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Jagex announces the most challenging quest to date.


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someone please comment on my speculation plz lol


You forgot the squirrels. Why are they wielding crossbows?


I suspect they are also looking for the Stone of Jas, but the Penguins will stop them.




Here's a sketch of the possible requirements:


[hide=Requirements for max stone of Jas info]Access to Dorgeshuun agility course:


Rune mysteries


Goblin diplomacy


Lost tribe


Death to the Dorgeshuun


70 agility


70 strength


70 ranged


17 mining




Ring of Charos


Restless ghost


Priest in peri


Creature of Fenkenstrain


Garden of Tranquillity


25 thieving


25 farming




Runecrafting guild


50 runecrafting




Baba Yaga


Druidic ritual


Jungle potion


The Fremennik Trials


Lost City


Shilo Village


Lunar diplomacy


Level 61 Crafting


Level 40 Defence


Level 49 Firemaking


Level 5 Herblore


Level 65 Magic


Level 60 Mining


Level 55 Woodcutting


level 25 fletching[/hide]


If we still add Hallowvale and Regicide- series, the simplest requirement would be Ability to buy Quest cape, excluding this quest.

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Anyone else smell level 85+ requirements? :shock:




I seriously hope not, it gets REALLY tiresome to constantly hear the vocal minority of players complaining there should be quest with numerous 90+ requirements.




As Omali said, it's not the requirements that make a quest tough, it's what you have to do during the quest. In reality Recipe for Disaster didn't require huge stats to complete, but it made up for it in the length, complexity and difficulty of the tasks you were completing and was exactly how a tough quest should be structured.




Look at Rocking Out for an example, would that quest have been any easier if the pointless Smithing requirement had been set a lot lower? Of course it wouldn't, so other than preventing access to all but a small minority of players what good would giving the 150th quest 90+ requirements do? All it'd do is annoy the vast majority of players just to give the high level minority something to brag about.




Hopefully Jagex will have looked at what Recipe for Disaster did and followed that, instead of just slapping on numerous 80+ requirements to make it seem harder than it actually is. Setting a lot of 50+ reqs, some 60+ and a couple of 70+ would make it possible for a good amount of people to attempt the quest, but only the very good players would actually finish it.

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I hope they make something like a 85 Herblore requirement to make a "potion" for someone in the Quest and maybe a 85 Prayer Level to "worship" some bones on your own gilded alter in order to complete it fully, maybe even a really hard slayer level too.




I hope they don't just use "low" (anything below 85 is medium imo) requirements.

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Maybe finally something to do with that artifact that was stolen from Entrana during Devious Minds. That's supposed to have a sequel. Seems like we questers need to get ready for something really big.

Owner of Quest Cape since 11/9/2007 23:30! Working my butt off to get it back.



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i think this quest may have to do with barrows being that they released the players gallery with barrows pictures on the same day of this "quest info". also, something tells me that the resizable windows update is something to help us with. I am trying to put many theories listed in this forum and other theories of new updates described when hd came out.




Theories that may lead to new quest:






Dragon Slayer Pt. 2


Mournings End Part 3


Stone of Jas




Staff of Armadyl


Cold War Pt. 2


Wizard Tower and Wise Old Man's Telescope








Well, here is my speculation.....which is mostly based on WOM's telescope.




Now, before the WOM robbed the bank, he had that funny looking black hat. This thing on his head may have been something from Cold War. Possibly a transmitter controling his mind. Who planted this on his head? The Penguins of course. They wanted to see how good he was in magic and robbed the bank across from him. Now when the WOM saw the party hat, he decided to use it to cover up the transmitter on his head. But the penguins needed another pawn. Someone who is tough. So the penguins with their giant robot penguin (as shown in a cutscene after completing the Cold War quest) go underwater and send in the Sea Trolls and the queen. The penguins knew that the people near that area will ask someone to help kill those trolls so they ask an adventurer to team up with the WOM to kill the trolls. (This is where the Swan Song quest comes into the picture). The WOM pretends to die but in reality is watching you fight. Once you kill it, he, i mean the penquins will realize how tough of an adventurer u are. Now they needed someone to get the Pendant of Armadyl or Staff of Armadyl, so they sent a crippled man named Lucien (Temple of Ikov quest) to look for an adventurer who would do so. He declined so they slashed his leg as a threat. (Which is why when u click examine, it says he limps). He accepted and he found an adventurer, YOU!. Depending wether you took the goodside or the badside, he gets the staff of armadyl, or you get the armadyl pendant. (The new quest will probably require the Armadyl Pendant). After they get the staff, (or they don't depending on which side you chose in Temple of Ikov), they realized they needed the pendant as well. The Penguins saw that the WOM was becoming more aware of him being mind controled. So they needed death runes to strengthen the signal. But they didn't know how to make them so they needed someone to lead them to learn how to make death runes. So they gathered a bunch of other pawns and got YOU to lead them to the Death Altar to make death runes.(Mournings End Part 1-2). Once the penguins got the death runes, they realized that the WOM still had enough control to keep is grudge against the wizards in wizard tower. This anger held the mind control back so the penguins devised a plan to get the grudge of his chest and re-control his mind. The decided to destroy the Wizard's Tower which is why his telescope is pointed there. With this, it starts the new long and hard QUEST!!!!!




