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Nintendo, A Console For Children.

Da Pirates

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*NOTE: I am not bashing Nintendo, I am simply questioning it*




I don't get why Nintendo is so popular. Almost all their games are aimed at children. Seeing a Nintendo game rated M is extremely rare. I bought a Wii, used it once and sold it. The reason is, i'm not 5. Why is Mario so popular or SSBB? The most ironic thing I found is how popular it is with adults. Whenever I see an adult playing the Wii, I think to myself "How old are you". I mean hell, Nintendo has the worst online gaming i've ever seen. I don't get having to move around, I mean I go jogging so don't end up like a fatass, so when I play video games, it shouldn't have to be a chore by running in place.






As I said before, I am not bashing Nintendo. So explain to my why Nintendo is so popular with people 14+.


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I'm past 20 and still don't see how the games like Mario are "childish". Mario & Luigi They've been around since 1980's, and guess who played those games first? Adults. Not just young adults. People from 25-45 years old. Not kids.




Who played the first arcade games of Nintendo in parlors? Adults. Who still play at game parlors in Japan? Working age adults, not 5 year olds.




Plus, those games are relaxing. You're not hardcore by constantly blowing up someone's head with a M16 rifle. You're not hardcore by killing pixel zombies. In other words.. You're not what you play. :lol: (I like FPS games a lot, but it's just one genre)




I don't think I've ever experienced stress while playing Nintendo games, and I've had pretty much every major console (due to getting birthday/etc. gifts). Can't say the same about PC or other platforms.

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It's a "hip" gaming system, good for when hanging out with people, anyone can play even if they never play videogames. The games aren't too serious so you can just play while talking/laughing with others.




I'm like you though, it's not my type of gaming. When I play video games, I just want to sit down and relax.


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This generation Nintendo's been marketing towards people who haven't played games before, or people who play very little. Another thing is that Nintendo has always been about family friendly games, so I guess that's where the whole "Nintendo is kiddie" stuff comes from.




Why is Mario so popular or SSBB? The most ironic thing I found is how popular it is with adults. Whenever I see an adult playing the Wii, I think to myself "How old are you".




Personal opinion. There are many things that I don't like that other people do, and I used to wonder why. I can't speak for anyone, but I think most just play those games because they like them.

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Hoooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh Huummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.




I will never, ever understand the mentality that "(Insert FPS/RPG here) is a better game than Mario because it has GUNS and BLOOD!"


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It's not that Nintendo is catering to kids. It's just that they're catering to non-gamers. Mothers see this as a good thing, so they tend to prefer buying their kids Wii over 360 or PS3. Even though 360 gets flack for "children" on Live (which doesn't make sense because it's mostly guys in their 20s), I'll bet a month's pay that Wii has more child audience than any other console.




Hoooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh Huummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.




I will never, ever understand the mentality that "(Insert FPS/RPG here) is a better game than Mario because it has GUNS and BLOOD!"




Then you'll never understand. People don't say it's better, just more 'mature'




Super Mario Bros. is a great series. It's the fact that Nintendo whored him out so much that irritates people.

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Nintendo is aimed at a more vast and friendly audience. since we don't look into shooting people with guns as a good thing, Nintendo develops more relaxing games that aren't aimed just at adolescences who mostly play those games. people think why the wii outsold the xbox 360 and ps3 is because the customers that are buying these consoles aren't just hardcore gamers.

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Nintendo is aimed at a more vast and friendly audience. since we don't look into shooting people with guns as a good thing, Nintendo develops more relaxing games that aren't aimed just at adolescences who mostly play those games. people think why the wii outsold the xbox 360 and ps3 is because the customers that are buying these consoles aren't just hardcore gamers.








And SSBB is a pretty in depth game. Aimed towards all ages, even hard core players.

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Nintendo doesn't like violence.




Anyways, Nintendo aims at the working population. They see that the majority of people want a release from their real job, from their life. They go after this with relaxing, non-strenuous gaming. I've never gotten mad like I do when I die for idiotic reasons or die 10 times in a row in a FPS, or MMO. Nintendo makes relaxing, fast-paced games. They are fun. They don't require skill, or the majority don't, and when they do, it only takes 10 minutes of playing to get the basics down, and perhaps a few days to get the rest all packed in and playing at top performance. Why is this? Because working people, or adults don't have the time or patience to take weeks or months of playing a game. Also, did I mention the games are FUN. There's no grinding, or frustration from others. It's about the in-game experience. Everything is fun to do.




