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Username Hoggers


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by the sounds of that mod mmg quote your login rsn will be used for logging in and highscores etc but u will be able to have a different chat name.




The question arise doe this mean we culd have hundreds of "Zezima" running around in the chat etc


I doubt they'd let you have a display name that was someone else's username. There would be a lot of impersonation if they did and people could pretend to be other people and make them look bad, etc.




It sounds like it would be simliar to the IRC nickname system is set up. You could choose from any name that isnt currently in use, and you cannot use someone elses RSN as that is locked by the origional owner.




so basically like trispis said, you could chose a name that isnt owned by anyone to use temporarly as your "screen name" without actually changing the name of your account itself. So not everyone will be cooldude1337, and nobody can use that name except cooldude1337 himself.




At least thats how I assume it would work anyways.

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Would be good if they used a deletion system based on




If Tutorial Island has been completed, and


Your Skill Total.




People have haven't finished Tutorial Island could be deleted already after 1 month, I don't see any reason of delaying it to 6. As for the Skill Total part, delete people after 4 months of inactivity if they have less than 300 or something. And once your Skill Total goes over a certain point (like 800), it will never be deleted.




Jagex should've used seperate usernames for people a long time ago. One is for logging in purposes only and is kept hidden, while another is displayed publicly to everyone in the game and on the forums. These two cannot be the same. I believe this makes the game "safer", as Jagex puts it, to people without causing any hassle.




Also Jagex implemented a suggestion tool when you select usernames which I find quite useful. Sometimes it'll suggest amusing or cool names.

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people take breaks for a year sometimes. They shoulnt get deleted.




'Have not gotten past tutorial level'




And on topic i 100% agree


maybe not with the members bit.






possibly add a criteria under 100 total level? 'cos some would have finished tutorial and are sitting in lumbridge


null and void

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To be honest, if someone is determined to hog a good username which nobody else has chosen, then by Guthix they'll do what they must to hog that username. It's impossible to fix the problem in it's entirety without legitimate player casualties, a bit like RWTing.




But we can shave off a large portion of username hoggers without serious problems. What would we regard as the end of the 'character establishment' process? I wouldn't regard a character who is perched in Lumbridge castle without ever seeing the village beyond it's walls as 'established'. I think finishing Cook's assistant is a good measure, but then again some people don't want to do questing straight away. So how about it's reward, 300 Cooking? No, some people don't want to do cooking.




How about this then: 300 experience in any skill, gained outside Tutorial Island before one month has elapsed from the character's creation?

~ W ~



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I think it's a bad idea to delete a user name based on their progress in Runescape. I think every one here has forgotten that these names carry over to fun orb. So if some one makes a name just to use on Fun orb, does that make it ok to delete their account because you want their name for Runescape? That's not fair. If a good name is taken, you should just deal with it. I wanted the name Sirboots. I use that name for most my gaming stuff, but that was taken. I made an account called Sirrboots instead.

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The people who register 'cool' usernames are taking advantage of their opportunities.




If you had a great thought in real life, you would most likely decide to get a patent, so no one could steal your idea.




Now, let's say you have no use for this idea at the moment, as you are occupied with another project, so you just let it sit around.


While you're working on your other project, someone decides to enforce a law that 'all patented items not actively being created shall have their patents destroyed'. As of such, your brilliant idea has gone to waste.




You cannot demand for people to spend time on their patents/RuneScape accounts, and for those who posted before me, arguing that a cool name are meant to be seen, I agree. Yet you cannot force anyone to play on whatever account they create.




This isn't a patent it's a name, names flitter all around us in the air and every once in a while two people catch the same one. What the hell is the other person doing for 6 months, and why do they need the account? I say sure wipe out all the unused ones. If their sitting at tutorial island, eager to talk to the quest help guy, let's hand them over to someone else.


Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

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I'm always interested when the issue of changing your Runescape name comes up, as I truly loathe mine (especially as it is blocked in-game).




A quick note on deleting old usernames: In order to solve the problem of people creating a unique name and completing Tutorial Island just so they can keep the name (despite never intending to play any further than that), I suggest extending it to having below a certain Total Level (60 sounds reasonable), as well as having not played for 6 months/1 year.




Regarding the difficulty with lots of people changing their usernames more often than changing their underwear: Make the service similar to XboxLive's system for changing usernames. It currently costs around £10 ($17ish) to change your Gamertag. This service has been available to users for at least 4 months, and so far only 2 people on my friends list have taken the opportunity to change their Gamertag.




And more money for them. I know they would love that.

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Great names are still available. Didn't want to bother going through paint so i took it with sk.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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Great names are still available. Didn't want to bother going through paint so i took it with sk.




Lol, great name. Although, the fact you use IE with MyWebSearch makes me shudder...




I personally am against this. I've come up with some pretty original names I reserve in case I want to go back and start another account without having to spend an hour or so thinking about one.

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by the sounds of that mod mmg quote your login rsn will be used for logging in and highscores etc but u will be able to have a different chat name.




The question arise doe this mean we culd have hundreds of "Zezima" running around in the chat etc




They could change the chosen display name to blue or whatever colour so that the original can be differentiated from a fake.




Also I think the 'Lets all name ourselves Zezima phase' would last for a week till people begin to be creative. One problem would be how would you report the dozens of rule breaking 'Zezima's' out of the innocent ones. I do see a simple solution to this (report "zezima", logs the report of all the zezima's in chat, somehow reverts the display name to original name for Jagex, Jagex takes action on rule breakers), but would mean 'extra' work for Jagex report abuse staff.


