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Reveal Confessions, Secrets & Regrets...


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Uhh, confessions? I don't think I've really got any confessions or regrets really, maybe that I know I should be trying alot harder in school - that's probably going to be my new years resolution now that I think about it, as well as keeping a job.


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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i hate everything.


especially phones and my own friends, don't ask how that works, i don't know. #-o




my friends and i have a kind of in-joke that we tend to drop in the middle of crowded rooms, it goes like


person 1 "Look! an army of japanese schoolgirls is taking over the world."


person 2 "ok, i'll go get the tentacle monster."


then if anyone laughs or shows any sign of understanding it we call them perverts. ::'




i once jerked it 6 times in a day, then bragged to my friends at school. :D




i never once did a single piece of homework all through highschool, passed all but year 12.




i hate children. if i ever have one the first thing i'm teaching it is the meaning of "silent as the grave."

nudist hippy vegan elves who inexplicably wear leather.
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i never once did a single piece of homework all through highschool, passed all but year 12.







honestly, between patronizing, ignoring, and outright insulting my teachers, truanting, and sleeping in class... i don't know. :?

nudist hippy vegan elves who inexplicably wear leather.
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i never once did a single piece of homework all through highschool, passed all but year 12.







honestly, between patronizing, ignoring, and outright insulting my teachers, truanting, and sleeping in class... i don't know. :?


I have to use the "bro gimme some of the answers" trick and the "Do homework the period before under the desk" trick.




Pureprayer, you're awesome.
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I attempted suicide but the gun wasn't working. It didn't have the pin that hits the bullet on it because it was getting repaired. I got over my problems still have it and think back how stupid that decision was.

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I attempted suicide but the gun wasn't working. It didn't have the pin that hits the bullet on it because it was getting repaired. I got over my problems still have it and think back how stupid that decision was.


Damn.. You are seriously lucky.. Did you complain to the gun shop afterwards? :twss:



That's why you're on the TZDF blackdawn. Even your balls can tear zombies to shreds.
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I attempted suicide but the gun wasn't working. It didn't have the pin that hits the bullet on it because it was getting repaired. I got over my problems still have it and think back how stupid that decision was.


Damn.. You are seriously lucky.. Did you complain to the gun shop afterwards? :twss:





lol,nothing compared to a guy at my school,he tried to commit suicide 3 times




Did he use a gun? If so he should have sued them and used the money to buy a decent working gun.



That's why you're on the TZDF blackdawn. Even your balls can tear zombies to shreds.
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I attempted suicide but the gun wasn't working. It didn't have the pin that hits the bullet on it because it was getting repaired. I got over my problems still have it and think back how stupid that decision was.


Damn.. You are seriously lucky.. Did you complain to the gun shop afterwards? :twss:





lol,nothing compared to a guy at my school,he tried to commit suicide 3 times




Did he use a gun? If so he should have sued them and used the money to buy a decent working gun.

Story:try 1:he stabbed a knife in his neck:it didnt hit the slagader(forgot english word)


try2:he took paddos and stood on top of a flat,was to scared to jump


try 3:he stood on the rails,but the train was not driving

99 Firemaking 30-5-2010 | 99 Fletching 13-7-2014
TET-AU member:6-10-2010 - 21-10-2011

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I attempted suicide but the gun wasn't working. It didn't have the pin that hits the bullet on it because it was getting repaired. I got over my problems still have it and think back how stupid that decision was.


Damn.. You are seriously lucky.. Did you complain to the gun shop afterwards? :twss:





lol,nothing compared to a guy at my school,he tried to commit suicide 3 times




Did he use a gun? If so he should have sued them and used the money to buy a decent working gun.

Story:try 1:he stabbed a knife in his neck:it didnt hit the slagader(forgot english word)


try2:he took paddos and stood on top of a flat,was to scared to jump


try 3:he stood on the rails,but the train was not driving


He must feel loved now, the universe doesn't want him to die =D>



That's why you're on the TZDF blackdawn. Even your balls can tear zombies to shreds.
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I attempted suicide but the gun wasn't working. It didn't have the pin that hits the bullet on it because it was getting repaired. I got over my problems still have it and think back how stupid that decision was.


Damn.. You are seriously lucky.. Did you complain to the gun shop afterwards? :twss:





lol,nothing compared to a guy at my school,he tried to commit suicide 3 times




Did he use a gun? If so he should have sued them and used the money to buy a decent working gun.

Story:try 1:he stabbed a knife in his neck:it didnt hit the slagader(forgot english word)


try2:he took paddos and stood on top of a flat,was to scared to jump


try 3:he stood on the rails,but the train was not driving


He must feel loved now, the universe doesn't want him to die =D>




It was my brother's gun, he was just repairing it. I cried like a girl afterwards for a long time thinking how stupid I was and was thanking god for like 2 months.

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I laugh at people when they hurt themselves, no matter who it is how old or how serious they are hurt i'm holding back laughter. usually when people stubb there toe is what gets me the worst...or when short girls don't step back far enough on a treadmill and they go face first into it...then get dragged off a further metre


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Im REALLY scared of being alone (alone as in not near anyone i know) in the dark.




Please no-one laugh at me :oops:


I used to have problems with the dark too, I'm pretty sure it's a natural instinct in humans since we can't see if there's any danger.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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I'm a clingy [bleep] and can't go a few days without the person I'm attached to. I [bleep], be miserable and blare my music.






Sigs by: Soa | Gold_Tiger10 | Harrinator1 | Guthix121 | robo | Elmo | Thru | Yaff2

Avatars by: Lit0ua | Unoalexi | Gold Tiger .


Hello friend, Senajitkaushik was epic, Good luck bro.