Nintendo really isn't for the die-hard gamers who want constant action, but Nintendo is definitely for those who want puzzles, and intriguing brain twisters. It's a break from the intense, blood pressure increasing games, and I love that.




Also, you are totally wrong about SSBB, I don't know if you even played the series for more than a week. SSBB is the best fighting game since Street Fighter. Counters, Yomi Layers, Play Styles, Unique & Somewhat Balanced characters, requires no leveling or grinding to be good. The only divider is skill, not levels. Which is why it owns.




Honestly, Sony is the only gaming company 100% going for the hardcore or veteran gamers.

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You may call Nintendo "childish" but beyond the graphics of they still have their "hardcore" games. SSBB, Super Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart. Most people 14+ have also grown up with Nintendo which has a hand in its popularity.

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Well, allow me to say, I am in no way a nintendo follower.


Nintendos games do not exactly appeal to everyone solely due to the fact that without guns, blood, chainsaws, and flying octopus's, a game is no good.


But, Nintendo games do in fact bring out a kind of feeling you can only get when playing a nintendo game.


Take Mario Galaxy. It is a kids game, yet adults play it because it brings them back to the days of the original mario bros. It is also a very addicting game.


Mario Kart is also one of those games that everyone can play.


I bash on people for liking Nintendo TOO much. Their games are not superb at all, the couple gems that are out there are usually from an old franchise though like Zelda or Mario. Now, I think that other than that, Nintendo is not doing well with their console, seeing as most of the games suck, and thats mostly due to the NINTENDO SEAL OF CRAP. They do not have a seal of approval anymore, letting anyone throw garbage onto their console, which is killing it. While it does have the occasional game, most are not that great.


Nintendo was cool back before the gamecube, but after that, it just died. The only reason the wii is doing to great is because it is accesible to everyone, which is a good thing, but with so many new developers creating crap for Nintendo's console, it is dying for hardcore gamers.


I hope Nintendo does eventually end up going away someday though. While they may be bringing more and more people into gaming, they are slowly eating at the industry.


Nintendo is not bad, it is just dying.

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I'd never understand what the problem with "Kiddy" games would be. I did once hear a Fifth Grader (about 10 years old?) saying that the Xbox was the best system because of the rated M games.




The Wii sells because the games are intended to relax you, as most of the above posters say. I, for one, don't find it very entertaining or relaxing to watch my character die brutally and in HD.




Plus, games like Zelda, Fire Emblem, and Metroid really aren't friendly, happy games, are they?

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Methinks he's seeking some sort of outburst because with all his blood'n'guts games he's got, he thinks he might not be having as much fun as he keeps telling himself he is, and the thought just won't go away. But you can clearly tell Nintendo players are having fun.


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I think we should redefine 'adult' in these debates meaning 13+ at which point almost every game isn't a childrens toy. Because Strictly speaking Mario has 'animated violence' which.. in terms of TV will land it a PG13+ rating (or higher if the network suits are stiffs). And, our teenagers will protest like a much of mofo about being classified as children even though, by law, they are (untill they hit 18/21 or whatever their country says). Or just take the simple route and say that unless it has an 18+ only purchase age a game is for children. I actually like that; since now EVERY console is majority selling childrens games, booya.




Perspective pisses on every argument.








Edit: To answer the OP: Probably because a lot of people don't need blood, gore, violence, etc. To enjoy a game. Hell, the only game I actually play which has anything close to real glood, gore, etc is battlefield 2 and that's not the game I enjoy the most. Card games are, followed by RTS. Mature content level doesn't equate to enjoyment level.

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I will always love Nintendo systems more then the other's simply because I grew up with the SNES. If I want FPS's, ill use a computer. If I want to play online, I will use a computer. If I want a media centre, I will (you guessed it) use a computer. I see the wii as pretty much the only real 'gaming' console simply because that's all it is meant to do. All other consoles pretty much are media centres (heh, the big selling point at the start of the PS3 release was that it was a blue ray player). There is just something about zelda, mario, metroid (ect), games that scream 'I'm a real game' compared to most stuff these days.


