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"If it doesn't move and it should, use WD-40. If it moves and it shouldn't, use duct tape." - someone someplace?


I think super glue needs to be added to the universal tool belt. Just not sure how to fit it in. Super glue is wonderful for fixing the human body. It makes a great substitute for stiches in a pinch (or on the battle field), and it can mend nails, and all kinds of non human based trinkets as well.


For not the first time in my life, I stubbed my toe and broke my big toe nail, and used super glue to hold it all together. My best repair was the last one though where almost the entire front third of the nail came off side to side. Took two applications (one to set it, and one to give it enough strength that it could stand up to socks and nail clippers), but I got it back on. The real trick is making sure you get the nail exactly where it used to be, or it feels super weird.


And once its cured, the stuff isn't water soluble (though a few months in your mouth will dissolve it, which I found out after using it to repair a cracked a retainer), so it doesn't come off in the shower.


Just wonderful stuff.

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My dad brought me home some monitors to try out with my computer to see if my graphics card can even handle them. Luckily they all work with my comput, even the big ones. It looks like I'm good to go get myself a new monitor of my choosing then. :thumbup:



“I had a feeling we weren’t coming back from this fight when it began.”

“Do you have any regrets?”

“I don’t. It seems surprising, I know, but I wouldn’t change a thing. This is how it was meant to be.”

“Huh, you never really notice how lovely the day is until you realize you’ll never see it again.”



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So much debate on internet etiquette that I found Randox's last post hilariously random. Oh, I love this thread.


How on earth did you stub your toe to the extent that your nail fell off? I've cracked my toenail [at least a decade ago by now] and it's still shattered...but in place. It just grows in different rates in different spots. But I think Super glue would find a nice home alongside duct tape and WD-40




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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I swear a lot more and am prone to outbursts (which no doubt you've all seen over the years) thanks to multiple triggers in my messed up mind, I think it was about the time I left Tip.It Crew and got sick of putting on a smiley face act after 5 years that saw me go spiralling down.


OT: Winds are about 120km/hr outside atm and I'm questioning if I want to go down the road for something to drink. Water is really killing me lately and leaves a horrid after taste from dehydration all the time. (well, more like dry lips/mouth).


Has anyone ever felt like they get used/abused because they're too forgiving and kind-hearted, yet instead of stepping up they remain the same? seems to be how I'm feeling lately. It's like I can't step up to myself and be more brave. Like, at work last night not only did I get scammed $20 from a customer who changed some tags in the shop when I wasn't looking, and instead I believed her before looking. Am I just too damn forgiving?


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Thanks for those links, I was never on Reddit before. Full of useful information! Kinda noticed some things of that sort myself, you have an epic time when you just be happy. I am not the MOST outgoing person (yet), but at my graduation mass night where I didn't drink, I was still dancing with a lot of people in my year where I would've never ever thought of a million years I would be having fun with. It was a bloody epic night! Think you just need to project that happy aura (which in my case was where I was dying to dance and sing, lol.) a lot of cool things can happen. :)


And while I think of it: Here is an interesting link on that 'oneness' mindset that I seen mentioned a few times on those links. Good read, continues to put things into perspective for me!

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I'd like to know how I kicked off a corner of my nail too. I was running at the time, which it probably part of it. I think what happened is the nail caught through my shoe, and got torn up. If it was direct, I would have been in a lot more pain, and my nail would be in one piece.

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I choose to ignore Reddit. Honestly, from half the stuff I see on there, it's a slightly less immature version of 4chan, and a x10,000 times more cluttered layout. Not to mention those links were painstakingly obvious reads that I've known for years and provide nothing.






....None of that even came close to my question earlier about being too forgiving, not "z0mg I dont get invited out".


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OT: Winds are about 120km/hr outside atm and I'm questioning if I want to go down the road for something to drink. Water is really killing me lately and leaves a horrid after taste from dehydration all the time. (well, more like dry lips/mouth).


How do you think my friend is feeling. The winds might actually knock her house a few 100 metres downhills.



I choose to ignore Reddit. Honestly, from half the stuff I see on there, it's a slightly less immature version of 4chan, and a x10,000 times more cluttered layout. Not to mention those links were painstakingly obvious reads that I've known for years and provide nothing.


That's why you don't go on r/circlejerk (which got banned the other day, it's back now.) The majority of reddit is mature, outside of the inside joking. The nicest people I've met are on r/trees and r/DepthHub is the place for intellectual discussion.


Something that might help you socially is this post. You may think it has nothing to do with meeting people and befriending them, but that's the whole connections thing it goes on about.

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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[hide]For those of you who do not understand the reasoning behind this posting, Facebook is now a publicly traded entity. Unless you state otherwise, anyone can infringe on your right to privacy once you post to this site. It is recommended that you and other members post a similar notice as this, or you may copy and paste this version. If you do not post such a statement once, then you are indirectly ...............allowing public use of items such as your photos and the information contained in your status updates.