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What the... when the hell did listen to Coldplay 'go out of style'? What the [bleep] is up with that [cabbage]? It's music for Christ's sake, if you like it you like it, if you don't you don't. There's no "oh, other people don't like it so I can't" bull [cabbage] about it, but for some reason people seem to think that way.




Coldplay rocks, always has. Oi.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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What the... when the hell did listen to Coldplay 'go out of style'? What the [bleep] is up with that [cabbage]? It's music for Christ's sake, if you like it you like it, if you don't you don't. There's no "oh, other people don't like it so I can't" bull [cabbage] about it, but for some reason people seem to think that way.




Coldplay rocks, always has. Oi.




You swear too much. Normally I wouldn't mind, but it looks stupid when it's censored.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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What the... when the hell did listen to Coldplay 'go out of style'? What the [bleep] is up with that [cabbage]? It's music for Christ's sake, if you like it you like it, if you don't you don't. There's no "oh, other people don't like it so I can't" bull [cabbage] about it, but for some reason people seem to think that way.




Coldplay rocks, always has. Oi.




You seem to hate your time spent here on the forum. But yeah, it's a pretty good band.

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What the... when the hell did listen to Coldplay 'go out of style'? What the [bleep] is up with that [cabbage]? It's music for Christ's sake, if you like it you like it, if you don't you don't. There's no "oh, other people don't like it so I can't" bull [cabbage] about it, but for some reason people seem to think that way.




Coldplay rocks, always has. Oi.




even tho im not into cold play you're right if you like it you like, if you dont you dont, im the only one of my mates into the old rock ac/dc led zep black sabbath and such and i'm proud to turn the radio up when one of there songs comes up


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What the... when the hell did listen to Coldplay 'go out of style'? What the [bleep] is up with that [cabbage]? It's music for Christ's sake, if you like it you like it, if you don't you don't. There's no "oh, other people don't like it so I can't" bull [cabbage] about it, but for some reason people seem to think that way.




Coldplay rocks, always has. Oi.


True that. I'm listening to Coldplay right now. How it could be a "Confession" I don't know. There are very few bands who warrant one. Like the [kitty] cat dolls, the Spice Girls and Britney spears.


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What the... when the hell did listen to Coldplay 'go out of style'? What the [bleep] is up with that [cabbage]? It's music for Christ's sake, if you like it you like it, if you don't you don't. There's no "oh, other people don't like it so I can't" bull [cabbage] about it, but for some reason people seem to think that way.




Coldplay rocks, always has. Oi.


True that. I'm listening to Coldplay right now. How it could be a "Confession" I don't know. There are very few bands who warrant one. Like the [kitty] cat dolls, the Spice Girls and Britney spears.




Hah, Smosh "We never tell of our liking of the Spice Girls!" or something to that extent.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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[hide=FYI, these are just things I rarely discuss with people, I don't have many secrets]I hate living in California


I'm the only conservative in my family


I hate Illegal immigrants.


I hate annoying people that bring up global warming to me.


I hate No child left behind.






What else...




I can't stand it when people complain about how they have it so bad yet do nothing for themselves.


I hate 60s/70s music but loved the 80s


I have a little man crush on favre, but after the BS he pulled this season I'm kinda out on him :D


I can't stand the mushroom head hair


I respect all music, I don't say "lolololz dat musix is FAKE!!!" if a friend brings up a type of music I don't like.


I'm a very simple person, you leave me alone I'll leave you alone.


I can't stand people at school. Not because I'm anti-social, I just hate the overall mood of the kids there.


I respect anyone (regardless of ideology) that goes over to entertain our (US) Armed forces.


I hate Michael Moore films, that fat slob.


I can't talk behind peoples back, in fact I hate when I hear others talk BS about other people I know.


I've lost many friends due to my views


I don't watch TV. (well Okay, maybe for football \:D/ )


I hate diversity. I don't want other people and their cultures to interfere with mine.


I can't stand atheists who try to take god out of everything


I can't stand religious people who try to push their damn views on you


I respect all religions that teach good morality


I ignore almost everyone in game


I tend to ramble on about things






What others things can I say to get the TIF community more pissed off at me??? :-w




I support the death penalty for rapists, child abusers, killers & drug dealers.


I hate smart [wagon].


I Rarely watch movies


I only read non-fiction books


I'm a very jealous person (which I hate)


I can't stand the racist whiners, just because I call a person of a different race a moron doesn't mean I'm a racist.


I ALWAYS clean the toilet seat before I use it (home) I NEVER USE public rest rooms.






Now for some non g-rated things!




I don't believe there is Porn addiction


I view porn on a daily basis, funny enough, I love to mess around in photoshop with pictures. Not make weird faces, but to create something.


I can't stand women if they have tons of makeup on or have fake breasts


I'm actually not a big perv, I don't stare at girls who have large breasts or a nice body.










I can't stand drunk drivers


I can't stand cheaters, scum of the earth in my opinion.


I can't stand people who think they know so much because they have tried a few drugs


I can't stand people who think it's cool to do drugs


I can't stand the smell of cigarettes, it literally gives me a headache ( I think it might have to do with me being around it all the time as a kid)


I HATE cockroaches, I'm a big ***** when it comes to them. I don't scream or cry, but I can't stand the hear a crunching sound if I kill it, so if I ever see one I pick it up and throw in the toilet.


I'm very protective over my sister[/hide]




Just a long list of things about me I guess LOL -.-

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What the... when the hell did listen to Coldplay 'go out of style'? What the [bleep] is up with that [cabbage]? It's music for Christ's sake, if you like it you like it, if you don't you don't. There's no "oh, other people don't like it so I can't" bull [cabbage] about it, but for some reason people seem to think that way.




Coldplay rocks, always has. Oi.




Amen. Coldplay is my favourite band so maybe I'm a little biased :lol:



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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