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God book pages, animal masks???? Whats happened!


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Well, on the topic of the books...




Saradomin pages used to be basically junk and trash. Sara pages went for 15k sometimes... The pages were about a 1/3 chance youd get one in a clue, s they were cheap as heck. Back when Jagex released tha Animal masks, they nerfed the rate of getting pages. Now it's equivilent to a Robin I believe in drop rate. Thank God I filled all three books back when Zammy pages were 125k ea.




Yea, i filled all my books to... but i never use Sara and Guthix, pity there isn't a remove page option on a god book...






While forum browsing I found out the new price. I almost had a heart attack. I remember the days when it was just that, 50k for sara, 35k for guthix, 150k-200k maybe for zammy. Now its 600k for sara, 4M for zammy, and GOD KNOWS what for guthix.


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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Im debating selling my Zammy book. I dont think the bonus is worth 4mil






Good luck :lol:




The books are untradeable, and you can never actually looose them, so really, they're worth whatever you paid.




However, if you mean your PAGES that arent in a book, grats on moneys.

Reverents can be a pain, but you can run away from them. Just curious, do they still have teleblocking ability?

Fear the church, the reverents have 85 magic!!!!

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Im debating selling my Zammy book. I dont think the bonus is worth 4mil






Good luck :lol:




The books are untradeable, and you can never actually looose them, so really, they're worth whatever you paid.




However, if you mean your PAGES that arent in a book, grats on moneys.




Oh gawd i forgot their untradeable :XD: Well in anycase, i sense that some HAM members have pockets that need to be picked, IMMEDIATELY!


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People have always tried to sell stupid items for way over the price. Anything they can get their hands on, they'll try and pull the wool over your eyes with it, even if it's obviously not worth the price they're setting.




I really doubt that a silly Animal mask is worth the prices said here, and I agree with Zot, they're not discontinued, there will be more and I highly doubt there is such demand for them that they're worth tens of millions. Seriously, is there a demand for useless items now? To me it looks like Godswords are the most in demand lately, not this trash LOL. Party Hats and Masks I can understand because they're discontinued, and obtaining one is a sign of wealth, but these? Get real.




Go back to Merchanting real items like logs and ores imo. In the long run, Merchants only screw themselves because they too will have to pay the higher price if they need the item.


Quit RS 2005 | RSN: Johnalder

Back as of 5/7/2008!

Dragon Drops: x1 Med, x5 Legs, x4 Skirts, x25 Boots, x1 Visage | x7 Abyssal Whips

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People have always tried to sell stupid items for way over the price. Anything they can get their hands on, they'll try and pull the wool over your eyes with it, even if it's obviously not worth the price they're setting.




I really doubt that a silly Animal mask is worth the prices said here, and I agree with Zot, they're not discontinued, there will be more and I highly doubt there is such demand for them that they're worth tens of millions. Seriously, is there a demand for useless items now? To me it looks like Godswords are the most in demand lately, not this trash LOL. Party Hats and Masks I can understand because they're discontinued, and obtaining one is a sign of wealth, but these? Get real.




Go back to Merchanting real items like logs and ores imo. In the long run, Merchants only screw themselves because they too will have to pay the higher price if they need the item.

" Everything is worth whatever its purchaser will pay for it" -Henry Ford.




The reason these things are so much higher than the GE price is as follows:


1. The animal masks are relatively new. Not to many of them have entered the marketplace. The God Pages are consumable so you have them LEAVING the marketplace.




2. With the addition of construction based items, as well as the page drops being nerfed, your chances for getting either item are drastically reduced.




3. The GE is not reactive; the prices on it are set far to low for new release items. Plus it is not reactive. Changing once a day on 5% margins will get you nowhere slowly.




4. People are smart/crafty. Why would you sell for the GE price when there are people willing to pay several times that amount for said item? To help someone you will never meet? To balance the market?




So combine all of these factors and Voila! we have your answer.

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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People have always tried to sell stupid items for way over the price. Anything they can get their hands on, they'll try and pull the wool over your eyes with it, even if it's obviously not worth the price they're setting.




