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Scariest Dreams


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I can remember two dreams, well, three actually. One I had last night :thumbdown:.




The first one I remember is similar to the OP's, there was a zombie apocalypse. I remember sitting in my living room when one broke through the window, it all was so real. Immediatly after it broke through I picked up a hammer on the floor (Dunno how it got there..) and smashed the zombies skull in. Then it skipped to me sprinting down my street heading for the gun shop, which is basically my survival plan. I could actually feel the zombies grabbing at me, it was horrible.




The second dream I remember wasn't exactly scary when you hear about it, but during the time it was horrible. In the dream I had the ability to phase through any solid object, you guys must be thinking that isn't a nightmare, but it kinda was. I was being chased down this long street by government agents trying to capture and test me, horrible painful tests, and the thought of that happening made me petrified.




Last nights dream was the freakiest one i've had in a long time. I was in some old house with a few friends, every now and then something attacked us, like a ghost. This ghost would drag us off one by one and tear us apart, rip our skin off, gouge out our eyes, it was terrifying. Soon I was alone with only a girl, we created a plan to escape, which basically consisted of us crawling through a small tunnel that led outside. We started through the tunnel with her in the lead, soon we got outside but as I climbed out of the tunnel something started dragging me back, a force. Then all I remember was a ghost tearing me apart, ripping me open and throwing the guts everywhere. The worst part of it was that I could feel it happening.




That last one kept me up the rest of the night, in fact i'm still freaked out as I type this :shock:.



That's why you're on the TZDF blackdawn. Even your balls can tear zombies to shreds.
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When i was about 7,i dreamed a T-Rex rampaged through my towm


i once had sleep parallysis(freaky)




i seem to have lucid dreams often :P

99 Firemaking 30-5-2010 | 99 Fletching 13-7-2014
TET-AU member:6-10-2010 - 21-10-2011

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Twice I have dreamt of my own suicide. That was a really bad experience.




Another one I dreamt it was pink lizards, that were walking on my throat, they were small, but later they got bloated with my blood, god I hated that one.




Another one I dreamt I was murdering my friend.


And the most recent one, I react badly on the dogs in Resident Evil 5, so of course I had to dream about them too.




1000 posts since 2005. Wtf.


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Twice I have dreamt of my own suicide. That was a really bad experience.




Another one I dreamt it was pink lizards, that were walking on my throat, they were small, but later they got bloated with my blood, god I hated that one.




Another one I dreamt I was murdering my friend.


And the most recent one, I react badly on the dogs in Resident Evil 5, so of course I had to dream about them too.




1000 posts since 2005. Wtf.




Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D> =D>


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I remember vividly one really bad dream I had when I was younger. Basically, it was the main runescape screen, with my inventory on the right, etc. However, I didn't know it was a game (it wasn't me looking at a screen, it was almost like this is what I would see in real life, just with a runescape frame around it.) In the middle of the "screen" there was a scarecrow, and it was singing in a really mutated odd voice that childhood song about scarecrows.. "I'm a dingly dangly scarecrow" (with a flippy floppy hat, etc.) My cousin was in the dream too, although I can't quite remember where she tied in with things - she was just definitely present.




What's all the more creepy is that I had never played runescape before this dream. <_< So I wouldn't know how I'd know about the runescape "game frame".

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My house burning down. It's timberframed.




Dreaming about RuneScape or TIF is far from 'effed up'. Perfectly normal for everyday experiences to crop up in dreams.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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TIF/RS dreams aren't EFFed up, this is...I don't remember this one exactly but I was looking inside a metal room. I didn't seem to be even there, and people were being tortured it seemed. A person was in a Steel cage, and the cage started moving back and forth, the steel cutting the person. Yeah, that's as far as I want to go with this.




Another maybe when I was being chased and somehow I couldn't run that fast. Tried but couldn't.

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My house burning down. It's timberframed.




Dreaming about RuneScape or TIF is far from 'effed up'. Perfectly normal for everyday experiences to crop up in dreams.


but they're really trippy. and too lifelike. it's scary.

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Last night I dreamed I owned a huge bunny with super soft and fluffy fur and I love him so much, but a black wolf hung around my house. For the entire dream I was paranoid, keeping my bunny away from the fence.


Then for some reason there was this hole in the fence and the wolf went for my bunny, which was when I woke up.




My dreams are so [bleep]ing lame.