The timescale of that is extremely messed up. Lucien got/didn't get the staff of Armadyl long before the Penguins made their giant Penguin suit. Same with the WOM robbing the bank and the monkfish quest (can't remember name).




I think the story may go something like this.




You team up with the W.O.M. once again to obtain the Stone of Jas. You almost get the stone which was locked away by the elves. But, Lucien comes out of the shadows at the last second and steals it! He then uses the incredible power of the Stone to resurect his lord, Zaros. At this point the world begins to end, and The Wise Old Man has to grudingly team together with the greatest mages of all time, the mages of Lunar Island, Majarat who want to take down Lucien, Necromancers, Wizards of the Magic Guild, and Dark Wizards. Then comes a Great Battle, which involves all kinds of beaties you must defeat before reaching Lucien, the General of Zaros. Then, you finally must defeat Lucien himself who has not only completely healed himself with the Stone of Jas, but also amped up his strenth to a Level rivaling Tz-tok Jad. When you finally defeat Lucien, through his Three Stages, Guthix himself comes and takes the Stone of Jas, weeping for the devastated World. When you think its all over and you have left the Battlefield, Zaros will appear in front of you and attempt to recruit you. The Wise Old Man then sacrifices himself so that you can escape, disrupting the Portal to the Dead Realm that Lucien opened to Resurect Zaros. Zaros then is forced out of Gielnor once again, cursing the Wise Old Man's soul. You are knocked unconscious at the end of the struggle, and you wake up with The greatest users of Magic, Ancient Magics, and Lunar Magics standing before you. They imbue you with the Ultimate Power of a Spell Book that allows you to use every kind of spell in one book. THe Quest Ends with a Cut-Scene of the Wise Old Man's funeral in which his Will declares you the owner of a Set of Bizarre Keys, and his Ring.




You can visit the Site of The Wise Old Man's Death after the Quest (With a Ring of Visibility and GhostSpeak Amulet) to DIscover that the Ring, when combined with Jennica's Ring, will gift you the Power to Visit Summer's Spirit World anywhere in Runescape. The Keys are all variations of The Making History Key. They will allow you to Visit the Past in Various Parts of Runescape.




Lucien doesn't follow Zaros, he follows Zamorak, and Zaros' most trusted general is Azzandra. You helped Azzandra so he likes you, that's why he granted you access to Ancient Magics.


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I reckon it'll link up all the the storylines, like the eles and myreque and goblins...






Agreed, said it a few pages back.


A huge war between elvaan and vampyres <3 Access to Priffindas/The Draken(?)s castle to choose your allegiance after the quest. <3






I'd love that.

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someone please comment on my speculation plz lol


You forgot the squirrels. Why are they wielding crossbows?


I suspect they are also looking for the Stone of Jas, but the Penguins will stop them.





OI! Did nobody remember the dust bunnies? They haven't been mentioned AT ALL, but you know they exist. The fact that you haven't heard of them just means they've been keeeping very quiet.... why? This is the NEW QUEST! (Oh, by the way, and suddenly an elven vampire will show up allied to a monkey and take you into priffdinas and unite all the storylines with a grand DEUS EX MACHINA.)




