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Well I thought I'd be okay with the uni acommodation but tbh it's a bit of a nightmare. I got 3 hours sleep last night because the noisy [bleep]s decided to come in at 3am and no amount of ear plugs helps when they're shouting their heads off. I'm calling in today and asking how I go about leaving. By a billion miles I'd much rather be living with my boyfriend and he'd rather me be there too. I just need to get out of this damn tenancy agreement ¬_¬ I can see the appeal for some sorts of people, the social sort, but if you're quiet and not interested in drinking it can be pretty shit. ¬_¬


Is it at the Uni campus like dorms or like rental homes setup by campus?


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It's sort of like dorms, 6 person flats, ran by a private company but endorsed by the University. The proper uni accommodation lets you out of the contract easier but apparently mine is more strict. I'll probably have to find someone to take the room from me if I want to move out.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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My accommodations are working out nicely for once. The people in the house this year are a lot quieter and cleaner than the previous sets. A while back, we had a batshit insane neighbour who called the police every time someone sneezed, or went out on the back porch. By the end of the year, at least one person was got hit with I think a $3600 noise complaint (because they double every time). She moved out as soon as she realized black people were living in the house now (well, that's our theory anyway).


My room is also a noise bunker. It's built over a low slope rood so the floor is about 2.5ft thick, though the furniture hatch and door at the bottom of my stairs do leak higher pitched noises like yelling.


Sorry to hear its not working out for you Racheya. Yeah, most leases are drawn up so that you pretty much have to find a subletter. It would be kinda silly for the landlord not to protect themselves from people walking out at a time when they can't find someone else to take your spot. I know the one for this house takes post dated cheques up front, for the entire term of the lease.


The other alternative is going a bit crazy and soundproofing your room with carboard (liquor stores normally have an abundance of boxes they would love to give away if you need carboard). I've thought about doing it around my door a few times, and perhaps over the hatch too, but part of the beauty of falling asleep to the TV is it helps drown out any kind of background hum. Doesn't work if your on the same floor as the party though :(

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I admit when I move out I will have music going, but not if its going to annoy other residents and room mates. Also this job's pay rules. with this, + uni w/AusStudy, I can use the AusStudy funding to pay for my Uni travel and accomendation (or half of) and still be making a good buck. Wont be getting paid until Nov though. it's fortnightly pay and gotta wait for forms before I can get paid to begin with.


Only downer is more people are pulling out tomorrow night to go drinking. Kinda annoys me I go out of my way for them but they cant even come out for a drink, and im not even talking about getting me laid/number, I mean just a drink. :|


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Sounds like at least some things are really going your way Tim! I'm very happy for you, cause you've been so sad/frustrated lately.


I normally try to keep my music to times when it won't piss everyone else off if they hear it, which normally means middle of the day between classes. If I do it at night I have to see who's home, because two of the bedrooms bellow me are used to study in (my room covers portions of 3 bedrooms, but one of them is never used for studying). Also, people don't mind telling me to shut up when I'm being disruptive.

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I was just verbally abused by my girlfriend's mother. Just left visiting her, and then she texts saying that her mum is yelling at her pretty bad, so I go back to take her away from the house until her mum cools down. When I get there I'm greeted by her mum who starting shouting about how I have to "[bleep] off" and that I keep manipulating my girlfriend and "undoing months of work" which I can only take to mean that I've been giving her the confidence to tell her mum that she's an adult and doesn't need to be treated like a kid who can't make decisions. Her mum then proceeded to go to my girlfriend's car and remove the spark plug, and unfortunately it's legal as the car is in my girlfriend's mum's name. I still have alcohol at her place that I will be drinking on Sat night but didn't leave at home in case dad forgot what he had and accidentally drank it. Really worried for my girlfriend right now as she can't drive off and is extremely worried and scared of her mum. I really wish I wasn't working in the morning so that I could have taken her away until her mum cooled down. She's a very verbally aggressive woman.


I admit when I move out I will have music going, but not if its going to annoy other residents and room mates. Also this job's pay rules. with this, + uni w/AusStudy, I can use the AusStudy funding to pay for my Uni travel and accomendation (or half of) and still be making a good buck. Wont be getting paid until Nov though. it's fortnightly pay and gotta wait for forms before I can get paid to begin with.


Only downer is more people are pulling out tomorrow night to go drinking. Kinda annoys me I go out of my way for them but they cant even come out for a drink, and im not even talking about getting me laid/number, I mean just a drink. :|

I'm looking at a 10 hour work day tomorrow, and I'm very upset right now. So I can't make it.