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i dreamed i got an awful haircut.




i currently have fairly long hair for a guy...its wavy, but when wet its nearly long enough in front to touch my mouth.




so yeah...some ppl really like it, some want it cut. im just enjoying having longer hair than usual.




the dream was very scary, i looked like some sort of tramp with lice issues.




Lol, I have longer hair :P. My fringe can reach my chin and the back of my hair can currently reach my mouth if pulled in that direction ('course it isnt LONG, but it's fairly long) and wavy too.




I dont really have bad dreams, I barely ever have dreams I can remember. I did however have a dream when I was 7 or something, where Sylvester from teh Tweety Loony Tunes shows was looking in trash cans for food, and I woke up and threw up everywhere.



I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I use to have long hair, then cut it back shorter because




a) It looked stupid on me and,


B) It was difficult to dry




Uhh, what was the topic again ?








Haven't had a dream for a while now. Maybe a week or more.

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One time I was laying in bed, I knew I was asleep - as if I was awake - but I knew I was sleeping.




Anywho, I was still "sleeping" but my eyes were wide open, I couldn't talk or do anything - I just couldn't move.




I wanted to get up but I couldn't.


That happened to me a couple of times, though I was face down and I couldn't breathe. I tried to get up with all my might and after a few tries it worked. I was "fully" awake and out of breath.


It's called sleep paralysis. When you're sleeping, your body releases hormones to keep you from moving in your sleep. This protects you from things like fighting dreams so you don't accidentally punch a wall or something. But if you wake up too quickly, your body is still releasing those hormones and some DMT (dream hormones). The DMT gives you hallucinations and the other hormones keep you paralyzed.




My scariest dream would probably be getting chased by a clown. When I tell it to my friends I make it sound funny, especially to the one who got eaten by the clown. :)

Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

This line doesn't rhyme,

And neither does this one.

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Well Idk if this was a dream or a hallucination (probably was a hallucination...) I took a pill of my mothers, this was for legit reasons, I had a migraine and she gave me it. I took it... tried to sleep, I went to sleep, then I was suddenly half awake and I heard this demon talking to me, idk what it was saying, just random jibberish, scared the crap out of me :lol:, I could hear the radio I had on right next to me also, I had blurred vision and I couldn't get up. I wasn't very experienced with hallucinations, I did some inhalants and crap when I was younger, but never experienced anything like this.




I doubt it was sleep paralysis, I had it before and this was MUCH different. If you care I'll tell some sleep paralysis stories...




One house I lived in had cockroaches, not a lot, just a few. Anyways, I was just about to fall asleep when I felt something choking me, I'm freaking out, I can't move and I feel like I'm being electrocuted... I look at the wall and I see HOARDS of cockroaches climbing the walls, this was NOT something that was caused by drugs or anything, since at the time I was clean.




Another time I was out in the living room, drifting off into a sleep, when I felt this presence in front of me, like a woman, I kept going in and out of this sleep paralysis, I kept trying to go back into it, I wanted to go into it for some reason. I was stuck I couldn't move, but I wasn't forced. I kept feeling her every time.

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Craziest dream I ever had was I fell off of a giant tower, and when I hit the ground I died :? . Never had that happen to me in a dream before, everything went white for about 5 seconds then I woke up sweating and panting like crazy... Pretty scary feeling

Masta Chef



Drops-- Dragon: Medium(2),Spear(1),Legs(2),Skirt(1)

Pharaoh's Scepter(1)

Barrows items(10 total)

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A few of which I can remember:




The whole town was being destroyed by this giant creature and I, one of the remaining survivors had to hide in a safespot for a good matter of time. Felt so scary whenever the creature was walking past, I kept hoping that it wouldn't spot me.




My primary school science teacher was this evil dictator that killed everyone with her deadly virus. Only me and my friend were left and he got infected with the virus and struggled on the floor disturbingly. It was as if he was violently being controlled by something, all this while my teacher was laughing in the back.




Something about being trapped in a "Hall of Mirrors" with three evil clowns chasing me down.




These are the worst.








Break the Walls down!

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Well Idk if this was a dream or a hallucination (probably was a hallucination...) I took a pill of my mothers, this was for legit reasons, I had a migraine and she gave me it. I took it... tried to sleep, I went to sleep, then I was suddenly half awake and I heard this demon talking to me, idk what it was saying, just random jibberish, scared the crap out of me :lol:


:lol: Sounds creepy. Now what kind of pills were these?




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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