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"I want a girlfriend/boyfriend", and other such relationship advice


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Ugh. I feel like crap, probably because of the break up. I've lost 10 pounds in less than a week, I can't eat, I can't sleep, and I'm breaking out in acne.

I'm not trying to overreact, or anything like that. I've just lost my appetite, and can't sleep, I suppose. Ugh.

I've been there man. Worse, in fact. Just go do something with friends, whatever you enjoy doing. Playing games, clubbing, just hanging out. Whatever. Start reading a book, or a comic.

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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Well you guys, I did it. I ended my relationship with Jen. It went much better than expected, partly because she's so understanding, and probably because I had already explained the situation. Anyway, that was last night. So this morning I got a call around 6:30 AM, it was Taylor. Here's the conversation.


Z: Unnnnnmmmm...Hello?

T: Hey sweetie, I know it's early but I want to see you before I go to work.

Z: *Looks at clock* What the hell Tay, it's like 6:30!

T: I know, I know! I'm sorry! I just really wanna see you!

Z: At your house? What time?

T: 9:30 if you can make it, I have work at 11:30.

Z: We'll see, I mean, why don't you just stop by on your way so I can sleep?

T: Because that would require me to drive more.

Z: *Sigh* Fine, I'll be there at 9:30.

T: *Squeals with excitement* YAY!

Z: Bye sweetie.

T: See you in a couple hours babe, bye!


So, I went over, it was whatever, she made breakfast, so I ate it. I mean, her intentions were good, I just wish she wouldn't call so damn early.


Now, on to the minutes following the break up with Jen. I went to her house and did it, because I felt she deserves that respect. So as I'm driving away, feeling a little bummed, I get this text. Note, this is the WORD FOR WORD text, I'm looking at it on my phone right now. Needless to say it put a smile on my face.


Hey Mr. Perfect :) I kinda saw this coming, seeing as how we grew a little distant in the past week or so. I was so grateful that you told me what was going on with you and Taylor, because if you hadn't, I'd be extremely mad right now. That way you breaking up with me for her didn't catch me off guard. I honestly wish you the best with her and your new relationship, I'm sure you'll treat her just as good as you treated me. I simply wish you could split yourself into more pieces, that way every girl can have a guy like you. You're great, you treated me with respect, didn't take advantage of me, and treated me like an equal. I'd never experienced anything like that with a guy before. I hope that your relationship goes well and you give her everything she deserves and visa versa. I'll miss you, Zach. I love you, and I mean it in the strongest sense of the word. See ya around. <3 :)


Love, Jen

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well damn. I think that's the first time I've ever seen a chick...happy after getting dumped.


The only reaction I can properly explain that I had was shock.


Good job? I think?




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Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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well damn. I think that's the first time I've ever seen a chick...happy after getting dumped.


The only reaction I can properly explain that I had was shock.


Good job? I think?

It was just a mutual breakup. Judging from her words, she might have been wanting to as well, or at the very least expecting it. They likely had a good relationship - certainly seems that way. And she probably just didn't want to end on bad terms with either person. She may even have thoughts of getting back with our boio, but who knows these things.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Am I the only one annoyed about how high schoolers talk about love like if they know anything about it?


Also the superficial insecure [bleep] who tend to give out completely mixed signals without even noticing it and then going wtf when you say something that's pretty obvious.



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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Am I the only one annoyed about how high schoolers talk about love like if they know anything about it?


Also the superficial insecure [bleep] who tend to give out completely mixed signals without even noticing it and then going wtf when you say something that's pretty obvious.


I'm pretty convinced that I was in love in high school. So...sorry to agitate you with my feelings. Although, I'd like to think my near 3 year relationship wasn't the typical high school relationship.


As for the mixed signals? Yeah those piss me off. No matter who its from. It also annoys me to know end when I watch my one friend flirt like crazy with my other friend, then tell her he has 0 interest in her. Just a douche move imo.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Am I the only one annoyed about how high schoolers talk about love like if they know anything about it?


Also the superficial insecure [bleep] who tend to give out completely mixed signals without even noticing it and then going wtf when you say something that's pretty obvious.


I'm pretty convinced that I was in love in high school. So...sorry to agitate you with my feelings. Although, I'd like to think my near 3 year relationship wasn't the typical high school relationship.


