get much attention from guys, and I almost me we see her trying to talk with other guys, so I think she's nervous around us. Me and another guy were teasing her a bit at the dance, it seemed like she was enjoying it. The other guy continued to tease her etc over the last 6 hours where as I was too tired, so I think he might like her as well but I'm not worried, he's in the other class so it's all good.




Just a little bit about her so you can help me more accurately: she's probably the smartest girl in my grade. She's kind of like me where we hang around we 5 or 6 people, and a few of them are the people who are the most 'popular'. She's kinda shy, and she laughs at almost any joke.




Why I like her (dunno of this can help):


- Shes one of the smarter people, like me


- Shes really nice, never does anything to hurt anyone


- Shes pretty, and a bit shorter than me (don't ask why I like this, I don't even know)


- She doesn't try to act differently to get people to like her, she just acts like herself.




Hopefully this can help you guys give me some pointers

Levon.png Bladewing.png


It's great you know what you're talking about rustiod. Everything you've said is 100% accurate a true.


That being said...your a [bleep]ing [bleep] douchebag, and none of your advice will ever (or should ever) be taken seriously because of it.

disregard good advice because the giver is a douche



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Well good thing is that if she's not popular and rejects you it won't be widely known :P



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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- Shes pretty, and a bit shorter than me (don't ask why I like this, I don't even know)





Yup, one of my favourite things about girls (and me being tall), I tend to like shorter girls for an unknown reason.

Luck be a Lady

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- Shes pretty, and a bit shorter than me (don't ask why I like this, I don't even know)





Yup, one of my favourite things about girls (and me being tall), I tend to like shorter girls for an unknown reason.


Many guys I know will only date girls shorter then them, many girls I know will only date guys taller then them, unfortunately one of those girls is really tall, so she may be out of luck...

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Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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Disqualifiers are also important when getting a girl to cheat on/break up with her boyfriend. I won't go into the whole technique but if they aren't used she will know you are just trying to get her to break up with him for you which is low value and she will get defensive.


That's douchesque to the highest level, especially considering you allegedly get all the other girls. :|

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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That's douchesque to the highest level, especially considering you allegedly get all the other girls. :|




'All the other girls' is a bit of an overstatement but I appreciate the gesture. I didn't say I've done it, just that I know how. As for whether or not I would try it when the situation came up, I wouldn't know for sure until it happened. If she was a really exceptional girl possibly, otherwise I doubt I'd bother.

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Many guys I know will only date girls shorter then them, many girls I know will only date guys taller then them, unfortunately one of those girls is really tall, so she may be out of luck...


If I get as tall as I plan to be, I'll save all those tall girls from their short men. I'll wear a cape and be ... TALL SEXY MAN!





catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Many guys I know will only date girls shorter then them, many girls I know will only date guys taller then them, unfortunately one of those girls is really tall, so she may be out of luck...


If I get as tall as I plan to be, I'll save all those tall girls from their short men. I'll wear a cape and be ... TALL SEXY MAN!






They will be like <3:<3:<3: and all the AFC and PUAs will be like :evil:

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Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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Well, I'm in grade 8, and I guess you could say she's not the most 'attractive' girl. She doesn't get much attention from guys, and I almost me we see her trying to talk with other guys, so I think she's nervous around us. Me and another guy were teasing her a bit at the dance, it seemed like she was enjoying it. The other guy continued to tease her etc over the last 6 hours where as I was too tired, so I think he might like her as well but I'm not worried, he's in the other class so it's all good.




Just a little bit about her so you can help me more accurately: she's probably the smartest girl in my grade. She's kind of like me where we hang around we 5 or 6 people, and a few of them are the people who are the most 'popular'. She's kinda shy, and she laughs at almost any joke.




Why I like her (dunno of this can help):


- Shes one of the smarter people, like me


- Shes really nice, never does anything to hurt anyone


- Shes pretty, and a bit shorter than me (don't ask why I like this, I don't even know)


- She doesn't try to act differently to get people to like her, she just acts like herself.




Hopefully this can help you guys give me some pointers








I'd so go for it. It seems like you two have a bit in common. Good luck...:)

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Disqualifiers are also important when getting a girl to cheat on/break up with her boyfriend. I won't go into the whole technique but if they aren't used she will know you are just trying to get her to break up with him for you which is low value and she will get defensive.