Also they would have to implement a limit on how many times you can change your display name, say every 30 minutes.




Special characters sounds good too, will allow tags for clans, fansites etc.




On a side note; Imagine the chaos for warring clans with the same name. "Pile Player X" *See's a whole bunch of people named Player X and becomes confused*

"I'd rather bear the comments people say to insult ya, then to poison my skin and erase my culture " - Deep Foundation

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A username should be unique and personally creative, not something immature or a basic rip off of something (or someone) in RS. I recall back when Rubber Chickens were released, I saw some character called "Me 0ff", and you can only imagine why...




Be more creative when making your own usernames. The only time that they're actually hogging usernames is if you yourself can't come up with anything more creative than "The Epidemic". (And sorry, that belonged to a RSC friend, so it won't be available, ever.)

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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I agree that username-hogging is worth dealing with, a friend of mine made a bunch of stupid accounts like "ler" it must take up so much space for jagex with millions of unused accounts,




6 months isn't long enough of a cut-off time to erase a whole account though, i thought it was pretty harsh even blocking people's access to RSC after 6 months, i could only play in holidays when that happened so i lost it forever,




I'd say give people just over a full year to log on before deleting the account (if you can't get on at any point in the year then it shouldn't matter a whole lot to you) but the names becoming available for others to use i think is debatable, what about all the people that were friends with the name before, how would that work?

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wheres that animated gif from Snakes in a Plane going "READ THE MUTHA****IN THREAD BEFORE YOU MUTHA****IN POST!"




It seems the OP will have to change it to this...




I really wish Jagex would get rid of all the unused usernames. Some people just register a bunch of names, for the mere sake of having "rare names".




I believe that any of the accounts meeting ALL of these terms should be deleted.


1. Have not gotten past Tutorial Island yet.


2. Hasn't logged on in the past 6 months.


3. Has never been a member.




If they do this, people who want to actually use them for a pure/skiller or whatever can actually do so. They should do this like once every 2 years. There's got to be millions of unused names just wasting away...

Started free trade with 1.5m cash. 2 weeks later, have hit max cash 2x.


PvP drops: 359 Brawling Gloves, 11 Vesta's Longswords, 41+ Zaros/Ancient Statues

9 Dragon Full Helms, 3 Dragonfire Shields on the old PvP loot system


Brawler guide is being finished!


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My hubby is one of those who has got through tutorial island, and then left his account as his Computer (PC) is having issues at present and he doesn't like to use my Mac :roll:




We are currently in the process of setting up a new computer room and sorting his computer so he can get access and it is taking longer than planned. It would annoy him to lose his original name that we spent ages coming up with, mine was easy, but his was a lot more difficult.




Many people may not use their accounts for a long period of time for a good reason. Some may just feel they do not want to play RS right now, but still want their user name for the future.




Oh and I did read and understand the OP.

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Inferno_X was going to be account name originally.




6(5?) years ago it was taken..6(5) years and that name hasnt even been on the highscores, because of said person I am forced to have numbers in my name, and numbers look silly, especially when you have an X in your name.(I would of used I_Use_Dialup if I thought about it at that time)




Oh well..can't win them all


*Insert e-rage*




edit; wait...was that even the point of this topic..oh well.


Owner of Quest Cape 4/9/09

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This just makes having a great username like mine all the more meaningful. I come could come up with new good usernames whenever I try. Just to make sure for this post I went and registered the names: ghostbustor, zozm, and faerie fart. Theres still usernames out there you just have 2 look!


P.S. The recommend a username portion of the site has gotten so much better! It used to be incredibly bad with just a list of your username with untaken numbers afterwards.


P.S.S. Try putting numbers in front of the name instead of after it. I only incredibly rarely see those and i'm sure theres millions of great ones out their.

It would be greatly appreciated if all submissions would be officially credited to Huge Brain.

How much is your account worth to you? Check out this hot topic: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=775255

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While I absolutely HATE trying to make a new account with a name not like 16927205720 or hellohiho etc, the best way to do this is make a delete OPTION, then if the player hasn't played much at all total time, and not played for 6 months, they should be deleted, especially if alot of people have tried to get that name.


Follower of Guthix

The quill is a miracle, for it drinks darkness and sheds light.


Oh right, by the way, I'm a girl. No more calling me a guy you lot~

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so essentially no offense to the author this thread is about some person whining how they cant get a "cool or rare" user name so there for they blame it on the people who haven't played for 6 months (people quit and come back you know i quit for a year and came back) delete non members.... not much to say other than that's a pretty pathetic tactic to get a "cool" name. Tutorial island i can slight agree with but still in the end are you saying "we pay to play so we should be able to use rare names and delete peoples accounts" if zezima quit for example (i hate using zezima examples) and what you propose came into effect you would have thousands of people trying to get the account name




Bottom line: in my opinion this topic is a joke but that is just my opinion also its a game why shouldn't people be allowed to make up funny user names.


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I thought up and made these accounts in about 20 minutes (there would have been 10+ if my internet was working properly and around 15+ if I was using wikipedia):




kinky tricks


corrupt glow (Didn't actually make this one. Sounded too pkerish to me)


beat the pot


poor darwin


have no laws


lower voice


pound of tar




It seriously isn't too hard to find good usernames. People should think of their own names if they want to be original.

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