I really doubt that a silly Animal mask is worth the prices said here, and I agree with Zot, they're not discontinued, there will be more and I highly doubt there is such demand for them that they're worth tens of millions. Seriously, is there a demand for useless items now? To me it looks like Godswords are the most in demand lately, not this trash LOL. Party Hats and Masks I can understand because they're discontinued, and obtaining one is a sign of wealth, but these? Get real.




Go back to Merchanting real items like logs and ores imo. In the long run, Merchants only screw themselves because they too will have to pay the higher price if they need the item.

" Everything is worth whatever its purchaser will pay for it" -Henry Ford.




The reason these things are so much higher than the GE price is as follows:


1. The animal masks are relatively new. Not to many of them have entered the marketplace. The God Pages are consumable so you have them LEAVING the marketplace.




2. With the addition of construction based items, as well as the page drops being nerfed, your chances for getting either item are drastically reduced.




3. The GE is not reactive; the prices on it are set far to low for new release items. Plus it is not reactive. Changing once a day on 5% margins will get you nowhere slowly.




4. People are smart/crafty. Why would you sell for the GE price when there are people willing to pay several times that amount for said item? To help someone you will never meet? To balance the market?




So combine all of these factors and Voila! we have your answer.




I agree, an item is worth whatever a person chooses to pay for it. But times like these, they don't get to choose. They're forced to pay a price set by Merchants, who will argue it's about supply and demand - Half the time, they don't even know the supply is. There could be allot more of these items out, in banks, or being worn. Then there is price manipulation which was pretty popular back way before GE, I don't know if you were around then though to see it. Obviously the GE limits allot of that.




1. New items have always sold for absolutely stupid prices. 30 Minutes after Dragon Skirts were released, I found one and sold it for 20m. Is it worth 20m? Absolutely not, but some lvl 126 happily bought it. People tend to freak out on new items, and that's why you have tons of stupid items (like these Masks) at high prices. Merchants just love charging high prices for new items, and silly people will buy them too for the 2 minutes that they're exclusive for - NOT because they're worth it.




2. Just because more items were added, it shouldn't make the price skyrocket from their original stable prices. You could do a clue and get a page, or a Construction item in it's place. Basically, the prices are raised because lazy people are too lazy to go and do Clues themselves. Whilst I'm on that subject, a good majority of the player base is lazy and won't get things themselves. No wonder Jagex had to crack down so severely on RWT.




3. The GE shouldn't have the prices set no, but how else is it going to function? Would you rather every item be very expensive due to Merchants overpricing, or more fair like Jagex intend? Face it, most of the old ways of Merchanting are dead since the GE came out. If Merchants set the prices, they would be expensive for a very long time, even on lower end items, and useless items like Animal Masks. Not only did this combat RWT, but I believe also the statement of "The Rich Get Richer...", you've heard it before.




4. Oh believe me, I know. Like I've said before, a select group of Merchants would use the official forums to manipulate prices on items and to a degree they got away with it. It was completely out of order and only served to feed their greed. If you walk into a store and see a gift for sale with a price tag of $10, and someone says I'll buy that for $20, 9 times out of 10 any decent storeowner would turn it down. It's not the way it works, the price is what it says it is - like the GE. Don't moan if you can't try and manipulate prices.


Quit RS 2005 | RSN: Johnalder

Back as of 5/7/2008!

Dragon Drops: x1 Med, x5 Legs, x4 Skirts, x25 Boots, x1 Visage | x7 Abyssal Whips

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Hooray for Filling the books early on! :thumbsup:






finally, someone who doesn't regret filling all the god books before the update. i filled all mine, then sold my remaining pages. i wouldn't mind if i could of made a few more bucks, but it's thrilling not having to pay 15m for filling those books without the chance.

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God pages are indeed ridiculously overpriced now, but the supply has been forced (by Jagex's TT update) to so low, there are basically just ~15-20 of them coming from treasure trails every day, while demand is 10s (even 100s) of times higher. I'm glad I filled up my 3 books in the time of world 2 and real merchanting. And what of the animal masks... why would someone pay 100+ million for a set of masks that make you look like you've escaped from the local pet store or zoo. The only decent looking one there is the wolf mask, alas the highest in demand too. The situation has gone too far already, this manipulation of prices with junk. A buyer can only pay what he/she can afford. As the sellers drive prices up every day, the amount of possible buyers will eventually run down to zero, at which point they will have to reduce their silly prices. Besides, the buyers are humans too, they can refuse to pay the inflated price the "merchant" sells for. The GE can never keep up with such madness. Junk traders have given trading a bad name imho.

