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MUST WATCH: UPDATE: Holland considers virtual theft a crime


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Jowns everything in RuneScape including the game itself. If someone sells any of that stuff for money then they are elling something that belongs to someone else, so they are effectively selling stolen goods.


Theft of intelectual/virtual property is still theft and should be punishable.






No they are selling a service. It is like using an anvil that belongs to Jagex and offer a IRL smithing service for money. (omfg kinda bad example and cba to think a better one)


You are paying him to smith your bars/metals etc into a nice sword. You are paying for a service.




(and then the next day u go to school, pking irl, with an awesome steel sword.)

My goals:
[b]5M coins:[/b] 4350K+ coins 200k+ items - 2 dec 
5M coins - 16 dec
I [b]have gotten[/b] my 5M by christmas.

-bah this is only here for historical purposes now, I got 20m+ already


"fail,well atleast the title,i wont read it with that colours"

"If you hadn't posted in rainbow I would actually give this a proper read"

"Colours suck."

*I remove colours*

"Where did all the colors go!? This is now 40% more likely to be tl;dr'd due to the lack of colors."

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Jowns everything in RuneScape including the game itself. If someone sells any of that stuff for money then they are elling something that belongs to someone else, so they are effectively selling stolen goods.


Theft of intelectual/virtual property is still theft and should be punishable.






No they are selling a service. It is like using an anvil that belongs to Jagex and offer a IRL smithing service for money. (omfg kinda bad example and cba to think a better one)


You are paying him to smith your bars/metals etc into a nice sword. You are paying for a service.




(and then the next day u go to school, pking irl, with an awesome steel sword.)


My view on it: They stole time.


The guy who got robbed lost the money, he had spent time on rs to make that money. The guys who stole the money didn't have to make the money anymore, so they saved time.

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Through missions the players can earn experience points and earn money, with which items can be bought. Just like the game Second Life, players to regular day-to-day stuff such as go to the movies or to school. [yeah I didn't get that one either]




That was found in the article. Sounds like someone mixed up Club Penguin with Runescape. Really irks me when journalists write an article without adequately (or even at all) researching it.

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Forget about whether stealing virtual goods is against the law or not,




Two kids, 14 and 15 of age, allegedly forced a 13 year old to come home with them, september last year. There he was beaten, kicked and threatened with a knife.




THIS is against the law!!! It's assault and threat with a deadly weapon. 5 years minimum, but since they're children it would probably be a free lollipop for both of them because children are never prosecuted to the full extent of the law(No matter how terrible their crimes).

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Its like the old RS saying:




"Saying a Phat is just pixels, is like saying money is just paper."

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
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Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
MSSW4 General - Did we kick your ass too?

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Jowns everything in RuneScape including the game itself. If someone sells any of that stuff for money then they are elling something that belongs to someone else, so they are effectively selling stolen goods.


Theft of intelectual/virtual property is still theft and should be punishable.






No they are selling a service. It is like using an anvil that belongs to Jagex and offer a IRL smithing service for money. (omfg kinda bad example and cba to think a better one)


You are paying him to smith your bars/metals etc into a nice sword. You are paying for a service.




(and then the next day u go to school, pking irl, with an awesome steel sword.)


My view on it: They stole time.


The guy who got robbed lost the money, he had spent time on rs to make that money. The guys who stole the money didn't have to make the money anymore, so they saved time.






That is what I meant if you read my previous posts. Might have been a bit unclear.

My goals:
[b]5M coins:[/b] 4350K+ coins 200k+ items - 2 dec 
5M coins - 16 dec
I [b]have gotten[/b] my 5M by christmas.

-bah this is only here for historical purposes now, I got 20m+ already


"fail,well atleast the title,i wont read it with that colours"

"If you hadn't posted in rainbow I would actually give this a proper read"

"Colours suck."

*I remove colours*

"Where did all the colors go!? This is now 40% more likely to be tl;dr'd due to the lack of colors."

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Oh yeah I forgot to mention something.. Jagex owns every account and virtual item in RuneScape. So in this case these kids were stealing virtual items from one account(owned by Jagex) and transferring it to another account(also owned by Jagex).




So unfortunatly unless the items in RuneScape are transferred to an entirely different game, it can't be considered theft. But it's still assault, so I say send the kids to jail.

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Read the whole first post again (I just updated it with the verdict):


This all happened septermber last year, 4 months BEFORE the trade limit update....




And im going to add that picture to the phishing site list reports...

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
Founder of The Conclave - A Tip.it Clan institution
Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
MSSW4 General - Did we kick your ass too?

Check us out!
==> No seriously, if you like FREE GP, XP and Dung tokens, as well as Community, Opportunity and above all FUN... <==

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Read the whole first post again (I just updated it with the verdict):


This all happened septermber last year, 4 months BEFORE the trade limit update....




