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What time do you go to bed and wake up?


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It depends on what shift I'm on. If I'm on days, I go to bed as early as 10pm and get up at 5:45am. If I'm afternoons (my usual shift) I go to bed around 12:30am and get up at 10am. If I'm on midnights (which could happen soon) I go to bed at 7am and get up at 4pm.




Underlined the most common.

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Usually go to bed from 9:30-11:00pm on school nights. On weekends I go to bed at 2Am. On weekdays I get up at 5:30AM for an hour jog before school, same with weekends, only I usually get up at around 7AM. Because cricket season is starting again, though, I'll be getting up at 6AM


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Woah I'm suprised to see how many of you go to bed so late and get up early.




I'm similar, but usually in bed 11.30-12pm, then up at 8 on MTW, Thrusday I dont have class til 1, so its my sleep in day, and friday I have a 10am start, so I sleep in til 10.




Yeah even with my 7ish hours of sleep I'm always pretty tired :?




Weekends varies with sport, going out and work, so between going to sleep between 12pm-5 am, and getting up 10-12pm

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When I was at university I used to go to bed at around 5-6am and get up for lectures at 9, then have a 2 or 3 hour nap when I got back from my last lecture. I don't know what it is, but I've always liked staying up late.

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MY sleep cycle isn't regular, really. But normally, I wake up between 7-10 AM, and go to bed at Midnight. But I've once slept like 15 hours straight. Which wasn't good. :-#




Dude, sleeping 15 hours rocks! ::'

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School 23:00-6:30 -.-


Holidays 01:00-10:00 ;)


You have no right to that -.- right there. Go to bed earlier if you think you get up too early. And I saw some other people that wake up even earlier. I get up at 5:00, and I saw some others on here that get up even earlier.




I don't know ya'll operate with so little sleep, going to bed at midnight and getting up at 5. I go to bed at 10 and would have trouble getting up if not for that daemonic alarm clock of mine.


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Throughout the holidays I've been going to bed between 1-2 and waking between 9-11.




Though, seeing as I start college in two days I'll be going to sleep later... Actually, no I won't. I just have to wake earlier.



That's why you're on the TZDF blackdawn. Even your balls can tear zombies to shreds.
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10pm-12am I go to sleep.


6am I wake up, but thats the week days. Its usually like around 8-11 on weekends.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Regularly I go to bed between 11 and 12pm then wake up at 7 for school. Last night there werent any partys suprisingly, so I ended up going to bed at 11:45 and waking up at 12:30, a nice 12+ hours of sleep :)



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Weekdays: 7am- ~11:30pm


Weekends: 2am- ~11am


Summer: 4am- ~12:00pm




Last year, and even more so the year before, I was getting at most six hours of sleep daily--never again.


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During weekdays I go to bed at around 10:30pm (I try to be in bed by that time, start going to bed at 10:15 or something) and wake up at 7:00 am.




During the weekend I usually go to bed between 11 and 12 pm, or later if there is a party or something. I wake up at 10:00 am, but usually stay in bed for another hour after I've woken up. ::'

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All days, except Saturday, I go to bed at 11. MTWTF, I wake up at 6.30. Saturday depends on what time I have a football match. Sundays, I just wake up some time in the morning/afternoon, as I go to bed at 1-2 on Saturday.




Last schoolyear, I had around 3-4 hours of sleep each day. I'm glad I don't have that anymore.


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