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People are always commenting that they don't do clues anymore, so of course the supply of pages has gone down.

PvP is not for me

In the 3rd Year of the Boycott
Real-world money saved since FT/W: Hundreds of Dollars
Real-world time saved since FT/W: Thousands of Hours

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What amazes me most about all of this is the fact that so many of you all are so thrilled about filling up your books when they were cheap.




Sure it was great to do it back then, but I mean come on, honestly I really dont see why people are wanting to pay such crazy prices for god pages to fill their books now when there are just as many easier / cheaper / better things out there to fill in that spot.




Take a rune defender for example in place of where most people would use a zammy book, or a mages book takes the cake if you are training range, and considering the prices you would be paying for a zammy book set now its easily worth it.




The only real reason one should even want a god book now is for its prayer bonus, which comes with all the books without having the pages in them.




However, as for all the junk trading many people have mixed views on it and I am one of them as well. Many people dont realize the true art form behind making junk trades and as a result are hardly making much more off that junk trade then whatever the people are selling the item for orginally.




Not that much of this matters anyways, I would say at the rate things are going, the better forms of junk trading (the kinds that actually net decent profit) will be dead and a thing of the past soon enough. So get what you can out of them now, I for one know that I will, afterall, it may be sad that making Junk can be easier / faster / and net several times more then runecrafting right now at any level, double nats included.

CLICK - 770th to 99 SLAYER 2/4/08 - 204th to 99 Summoning 7/1/08 CLICK



[Hide=List of Drops That I haven't updated in Years but want to keep in my Sig anyways...]VISAGE DROP - 12/06/07

3 Duo Sara Hilts, 3 Duo Arma Hilts, 2 Trio Arma Hilts.

Dark Bows: (11) Dragon Boots: (50!)

Whip Drops: (42!!!) Dragon Drops: (90+!!!!!) 2 D CHAINS!, 3 D Axe, 8 D meds, 7 left halfs, 7 D legs, 6 skirts, 8 Spears[/hide]

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People have always tried to sell stupid items for way over the price. Anything they can get their hands on, they'll try and pull the wool over your eyes with it, even if it's obviously not worth the price they're setting.




I really doubt that a silly Animal mask is worth the prices said here, and I agree with Zot, they're not discontinued, there will be more and I highly doubt there is such demand for them that they're worth tens of millions. Seriously, is there a demand for useless items now? To me it looks like Godswords are the most in demand lately, not this trash LOL. Party Hats and Masks I can understand because they're discontinued, and obtaining one is a sign of wealth, but these? Get real.




Go back to Merchanting real items like logs and ores imo. In the long run, Merchants only screw themselves because they too will have to pay the higher price if they need the item.

" Everything is worth whatever its purchaser will pay for it" -Henry Ford.




The reason these things are so much higher than the GE price is as follows:


1. The animal masks are relatively new. Not to many of them have entered the marketplace. The God Pages are consumable so you have them LEAVING the marketplace.




2. With the addition of construction based items, as well as the page drops being nerfed, your chances for getting either item are drastically reduced.




3. The GE is not reactive; the prices on it are set far to low for new release items. Plus it is not reactive. Changing once a day on 5% margins will get you nowhere slowly.




4. People are smart/crafty. Why would you sell for the GE price when there are people willing to pay several times that amount for said item? To help someone you will never meet? To balance the market?




So combine all of these factors and Voila! we have your answer.




I agree, an item is worth whatever a person chooses to pay for it. But times like these, they don't get to choose. They're forced to pay a price set by Merchants, who will argue it's about supply and demand - Half the time, they don't even know the supply is. There could be allot more of these items out, in banks, or being worn. Then there is price manipulation which was pretty popular back way before GE, I don't know if you were around then though to see it. Obviously the GE limits allot of that.




