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It's been over a week and my facebook profile still hasn't changed.

Well mine did today :evil: I am not happy with it.

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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I feel like going on a bloody rampage. 5 emails saying "you're unsuccessful for this job"


I cant take it anymore! Im [bleep]ing 20 with no life and going no where because no one will help or employ me despite have years of god damn experience@@@@


[bleep]ING HELL!!

Didn't you have a job working in a pc repair shop like two weeks ago? What happened?


But yeah, just gotta keep trying...

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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It's been over a week and my facebook profile still hasn't changed.

Well mine did today :evil: I am not happy with it.

Oh dammit, mine did too.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Went to eat fast food for the third time this week. I know for the next two weeks I can't eat delicious Big Carls. :sad:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Speaking of downloading games, yesterday I found the original Bionicle online game and played through the whole thing in like an hour. Ah, nostalgia. I might have to look for the sequel now.


The one where you're a blue Matoran? I loved that game, but I got stuck in a bunch of places because I couldn't click on things.


GOD DAMN I LOVED THAT GAME. But I remember getting stuck in this black area with a red dot in the bottom corner heaps. Made me sad.


I don't know what a Matoran is, but no, that's the sequel. The sequel you're blue, the original you're a guy with a turquise mask, orange body, and red feet. And you actually never see your character until close to the end.


[spoiler=Starts like this]bionicle.png



I remember that, like when you went to help Pohatu in the caves and fight that scorpion.



Yeah, I remember the names, you got a problem?




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I needed that sleep last night. Was cranky as hell yesterday (as some of you probably noticed). Getting windshield repaired today then clean the car up this weekend and she's up for sale. Also, is it possible that stress can cause your hair to stop growing or grow exceedingly slow? I've noticed over the past few months the sides on my head havent grown much and nor has the top. :-k


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Going to the girlfriend's place once I've eaten, had a shower and the ute is back. Tonight we're going ice skating with some friends of mine since they asked us. Otherwise I'd have gone with just her. 8-)


I have a goon sack in my fridge, come help me finish it.

No. :thumbdown:

I'll give you something else. I think I still have some Woodstock from the Christmas/New Year period.

Bourbon is [cabbage]. :thumbdown:


[Not actually that bad, to be honest. But there's no point in mixing bad whisky with cola].


Doesn't make sense.

Well, what do you drink bro?

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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Going to the girlfriend's place once I've eaten, had a shower and the ute is back. Tonight we're going ice skating with some friends of mine since they asked us. Otherwise I'd have gone with just her. 8-)


I have a goon sack in my fridge, come help me finish it.

No. :thumbdown:

I'll give you something else. I think I still have some Woodstock from the Christmas/New Year period.

Bourbon is [cabbage]. :thumbdown:


[Not actually that bad, to be honest. But there's no point in mixing bad whisky with cola].


Doesn't make sense.

Well, what do you drink bro?


Bundaberg, Tooheys, Carlsberg [uncommon], Heineken, Jameson. :thumbup:


I also seem to have the Mickey Mouse Club song stuck in my head, no idea why though ...

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Today I ate chips with Wongtong and my friend Jess and laughed a lot and listened to mix CDS. I also started the day off with a photoshoot with Jess. She looked like a fairy.




I am about to go edit them all and never resize them again because they look horrible.

We'll sneak out while they sleep

And sail off in the night.

We'll come clean and start over the rest of our lives.

When we're gone, we'll stay gone.

Out of sight, out of mind.

It's not too late,

We have the rest of our lives.

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Jesus I've been out of the country for a month and qld is in the [cabbage]ter. 50 people still missing, body count at 15, damage estimated at 20 billion, 3/4 of the state a "disaster area" coro drive looking like it might fall into the brisbane river... Wow.


I do wish I was there to see it though.

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Today I ate chips with Wongtong and my friend Jess and laughed a lot and listened to mix CDS. I also started the day off with a photoshoot with Jess. She looked like a fairy.



