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Had Christmas today because of driving to Utah. After all is said and done, I've got a stocking of candy and basic supplies, new pajamas, and $275.icon_thumbsu.gif


People still wear Pyjamas? Hmmm maybe we should hold a pole. I just kinda presumed most people didn't wear them...

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Had Christmas today because of driving to Utah. After all is said and done, I've got a stocking of candy and basic supplies, new pajamas, and $275.icon_thumbsu.gif


People still wear Pyjamas? Hmmm maybe we should hold a pole. I just kinda presumed most people didn't wear them...


hold a pole


You mean like this?







I think you mean poll.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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Had a fight with my girlfriend tonight. Managed to fix it, then managed to get in 45 minutes of make up... R-ratedness before I left. And her parents, grandparents, and two brothers were in the house. I was nervous someone would walk in on us because her family doesn't like to knock when a door is closed lol.

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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Had a fight with my girlfriend tonight. Managed to fix it, then managed to get in 45 minutes of make up... R-ratedness before I left. And her parents, grandparents, and two brothers were in the house. I was nervous someone would walk in on us because her family doesn't like to knock when a door is closed lol.

That's why locks exist. :thumbup:


Thanks to Iglw for the amazing signature!

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Her parents get super pissed off when we lock the door while we're in a room together. <_< I guess that would be better than getting caught doing it though...

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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Had Christmas today because of driving to Utah. After all is said and done, I've got a stocking of candy and basic supplies, new pajamas, and $275.icon_thumbsu.gif


People still wear Pyjamas? Hmmm maybe we should hold a pole. I just kinda presumed most people didn't wear them...


hold a pole


You mean like this?







I think you mean poll.


Dammit Ouchy. Puck you.


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I made bank this Christmas/Boxing Day. I got another year of Xbox Live, the Paradox pack and soon Skyrim on steam, some Warhammer 40k stuff, a bunch of chocolate, and a hockey stick that is actually big enough for me, plus about $200 from my family. Boxing day I picked up Saints Row 3 and a new 360, which is going to end up being basically free once I sell my old one. It's going to suck having to work tomorrow though.

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I finally changed my bedsheets today. Well I didn't do it personally, my cousin didn't like it because it was like that the last time she came over so she did it free of charge ^9^ Bep



Censor evasion from Jeff, whuuut. Someone call the mods.



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Bleh, had to go to the dentist. Again. I started with toothache on Boxing day and after 2 days of agony and trouble sleeping I managed to get to the dentist. She spent about a minute poking the tooth, prescribed me antibiotics then told me I'd need root canal. The [bleep]. ¬_¬ She's booked it in for next month but I don't think I can handle it. She said that it's either that or have it taken out - though root canal doesn't even work all the time. I don't think I can handle something so... bad =/ I struggle going to the dentist as it is and the only reason I went today is because the pain was... painful. Has anyone here had root canal? =/


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Had Christmas today because of driving to Utah. After all is said and done, I've got a stocking of candy and basic supplies, new pajamas, and $275.icon_thumbsu.gif


People still wear Pyjamas? Hmmm maybe we should hold a pole. I just kinda presumed most people didn't wear them...


hold a pole


You mean like this?







I think you mean poll.



What about @stevepole?


I finally changed my bedsheets today. Well I didn't do it personally, my cousin didn't like it because it was like that the last time she came over so she did it free of charge ^9^ Bep



Censor evasion from Jeff, whuuut. Someone call the mods.


I don't have bedsheets at the moment. Mine went into the wash and disappeared.


Wuts a mod


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Bleh, had to go to the dentist. Again. I started with toothache on Boxing day and after 2 days of agony and trouble sleeping I managed to get to the dentist. She spent about a minute poking the tooth, prescribed me antibiotics then told me I'd need root canal. The [bleep]. ¬_¬ She's booked it in for next month but I don't think I can handle it. She said that it's either that or have it taken out - though root canal doesn't even work all the time. I don't think I can handle something so... bad =/ I struggle going to the dentist as it is and the only reason I went today is because the pain was... painful. Has anyone here had root canal? =/

I hate the dentist. Their anesthesia rarely works completely, so I always feel them drilling my teeth. It's such an uncomfortable pain. A frozen feeling in your brain, yuck. (this is just from getting cavities fixed without proper anesthesia; dunno what a root canal feels like).