1. New items have always sold for absolutely stupid prices. 30 Minutes after Dragon Skirts were released, I found one and sold it for 20m. Is it worth 20m? Absolutely not, but some lvl 126 happily bought it. People tend to freak out on new items, and that's why you have tons of stupid items (like these Masks) at high prices. Merchants just love charging high prices for new items, and silly people will buy them too for the 2 minutes that they're exclusive for - NOT because they're worth it.




2. Just because more items were added, it shouldn't make the price skyrocket from their original stable prices. You could do a clue and get a page, or a Construction item in it's place. Basically, the prices are raised because lazy people are too lazy to go and do Clues themselves. Whilst I'm on that subject, a good majority of the player base is lazy and won't get things themselves. No wonder Jagex had to crack down so severely on RWT.




3. The GE shouldn't have the prices set no, but how else is it going to function? Would you rather every item be very expensive due to Merchants overpricing, or more fair like Jagex intend? Face it, most of the old ways of Merchanting are dead since the GE came out. If Merchants set the prices, they would be expensive for a very long time, even on lower end items, and useless items like Animal Masks. Not only did this combat RWT, but I believe also the statement of "The Rich Get Richer...", you've heard it before.[/hide]


4. Oh believe me, I know. Like I've said before, a select group of Merchants would use the official forums to manipulate prices on items and to a degree they got away with it. It was completely out of order and only served to feed their greed. If you walk into a store and see a gift for sale with a price tag of $10, and someone says I'll buy that for $20, 9 times out of 10 any decent storeowner would turn it down. It's not the way it works, the price is what it says it is - like the GE. Don't moan if you can't try and manipulate prices.


So if jagex says the price of a mask is 1m, then they are always right and people should sell it at that price because jagex is the creator of runescape. So if your mother one day freaks out and calls you a bastard then you certainly would be one, because your mother gave birth to you.


Things do NOT work this way. Jagex can not say what the prices are, it's for the people to determine item values. It isn't a select group of merchants running the mask market, it's simply people that have got these masks from one way or another trying not to lose money due to jagex'es stupidity. Merchants can sell masks for up to 50m each because people agree to pay that much for a mask. And do not think they are making loads of money that way- good junk is very hard to come by and would only give you an extra 5m if you make it yourself- Junk costs money, and that is why the prices seem that high.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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People have always tried to sell stupid items for way over the price. Anything they can get their hands on, they'll try and pull the wool over your eyes with it, even if it's obviously not worth the price they're setting.




I really doubt that a silly Animal mask is worth the prices said here, and I agree with Zot, they're not discontinued, there will be more and I highly doubt there is such demand for them that they're worth tens of millions. Seriously, is there a demand for useless items now? To me it looks like Godswords are the most in demand lately, not this trash LOL. Party Hats and Masks I can understand because they're discontinued, and obtaining one is a sign of wealth, but these? Get real.




Go back to Merchanting real items like logs and ores imo. In the long run, Merchants only screw themselves because they too will have to pay the higher price if they need the item.

" Everything is worth whatever its purchaser will pay for it" -Henry Ford.




The reason these things are so much higher than the GE price is as follows:


1. The animal masks are relatively new. Not to many of them have entered the marketplace. The God Pages are consumable so you have them LEAVING the marketplace.




2. With the addition of construction based items, as well as the page drops being nerfed, your chances for getting either item are drastically reduced.




3. The GE is not reactive; the prices on it are set far to low for new release items. Plus it is not reactive. Changing once a day on 5% margins will get you nowhere slowly.




4. People are smart/crafty. Why would you sell for the GE price when there are people willing to pay several times that amount for said item? To help someone you will never meet? To balance the market?




So combine all of these factors and Voila! we have your answer.




I agree, an item is worth whatever a person chooses to pay for it. But times like these, they don't get to choose. They're forced to pay a price set by Merchants, who will argue it's about supply and demand - Half the time, they don't even know the supply is. There could be allot more of these items out, in banks, or being worn. Then there is price manipulation which was pretty popular back way before GE, I don't know if you were around then though to see it. Obviously the GE limits allot of that.




