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I would have had today off work, but my [wagon] co-worker didn't show up, and when my other co-worker who should've worked with him called him, he said he didn't know he had to work. He does this pretty much once or twice a week. And he said he had other plans to do something for his new job. THANK GOD he's getting fired tomorrow.

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Can anyone summarize the fairy tale Snow White and The Beauty and the Beast into six bullet points?

The only fairy tale I grew up to was Little Red Riding Hood :x


I have to draw a story board for those fairy tales but after reading it on wikipedia, too many things are happening! I don't know which are the major parts.



Done it myself :thumbup:



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I went to thanksgiving dinner at my grandparents today, I got to see my little second cousins or something, My mom's cousins kids, but they're more like cousins, we see them a lot. They're three and four, and they're awesome, and we watched monsters vs aliens and the incredibles. I had fun, I also ate a lot of cupcakes, I need to lay off junk food for a couple days, I've eaten terribly this weekend. It was an alright meal, no stuffing though. Why my gramma did make stuffing I have no idea.

I'm going to have a decently busy day tomorrow, that is if I actually decide to do my work. I really should.

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I was wondering why you celebrated Thanksgiving so early, then I realized you are a stupid Canadian. Also, no stuffing is a crime.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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I was wondering why you celebrated Thanksgiving so early, then I realized you are a stupid Canadian. Also, no stuffing is a crime.

I'm not a stupid canadian, I'm a stupid american/canadian. I was really upset by the lack of stuffing, and my gramma didn't make apple crisp or any pie either, it was a terrible meal, but the turkey was better than usual, wasn't dry.

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hey deathrow aren't we supposed to celebrate Thanksgiving (or as turkeys know it, Murder day) tomorrow? you're doing it all wrong man.

WHAT! I didnt realize you were Canadian.


We are being invaded.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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hey deathrow aren't we supposed to celebrate Thanksgiving (or as turkeys know it, Murder day) tomorrow? you're doing it all wrong man.

I know it's supposed to be tomorrow, but my grandparents/family always have it the day before, because it ends up going late because my family is a bunch of alcoholics, and we generally stay there till like 2-3 in the morning, and we can't do that if people have to work the next day. But there were little kids today, so everyone left early.

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hey deathrow aren't we supposed to celebrate Thanksgiving (or as turkeys know it, Murder day) tomorrow? you're doing it all wrong man.

WHAT! I didnt realize you were Canadian.


We are being invaded.


It's between "Joined" and "Status".


You know people that you hate immeadiatley ? From the very first instance they open their mouths ?


Yeah, I found one today. And I have to bear with it 3 hours a day for the next 4 days. :wall:


EDIT : I mixed my coffee with chocolate powder to make life a little more interesting. Baaad idea.

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hey deathrow aren't we supposed to celebrate Thanksgiving (or as turkeys know it, Murder day) tomorrow? you're doing it all wrong man.

WHAT! I didnt realize you were Canadian.


We are being invaded.


It's between "Joined" and "Status".



Hey, I could put I was from Canadia (yes, Canadia) there to. -.-




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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hey deathrow aren't we supposed to celebrate Thanksgiving (or as turkeys know it, Murder day) tomorrow? you're doing it all wrong man.

WHAT! I didnt realize you were Canadian.


We are being invaded.


It's between "Joined" and "Status".



Hey, I could put I was from Canadia (yes, Canadia) there to. -.-


But fastortoise is from Canadia. He's mentioned it several times.

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Today I got [bleep]ed at because it was time for me to go home and I didn't serve some lady. She went off at me, calling me incompetent at my job because I wanted to get home, not work unpaid since she "just had a couple things." IT'S THE EXPRESS LANE EVERYBODY ONLY HAS A COUPLE THINGS

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hey deathrow aren't we supposed to celebrate Thanksgiving (or as turkeys know it, Murder day) tomorrow? you're doing it all wrong man.

WHAT! I didnt realize you were Canadian.


We are being invaded.


It's between "Joined" and "Status".



Hey, I could put I was from Canadia (yes, Canadia) there to. -.-


But fastortoise is from Canadia. He's mentioned it several times.

I mentioned it several times too!

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A massacre occurred today.


Fettucine with thin pasta sauce decimated my stripey clothing.


First it was one of my favourite jackets - blue and white stripey.


And under it was one of my favourite t-shirts - gray and yellow stripey.


Will be back to original condition by next week, which is useless because by then, I'll have to dress more sensibly. <_<

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Today I decided to limit my time from the computer. Not starting today because I wanna get my bike fixed first so I can take up biking as a hobby.

I was sketching in my sketchbook and whenever something went wrong, I kept thinking ctrl + z.

Going to have another all nighter doing homework. I keep playing on the Xbox >_<

Oh I deleted people off my MSN friends list who don't speak to me anymore. Not many left now ):


EDIT : I mixed my coffee with chocolate powder to make life a little more interesting. Baaad idea.

Did you use hot chocolate powder or the 'ard stuff, cocoa powder? Former tastes great in coffee, the latter not so much when added all at once.



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Yesterday, I got my new phone. It's a T Mobile Pulse.


Epic phone tbh, free on £22.50/month with 200 mins, 400 texts and unlimited internet. It's touchscreen, runs on android, and has a 3.2 megapixel camera. I love it.

So don't let anyone tell you you're not worth the earth,

These streets are your streets, this turf is your turf,

Don't let anyone tell you that you've got to give in,

Cos you can make a difference, you can change everything,

Just let your dreams be your pilot, your imagination your fuel,

Tear up the book and write your own damn rules,

Use all that heart, hope and soul that you've got,

And the love and the rage that you feel in your gut,

And realise that the other world that you're always looking for,

Lies right here in front of us, just outside this door,

And it's up to you to go out there and paint the canvas,

After all, you were put on the earth to do this,

So shine your light so bright that all can see,

Take pride in being whoever the [bleep] you want to be.

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