...not. :roll:





Here's a sketch of the possible requirements:


[hide=Requirements for max stone of Jas info]Access to Dorgeshuun agility course:


Rune mysteries


Goblin diplomacy


Lost tribe


Death to the Dorgeshuun


70 agility


70 strength


70 ranged


17 mining




Ring of Charos (a)


Restless Ghost


Priest in Peril


Creature of Fenkenstrain


Garden of Tranquillity


25 thieving


25 farming




Runecrafting guild


50 runecrafting




Baba Yaga


Druidic ritual


Jungle potion


The Fremennik Trials


Lost City


Shilo Village


Lunar diplomacy


Level 61 Crafting


Level 40 Defence


Level 49 Firemaking


Level 5 Herblore


Level 65 Magic


Level 60 Mining


Level 55 Woodcutting


level 25 fletching[/hide]


If we still add Hallowvale and Regicide- series, the simplest requirement would be Ability to buy Quest cape, excluding this quest.




Firstly, let's put this into condensed form. Yes, it looks like a lot, but consider that Jagex doesn't list things like that. They'd just say, "Lunar Diplomacy" and it would mean ALL of its requirements. So, let me put this list of requirements in JAGEX's form (BTW, you forgot Tears of Guthix, as it isn't a requirement of Death to the Dorgeshuun):




[hide=List of Reqs]Garden of Tranquility


Tears of Guthix


Death to the Dorgeshuun


Lunar Diplomacy


70 agility


70 strength


70 ranged


50 runecrafting[/hide]




Now, tell me, does that look like a reasonably hard quest? Yes. Does it look like "a quest cape"? No. Not close. Also, for contrast, let's put the whole requirements for Recipe for Disaster (taking into account to remove quests that are required for another requirement):




[hide=RFD Total Reqs]Cook's Assistant


Fishing Contest


Goblin Diplomacy


Big Chompy Bird Hunting


Murder Mystery


Nature Spirit


Witch's House


Gertrude's Cat


Shadow of the Storm


The Lost City


Family Crest


Hero's Quest


Shilo Village


Underground Pass


Monkey Madness


Desert Treasure


Horror From the Deep


70 cooking


48 agility


20 firemaking[/hide]




Granted, I probably missed a repeat or two, but that's a much bigger list. And yet: No, it is not "Ability to buy a quest cape".

Proud member of the Tal Shiar Alliance


Goals: Quest cape, skill range 10 or less, all stats above 60. (Although yes, I am aware that in order to do the first two, I have to do the third.)


I am sick and tired of people asking me to put stuff in my signature. If you agree with me, do NOT put this in your signature.

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[hide=List of Reqs]Garden of Tranquility


Tears of Guthix


Death to the Dorgeshuun


Lunar Diplomacy


70 agility


70 strength


70 ranged


50 runecrafting[/hide]


As I said, easy Requirements, I hope they make something like 85 (possible 90?) Herblore, same with Prayer and maybe something like 80 Runecrafting, 80 Slayer and maybe 85 Summoning?




Something really "good" for completing all of it obviously, I hope they don't say "high reqs" and have Level 75 or 80, that'd just be a "normal" requirement in my eyes.

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[hide=List of Reqs]Garden of Tranquility


Tears of Guthix


Death to the Dorgeshuun


Lunar Diplomacy


70 agility


70 strength


70 ranged


50 runecrafting[/hide]


As I said, easy Requirements, I hope they make something like 85 (possible 90?) Herblore, same with Prayer and maybe something like 80 Runecrafting, 80 Slayer and maybe 85 Summoning?




Something really "good" for completing all of it obviously, I hope they don't say "high reqs" and have Level 75 or 80, that'd just be a "normal" requirement in my eyes.




Some of those are a bit too high. I know I'd hang my cape up if it was 80rc. ^^

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I have no intrest in helping "keyers" farm xp.

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What I'd really want is a quest with nooby requirements, but impossible to finish by simply following a walkthrough. Lots of puzzles (like the one in monkey madness, excetp without a chance to pay 100K without even trying :) ), maybe some randomly generated maze, whatever, you get what I mean (I hope)

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I think the story may go something like this.