1. New items have always sold for absolutely stupid prices. 30 Minutes after Dragon Skirts were released, I found one and sold it for 20m. Is it worth 20m? Absolutely not, but some lvl 126 happily bought it. People tend to freak out on new items, and that's why you have tons of stupid items (like these Masks) at high prices. Merchants just love charging high prices for new items, and silly people will buy them too for the 2 minutes that they're exclusive for - NOT because they're worth it.




2. Just because more items were added, it shouldn't make the price skyrocket from their original stable prices. You could do a clue and get a page, or a Construction item in it's place. Basically, the prices are raised because lazy people are too lazy to go and do Clues themselves. Whilst I'm on that subject, a good majority of the player base is lazy and won't get things themselves. No wonder Jagex had to crack down so severely on RWT.




3. The GE shouldn't have the prices set no, but how else is it going to function? Would you rather every item be very expensive due to Merchants overpricing, or more fair like Jagex intend? Face it, most of the old ways of Merchanting are dead since the GE came out. If Merchants set the prices, they would be expensive for a very long time, even on lower end items, and useless items like Animal Masks. Not only did this combat RWT, but I believe also the statement of "The Rich Get Richer...", you've heard it before.[/hide]


4. Oh believe me, I know. Like I've said before, a select group of Merchants would use the official forums to manipulate prices on items and to a degree they got away with it. It was completely out of order and only served to feed their greed. If you walk into a store and see a gift for sale with a price tag of $10, and someone says I'll buy that for $20, 9 times out of 10 any decent storeowner would turn it down. It's not the way it works, the price is what it says it is - like the GE. Don't moan if you can't try and manipulate prices.


So if jagex says the price of a mask is 1m, then they are always right and people should sell it at that price because jagex is the creator of runescape. So if your mother one day freaks out and calls you a bastard then you certainly would be one, because your mother gave birth to you.


Things do NOT work this way. Jagex can not say what the prices are, it's for the people to determine item values. It isn't a select group of merchants running the mask market, it's simply people that have got these masks from one way or another trying not to lose money due to jagex'es stupidity. Merchants can sell masks for up to 50m each because people agree to pay that much for a mask. And do not think they are making loads of money that way- good junk is very hard to come by and would only give you an extra 5m if you make it yourself- Junk costs money, and that is why the prices seem that high.






the prices seem high but that you dont really pay that much more because junk is a item you know!


you can use the summon pouches etc or just reuse the junk in lending out your item!


but you do need a bit of money to get onto the market in the first place :anxious:

Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


[hide=old sig]



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I agree, an item is worth whatever a person chooses to pay for it. But times like these, they don't get to choose. They're forced to pay a price set by Merchants, who will argue it's about supply and demand - Half the time, they don't even know the supply is. There could be allot more of these items out, in banks, or being worn. Then there is price manipulation which was pretty popular back way before GE, I don't know if you were around then though to see it. Obviously the GE limits allot of that.


The fact how many items of them are out there has little to do with the real supply. Every market would crash if all the items owned would suddenly be in supply.




1. New items have always sold for absolutely stupid prices. 30 Minutes after Dragon Skirts were released, I found one and sold it for 20m. Is it worth 20m? Absolutely not, but some lvl 126 happily bought it. People tend to freak out on new items, and that's why you have tons of stupid items (like these Masks) at high prices. Merchants just love charging high prices for new items, and silly people will buy them too for the 2 minutes that they're exclusive for - NOT because they're worth it.


And therefore, they're worth 20M at that point. Exclusifness is also a very good reason for prices to go up.



2. Just because more items were added, it shouldn't make the price skyrocket from their original stable prices. You could do a clue and get a page, or a Construction item in it's place. Basically, the prices are raised because lazy people are too lazy to go and do Clues themselves. Whilst I'm on that subject, a good majority of the player base is lazy and won't get things themselves. No wonder Jagex had to crack down so severely on RWT.



Yes, but I believe there are a lot less god pages coming into the market then when they were cheap. I do a lot of level 1 clues just for fun and I used to get a god page every ~10 clues. I haven't got one in ages. And yes, people are lazy, be glad please, otherwise the computer and a lot of other stuff wouldn't exist.