And im going to add that picture to the phishing site list reports...




Nobody reads the little details. Plus there was too much text and dodgy links for me to actually remember any of it. And anyway, it would be hard to steal now, with the trade limit.

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Topic now unlocked (kudos to the users who reported the posts).




All posts of that gif image have been removed and action taken accordingly. I want to remind some users of the Tip.It Forum rules, especially Spamming includes posting entire messages using excessive formatting (all caps), posting the same message repeatedly, cross posting the same message in multiple forums, making pointless threads or replies (such as "+1" posts), begging (for yourself or another player), excessive use of "smilies"/characters/spaces/blank lines/nested quotes, as well as any advertisements (includes pm'ing advertisements), chain letters, pyramid schemes, click-wars (referrals), or website solicitations including ebay-type spam. My bold.




This topic is now being watched by the moderating team. Further action will be taken against those who deliberately violate the forum rules.

Offline and unavailable.

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Let me get this straight, are they prosecuting them for the threatening with a knife, or the stealing of RuneScape items? I wouldn't call it theft, I'd call it aggravated assault. The question is, would those kids've been charged if they hadn't threatened the other guy with a knife? I sure hope not.

"It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man."


-- Jack Handey



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There's a serious flaw in these arguments here that the Lawyers are bringing up. Neither of those kids own their accounts or the items on it. Therefore, it's out of their jurisdiction to punish them for a transfer from one account to another, even if it was done maliciously.




Runescape Terms and Conditions (Intellectual Property Rights): You agree that all intellectual property or other rights in any game character, account and items are and will remain our property.




The kids can't be charged with theft and the victim can't charge them with theft because he was never in possession of the goods. Aggravated Assault and/or Assault with a Deadly Weapon, maybe, but the theft charges are inapplicable. Jagex gives you the right to "borrow" the items; you don't own them.




By that logic, the RWT rule is meaningless.




"Game items must only be exchanged for other items/services within the game. Exchanging game items for items or other benefits in other online games, real-life money or other real-life benefits is not allowed. "




If the ownership of a game item isn't changing (since according to your argument they belong to Jagex), then it's hardly being exchanged. You can't exchange something if you don't lose anything, and the other person doesn't receive anything...

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I hope there will be a law against stealing peoples posestions in an online game. The same feelings and emotions apply wheather it was in real life or not.






ITS A GAME If you attach the same importance to gp as you do to real world cash then I think your perspectives are a little skewd...

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actually there was another similar case in which a 17 year old boy reported to the police that his game had been hacked. The officer started explaining that there was no valid case but the boy then showed him a website where items of his value and virtual currency were available for purchase with money.

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Ifthe kid was threatened with a knife, isn't that already a crime? Whether he threatened him over pixels or a real life cookie, it's still an armed threat. I don't see why a law is needed there for the specific case of item hacking, and although I do say it might be a useful law with no visible downsides, I do say that this particular incident didn't really need a law.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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I thought this sounded familiar, so I looked it up and found this, the original news story. This happened back in September of last year, so they've been in court for over a year now.








Those kids parents = #-o




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First of all, as someone has already said, nothing was stolen in this example. Jagex property still belongs to Jagex. The threat is a serious thing though.




Anyway, as everyone knows, our law system is highly uneffective (anyway it is WAY WAY better than nothing, or the early codex, that stated "an eye for an eye..."), because:


You can commit unlimited amount of so-called "crimes", there is no limit or Just-In-Time prevention. You are punished (if ever, for example Josif Stalin killed hundreds of millions people in probably all known ways and easily got away unpunished) only if:




1. You are suspected commiting the crime and people are assigned to find out if you really done it.


2. You get caught committing the crime and do not eliminate every single witness.


3. A huge amount of serious evidence is collected against you (doesn't always work)




Thus trying to apply it in the internet, where various ways to fake/spoof your identity exist would be a waste anyway. And this example just shows how people tend not to look after the obvious (the rules that every player must read and abide), but interpretate the details.

R.I.P. oO000oO0oO00, RS2 range pure transformed to a maxed PvM char in EoC, ten years of time completely wasted.
Good to be gone :)

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I think the fact that they "stole" runescape goods has nothing to do with their punishment. However threatning a kid with a knife ad bashing him is a crime in itself. Those kids that bashed another person for rs items make me sick :evil:




Barrows: 1x Guthans Spear, 1x Dharoaks Body, 1x Dharoaks Helmet.

Dragon: 1x Dragon Med

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Wow... just wow...




How people can crawl so low is beyond me.




Threatening a 13 year old kids life for... runescape items?




Virtual goods might not be in the real world, but hell, neither are those kids who wanted to pk and ko that kid for his VIRTUAL items. -.-




They should be punished. Not for stealing that kids items, but because they harrased and threatened him with a knife.


My opinions exactly.

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