Dang. And for a second, you actually had me going. What flyingjj has been saying for the past 2-3 pages, I'm right there with him. I'm in a natural and long lasting relationship, The thought of objectifying women discgusts me, and the whole POA thing comes off as fake. I was ignoring all this because of all this proof and wisdom you and Lenticular were throwing around. But then you said this. I don't care how amazing a girl looks, or how confident you are - messing with someone else's relationship for personal benefit is the lowest of lows. I'm okay with the whole POA thing, it works, and it's a great way to interact and socialize...but interfering in someone elses relationship like that disgusts me. With great power comes great responsibiltyy I suppose. The ability to pick up any girl is great, just don't go crazy with it.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Yeah, that is a [bleep] move. But, still, I don't think you'd be able to count all the times on this thread someone has posted, "I love her but she's dating a jerk and she calls me every night and cries."




That's a lot of problems that can be solved with that, I guess. To be honest, it's not like you would be making them end a relationship. She'd clearly want to enough to end it.




Besides, if they've only gone on two dates or something, the girl (if interested) will say something. If they've been dating seriously for months, one of them will say something, and everyone with common sense will back off after that. A short "relationship" would be on shaky ground anyways, and you'd just be an excuse for the girl to do what she really wanted.




Now, seducing a married woman or something ain't cool.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Dang. And for a second, you act...




To each his own I guess. When people hit 18+ they tend to have lots of short term relationships that don't end up meaning much. In high school people seemed to have LTRs, then moved onto shorter ones, then after they get over the rush move back to LTRs. This is just in general by the way, there will always be exceptions.




It's just my opinion that all these short term relationships don't mean much, and if it works they weren't all that great together anyway. Ultimately it's the girls choice, it's not like I can 'trick' her into doing it. As Lenticular said, she wouldn't do it unless she wanted to, and it won't work on a serious relationship unless they were having lots of problems already.




edit: The thing about dating a jerk is also a good point. Especially if she is in a physically abusive relationship and won't go to the police and won't leave him because she loves him, I sure as hell would want to know how to kill her sexual desire for him.




Anyway, here's a cool little trick you guys can use to DHV, but you will need a wing to do it. This is the secret to a lot of high end magic tricks, so just tell 1 guy friend who you can do it with and leave it at that, if you tell the girl it ruins it for her anyway.




You can use this to 'guess' her birthday/parents anniversary/some other special date. Tell her to write it down and not show you, your wing then takes it and folds it after secretly glancing at it. He then asks you to give the month and date, and telling you the date using keywords. You can hold the paper, or have her hold the paper and you put your hands over hers, or whatever you want to sell the trick.




1- I 2- go/so 3- try 4- will 5- could/would 6-please 7- quickly/perhaps 8- now 9- alright 10/0- ok.




1-7 are easy to remember because it's just number = letters in word.




Your wing then says for August 27, "Guess the month now" now = 8 = Aug. So guess the date quickly, so + quickly, 2+7, 27.




The trick is to sell it. Guess the date 1 day off, have the wing say he doesn't know how you do it etc.




It's great to use sarging a set when clubbing, or even just at a party.

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So, what happened today.




Sat with her + my friend + her two friends for 2 periods of art so we could talk. I teased her a bit, she laughed at every joke I said, she talked with me alot, and I thought I acted excelently. Cell phones came up and I got her number. Started texting her after school. I think I did pretty good, eventually got to the topic of who she likes. She claim no one, and stuck with it, so I was thinking it's either me or she doesn't feel comfortable telling anyone. She asked me who I like, I told her to guess. After naming everyone in our class except for her, and almost everyone in the other class she said is it me? I said of course. She thought I was joking eventually I told her that if I didn't like her I would have said no in the first place. She said oh... I responded if you don't like me it's fine. She said ok, sorry.




Rejection again... I thought I had it cased, and that she would at least like me a little if not more judging from in school but... Any suggestions on what to tomorrow at school, confused once again by a girl acting like she likes you, and then saying no...




So the questions more formally:


1. Should I continue to talk to her etc in class and try to get her to like me.


2. Why did she act like she likes me and then say no. Wtf...


3. Did I do anything wrong?




one last thing: she said that the other girl didn't tell her that she never officialy rejected me, cause she didn't have the guts to so it. WTF how can you be scared about rejecting someone? Scared your going to get assualted -.- yeah I'm gonna beat the [cabbage] out of you cause you rejected me. Think about the other persons guts dumb [cabbage].

Levon.png Bladewing.png


It's great you know what you're talking about rustiod. Everything you've said is 100% accurate a true.