3. The GE shouldn't have the prices set no, but how else is it going to function? Would you rather every item be very expensive due to Merchants overpricing, or more fair like Jagex intend? Face it, most of the old ways of Merchanting are dead since the GE came out. If Merchants set the prices, they would be expensive for a very long time, even on lower end items, and useless items like Animal Masks. Not only did this combat RWT, but I believe also the statement of "The Rich Get Richer...", you've heard it before.


The fact people can't trade freely has made 3a, pages and masks a lot more expensive. Junk costs money and/or time too, so they higher the price. And if Jagex really intends to make those items cheaper, they can easily just adapt the drop rate. Just like they did to top hats (remember everyone getting one for a few days?). Either Jagex doesn't realize some TT stuff is so expensive, or they think it's fine this way.




4. Oh believe me, I know. Like I've said before, a select group of Merchants would use the official forums to manipulate prices on items and to a degree they got away with it. It was completely out of order and only served to feed their greed. If you walk into a store and see a gift for sale with a price tag of $10, and someone says I'll buy that for $20, 9 times out of 10 any decent storeowner would turn it down. It's not the way it works, the price is what it says it is - like the GE. Don't moan if you can't try and manipulate prices.


Really? So if someone would come up to you and give you $10, you'd turn it down to? 9 times out of 10 (or more 99 out of 100) any decent person wouldn't turn it down. It's the way it works.

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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I feel that alot of clue rewards have been... quite a dissapointment. Looking at where the animal masks are on the tier's of clue rewards, they are level 2. So i decided to try get a few clues from guards. I managed to get one in my first few kills and i got the loot within 4 continuous clues. My luck? Adamant longword and 64 deaths. I try again, get another clue, this one slightly longer, had to go to 8 different locations, me thinking the logner the better. Nope. Adamant legs and 14 mind runes. I think that alot of rewards in all rewards sections are hard to get. The best thing I've gotten from a clue is 3A Vambs, and that was pure luck. The second best is probably Rune legs...




The fact that animal masks and god pages never bloody coem up now is what i really think the high demand in these items. But these items, merchants/junktraders take advantage of and seem to scam people out of there money because there so little of them, and in very high demand. Now whether or not Jagex will sort that out is not in our hands, but if they don't sooner or later then these items will hit ridiculous price tags that the more that come available, probably the more thna will be sold for stupi prices. Anyway, thats my opinion haha...



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wow. 1m+ per page?




sooooooooo glad i bought the full set of books when they were 30k per page for sara and guthix. and 50k per zammy. :thumbsup:


Thx AquaMare for the amazing sig!


it's ligit, ive used it. hey, its a great way to kill time. :)[/hide]

[hide=drops and stuff.]Bandos drops: 2X Shard 3, 5X Bandos Plate, X1 Bandos Tasset

PROUD owner of the fire cape since October 9th, 2008

6X Black Mask Drops[/hide]

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wow. 1m+ per page?




sooooooooo glad i bought the full set of books when they were 30k per page for sara and guthix. and 50k per zammy. :thumbsup:




+1 - As i said earlier, i got all my books before the ge, just a little above the price you said. Whether or not it will everg et down to that price again is a question for Jagex haha



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Jagex can not say what the prices are, it's for the people to determine item values.




Yes they can. Last I checked this game was made by Jagex. They can pretty much make any item any price they want and make it so people have to pay that price. This is not a democracy or a real life market, its a game. Therefore its not up to the people to set prices on how much things are, its up to Jagex. Now wether you personaly choose to accept Jagex's prices is up to you, but that is not saying that YOU set the prices. YOU simply accept or dont accept the prices JAGEX sets.




Jagex has a red ball. You can tell me its blue, yellow, white or its green. But that dosent change the fact.. its still a red ball.




It isn't a select group of merchants running the mask market, it's simply people that have got these masks from one way or another trying not to lose money due to jagex'es stupidity.




In most cases no, however there are groups of merchants (Like A C I D Y's merchant clan) that can and have changed the market to their favor on certain items. And those who do buy those masks often get them from GE and then junk trade them for TONS of profit. (see below on what I mean by junk trade profit)




Merchants can sell masks for up to 50m each because people agree to pay that much for a mask. And do not think they are making loads of money that way- good junk is very hard to come by and would only give you an extra 5m if you make it yourself- Junk costs money, and that is why the prices seem that high.




