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I once left a Mario Pinball cartridge out in the rain and I was really scared I would get shocked when I turned on my GBA, but I really wanted to play. I was so glad when I didn't die.


Similar thing happened to me. I feel in a river in rural Norway - below freezing, even in the summer - with a Super Mario World GBA cart (the re-release) in my pocket. Once I got out the river a little downstream, I was surprised to see it was in my pocket, and even more surprised when it worked. Six years on, it still plays fine. :mrgreen:

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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Thread, I come once again to take a drink from your pool of infinite wisdom.


I have a "friend" who, while not a bad person, I just plain don't want to hang out with anymore (and really, I never did). We have NOTHING in common, and his sense of humor annoys me, but he still wants to do stuff all the time. As I have said before, I have never felt a need for or actively looked for friends, and most of them came about just as a result of the fact that they know I exist and that I wasn't mean to them. The guy I'm talking about is basically this incarnate.


What do I say to him to shake him off? We've known each other for nearly 5 years now, and it's my fault for letting it go for this long, but I can't take it anymore. In his mind, we're best friends, and all of my recent attempts to tell him have just been handwaved.


M: I don't want to hang out anymore, it just doesn't really feel like we have a reason to do anything and we don't have much in common.

H: Alright, we'll hang out a little later then.


He WILL NOT accept it. In his mind, we're best friends. And knowing him, if it does sink in, he may or may not try to get back at me somehow.


In other words:



Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Thread, I come once again to take a drink from your pool of infinite wisdom.


I have a "friend" who, while not a bad person, I just plain don't want to hang out with anymore (and really, I never did). We have NOTHING in common, and his sense of humor annoys me, but he still wants to do stuff all the time. As I have said before, I have never felt a need for or actively looked for friends, and most of them came about just as a result of the fact that they know I exist and that I wasn't mean to them. The guy I'm talking about is basically this incarnate.


What do I say to him to shake him off? We've known each other for nearly 5 years now, and it's my fault for letting it go for this long, but I can't take it anymore. In his mind, we're best friends, and all of my recent attempts to tell him have just been handwaved.


M: I don't want to hang out anymore, it just doesn't really feel like we have a reason to do anything and we don't have much in common.

H: Alright, we'll hang out a little later then.


He WILL NOT accept it. In his mind, we're best friends. And knowing him, if it does sink in, he may or may not try to get back at me somehow.


In other words:



There's no way to get rid of someone without looking like a douche.





You got him a completely manipulative girlfriend who will occupy all of his time, then you would be free.

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I can't get a job. After submitting my weak-ass resume, I never get called. I want to follow up and call the companies (fast food places and stores), but I don't know what to say. I can't get a job without work experience and I can't get work experience without a job.

Do some voluntary work and get experience + a good referee.



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Thread, I come once again to take a drink from your pool of infinite wisdom.


I have a "friend" who, while not a bad person, I just plain don't want to hang out with anymore (and really, I never did). We have NOTHING in common, and his sense of humor annoys me, but he still wants to do stuff all the time. As I have said before, I have never felt a need for or actively looked for friends, and most of them came about just as a result of the fact that they know I exist and that I wasn't mean to them. The guy I'm talking about is basically this incarnate.


What do I say to him to shake him off? We've known each other for nearly 5 years now, and it's my fault for letting it go for this long, but I can't take it anymore. In his mind, we're best friends, and all of my recent attempts to tell him have just been handwaved.


M: I don't want to hang out anymore, it just doesn't really feel like we have a reason to do anything and we don't have much in common.

H: Alright, we'll hang out a little later then.


He WILL NOT accept it. In his mind, we're best friends. And knowing him, if it does sink in, he may or may not try to get back at me somehow.


In other words:



I had a friend kind of like that too. At first, I put up with all her annoying and clingy habits, but one day (the day she said something offensive about my best friend), everything she said or did annoyed me. She thought I was just mad about what she said, but the problem was simply that I no longer enjoyed her company due to her annoying and immature habits. Still, she wrote in my yearbook that I was one of her biggest confidants and a very close friend.


Then I graduated high school shortly after that (this year, almost a month ago) and I haven't seen her since my grad party the day after. I had a way out - by means of natural separation, she's out of the picture.


For you, it seems like you need a way out - a move in a different direction or something. If you aren't changing anything about your life that would get you away from him, you'll have to either put up with him or act like a douche. You can be indirect by doing little rude things like not paying attention when he talks or just walking away from him at random times, but some people still don't take a hint. Good luck.

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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I had a friend kind of like that too. At first, I put up with all her annoying and clingy habits, but one day (the day she said something offensive about my best friend), everything she said or did annoyed me. She thought I was just mad about what she said, but the problem was simply that I no longer enjoyed her company due to her annoying and immature habits. Still, she wrote in my yearbook that I was one of her biggest confidants and a very close friend.


Then I graduated high school shortly after that (this year, almost a month ago) and I haven't seen her since my grad party the day after. I had a way out - by means of natural separation, she's out of the picture.


For you, it seems like you need a way out - a move in a different direction or something. If you aren't changing anything about your life that would get you away from him, you'll have to either put up with him or act like a douche. You can be indirect by doing little rude things like not paying attention when he talks or just walking away from him at random times, but some people still don't take a hint. Good luck.