You team up with the W.O.M. once again to obtain the Stone of Jas. You almost get the stone which was locked away by the elves. But, Lucien comes out of the shadows at the last second and steals it! He then uses the incredible power of the Stone to resurect his lord, Zaros. At this point the world begins to end, and The Wise Old Man has to grudingly team together with the greatest mages of all time, the mages of Lunar Island, Majarat who want to take down Lucien, Necromancers, Wizards of the Magic Guild, and Dark Wizards. Then comes a Great Battle, which involves all kinds of beaties you must defeat before reaching Lucien, the General of Zaros. Then, you finally must defeat Lucien himself who has not only completely healed himself with the Stone of Jas, but also amped up his strenth to a Level rivaling Tz-tok Jad. When you finally defeat Lucien, through his Three Stages, Guthix himself comes and takes the Stone of Jas, weeping for the devastated World. When you think its all over and you have left the Battlefield, Zaros will appear in front of you and attempt to recruit you. The Wise Old Man then sacrifices himself so that you can escape, disrupting the Portal to the Dead Realm that Lucien opened to Resurect Zaros. Zaros then is forced out of Gielnor once again, cursing the Wise Old Man's soul. You are knocked unconscious at the end of the struggle, and you wake up with The greatest users of Magic, Ancient Magics, and Lunar Magics standing before you. They imbue you with the Ultimate Power of a Spell Book that allows you to use every kind of spell in one book. THe Quest Ends with a Cut-Scene of the Wise Old Man's funeral in which his Will declares you the owner of a Set of Bizarre Keys, and his Ring.




You can visit the Site of The Wise Old Man's Death after the Quest (With a Ring of Visibility and GhostSpeak Amulet) to DIscover that the Ring, when combined with Jennica's Ring, will gift you the Power to Visit Summer's Spirit World anywhere in Runescape. The Keys are all variations of The Making History Key. They will allow you to Visit the Past in Various Parts of Runescape.




Lucien doesn't follow Zaros, he follows Zamorak, and Zaros' most trusted general is Azzandra. You helped Azzandra so he likes you, that's why he granted you access to Ancient Magics.




Didn't the Ghostly Robes Storyline say Lucien didn't trust Zamorak :?

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This lack of discussion value..disturbs me.
English is the only language on this forum.

If you use another language, you need to include a traduction

bgok5jn dsgtalg

Oh wow, I hate everything -.-

Death kinda scares me.

your obsession with phallic objects shows quite clearly in your artworks.

Ffs, someone put this in their sig.


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What is this about the gaze of saradomin? Isn't that what lets you respwan in falador?




I would love to do this quest, and it seems I have over 6 months to raise my skills to do it. IMO, it is going to be like RFD, but bigger. The whole morning's (/sp?) end III or Dragon Slayer II seems far too... simple for a quest like this. If it has already had more work than RFD I imagine they are going to make the quest epic. Requires lots of quests, skills, thinking, knowledge of combat without prayer, and an Uber boss/bosses.




Look at this. The legends quest had a lvl 92, 100, 106 and then a 186. The requirements were around 50 in all stats. Look ot RFD. The bosses were even stronger, the requirements more difficult, and the rewards more...rewardy. I bet the whole thing takes some hours to complete. Now If they have done a RFD like quest so far and need another 6+ months, then you can bet that this quest is going to have a few bosses with special abilities, a combat of around 200 (all of them), skill requirements exceeding 50 (obviously, but the only high skill req. for RFD was cooking and combat), and a bucket load of exp rewards and random other stuff (hell-dogs ftw?).




Also, I feel that they will have som more fun using summoning in this quest.


Ok... Im not that good. But I have an anchor!!!

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I find it funny how people keep raving on requirements like Strength, Herblore, Prayer, etc.




If it was the Stone that created all runes, Runecrafting immediately pops to mind. Especially after Elriss says she'd need an expert runecrafter to help her.




The fact that Lucien's men are looking for it could also mean the Mahjarrat could be involved. After all, we have gotten a lot of clues (see Chaos Elemental's letter 8's Chaosudoku).




Perhaps the Mahjarrat are looking for the Stone to regain control of the lands, perhaps in turn resurrecting their beloved god Zaros? If it'll involve their old settlements, we can see that Ice Mountain, Edgeville, Canifis and many parts of the wilderness getting their fair share of battle. Perhaps even involving the White Knights (Acolyte rank unlocked, anyone?) and the Vampires.






Don't forget that the evil Elves have been trying to help the god of chaos. Maybe it'll not involve Zamorak like most people thought, but in fact Zaros. Then the elves could be involved too.




A continuation on Desert Treasure, MEP2, Slug Menace, Rune Mysteries seems all the more likely now.