As for the mixed signals? Yeah those piss me off. No matter who its from. It also annoys me to know end when I watch my one friend flirt like crazy with my other friend, then tell her he has 0 interest in her. Just a douche move imo.


Were you one of those people who said "i love you" after a single date?



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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I don't know how some of you guys can complain about mixed signals and then suggest to people here that they flirt with a girl and then pretend to be uninterested for a while. :P

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Hey Mr. Perfect :) I kinda saw this coming, seeing as how we grew a little distant in the past week or so. I was so grateful that you told me what was going on with you and Taylor, because if you hadn't, I'd be extremely mad right now. That way you breaking up with me for her didn't catch me off guard. I honestly wish you the best with her and your new relationship, I'm sure you'll treat her just as good as you treated me. I simply wish you could split yourself into more pieces, that way every girl can have a guy like you. You're great, you treated me with respect, didn't take advantage of me, and treated me like an equal. I'd never experienced anything like that with a guy before. I hope that your relationship goes well and you give her everything she deserves and visa versa. I'll miss you, Zach. I love you, and I mean it in the strongest sense of the word. See ya around. <3 :)


Love, Jen

Wow dude, if that's her true feelings, you must have been one great guy. Hope you and Jen can still be good friends.

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Hey Mr. Perfect :) I kinda saw this coming, seeing as how we grew a little distant in the past week or so. I was so grateful that you told me what was going on with you and Taylor, because if you hadn't, I'd be extremely mad right now. That way you breaking up with me for her didn't catch me off guard. I honestly wish you the best with her and your new relationship, I'm sure you'll treat her just as good as you treated me. I simply wish you could split yourself into more pieces, that way every girl can have a guy like you. You're great, you treated me with respect, didn't take advantage of me, and treated me like an equal. I'd never experienced anything like that with a guy before. I hope that your relationship goes well and you give her everything she deserves and visa versa. I'll miss you, Zach. I love you, and I mean it in the strongest sense of the word. See ya around. <3 :)


Love, Jen

Wow dude, if that's her true feelings, you must have been one great guy. Hope you and Jen can still be good friends.

Whoa, I still am a great guy. Let's not get carried away. ;)

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Hey Mr. Perfect :) I kinda saw this coming, seeing as how we grew a little distant in the past week or so. I was so grateful that you told me what was going on with you and Taylor, because if you hadn't, I'd be extremely mad right now. That way you breaking up with me for her didn't catch me off guard. I honestly wish you the best with her and your new relationship, I'm sure you'll treat her just as good as you treated me. I simply wish you could split yourself into more pieces, that way every girl can have a guy like you. You're great, you treated me with respect, didn't take advantage of me, and treated me like an equal. I'd never experienced anything like that with a guy before. I hope that your relationship goes well and you give her everything she deserves and visa versa. I'll miss you, Zach. I love you, and I mean it in the strongest sense of the word. See ya around. <3 :)


Love, Jen

Wow dude, if that's her true feelings, you must have been one great guy. Hope you and Jen can still be good friends.

Whoa, I still am a great guy. Let's not get carried away. ;)


Are you as great as this guy?





Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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Am I the only one annoyed about how high schoolers talk about love like if they know anything about it?


Also the superficial insecure [bleep] who tend to give out completely mixed signals without even noticing it and then going wtf when you say something that's pretty obvious.


I'm pretty convinced that I was in love in high school. So...sorry to agitate you with my feelings. Although, I'd like to think my near 3 year relationship wasn't the typical high school relationship.


As for the mixed signals? Yeah those piss me off. No matter who its from. It also annoys me to know end when I watch my one friend flirt like crazy with my other friend, then tell her he has 0 interest in her. Just a douche move imo.


Were you one of those people who said "i love you" after a single date?



I waited a month or so haha...then I got broken up with because she didn't think I understood what I was talking about. ...But she gave me another chance after I proved I wasn't insane and immature, where many moons later she told me she loved me, and then blossomed a beautiful relationship.


...what happened afterward is beyond my point.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Were you one of those people who said "i love you" after a single date?


I said 'i love you' after the first week, before our first real date, while still attending high school after only knowing him for a month. We're still together 7 years. Sometimes, things are just that simple.


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I was in love in High School and I don't care what the [bleep] anybody says. Granted, I was confused, sky, and awkward, and had no idea what to do. But I was in love, I'm sure of that: I never felt the same way about a girl before, nor since. I still think of her, think of the possibilities but its too late now.