Thanks for the advice. You're probably right, there must be some way to make it look like it just happened.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I once left a Mario Pinball cartridge out in the rain and I was really scared I would get shocked when I turned on my GBA, but I really wanted to play. I was so glad when I didn't die.


Similar thing happened to me. I feel in a river in rural Norway - below freezing, even in the summer - with a Super Mario World GBA cart (the re-release) in my pocket. Once I got out the river a little downstream, I was surprised to see it was in my pocket, and even more surprised when it worked. Six years on, it still plays fine. :mrgreen:


My MM Zero cartridge for GBA wasn't working, so I cleaned it with running water and a cotton swab. Works perfect.




You just have to douche and cut him off. At least in my experience, there's no nice way to do it, and they will be hurt no matter what. Just try to be as direct as possible.

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Last night, I left my headphones outside in the rain. I can't decide if they're safe or not...


From my knowledge, earphones are safe and they won't shock you when exposed to any traces of water.

I use my 99 cent earphones right after shower and never once had problems.

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Sorry if this is a dumb question but, what exactly IS anxiety?


I hear about it all the time and tried reading about it. I know the symptoms but I guess I just don't get it.

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Sorry if this is a dumb question but, what exactly IS anxiety?.

Being worried, nervous, or paranoid, generally. It's not quite the same thing as fear.

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Sorry if this is a dumb question but, what exactly IS anxiety?.

Being worried, nervous, or paranoid, generally. It's not quite the same thing as fear.

I know that, but I just don't seem to really understand it.


You're constantly nervous all the time? What causes it?

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When you're anxious you're like that. But you're not necessarily anxious all of the time. If you're talking about anxiety disorder, I think that's just when you're anxious more often than usual. I'm not sure what causes it.

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I am extremely paranoid about the most insignificant things. I can't keep myself from worrying, ever.


Same here. I'm on constant look-out thanks to 1000 Ways to Die.

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I'm not paranoid, but I'm always aware of all possible escapes or weapons I can use to defend myself if trouble ever happens.

You don't think that qualifies as paranoia?


I myself have recently become obsessed with hand washing. I've been washing my hands several times an hour. It's really frustrating because I can't focus on anything for too long. I'll just get an urge to go wash my hands. Does that make me paranoid of being sick?

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I'm not paranoid, but I'm always aware of all possible escapes or weapons I can use to defend myself if trouble ever happens.

You don't think that qualifies as paranoia?


I myself have recently become obsessed with hand washing. I've been washing my hands several times an hour. It's really frustrating because I can't focus on anything for too long. I'll just get an urge to go wash my hands. Does that make me paranoid of being sick?

No, because I don't actually believe anything is going to happen, I just like to be prepared.

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I'm not paranoid, but I'm always aware of all possible escapes or weapons I can use to defend myself if trouble ever happens.

You don't think that qualifies as paranoia?


I myself have recently become obsessed with hand washing. I've been washing my hands several times an hour. It's really frustrating because I can't focus on anything for too long. I'll just get an urge to go wash my hands. Does that make me paranoid of being sick?

No, because I don't actually believe anything is going to happen, I just like to be prepared.


But that's paranoia; you fear something going wrong and hence are paranoid.

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That's like saying everyone in TZDF is paranoid. It's not fear, some people like weapons and stuff.

Is that even still going on?

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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Fear is a response to a perceived threat, whereas anxiety is more generalised and requires no identifiable stimulus in order to occur. To a certain extent, we're always anxious... about how much food is left in the cupboards, when we next receive money, whether we're liked by peers at school/work. Fear would be a response to the perceived threat of starving to death, being made homeless, being bullied etc.


Where anxiety is excessive and has gone beyond the point where a person is capable of coping with the anxiety, you have an anxiety disorder.

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I'm not paranoid, but I'm always aware of all possible escapes or weapons I can use to defend myself if trouble ever happens.

You don't think that qualifies as paranoia?


I myself have recently become obsessed with hand washing. I've been washing my hands several times an hour. It's really frustrating because I can't focus on anything for too long. I'll just get an urge to go wash my hands. Does that make me paranoid of being sick?

Isn't that one of the most common OCD attacks?

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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That's like saying everyone in TZDF is paranoid. It's not fear, some people like weapons and stuff.

Is that even still going on?

I don't think so. But I also think I'm going to revive the thread/make a new one. The second one, actually, because the other one is too old.

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I'm not paranoid, but I'm always aware of all possible escapes or weapons I can use to defend myself if trouble ever happens.

You don't think that qualifies as paranoia?


I myself have recently become obsessed with hand washing. I've been washing my hands several times an hour. It's really frustrating because I can't focus on anything for too long. I'll just get an urge to go wash my hands. Does that make me paranoid of being sick?

No, because I don't actually believe anything is going to happen, I just like to be prepared.


But that's paranoia; you fear something going wrong and hence are paranoid.


Not really. If it's consuming him so much that he's just constantly expecting somebody to come kill him and he has a gun in his hand at all times, that might be paranoia. If he's just aware of the fact that he can defend himself with object X, he's just prepared.

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I've got to admit, walking into a room and preemptively mapping escape routes and scanning for weapons seems slightly excessive... especially if it's around friends.


"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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