Junk now is actually easily accessable and very profitable, you just have to have a means to trade with it. A common practice now is to make summons, and turn them into summon scrolls. Collecting these scolls as junk, once traded you make ALL of your money back + ~20-30% PROFIT, in addition to all the summon xp you gained. It turns out junk trading like that is VERY profitable, which is why people do it.




Let me give you a scenario:


Person A gets a Mask on GE from Person B for 500k. Person A then takes the opertunity to spend 10M on summon. Person A then spends then 10M making all his/her summons into scrolls, and then Junk trades the scrolls and the mask for 13.5M. Person A effectivly makes about 3M profit and tons of Summon xp off person B, for almost no work at all (other than gathering charms).




(Editors Notes: Some masks are 50m+ correct? If that is true, you could buy 4 masks, and get 200m worth of summon supplies. Not including getting charms, you could essentially get 99 summon not only for free but making about 60M during the process using this junk trade method. For JUST 4 MASKS. I have nothing against anyone who does this method, but I think it needs to be corrected.)




As for people who agree to pay the 50m+, its because since almost everyone is using the junk trade method, thats what people have to abide by. You can get lucky if you leave a request in GE for a mask, but you most likley wont get it, simply because people hold onto them to do what was described above.




Why would you sell a mask for 500k when you could make millions and get tons of summon xp for it too? It rips people off, adding a skill's XP onto the cost to get an item.




The issue here is, junk is making items exclusivly "junk trade only", which is very very bad, as it allows people to charge MASSIVE ammounts of money for an item that shouldnt be that much.




Basically the GE was designed for this not to happen, but people found a way around it, and now GE messes things up since thats not how it was designed to function. Its like using a fising pole for fishing, and then a bunch of people come and divert the steam around your lake. Eventually the lake will dry up. Not gunna catch many fish with no water. And until stuff are sold/bought through GE, GE prices cant change.




You say well why dont they just change the GE price? The problem is, how do they know what the "traded price" really is. Jagex dosent consider Junk Trading in its prices, which is why the GE prices never change. As I said before, Jagex now sets the prices in this game. Its just up to individuals if they accept the price Jagex sets or not.




What Jagex really needs to do is 1 of 2 things.


1) Make a shard/scroll exchange like there is for pouches. 60% back for scrolls. This would get rid of almost all the overpriced Summon Scrolls.


2) Limit free trades to the ammout of 30k, and everything else over 30k must be traded through GE.




The main issue im saying here is, As long as items are in the "junk trade" loop, prices on GE will not adjust, as few items are being traded through GE. The more and more items that get "junk traded" the worse the situation will become. At the expense of making profit for ourselves, we are digging our own graves.

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Jagex can not say what the prices are, it's for the people to determine item values.




Yes they can. Last I checked this game was made by Jagex. They can pretty much make any item any price they want and make it so people have to pay that price. This is not a democracy or a real life market, its a game. Therefore its not up to the people to set prices on how much things are, its up to Jagex. Now wether you personaly choose to accept Jagex's prices is up to you, but that is not saying that YOU set the prices. YOU simply accept or dont accept the prices JAGEX sets.




Jagex has a red ball. You can tell me its blue, yellow, white or its green. But that dosent change the fact.. its still a red ball.




It isn't a select group of merchants running the mask market, it's simply people that have got these masks from one way or another trying not to lose money due to jagex'es stupidity.




In most cases no, however there are groups of merchants (Like A C I D Y's merchant clan) that can and have changed the market to their favor on certain items. And those who do buy those masks often get them from GE and then junk trade them for TONS of profit. (see below on what I mean by junk trade profit)




Merchants can sell masks for up to 50m each because people agree to pay that much for a mask. And do not think they are making loads of money that way- good junk is very hard to come by and would only give you an extra 5m if you make it yourself- Junk costs money, and that is why the prices seem that high.




Junk now is actually easily accessable and very profitable, you just have to have a means to trade with it. A common practice now is to make summons, and turn them into summon scrolls. Collecting these scolls as junk, once traded you make ALL of your money back + ~20-30% PROFIT, in addition to all the summon xp you gained. It turns out junk trading like that is VERY profitable, which is why people do it.




