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Personalized Shops and Long-term Effects


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I don't think the summoning shard change will have long-term effects, because they said they know it's a problem and that a fix for it is coming.




Did nobody mention the Trouble Brewing issue? All the rewards cost 10% of what they used to. Anyone can easily obtain a Phasmatys Flag in only 5 games. It used to take 50. Full naval can be obtained in 2-3 games. On the bright side, maybe it means more people will play Trouble Brewing and start wearing the cool outfits, which are pretty underused I think. Also, Rum and The Stuff were way overpriced before--now they're more reasonable. On the downside, I feel silly having payed 4k poe for my Lucky Shot Flag, because now if I'd saved that I could have bought two sets of every color of naval outfit and still had enough for a the flag, plus 50 bottles of rum.

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Has anyone considered that this update seems to be designed to take traffic away from the GE and encourage more player to player trade?

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It's a bad economy, we gotta do work.






Personally I don't mind TOO much, since a lot of supplies can still be bought via G.E. But Raw Bird meat stock of 150 is -_-.

45,657th to 99 Range 29/09/09 , 41,018th to 99 Mage 13/11/09


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Has anyone considered that this update seems to be designed to take traffic away from the GE and encourage more player to player trade?


I thought it was more of a way to clean the GE out, but your idea makes sense.


I wonder how this will effect runecrafting.


Gamertag: EFs Predator.

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Has anyone considered that this update seems to be designed to take traffic away from the GE and encourage more player to player trade?


I thought it was more of a way to clean the GE out, but your idea makes sense.


I wonder how this will effect runecrafting.




Well, I think that runes will go up because they will be, overall, harder to buy in bulk and, in turn, essence will go up because of a higher demand. Overall Rcing should become more profitable.

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Well, I think that runes will go up because they will be, overall, harder to buy in bulk and, in turn, essence will go up because of a higher demand. Overall Rcing should become more profitable.


um the way you are saying it, RC will become more profitable IF you mine your own ess ..

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Well, I think that runes will go up because they will be, overall, harder to buy in bulk and, in turn, essence will go up because of a higher demand. Overall Rcing should become more profitable.


um the way you are saying it, RC will become more profitable IF you mine your own ess ..


True but the runes will also increase in price.


Gamertag: EFs Predator.

Games I play: Halo 3, Halo wars.

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Well, I think that runes will go up because they will be, overall, harder to buy in bulk and, in turn, essence will go up because of a higher demand. Overall Rcing should become more profitable.


um the way you are saying it, RC will become more profitable IF you mine your own ess ..


True but the runes will also increase in price.




So then the only ones here that will benefit will be the ess miners.


RC'ers will barley be affected, but mages will suffer greatly.




Great just want I wanted to hear: Magic gets dumped on AGAIN!

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Well, I think that runes will go up because they will be, overall, harder to buy in bulk and, in turn, essence will go up because of a higher demand. Overall Rcing should become more profitable.


um the way you are saying it, RC will become more profitable IF you mine your own ess ..


True but the runes will also increase in price.




So then the only ones here that will benefit will be the ess miners.


RC'ers will barley be affected, but mages will suffer greatly.




Great just want I wanted to hear: Magic gets dumped on AGAIN!


Oh come on, they got a 10% damage boost, didn't they?

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Well, I think that runes will go up because they will be, overall, harder to buy in bulk and, in turn, essence will go up because of a higher demand. Overall Rcing should become more profitable.


um the way you are saying it, RC will become more profitable IF you mine your own ess ..


True but the runes will also increase in price.




So then the only ones here that will benefit will be the ess miners.


RC'ers will barley be affected, but mages will suffer greatly.




Great just want I wanted to hear: Magic gets dumped on AGAIN!


Oh come on, they got a 10% damage boost, didn't they?




+3 damage does not out weigh the fact that rune prices are going to rise, and many safe spots have been removed.

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I see it clear as day now! It's not that Magic is bad, it's just that magers always call foul at everything.




Jagex could release a Ice Blitz that hits up to 80s and lowers all stats without any runes, and magers'd complain it wasn't a Barrage. If it was level 80 spell, it's too low and anyone'd use it. If it was level 98, they'd complain it'd be too reserved. If it was an Ancient spell, they'd complain it requires a hard quest, if it was a normal one they'd complain it's too easy to get.




This was one of the best Magic updates in ages. FFS, what DO you want?


Dragon Drops : 5 Dragon Medium Helmets, 3 Dragon Claws, 3 Dragon platelegs, 2 Dragon plateskirts, 2 Dragon Hatchets, 2 Dragon Spears, 7 pairs of Dragon Boots, 1 Dragon pickaxe, 10 Dragon defenders, 3 Dragon 2h swords, 1 Dragon armour Slice, 1 Dragon armour Lump, 1 Dragon chainbody, 1 Dragon kiteshield, 1 Dragon hasta, 1 Dragon ward, 25 Dragon knives pairs
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Well, I think that runes will go up because they will be, overall, harder to buy in bulk and, in turn, essence will go up because of a higher demand. Overall Rcing should become more profitable.


um the way you are saying it, RC will become more profitable IF you mine your own ess ..


True but the runes will also increase in price.