I sympathize with you greatly. :\


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Bleh, had to go to the dentist. Again. I started with toothache on Boxing day and after 2 days of agony and trouble sleeping I managed to get to the dentist. She spent about a minute poking the tooth, prescribed me antibiotics then told me I'd need root canal. The [bleep]. ¬_¬ She's booked it in for next month but I don't think I can handle it. She said that it's either that or have it taken out - though root canal doesn't even work all the time. I don't think I can handle something so... bad =/ I struggle going to the dentist as it is and the only reason I went today is because the pain was... painful. Has anyone here had root canal? =/

I hate the dentist. Their anesthesia rarely works completely, so I always feel them drilling my teeth. It's such an uncomfortable pain. A frozen feeling in your brain, yuck. (this is just from getting cavities fixed without proper anesthesia; dunno what a root canal feels like).


I sympathize with you greatly. :\

Yeah, I've always been able to feel *something* when I've had my teeth drilled and fillings put in. The thing is, though, that if I don't get root canal the pain will probably come back and I'll probably have to get it removed. If I get the root canal it might be saved (might, the tooth is a bit of a mess as it is). I think I should go to it... even if I desperately don't want to.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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I've had my mouth frozen 3 times. Twice when they had to pull baby teeth, because two of my teeth managed to fuse their roots to my jawbone, which was preventing them from falling out on their own. The third time was for a skin graft, because one of my gums was a bit too low, so they took a bit off the roof of my mouth and stuck it in my gum. If I pull my lip down, its still visible as a pinkish patch. The skin never took on quite the right colour. Anyway, the freezing worked just fine for me. Maybe its not as effective inside your teeth (never had a cavity), though I can't say I have ever heard that complain before. Perhaps you are resistant to the anaesthetic they are using? (pain killers don't work very well on certain people for some reason).


Went up to see my cousins who are sort of my age today (a bit younger). Nice visit, and I think that is the first time I have ever been in their house for a purely social visit (they live over an hour from me). Every other time its either been them hosting a party, or my staying in their house to go to a summer camp that was nearby.

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Well they do work but I could still feel them a bit, probably just need more. When I go I'm not letting them go anywhere near me until they could tear my tooth out and I wouldn't notice (which is almost what they're doing, with the nerve anyway).


Anyway, I *have* to go now. My boyfriend is going to book the day off work to give me moral support so now if I want to chicken out I get guilt tripped too :s


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Bought myself a nice new pair of headphones (Sennheiser HD428) since I've been using shitty earbuds forever. Still have like 200$ left of Christmas cash, so I'm gonna take my girlfriend on a nice date after break and then put the rest in savings.

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I find it funny how I've never seen Sennheiser headphones but it's all I see on these forums. I guess I'm just fine with my logitech headphones.


Same here. The only brands I see at my school are Beats, and the generic Apple or Sony earbuds.

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I find it funny how I've never seen Sennheiser headphones but it's all I see on these forums. I guess I'm just fine with my logitech headphones.


I rarely see any of the headphones that are talked about a lot and supposed to be the best (Senn, Audio-Technica, Grado) in stores. Because places like Target/Best Buy usually carry just Skullcandy, Bose, and Beats because that's what people buy when they see the pretty colors.

I got mine at Best Buy surprisingly, overpaid by like 10$ of what I would on Amazon, but I don't have to pay shipping or wait.

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I find it funny how I've never seen Sennheiser headphones but it's all I see on these forums. I guess I'm just fine with my logitech headphones.


Same here. The only brands I see at my school are Beats, and the generic Apple or Sony earbuds.

I see so many people walking around campus with Beats or Skull Candy headphones. I usually just chuckle a little to myself. I have a nice pair of Audio-Technica's that will never see the outdoors. It's about listening to high quality music, not a fashion statement. Unfortunately, most people don't get that.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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I finally changed my bedsheets today. Well I didn't do it personally, my cousin didn't like it because it was like that the last time she came over so she did it free of charge ^9^ Bep



Censor evasion from Jeff, whuuut. Someone call the mods.




It's about listening to high quality music, not a fashion statement. Unfortunately, most people don't get that.


True. Even Still I still have crappy Phillips Earbuds. Sigh.

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