Dragon Drops : 5 Dragon Medium Helmets, 3 Dragon Claws, 3 Dragon platelegs, 2 Dragon plateskirts, 2 Dragon Hatchets, 2 Dragon Spears, 7 pairs of Dragon Boots, 1 Dragon pickaxe, 10 Dragon defenders, 3 Dragon 2h swords, 1 Dragon armour Slice, 1 Dragon armour Lump, 1 Dragon chainbody, 1 Dragon kiteshield, 1 Dragon hasta, 1 Dragon ward, 25 Dragon knives pairs
The Warrior's Blog , Herblore Habitat - Efficient and profitable

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I find it funny how people keep raving on requirements like Strength, Herblore, Prayer, etc.I find it funny that you missed the posts talking about Runecrafting and Agility as well.




If it was the Stone that created all runes, Runecrafting immediately pops to mind. Especially after Elriss says she'd need an expert runecrafter to help her. Indeed, but where do we place the requirement? 70 would be a bit high for Jagex's standards, though of course the Almighty 3_Hit_U thinks that's "nooby" . :roll: At the same time, 60 seems a bit too close to 50. I vote 65, especially as that's the requirement to craft Death runes (related to Elves and Zaros).




The fact that Lucien's men are looking for it could also mean the Mahjarrat could be involved. After all, we have gotten a lot of clues (see Chaos Elemental's letter 8's Chaosudoku). Yes, that makes sense.




Perhaps the Mahjarrat are looking for the Stone to regain control of the lands, perhaps in turn resurrecting their beloved god Zaros? If it'll involve their old settlements, we can see that Ice Mountain, Edgeville, Canifis and many parts of the wilderness getting their fair share of battle. Perhaps even involving the White Knights (Acolyte rank unlocked, anyone?) and the Vampires. Giant battles would change runescape and destroy some things, wouldn't it? If doing a quest removes the ability to do something, not everybody would do it. It seems unlikely to have a war in this one quest. Consider that the largest battle we've been in is either Castle Wars, Fremmenik Isles, or Wanted! Also, uniting Desert Treasure with Wise Old Man and Elves AND the Temple Knights seems a bit much, even for an epic quest. I think the Temple Knights are a bit of a stretch, seeing as they primarily fight Zamorak, not Zaros.






Don't forget that the evil Elves have been trying to help the god of chaos. Maybe it'll not involve Zamorak like most people thought, but in fact Zaros. Then the elves could be involved too. I've gotten quite confused; I thought they were summoning the Empty Lord of Evil, Zaros, and had nothing to do with Zamorak, the god of Chaos? I agree, it seems most likely that it'll make an appearance, though. Especially in a "big" quest.




A continuation on Desert Treasure, MEP2, Slug Menace, Rune Mysteries seems all the more likely now. A continuation on Desert Treasure, MEP2, Swan Song, and Rune Mysteries seems all the more likely now. Don't forget, though, that it could also be the final Dorgeshuun quest, seeing as those guys require Death to the Dorgeshuun to get to.




So our list of requirements is:




--Desert Treasure


--Swan Song


--Rune Mysteries


--Tears of Guthix


--Mourning's Ends, Part II


--Death to the Dorgeshuun


--70 agility


--70 strength


--70 ranged


--65 runecrafting




It would be nice if we could have a unified, agreed-upon, Tip.It theory which we could add on to and develop, so can those who think (not hope) that it will be different in a major way speak up?

Proud member of the Tal Shiar Alliance


Goals: Quest cape, skill range 10 or less, all stats above 60. (Although yes, I am aware that in order to do the first two, I have to do the third.)


I am sick and tired of people asking me to put stuff in my signature. If you agree with me, do NOT put this in your signature.

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I find it funny how people keep raving on requirements like Strength, Herblore, Prayer, etc.I find it funny that you missed the posts talking about Runecrafting and Agility as well.




If it was the Stone that created all runes, Runecrafting immediately pops to mind. Especially after Elriss says she'd need an expert runecrafter to help her. Indeed, but where do we place the requirement? 70 would be a bit high for Jagex's standards, though of course the Almighty 3_Hit_U thinks that's "nooby" . :roll: At the same time, 60 seems a bit too close to 50. I vote 65, especially as that's the requirement to craft Death runes (related to Elves and Zaros).




The fact that Lucien's men are looking for it could also mean the Mahjarrat could be involved. After all, we have gotten a lot of clues (see Chaos Elemental's letter 8's Chaosudoku). Yes, that makes sense.