So then the only ones here that will benefit will be the ess miners.


RC'ers will barley be affected, but mages will suffer greatly.




Great just want I wanted to hear: Magic gets dumped on AGAIN!


Oh come on, they got a 10% damage boost, didn't they?




+3 damage does not out weigh the fact that rune prices are going to rise, and many safe spots have been removed.




Well then, since several safe spots have been removed plenty of rangers and magers will be complaining now.

[hide=Accomplishments]65 Fishing (Swordfish gloves) - July 29, 2009

Rune Defender - August 15, 2009

My Dream Armor(P2P) - August 18, 2009

Slayer Helmet - September 19, 2009

75 Attack (Ability to Wield GS) - October 17, 2009

100 posts in Tip.It Forum - October 25, 2009

80 Strength - December 12, 2009[/hide]

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"They say that nobody is perfect. Then they tell you practice makes perfect. I wish they can make up their minds."

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Well, I think that runes will go up because they will be, overall, harder to buy in bulk and, in turn, essence will go up because of a higher demand. Overall Rcing should become more profitable.


um the way you are saying it, RC will become more profitable IF you mine your own ess ..


The demand for runes are going to increase since there is no unlimited rune shop.




From that the demand of rune ess are going to increase, but its not going to be as much of the raise from runes.

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Could you go into more detail about how these companies would work? Would they be like clans?


I edited my post and removed it, I think its going to be Player-owned Shops (Like I said in another topic).


However, they could introduce a stock exchange type feature for people who do the quest and would be based on Player-Owned stores, which maybe they could release multiple-player owned stores where people could own a shop and do a business.


The idea of companies turned into player-owned shops, I think its much more likely. but you never know.

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Another item that will rise in price and then nearly disappear is pineapple pizzas. Before you could buy pizzas in unlimited stock from the Warrior's Guild. The default stock there is 0.




Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

[hide=A funny conversation]Me:Have u wondered how my brassard, which leaves my chest bare, give about the same def as ur pile of rocks?


Friend:Maybe you are just good at blocking with your shoulder?

Me:Ahahahahaha[/hide]Rare drops: 4 D legs, 1 D skirt

Barrows items: 2 Verac's helms, 1 Dhorak's Greataxe, 1 Dhorak's platelegs, 2 Karil's leathertops, 1 Karil's crossbow, 1 Guthan's chainskirt


Quest cape achieved 28 Dec, 2009, lost with Nomad's Requiem, re-obtained on 19 Mar 2010.


Fire cape achieved 1 Nov 2010.

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Another item that will rise in price and then nearly disappear is pineapple pizzas. Before you could buy pizzas in unlimited stock from the Warrior's Guild. The default stock there is 0.




Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:




I guess it's time for me to start making some money, I mean pineapple pizza.






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TBH, with fire runes @ 5gp, and onxy at 2700k tokkul, fury should stay 2.7m, as 1 fire rune=5 tokkul, or 1-1 ratio. However, as you can only sell 50 at a time, thats like 40,000+ trades....

[hide=Drops]Araxxor Eye x1 Leg pieces x2
GWD: 5000 Addy bar Steam B Staff x3 Z Spear x6 Sara. Hilt x2 Bandos Hilt x2 (LS, Solo)SS x6 (1 LS)
Tormented Demons: Shard x6 Slice x5 Claws x9 Limbs x3
DKS: Archer x21 Warrior x31 Berserker x30 Axe x51[/hide]

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If only Obama played RuneScape. All of our problems would be solved. :pray:
















Seriously though, I love the update. Though I'm not going to pass judgement on any of the affects of it. Simply because no one knows what will happen. While we can predict, we cannot see the future ourselves.






But the last thing I ever bought from a shop was like 100k feathers. Thats it in like a year. So.




Stonewall, you forget, the more you sell, the less tokkul you'll get. =\

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

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Well a long term effect that no-one has mentioned is that bone bolts will no longer be an efficient way of training range as they will become pretty much extinct.






Not for me, I've got 396k of them.


Click the pic if you wanna see a Ranged Slayer blog.

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TBH, with fire runes @ 5gp, and onxy at 2700k tokkul, fury should stay 2.7m, as 1 fire rune=5 tokkul, or 1-1 ratio. However, as you can only sell 50 at a time, thats like 40,000+ trades....




You are right, but fire runes are rising (currently obtainable at only 8 gp per) cause obsidian items are a good way to get junk atm. And it literally takes about 3 hours to get 2.7m tokkul this way selling 50 at a time, MINIMUM. Take that into account as well. So obsidian items currently hold precendence over onyx's atm concerning what to do with tokkul; if fire runes reach 10 gp, which they probably will (because of obby item profits), that makes onyx 5.4m gp. Keep in mind it takes at least 3 hours of selling as well to get that tokkul, so really, onyx would be worth more.




The next best rune to use is either mind or body. They are literally tied because bodies will sell for 4 tokkul ea at 10ish gp a rune, while minds are the standard 5 tokkul ea at 12ish gp a rune.




Furies are bottomed out at the moment but shouldn't be. I think it's because fire runes price compared to fury price are matched, but fire runes are still rising due to profits with obby items, so I don't see furies being bottomed out for long at all. (ahem, buy)

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