Let me give you a scenario:


Person A gets a Mask on GE from Person B for 500k. Person A then takes the opertunity to spend 10M on summon. Person A then spends then 10M making all his/her summons into scrolls, and then Junk trades the scrolls and the mask for 13.5M. Person A effectivly makes about 3M profit and tons of Summon xp off person B, for almost no work at all (other than gathering charms).




(Editors Notes: Some masks are 50m+ correct? If that is true, you could buy 4 masks, and get 200m worth of summon supplies. Not including getting charms, you could essentially get 99 summon not only for free but making about 60M during the process using this junk trade method. For JUST 4 MASKS. I have nothing against anyone who does this method, but I think it needs to be corrected.)




As for people who agree to pay the 50m+, its because since almost everyone is using the junk trade method, thats what people have to abide by. You can get lucky if you leave a request in GE for a mask, but you most likley wont get it, simply because people hold onto them to do what was described above.




Why would you sell a mask for 500k when you could make millions and get tons of summon xp for it too? It rips people off, adding a skill's XP onto the cost to get an item.




The issue here is, junk is making items exclusivly "junk trade only", which is very very bad, as it allows people to charge MASSIVE ammounts of money for an item that shouldnt be that much.




Basically the GE was designed for this not to happen, but people found a way around it, and now GE messes things up since thats not how it was designed to function. Its like using a fising pole for fishing, and then a bunch of people come and divert the steam around your lake. Eventually the lake will dry up. Not gunna catch many fish with no water. And until stuff are sold/bought through GE, GE prices cant change.




You say well why dont they just change the GE price? The problem is, how do they know what the "traded price" really is. Jagex dosent consider Junk Trading in its prices, which is why the GE prices never change. As I said before, Jagex now sets the prices in this game. Its just up to individuals if they accept the price Jagex sets or not.




What Jagex really needs to do is 1 of 2 things.


1) Make a shard/scroll exchange like there is for pouches. 60% back for scrolls. This would get rid of almost all the overpriced Summon Scrolls.


2) Limit free trades to the ammout of 30k, and everything else over 30k must be traded through GE.




The main issue im saying here is, As long as items are in the "junk trade" loop, prices on GE will not adjust, as few items are being traded through GE. The more and more items that get "junk traded" the worse the situation will become. At the expense of making profit for ourselves, we are digging our own graves.




Jagex can tell us things are worth whatever they want, but they can't force the players who gather them to sell them for that price. Animal masks are simply priced much lower than they should be given their rarity - why should I sell it for 500k? Another thing to note is that Jagex says boil scrolls are worth 550 gp each... so what's wrong with selling them? :roll:




Additionally, making junk is not absurd money. It is slower than godwars, which is the source of income for most serious summoners.




ADDITIONALLY, jagex has recently lowered the prices of many scrolls, making it more profitable to switch them for shards than to turn them to scrolls and sell as junk.




I recently bought a saradomin godsword for 50m + 18m of junk (which I got by buying gilded legs in junk trades), and then sold the SGS in the GE. I traded the gilded legs for a bat mask. Did I "scam" the owner? No, first of all he took my offer gladly. This is because SGSes are dropping millions each day, and are very difficult to sell in the GE - I took a risk by deciding to try it. Risk rewards. My intention is not to make scrolls (as mentioned before, the added time involved in converting pouches to scrolls makes swapping for shards a superior choice), but simply to keep the mask until it has risen to its true price. This is fairly certainly below the 15-20m it is worth on the forums, but I do plan to make a considerable amount of money on it. It's tying up under 1m of cash, so I'm willing to keep it until I can sell it for what I feel is a fair amount of money.




Ultimately, selling items with junk is not "scamming", it is simply counterbalancing the fact that you are selling an extremely desirable object, by adding on undesirable objects. The same things happens in the US Senate in almost every bill passed - if the democrats want to pass an environmental bill, no way will it survive unless they tack on something about cutting back welfare to sweeten the deal for the republicans. And don't forget that people are willing to buy the masks with junk too...

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