PRIVACY NOTICE: Warning - any person and/or institution and/or Agent and/or Agency of any governmental structure including but not limited to the United States Federal Government also using or monitoring/using this website or any of its associated websites, you do NOT have my permission to utilize any of my profile information nor any of the content contained herein including, but not limited to my photos, and/or the comments made about my photos or any other "picture" art posted on my profile.


You are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, disseminating, or taking any other action against me with regard to this profile and the contents herein. The foregoing prohibitions also apply to your employee , agent , student or any personnel under your direction or control.


The contents of this profile are private and legally privileged and confidential information, and the violation of my personal privacy is punishable by law. UCC 1-103 1-308 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE[/hide]


Have you guys seen this stuff on Facebook? It's absolutely hilarious that people think that posting a status overrides Facebook's T&C's.

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So glad I deleted my account. Now the FBI have to actually put work into stalking me. By that I mean read my messages and view my accounts on 3 different sites.


Just notify them that as long as they hold an account, information they post can and will be shared. Their permission, or lack of opposal, are not needed. Also tell them that the FBI would have in their posession everything that has been posted on facebook. The closest they can get to deleting it would be to make it impossible for the FBI to track them, and then have all previously-held information become outdated and incorrect.

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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That post reminds me of posts I've seen like "warning! Hackers are trying to steal your information! Repost this to stop them!" and crap like that. Makes me laugh.

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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I choose to ignore Reddit. Honestly, from half the stuff I see on there, it's a slightly less immature version of 4chan, and a x10,000 times more cluttered layout. Not to mention those links were painstakingly obvious reads that I've known for years and provide nothing.






....None of that even came close to my question earlier about being too forgiving, not "z0mg I dont get invited out".


If they're so obvious, why are you not doing anything about it? I see you posting on this subforum about things perfectly within your control all the time, like not being invited out. If you're too forgiving, that means you're not assertive enough - i.e. you have low self-confidence. I'm pretty sure there's something about that within the inner-game posts from those links. If not, find something here:


Oh, and you probably do have bad breath - everyone does with a dry mouth. Don't believe me? Lick your wrist with your whole tongue, and let it dry. Sniff it, then report back to us how fragrant your breath is. It also taints the flavour of food/drinks too, especially water that isn't cold.

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I needed some money from my parents today and my dad didn't want to go to the bank, so he told me to go into his closet, find the change jar, and just "take two handfuls". So I go in and find this HUGE bucket filled to the top, mostly consisting of quarters. Grabbed two big handfuls and came away with nearly $20, and I didn't even scratch the surface.


That thing must be a lifetime of saving change.

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Job interview set up for Friday at 10:00 AM. Pray I don't screw it up by devolving into being brutally honest and deadpan like the last interview. If I get it, the pay is supposedly rather good and won't be involved in much socializing; a perfect one for me.

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So prom turned out way better than I expected. I was a little bit worried that it might be awkward because I'm not dating the girl I went with (went all over that in the relationship thread but basically we tried a date and I got friendzoned after, now one of my best friends), but it was still a ton of fun for both of us. Went to a pretty chill afterparty afterwards where we just had a bonfire, watched a movie, and hung out with the few people that were left at that point before going to a coney island, after which I went home as guys couldn't stay the night there and it was 5 am at that point. But yeah, it was an awesome day.


Now tonight I'm seeing Roger Water's The Wall with a couple friends, should be freaking incredible.

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Sitting down at Subway eating my sandwich... overhear two of the employees (a guy in his 20s and a woman in her mid 30s) talking. The guy says something like, "Remember the Alamo..." and the woman asks, "Was that anything like the Titanic?"





Also, this sandwich is delicious.


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That's why you don't go on r/circlejerk (which got banned the other day, it's back now.) The majority of reddit is mature, outside of the inside joking.

You know r/circlejerk is satire right? Almost all the default subreddits (like r/atheism, r/askreddit, etc) are completely awful and it's making fun of it.


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Buddy of mine came to work today straight from his shore house after his prom weekend. he still looked a bit dazed, and had blood all over him from his forearm to his finger tips. He doesn't know who's it is. But that's what 3 trips of salvia and 2 bottles of jager will do to a man.


I love my drinking buddies haha




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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So I really shouldn't even start steam up anymore :lol: At least not during midweek madness


Today I discovered the indie space bundle pack, which I promptly bought because aside from the fps that I probably won't care for (I don't like many of them), it looks fantastic. Especially the gratuitous space space battles game. I can deal with a lack of story if I can finally get a game where I just set up kick ass space battle, and then let them duke it out with minimal further input required. And the lunar lander also looks like it could be really awesome.


Should be $20 well spent though.

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Going up to my grandparents house tomorrow to spend some time with them and my cousin, before she goes to Stanford for a year. I'm hoping to come back Friday night, since I have work Saturday and I don't want to drive 3.5 hours in the morning and then go to work for 6.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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In two weeks time from today, I'll officially be 100% out of debt to everyone and can save up to move out and start anew.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


If only getting out of college debt was easy. I am jealous sir.

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