I am about to go edit them all and never resize them again because they look horrible.


WAI SO DARK? Take me there one day, and maybe the empty property once the grass has grown back. PICTURES!


Today I got sunburnt on my cheeks.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Jesus I've been out of the country for a month and qld is in the [cabbage]ter. 50 people still missing, body count at 15, damage estimated at 20 billion, 3/4 of the state a "disaster area" coro drive looking like it might fall into the brisbane river... Wow.


I do wish I was there to see it though.


I was wondering where the hell you went.


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You've been to the U.S. before, haven't you? If not, what do you think so far? (And even if you have been here before, what'd you think of this trip? :o)


[spoiler=I hate school.]Debating with myself whether I should take


Accounting and Business Statistics this semester (both sophomore classes and I'm a freshman; advisor thinks I'm not ready for both, just one or the other) and Intro to Psych over the summer




Accounting and Intro to Psych this semester (more doable) and Business Statistics either over the summer or next year.


Just changed my schedule to the first option and I don't think I can make it but I'm gonna prove myself wrong. I wanna take both Accounting and Business Statistics this semester so I can get them over with asap, but oh my [bleep]ing god I hope I'm not killing myself.


The advisor I spoke with has 10+ years of advising experience and she advised the 2nd option.


But then that would mean I'd have to take Business Statistics next year, which would mean all my friends will be taking Immersion Core Fall 2011 and I'll be doing it Spring 2012... WTH.


Either get good grades, or get [cabbage] done and risk getting OK grades and being able to have more freedom...


[cabbage]! WHAT AM I DOING. I'm scared.



^ Blog.


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Yeah it's my 4th time over here, not including the few trips back and forth when I was 0-2 years old.


It's been good but the novelty has worn off. I went to yosemite, san fransisco and the crazy lady's mystery house thing at san jose this year amongst other places, and I'm going to six flags in a couple days.

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Yeah it's my 4th time over here, not including the few trips back and forth when I was 0-2 years old.


It's been good but the novelty has worn off. I went to yosemite, san fransisco and the crazy lady's mystery house thing at san jose this year amongst other places, and I'm going to six flags in a couple days.

When you go to Six Flags, tell me. I have free tickets.

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You've been to the U.S. before, haven't you? If not, what do you think so far? (And even if you have been here before, what'd you think of this trip? :o)


[spoiler=I hate school.]Debating with myself whether I should take


Accounting and Business Statistics this semester (both sophomore classes and I'm a freshman; advisor thinks I'm not ready for both, just one or the other) and Intro to Psych over the summer




Accounting and Intro to Psych this semester (more doable) and Business Statistics either over the summer or next year.


Just changed my schedule to the first option and I don't think I can make it but I'm gonna prove myself wrong. I wanna take both Accounting and Business Statistics this semester so I can get them over with asap, but oh my [bleep]ing god I hope I'm not killing myself.


The advisor I spoke with has 10+ years of advising experience and she advised the 2nd option.


But then that would mean I'd have to take Business Statistics next year, which would mean all my friends will be taking Immersion Core Fall 2011 and I'll be doing it Spring 2012... WTH.


Either get good grades, or get [cabbage] done and risk getting OK grades and being able to have more freedom...


[cabbage]! WHAT AM I DOING. I'm scared.


Relax. It will all be good :)

99 Hunter - November 1st, 2008

99 Cooking -July 22nd, 2009

99 Firemaking - July 29th, 2010

99 Fletching - December 30th, 2010

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Yeah it's my 4th time over here, not including the few trips back and forth when I was 0-2 years old.


It's been good but the novelty has worn off. I went to yosemite, san fransisco and the crazy lady's mystery house thing at san jose this year amongst other places, and I'm going to six flags in a couple days.

When you go to Six Flags, tell me. I have free tickets.


You're coming?


I'm going next monday or tuesday.

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