Either way, its possible to be in love in high school, case in point: me. But you're gonna have to take my word for it, and I swear it was true. Damnit, this has grown into a confession, I never told anybody about how deeply I felt about this girl, besides "Oh, Nick has a crush.". Good job TIF, you've cracked me open.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Yep it's definitely possible to be in love at a young age. It's a lot less likely, but not impossible.

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Hey Mr. Perfect :) I kinda saw this coming, seeing as how we grew a little distant in the past week or so. I was so grateful that you told me what was going on with you and Taylor, because if you hadn't, I'd be extremely mad right now. That way you breaking up with me for her didn't catch me off guard. I honestly wish you the best with her and your new relationship, I'm sure you'll treat her just as good as you treated me. I simply wish you could split yourself into more pieces, that way every girl can have a guy like you. You're great, you treated me with respect, didn't take advantage of me, and treated me like an equal. I'd never experienced anything like that with a guy before. I hope that your relationship goes well and you give her everything she deserves and visa versa. I'll miss you, Zach. I love you, and I mean it in the strongest sense of the word. See ya around. <3 :)


Love, Jen

Wow dude, if that's her true feelings, you must have been one great guy. Hope you and Jen can still be good friends.

Whoa, I still am a great guy. Let's not get carried away. ;)

Whoops. :-w

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Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


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Were you one of those people who said "i love you" after a single date?


I said 'i love you' after the first week, before our first real date, while still attending high school after only knowing him for a month. We're still together 7 years. Sometimes, things are just that simple.


Did you go to college?



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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I come bearing great news. A girl I'd been texting and talking on facebook with for a while met up with me today while I was shopping. Later on she sent me a text pretty much begging me to go with her and some friends to see Tron. While I'm trying to park I unfortunately broke someone's tail light and waited around until she went up to the store and asked them to tell the person who owned the car that the tail light was broken. It ended up being an employee of the store who was very understanding and we exchanged details. After that we went to see the movie. About half-way in she starts playing footsies with me, then it escalates to rubbing of legs and finally we end up holding hands. After the movie we go for a 2 minute drive around town, then I take her to her car, we kiss and then we both drive off home.


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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Were you one of those people who said "i love you" after a single date?


I said 'i love you' after the first week, before our first real date, while still attending high school after only knowing him for a month. We're still together 7 years. Sometimes, things are just that simple.


Did you go to college?


...what's that got to do with anything? Yes, we both went to college. He graduated PTI while I attend Pitt-Greensburg. We see eachother every weekend.


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I come bearing great news. A girl I'd been texting and talking on facebook with for a while met up with me today while I was shopping. Later on she sent me a text pretty much begging me to go with her and some friends to see Tron. While I'm trying to park I unfortunately broke someone's tail light and waited around until she went up to the store and asked them to tell the person who owned the car that the tail light was broken. It ended up being an employee of the store who was very understanding and we exchanged details. After that we went to see the movie. About half-way in she starts playing footsies with me, then it escalates to rubbing of legs and finally we end up holding hands. After the movie we go for a 2 minute drive around town, then I take her to her car, we kiss and then we both drive off home.


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Good stuff, Furah! *highfive*


As much as I hate texting and IMing, its things like this that truly redeem them. Keep us posted with more good news :)




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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I come bearing great news. A girl I'd been texting and talking on facebook with for a while met up with me today while I was shopping. Later on she sent me a text pretty much begging me to go with her and some friends to see Tron. While I'm trying to park I unfortunately broke someone's tail light and waited around until she went up to the store and asked them to tell the person who owned the car that the tail light was broken. It ended up being an employee of the store who was very understanding and we exchanged details. After that we went to see the movie. About half-way in she starts playing footsies with me, then it escalates to rubbing of legs and finally we end up holding hands. After the movie we go for a 2 minute drive around town, then I take her to her car, we kiss and then we both drive off home.


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Good stuff, Furah! *highfive*


As much as I hate texting and IMing, its things like this that truly redeem them. Keep us posted with more good news :)

As much as I don't like them either, they really worked in my favour. We also were text-flirting after we got home, which was great. Hoping to spend NYE with her which means taking the ute when I go with my family on holidays to drive to see her.

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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