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What Game(s) Did You Last Get and What Are You Playing?


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Alright, I got Dead Space in last Thursday. I have to say it is the creepiest game I have ever played. The atmosphere it creates is just amazing, it really makes the whole ship seem scary. The game has made me jump a couple of times now. I like it. :) It keeps me on edge.


One of my favorite games ever. And the only one I've ever played that has made me jump more than once. G.F. F.E.A.R. .


I'm hoping the upcoming Wii version is anywhere near as good, since the Wii's graphics are crap...


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Alright, I got Dead Space in last Thursday. I have to say it is the creepiest game I have ever played. The atmosphere it creates is just amazing, it really makes the whole ship seem scary. The game has made me jump a couple of times now. I like it. :) It keeps me on edge.


One of my favorite games ever. And the only one I've ever played that has made me jump more than once. G.F. F.E.A.R. .


I'm hoping the upcoming Wii version is anywhere near as good, since the Wii's graphics are crap...




I am now looking forward to the Dead Space Extraction that is coming to the Wii. I may not like it as it is a guided first person shooter (on rails), but I will most likely give it a try when it comes out.




And grr, just played some more dead space. I was going down a hallway, I saw a body on the ground, and I shot it once. Suddenly the whole necromorph jumps up and charges me. I wasn't expecting it and I jumped bad and almost died trying to hit it before it got to me. :lol:

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Alright, I got Dead Space in last Thursday. I have to say it is the creepiest game I have ever played. The atmosphere it creates is just amazing, it really makes the whole ship seem scary. The game has made me jump a couple of times now. I like it. :) It keeps me on edge.


One of my favorite games ever. And the only one I've ever played that has made me jump more than once. G.F. F.E.A.R. .


I'm hoping the upcoming Wii version is anywhere near as good, since the Wii's graphics are crap...




I am now looking forward to the Dead Space Extraction that is coming to the Wii. I may not like it as it is a guided first person shooter (on rails), but I will most likely give it a try when it comes out.




And grr, just played some more dead space. I was going down a hallway, I saw a body on the ground, and I shot it once. Suddenly the whole necromorph jumps up and charges me. I wasn't expecting it and I jumped bad and almost died trying to hit it before it got to me. :lol:


I didn't realize it was on rails. So a House of the Dead kind of deal? Good thing I bought new lightguns for the Wii.


And Dead Space became an instant classic [in my book] when they replaced jumping with stomping.


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[quote="GaVaTi"I didn't realize it was on rails. So a House of the Dead kind of deal? Good thing I bought new lightguns for the Wii.


And Dead Space became an instant classic [in my book] when they replaced jumping with stomping.


It can look like you're dancing.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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got Pokemon Platinum a few days ago.


Been playing it non stop since then.


Tomorrow, More games!

image.png image.png

Oh yeah, and I've thought of taking babies and throwing them. For funsies. - Lenticular J



"Isn't it pathetic how everything in our society is built around someone screwing someone else out of their money?" - killerbeer0 on American Society

Rebdragon can't wiz a woz.

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Last played:Midtown madness for PC


Man I used to love that game, the one I remember playing was sooooo old.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Last game I got was some Naruto fighting game for Christmas. Although I don't play it. Currently playing Valkyria Chronicles. I just love that game. Great story, great characters, nice art, decent music, good gameplay. Need more said? :D



YES WE CAN! Nuff said.

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The legend of zelda: ocarina of time: master quest.


I found that in my basement. forget where I got it. think a friend lent it to me, like a year ago.


I'd play it, but my gamecube is broken. and I remembered why I haven't been playing it.




and I'm currently playing fable 2.

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All you need for Zelda is LoZ OoT for N64. That's a great classic right there. Sadly though, I don't have a gamecube! D: But hey, N64 is still fun. The original SSB ftw? Oh but I do have new systems too.



YES WE CAN! Nuff said.

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been playing a lot warhawk lately ( exclusive for the ps3). I don't know what game to buy next, GH:Metallica ( i'm a metallica fan and I like the track list), god of war and god of war 2 ( I've played them, but I want to buy them so I can beat them), or burnout paradise..

99 Hunter - November 1st, 2008

99 Cooking -July 22nd, 2009

99 Firemaking - July 29th, 2010

99 Fletching - December 30th, 2010

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Last played:Midtown madness for PC




I have that game, got it for my seventh birthday. Such an old game, yet so fun :thumbup:


The best part was the (few) jumps. Like the bridge in london and the castle. [bleep], such good times playing that game with my cousin.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Last played:Midtown madness for PC




I have that game, got it for my seventh birthday. Such an old game, yet so fun :thumbup:


The best part was the (few) jumps. Like the bridge in london and the castle. [bleep], such good times playing that game with my cousin.

I have the Chicago Edition :P

99 Firemaking 30-5-2010 | 99 Fletching 13-7-2014
TET-AU member:6-10-2010 - 21-10-2011

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Dug out Black & White from my drawer today. Ah the joys of terrorising small villagers with a giant monkey that casts fireballs :D...



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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I just finished Dead Space today. I liked the ending, but the final boss was a bit on the easy side.




I started playing Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts. It's a fun game so far, and I have yet to start creating my own vehicles. I plan on expanding my collection this weekend by going to Gamestops B2G1 and Best Buy's $10 sale. Should get 5-6 games to keep me satisfied over the summer.

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Borrowed my teachers' SNES again and this came with it:






Snes Control deck(duh)


2 controllers(i wuld be a bit hard to play mario or any game without huh?)


Ac output (power supply)


Multi out (video cable,from console to tv)




DKC3(Very fun)


Harvest moon(i heard it worth hundreds in the USA)


Terranigma (eu release only)


SMW (freaking hard)


Killer instinct (C-C-C-Combo breaker!)


Starwing (PAL version of starfox)


Asterix & obelix(very fun,very hard)

99 Firemaking 30-5-2010 | 99 Fletching 13-7-2014
TET-AU member:6-10-2010 - 21-10-2011

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Picked up a copy of Roller Coast Tycoon 2, great game ::'



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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Just bought BioShock.


Stuck at the Medical Pavilion :P

image.png image.png

Oh yeah, and I've thought of taking babies and throwing them. For funsies. - Lenticular J



"Isn't it pathetic how everything in our society is built around someone screwing someone else out of their money?" - killerbeer0 on American Society

Rebdragon can't wiz a woz.

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Playing MGS4.




Going through the difficulties I have in order to try get No Alerts on each of them.




First up is Liquid Easy. (Almost got caught once, but I put him to sleep fast enough.)




EDIT: Just finished Act 1. Time is 2:10, but I watched all the cutscenes.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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I was going to buy Psychonauts because I discovered that it wasn't Xbox exclusive (and nopunctuation told me to), but it turns out it's only in another town that's about 30? minutes away. And I don't feel like going to pick up an $8 game. So instead I'm going to buy Final Fantasy XII, later today (I might get the Limited edition, I saw it at GameStop).

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I was going to buy Psychonauts because I discovered that it wasn't Xbox exclusive (and nopunctuation told me to), but it turns out it's only in another town that's about 30? minutes away. And I don't feel like going to pick up an $8 game. So instead I'm going to buy Final Fantasy XII, later today (I might get the Limited edition, I saw it at GameStop).




If you expecting XII to be as good as the others, you're likely to be disappointed, the combat system isn't all that good.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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