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People have to realize that a console can't have everything. (Other than possibly a PC)


Name one decent casual game for the 360/PS3. (You probably will be able to, whatever)


Nintendo is specifically targeting casual/new gamers, and what's the problem with that? Why must a system target hardcore gamers? I will never understand this. You're basically screaming "WOW NINTENDO'S PLAN IS WORKING!!!?!?"


I like the Wii because it has more relaxing games, and is different. I can play FPSs on my computer, I can have good online on my computer...Basically what Lionheart said.


And not everyone loves blood and gore. And the whole "Wii is exercise??!?!?" thing is appealing to parents.


Honestly, if Nintendo and the Wii suck, why has it sold so much? Why is it so hard to find a Wii nowadays?


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Hoooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh Huummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.




I will never, ever understand the mentality that "(Insert FPS/RPG here) is a better game than Mario because it has GUNS and BLOOD!"




Guns and blood do not make a game. Just as sex and violence don't make films, but you still see films filled with both.

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People have to realize that a console can't have everything. (Other than possibly a PC)


Name one decent casual game for the 360/PS3. (You probably will be able to, whatever)


Nintendo is specifically targeting casual/new gamers, and what's the problem with that? Why must a system target hardcore gamers? I will never understand this. You're basically screaming "WOW NINTENDO'S PLAN IS WORKING!!!?!?"


I like the Wii because it has more relaxing games, and is different. I can play FPSs on my computer, I can have good online on my computer...Basically what Lionheart said.


And not everyone loves blood and gore. And the whole "Wii is exercise??!?!?" thing is appealing to parents.


Honestly, if Nintendo and the Wii suck, why has it sold so much? Why is it so hard to find a Wii nowadays?




Correctamundo. (I concur)




Also, most of the people who hate the wii seem to have never played.( I general, not referring to this site) Or are sony/microsoft fanboys. :lol: just realised microsoft had fanboys.



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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Hoooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh Huummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.




I will never, ever understand the mentality that "(Insert FPS/RPG here) is a better game than Mario because it has GUNS and BLOOD!"




Guns and blood do not make a game. Just as sex and violence don't make films, but you still see films filled with both.




And you see Nintendo games filled with neither. Miraculously, this lack of mature content somehow does not impact the quality of the game, nor people's enjoyment of it.




If you are going to argue that Nintendo sucks because the games are kiddie omgz, then it logically follows that the only good games are the ones that contain such mature content. Which is absolutely not true, but (Shadowfax) you can't try to tell me that people don't say these games are better than Nintendo because of the mature content. If they didn't, Nintendo wouldn't be called out for lack of it.


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I'm 14 and I've grown up with Nintendo. I don't find their games childish. sure, there are a few games here and there that I think are too simple or pointless *cough*animal crossing*cough* but there are people who like those games. Videogames aren't all about smashing people's heads off and firing hundreds of missiles at some lord of the dead monster. Those can be fun if you're looking for nonstop excitement or a good pastime with friends. I personally love FPS's and adventure games. But sometimes you need to relax a bit and have a little fun. Mario Kart is a very fun game for me, and not just because of the Wii wheel use. Its random, its chaotic, its challenging, and its fun. Who knew turtle shells and banana peels could be such murderous items? I think SSBB is a great game for a wide audience as well. Simple younger or older players may enjoy sending Princess Peach flying into oblivion, and hardcore gamers might like trying their luck in Boss Battles, where you have to survive 8 bosses with no rest in between besides 3 items to heal. believe me, it gets tough. I have yet to beat the two hardest difficulties. With friends, the fun never stops. I've played 2 hours of SSBB straight with my friends at a party, and someone on Tif whom I've forgotten played 6 hours with his friend. whether you're hardcore or just want a relaxing pastime, the Wii has something for everyone.


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It's been designed as a more casual console to play. It's easy to set up, easy to pick up and play, and very easy to have fun with. That's why it's popular. Hey, if you don't like it, then don't use it. Not a loss to Nintendo...they're selling hundreds, even thousands maybe, Nintendo Wii's every day.




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