That being said...your a [bleep]ing [bleep] douchebag, and none of your advice will ever (or should ever) be taken seriously because of it.

disregard good advice because the giver is a douche



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So the questions more formally:


1. Should I continue to talk to her etc in class and try to get her to like me.


2. Why did she act like she likes me and then say no. Wtf...


3. Did I do anything wrong?


1. Keep talking to her, she will get really offended if you start ignoring her and you need to show her that you're still her friend.


2. That's just the way girls act, they are used to getting attention from boys and get more friendly around them as they comfortable with them being around.


3. No, you did not.




On the last thing; maybe she doesn't want to hurt your fellings or may think that she could date you if she thought you were nice enough

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Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


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Now that she knows, I'm thinking if I continue to talk to her and stuff, she'll start thinking about me as more than a friend. Is this a possibility?




And I'm also pretty glad I told her 'early' because I don't think I like her as much as I liked the other girl, so I'm able to talk to her and not be nervous.

Levon.png Bladewing.png


It's great you know what you're talking about rustiod. Everything you've said is 100% accurate a true.


That being said...your a [bleep]ing [bleep] douchebag, and none of your advice will ever (or should ever) be taken seriously because of it.

disregard good advice because the giver is a douche



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Now that she knows, I'm thinking if I continue to talk to her and stuff, she'll start thinking about me as more than a friend. Is this a possibility?




And I'm also pretty glad I told her 'early' because I don't think I like her as much as I liked the other girl, so I'm able to talk to her and not be nervous.


It is possible, but don't get your hopes up, never do. Even if you do only stay friends with her you will get more confident. Hopefully this will replace fears of rejection and you'll be able to tell a girl without even caring if she rejects you. (Happened with me, but with people in general, so now the first thing I say to people is to let the person know that they like them.)

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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You might remember me from about 50 pages back. I'm back again with another wild situation.




I'm somewhat fresh off of a long term relationship (it ended about three months ago). I'd been searching for a prom date until a couple weeks ago.




I met a girl and we hit it off immediately. I got her number and we ended up texting throughout the entire weekend, and calling each other on both weekend nights. This has been going on for around a month. Along the way I've mentioned I still wasn't sure who I was going to take to prom. Since that point, she had been very adamant about the fact that we would make an amazing prom couple. She texted me some of the sweetest things I've ever read. Forgive me for not believing it, but I think she's trying to play me. My issue is that I can't figure it out one way or another.




Today I made up my mind. I believe her. I believe that she sees us in a relationship down the road, and I believe her when she says that she wants to be with me. I asked her to prom (I won't go into detail, but it was pretty well done). She agreed. Now here is where I'm starting to worry again.




Over the last few hours she hasn't seemed that excited. I thought that if she really wanted to be with ME instead of being AT prom (she's a sophomore from another school, mind you), she would be more excited. Perhaps I'm asking for too much, but she's really been calm about the situation, so much so to the point where I'm worried if I'm being used. I'm so lost. I want to believe that she really likes me as much as she claims to, but it's hard because her texting is usually emotionless. It's a huge deal to me, and I asked her to prom which is what she said "meant the world to her".




Am I being played, or should I trust her?

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I'm always in favor of trusting people, I'd say give her a chance. See how prom goes. A bad date at prom isn't the end of the world. Watch how she acts, if it seems like she runs off away from you to hang out with a bunch of other people at prom, things get more iffy.




Right now I'd attribute her calmer texts as being more relaxed because she's more secure. She doesn't have to try as hard to get your attention. That's what happened to me and the girl I'm with now. We were crazy around each other until we started dating, and then relaxed when we both realized that the other liked us.




So, my vote is go for it.

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just go for it mate. just be a bit wary and dont get attached and if she [bleep]s you over just forget her. :thumbup:

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*slightly editted for benefits of reader*


You might remember me from about 50 pages back. I'm back again with another wild situation.




I'm somewhat fresh off of a long term relationship (it ended about three months ago).


I met a girl and we hit it off immediately. I Forgive me for not believing it, but I think she's trying to play me. My issue is that I can't figure it out one way or another.




Today I made up my mind. I believe her.




I'm worried if I'm being used. I'm so lost.


Am I being played, or should I trust her?




Now read it back to yourself. You sound a bit confused. And that makes sense. You just met this girl, everything is very new and to top it all off you're "fresh" off a long term relationship. I wouldn't consider three months fresh, but the important concept is that you do. I don't remember your situation from 50 pages ago exactly, but I do remember commenting on it for it's complexity. I assume you cared alot for your old gal and now you're having trust issues. perfectly normal reactions. For you I pray this girl isn't using you. I would say she isn't, but I'm not her. My advice is to keep your mind away from such thoughts, go to prom and have a good time.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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So, what happened today.