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[bleep] winter. It's all cold and stuff outside. I'm fine with the cold normally, but now that I have to walk to class it's going to suck. Once it's actually winter I can only imagine how bad it'll be.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Got my first paycheck at the new job today... Only 230$, and after I deposited it my account was frozen... but it's all good now. I bought some vitamin B complex tablets to see if it'll help with my fatigue + about 45$ of weed. I started talking to a girl on FB last night and now we're texting. I'll probably be chilling with her sometime this weekend, since I'm off for 3 days. :thumbup:

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Per the dorm discussion above: my rooming situation is working out pretty well, since I went to high school with the guy and we roomed last year together. He is a bit messy at times, which can be bothersome, but I usually just have to tell him to clean his shit up and he'll do it (within a few days).


Next year I'm living in a 6 person house with him and a few other friends. It'll be weird not sharing a room, but at the same time, I think it'll be rather nice. :thumbup:


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Didn't get a chance to see about it today, but will tomorrow. I don't hate my flatmates that much, the three that go out drinking are first years, they're gonna drink... Its not my atmosphere though and even if it was silent all night I'd rather be with my boyfriend than on my own. They're ok during the day but when they're coming in, shouting their heads of at 3i the morning and actually not caring that people are trying to sleep... Its just bad. Not to mention some of their random people they invite over have a habit of using my plates and cutlery then I'm left washing it up so I can eat. Its not like this everywhere, I know two people who had perfectly fine sets of flatmates last year, I just got stuck with shit ones.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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My dorm experience went rather well. Are dorms were setup into suites which was two bedrooms jointed by a bathroom. My roommate was a bit of a douche but it wasn't all that bad. My suitemates and I became great friends, and I ended up going to live with them my junior year & senior year in a house off campus. I also remain good friends with most the people who lived on my dorm floor and am going to being seeing some of them this weekend when I fly back for Homecoming weekend (first time back as an alumni)! I think the key is to have an open mind about the whole experience, most people are to afraid to leave their own comfort zones and try new things.

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Got my first paycheck at the new job today... Only 230$, and after I deposited it my account was frozen... but it's all good now. I bought some vitamin B complex tablets to see if it'll help with my fatigue + about 45$ of weed. I started talking to a girl on FB last night and now we're texting. I'll probably be chilling with her sometime this weekend, since I'm off for 3 days. :thumbup:


You should probably go to a real bank, one that does not freeze an account because of a check.

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Got up @ 9 AM. Cleaned the kitchen. Watched 2 Episodes of LOST (3rd Season Disk 4) Took a Clairitan (sneezing a lot today) Make a Youtube video [birdman258]: For Every View. Getting a hair cut later this afternoon.

Level 99 Skills 28/28 200M exp Skills 6/28
Going for 200M All Skills. [qfc]48-49-837-63099395[/qfc]

@Matt258RS Twitch: Matt258RS


My Youtube user name: birdman258 200MCook ProfitCook 200mPrayer MakinWines MyF2pSkillers


On 12/23/2011 at 4:39 PM, 'Jebrim' said:

But don't even begin to think that I think I'm better than you all simply because I've done 7.6k+ hours of Agility or because I have tens of thousands of fans.

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I was told flying in a plane was super scary, so I freaked out before my first ever plane ride (last spring down to Southern California). It was absolutely nothing, tbh. I was like, "Uhh, was that it?"


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I was told flying in a plane was super scary, so I freaked out before my first ever plane ride (last spring down to Southern California). It was absolutely nothing, tbh. I was like, "Uhh, was that it?"


Who would tell you that?



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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Never had a roomate, but I was thinking of renting a house with a couple of my friends. Problem is that I love my friends, but actually LIVING with them is a whole new monster. Which is why I'm only thinking of it. Would be nice to not live with my parents anymore though :/




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


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Steam: NippleBeardTM

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It's not that bad having a stranger as a roommate, more like a game of chance. This one dude I know managed to get a roommate with the same taste in music, video games, etc. as him and they hang out with each other all the time and have people over for smash bros. parties and stuff. So you can luck out. Plus dorm life can be pretty fun.

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Never had a roomate, but I was thinking of renting a house with a couple of my friends. Problem is that I love my friends, but actually LIVING with them is a whole new monster. Which is why I'm only thinking of it. Would be nice to not live with my parents anymore though :/

A few of my friends are starting to rent a place together at the end of the year and I thought the exact same as you. It'll work out alright for the first few months but once the novelty of living in your own place has worn off, they'll be at each others throats. Thats part of the reason why I decided not to move out with them just yet (I'll also hopefully not be living here come next year anyway).


I got put in with 3 random people when I was at Uni though and we shared a kitchen/bathroom/living room in a flat. It worked out great as they were all pretty sound and we made sure it was cool with everyone else before throwing a party or having friends from home round. A little courtesy, especially with people you don't know all that well, goes a long way.

Unless they're [wagon], then it doesn't matter what you do, they'll still be [wagon].

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