Perhaps the Mahjarrat are looking for the Stone to regain control of the lands, perhaps in turn resurrecting their beloved god Zaros? If it'll involve their old settlements, we can see that Ice Mountain, Edgeville, Canifis and many parts of the wilderness getting their fair share of battle. Perhaps even involving the White Knights (Acolyte rank unlocked, anyone?) and the Vampires. Giant battles would change runescape and destroy some things, wouldn't it? If doing a quest removes the ability to do something, not everybody would do it. It seems unlikely to have a war in this one quest. Consider that the largest battle we've been in is either Castle Wars, Fremmenik Isles, or Wanted! Also, uniting Desert Treasure with Wise Old Man and Elves AND the Temple Knights seems a bit much, even for an epic quest. I think the Temple Knights are a bit of a stretch, seeing as they primarily fight Zamorak, not Zaros.






Don't forget that the evil Elves have been trying to help the god of chaos. Maybe it'll not involve Zamorak like most people thought, but in fact Zaros. Then the elves could be involved too. I've gotten quite confused; I thought they were summoning the Empty Lord of Evil, Zaros, and had nothing to do with Zamorak, the god of Chaos? I agree, it seems most likely that it'll make an appearance, though. Especially in a "big" quest.




A continuation on Desert Treasure, MEP2, Slug Menace, Rune Mysteries seems all the more likely now. A continuation on Desert Treasure, MEP2, Swan Song, and Rune Mysteries seems all the more likely now. Don't forget, though, that it could also be the final Dorgeshuun quest, seeing as those guys require Death to the Dorgeshuun to get to.




So our list of requirements is:




--Desert Treasure


--Swan Song


--Rune Mysteries


--Tears of Guthix


--Mourning's Ends, Part II


--Death to the Dorgeshuun


--Garden of Tranquility


--70 agility


--70 strength


--70 ranged


--65 runecrafting




It would be nice if we could have a unified, agreed-upon, Tip.It theory which we could add on to and develop, so can those who think (not hope) that it will be different in a major way speak up?


add legacy of seergaze and rocking out also. Rabid Jack anyone? lol


oh and take off garden of t as you need it to do swan song

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I can't wait for this new quest, I wanna know the requirements so I can get them in advance lol.




My goals:




Keep my quest cape (Fulfill any quest requirements there may be)


Get all skills over 60, with important quest skills (Combat, etc) at least 70, preferrably 80


Stock up on cold beverages (This quest sounds like a long one)




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add legacy of seergaze and rocking out also. Rabid Jack anyone? lol


oh and take off garden of t as you need it to do swan song




Thanks for the garden tip, but could you please list a reason or two as to why you think the vampyres and pirates will be in this quest?

Proud member of the Tal Shiar Alliance


Goals: Quest cape, skill range 10 or less, all stats above 60. (Although yes, I am aware that in order to do the first two, I have to do the third.)


I am sick and tired of people asking me to put stuff in my signature. If you agree with me, do NOT put this in your signature.

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I can't see this quest needing MEPII to start it. The elven storyline hasn't been touched / had anything added to it in years, and for all intents and puporses is dead. Or the Vampires. Drakan was a soldier for Zaros if I remember, but I think they're keeping themselves to themselves. The Guthix Edicts thing is probably another storyline.




This new quest is 99% about the Stone of Jas, which is probably hidden somewhere underneath the Tears of Guthix. I'm hoping it gets stolen in some epic battle where you the WOM, Elriss and Juna battle those strange people in the Agility Course, and anyone else looking for it. Then its off to Baba Yaga to learn more about it, since the Moonclan are more adept and know more about Magic than anyone else.




Then after a massive runescape hunt you learn it's gone north.. Round up the 8 masters or whatever Hazelmere said, go up to the icelands which are still black on the map. Epic epic battle. Loads of allies die. You're in some uber-guthix clothing Juna has given you.




.. Here's to hoping. And 70+ in all skills as a req. I'm working towards that now =]

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GAH double post

Proud member of the Tal Shiar Alliance


Goals: Quest cape, skill range 10 or less, all stats above 60. (Although yes, I am aware that in order to do the first two, I have to do the third.)


I am sick and tired of people asking me to put stuff in my signature. If you agree with me, do NOT put this in your signature.

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I can't see this quest needing MEPII to start it. The elven storyline hasn't been touched / had anything added to it in years, and for all intents and puporses is dead. Or the Vampires. Drakan was a soldier for Zaros if I remember, but I think they're keeping themselves to themselves. The Guthix Edicts thing is probably another storyline.