Sat with her + my friend + her two friends for 2 periods of art so we could talk. I teased her a bit, she laughed at every joke I said, she talked with me alot, and I thought I acted excelently. Cell phones came up and I got her number. Started texting her after school. I think I did pretty good, eventually got to the topic of who she likes. She claim no one, and stuck with it, so I was thinking it's either me or she doesn't feel comfortable telling anyone. She asked me who I like, I told her to guess. After naming everyone in our class except for her, and almost everyone in the other class she said is it me? I said of course. She thought I was joking eventually I told her that if I didn't like her I would have said no in the first place. She said oh... I responded if you don't like me it's fine. She said ok, sorry.




Rejection again... I thought I had it cased, and that she would at least like me a little if not more judging from in school but... Any suggestions on what to tomorrow at school, confused once again by a girl acting like she likes you, and then saying no...




So the questions more formally:


1. Should I continue to talk to her etc in class and try to get her to like me.


2. Why did she act like she likes me and then say no. Wtf...


3. Did I do anything wrong?




one last thing: she said that the other girl didn't tell her that she never officialy rejected me, cause she didn't have the guts to so it. WTF how can you be scared about rejecting someone? Scared your going to get assualted -.- yeah I'm gonna beat the [cabbage] out of you cause you rejected me. Think about the other persons guts dumb [cabbage].




You have to realize, this isn't a topic most people don't like to come out and say. Especially when they don't know the reaction of the other. Also, the fear of rejection is one of the largest. As for her not saying she is rejecting you, it's because she doesn't want you to get upset/angry towards her, possibly losing what you have.


Gained first quest cape on 3/22/09! Gained 99 fishing 5/22/09!

I forgot when I got 99 cooking!

Proud member of Jovial Rovers

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So, what happened today.




Sat with her + my friend + her two friends for 2 periods of art so we could talk. I teased her a bit, she laughed at every joke I said, she talked with me alot, and I thought I acted excelently. Cell phones came up and I got her number. Started texting her after school. I think I did pretty good, eventually got to the topic of who she likes. She claim no one, and stuck with it, so I was thinking it's either me or she doesn't feel comfortable telling anyone. She asked me who I like, I told her to guess. After naming everyone in our class except for her, and almost everyone in the other class she said is it me? I said of course. She thought I was joking eventually I told her that if I didn't like her I would have said no in the first place. She said oh... I responded if you don't like me it's fine. She said ok, sorry.




Rejection again... I thought I had it cased, and that she would at least like me a little if not more judging from in school but... Any suggestions on what to tomorrow at school, confused once again by a girl acting like she likes you, and then saying no...




So the questions more formally:


1. Should I continue to talk to her etc in class and try to get her to like me.


2. Why did she act like she likes me and then say no. Wtf...


3. Did I do anything wrong?




one last thing: she said that the other girl didn't tell her that she never officialy rejected me, cause she didn't have the guts to so it. WTF how can you be scared about rejecting someone? Scared your going to get assualted -.- yeah I'm gonna beat the [cabbage] out of you cause you rejected me. Think about the other persons guts dumb [cabbage].




1. Yes, You should still talk to her, but I doubt that her opinion will change that much. You'll probably just be good friends at most.


2. This has happened to a lot of people. They act nice and friendly around each other, then get the 'sorry if you thought I was leading you on' response.


3. No you didn't.

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this may sound dumb, but on your opinions do long distance relationships work if both people are commited?




I live in CT, She lives in AZ, but we both really like each other.




any ideas?




also, any ideas on how to tell my parents that im in a long distance relationship?




I fear they may think she is a sexual predator and not allow me to talk to each other, But her facebook is normal, weve sent pictures to each other via text message, and weve talked to each other on the phone.


You've never... met?




Does that even qualify as a relationship? I mean, I love Sumpta to death (an obviously mutual feeling), but I don't think you could say there's a relationship there.




Oh my... I cannot believe I only see this 2 freaking months after it's posted. So this is why I can't have nice things. Besides the fact that my contrary nature forces me to deny this arrogant presumption of yours, obviously. (Marry me!)




Anyway, not that my reaction to the topic is remotely relevant anymore, but a long distance relationship is one thing. Committing to a long distance relationship without even having seen the person in question is quite another. Sure, I won't deny you can hit it off with someone over the internet, but at least meet each other in real life before you turn it into an official relationship. Sheesh. Some people just seem to *want* to have their hearts broken.

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