Well, consider. The storyline of the elves is currently at follows: They are trying to summon Zaros, but you foiled their attempts at obtaining a power source. Now they need a new source of power to look for. Oh, hey! STONE OF JAS!




...I think it fits in, and Jagex knows we want a sequel to MEP2. But I agree that Guthixian Edicts and the Vampyres don't fit in with the Stone of Jas as easily as the elves. And we can't tie in that many storylines.



This new quest is 99% about the Stone of Jas, which is probably hidden somewhere underneath the Tears of Guthix. I'm hoping it gets stolen in some epic battle where you the WOM, Elriss and Juna battle those strange people in the Agility Course, and anyone else looking for it. Then its off to Baba Yaga to learn more about it, since the Moonclan are more adept and know more about Magic than anyone else. Then after a massive runescape hunt you learn it's gone north.. Round up the 8 masters or whatever Hazelmere said, go up to the icelands which are still black on the map. Epic epic battle. Loads of allies die. You're in some uber-guthix clothing Juna has given you.




Hmm... you've got a good point, maybe not an epic battle, but Hazelmere's prophesy sounds like it would fit in right at an epic quest.




Here's to hoping. And 70+ in all skills as a req. I'm working towards that now =]








:D But seriously, epic doesn't mean insane.

Proud member of the Tal Shiar Alliance


Goals: Quest cape, skill range 10 or less, all stats above 60. (Although yes, I am aware that in order to do the first two, I have to do the third.)


I am sick and tired of people asking me to put stuff in my signature. If you agree with me, do NOT put this in your signature.

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I can't wait for the new quest. I hope that the requirments aren't 85+.




By the way, Baba Yaga means old mother or grandmother in some languages. (I know that since I am Polish.)




I've also done some research and some legends say that Baba Yaga is a witch-like character who flies around on a giant mortar, kidnaps (and presumably eats) small children, and lives in a house on chicken feet.




But some other legends say that some characters in mythological folk stories have been known to seek her out for wisdom, and she has been known on occasion to offer guidance to lost souls.



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[hide=List of Reqs]Garden of Tranquility


Tears of Guthix


Death to the Dorgeshuun


Lunar Diplomacy


70 agility


70 strength


70 ranged


50 runecrafting[/hide]


As I said, easy Requirements, I hope they make something like 85 (possible 90?) Herblore, same with Prayer and maybe something like 80 Runecrafting, 80 Slayer and maybe 85 Summoning?




Something really "good" for completing all of it obviously, I hope they don't say "high reqs" and have Level 75 or 80, that'd just be a "normal" requirement in my eyes.




90 herblore costs 30m+ lol. You have very unrealistic expectations. Don't say it's free if you farm it either, then what you are doing is making money by farming and spending the money on herblore. Quests are not meant to be only for the elite of runescape.




In regard to the quotes above me, LORD DRAKAN was a follower of ZAMORAK as is stated in the ghostly robes miniquest. I believe the only mahjarrat that follow Zaros that we currently know of are Azzandra and the guy who fought Enahkra in her temple (I can't remember his name, the camel guy).




Anyways, this whole speculation around the stone of jas seems to be the basis for what we think the quest will be, and probably rightly so. We know that wizards/forces of saradomin maybe are hunting for it, and that Lucien is hunting for it. Lucien believes it to be in the lumbridge cave network. We know that the wise old man is spying on the wizards.




Therefore it is highly likely that the Dorgeshuun, the Wise Old Man, and the Mahjarrat will be involved. Drakan (myreque storyline), Azzandra (DT storyline), Enahkra and her rival (kind of related to DT but not exactly storyline), and Hazeel (his single absurdly easy quest doesn't count as a storyline lol) are all Mahjarrat, and so could be involved.




Some other possibilities are the white knights, as share allegiance with the wizards (although it seems that only one wizard may be involved), and the scarabites (well they live in the desert, which is where the mahjarrat come from lol). If we throw in the white knights it's possible but highly unlikely that the slugs will be involved. The only connection to the elves I could think of is the examine of a mine cart in the dark beast area that says (or maybe used to say, idk) "for playing daeyalt ore in" which would tie them in if Drakan is involved. That may have only been a bug because they used the same graphical model of a mine cart in the dark beast area as in the daeyalt mines in meiyerditch. Anyways I think it was removed.




I don't speculate about what we do in the quest itself as that is stupid and entirely impossible to figure out. I'll leave it to jagex. :P




I think the topic poster should put what we've figured out in the first post so we don't get redundant information.

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