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falconry botters


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I think botting is morally wrong. It undermines the fun that others get from the game because they look at their stats and look at botters' stats and feel like they are wasting their time playing.

Jagex are meant to be stopping them. They said many years ago that they would stop botters, they did. Now the website says it, a ghost of their words from before. Jagex seem to become more and more money focused.


Sorry, I fail to see how morals fit into a game, unless you are directly hurting others. Hurting someone's ego isn't morally wrong.

[hide=Drops]Araxxor Eye x1 Leg pieces x2
GWD: 5000 Addy bar Steam B Staff x3 Z Spear x6 Sara. Hilt x2 Bandos Hilt x2 (LS, Solo)SS x6 (1 LS)
Tormented Demons: Shard x6 Slice x5 Claws x9 Limbs x3
DKS: Archer x21 Warrior x31 Berserker x30 Axe x51[/hide]

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Its easy to loose track of ur bird in falconry especially if u happened to click the kebbit tht someone else clicked; I wouldnt jump straight to the botter assumption




I know when I am up there, there is always someone who comes running up from another point in the field and tries to strike up a conversation (Yes of course, when I am doing something as click-intensive as falconry, I'd just love to stop & shoot the breeze with strangers who want to gab :roll:).


Of course I ignore them. And then the competition crap starts over trying to catch the same falcons.


Most of you people wouldn't know a botter if you saw it. You are the Barney Fifes of RS.

PvP is not for me

In the 3rd Year of the Boycott
Real-world money saved since FT/W: Hundreds of Dollars
Real-world time saved since FT/W: Thousands of Hours

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Well the person I looked at screens of his botting, he did 4 accts all at red chins and got them in just like 7 days each to 99 and nothing even happens to em, its kinda sad. Considering that site is full of botters and none of them are banned its kinda weird, the guy even made his acct name I bot nayked or something like that and others were 99 hunter 1 and 99 hunter 2 lol. He posted picture of Jagex stating that their botting technology is perfect and they can catch all bots, yeh gf there jagex. Just makes you wonder how many of the 99's on the highscores are actually people who got them truly or botted for them :mellow:

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There was one flaw to the response to hunt level and stuff


Apparently you could say "Range Pot" and they'd respond with a level I believe? common bot catching method at druids.


Bots are just common but they're catching people. Most notorious is SW botting for Zeal. people are getting 95 pray through this....

Started free trade with 1.5m cash. 2 weeks later, have hit max cash 2x.


PvP drops: 359 Brawling Gloves, 11 Vesta's Longswords, 41+ Zaros/Ancient Statues

9 Dragon Full Helms, 3 Dragonfire Shields on the old PvP loot system


Brawler guide is being finished!


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I don't believe the site,


Its easy to believe everything you see but he clearly couldn't have been openly botting using crappy bots


I fail to believe it


Noobs: We pay we say

JaGeX: How much will you pay?


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Bots are not any less common since 2007, just more advanced. Now bots can hold conversations with you, take breaks, visit random areas,etc. It's even harder to distinguish some bots from normal players.


Hold Conversations?


Isnt that one of the major problems and area of research in AI? Robots or computer programmes are unable to seem human and have conversations that are convincing. I dont think Bots in Runescape are going to be capable of doing this.

they can understand basic things like "hunt lvl?" and "hello" not legitimate conversations though.


Then ask him his position with North/South Korea! :thumbup:

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I don't believe the site,


Its easy to believe everything you see but he clearly couldn't have been openly botting using crappy bots


I fail to believe it

It's not a crappy bot, it's a paid one. You can youtube the name of it if you don't believe it's that good.

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I think botting is morally wrong. It undermines the fun that others get from the game because they look at their stats and look at botters' stats and feel like they are wasting their time playing.

Jagex are meant to be stopping them. They said many years ago that they would stop botters, they did. Now the website says it, a ghost of their words from before. Jagex seem to become more and more money focused.







Yet most grind based games now allow them, to bridge the gap between no lifers and casual players.




I follow the rules but theres a lot of stuff in this game that is not fun at all and fit for a machine to do rather then a human. For example alching, i dont think any person ENJOYS doing that, and for lower lvled players with a small income thats the best if only way to train magic affordably.



Its not morally wrong, its just people like you would be butthurt that your achievement on an online game is lessened. You poor thing, you should sue!


You should look into playing for fun instead of trying to impress people you will never meet. When you do that you will stop caring whether or not people bot because you would be having fun regardless


Its called alch neer some friends who are skilling so u both have something to do when your training.... bots just show how lazy you are and if you claim that training it normal is a waste of time then stop playing all together because then playing runescape is a waste of time according to you. If you could have a a machine do skill for you then why not make every1 start with max money all items and maxed skills because having a machine do it for you defeats the purpose of playing the game.


When it all comes down to it the only reason you support bots is because you want money as fast as possible.


I agree with your last statement but you came off a little rude next time provide more reasoning and not just ridicule.

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I think botting is morally wrong. It undermines the fun that others get from the game because they look at their stats and look at botters' stats and feel like they are wasting their time playing.

Jagex are meant to be stopping them. They said many years ago that they would stop botters, they did. Now the website says it, a ghost of their words from before. Jagex seem to become more and more money focused.

just because you have crap stats.

either way, it's a game, if you get upset because someone botted higher stats than you, go cry.

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I think botting is morally wrong. It undermines the fun that others get from the game because they look at their stats and look at botters' stats and feel like they are wasting their time playing.

Jagex are meant to be stopping them. They said many years ago that they would stop botters, they did. Now the website says it, a ghost of their words from before. Jagex seem to become more and more money focused.

just because you have crap stats.

either way, it's a game, if you get upset because someone botted higher stats than you, go cry.

I actually agree with this. I would never personally consider botting or RWTing, but when another player does it, it really doesn't phase me.

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A few days ago a rl friend of mine showed me a picture of a soul wars bot. It made me die a little inside.


It had like 99 prayer, defence, strength, range and magic if I remember right. Might have had 99 slayer aswell.

All of that with level 10 constitution, doing a prayer emote by soul wars with the name blocked out.


Could have been some insane person, but if it was why would they block the name out?

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firstly i would like to say, jagex loses money from bots. b4 the 2007(?) anti RWT meshures, the cost of the bots was so much higher then the money for memebrship becouse bots used stolen bank acounts to pay.


falconry botters, a problem.

other botts, a bigger problem.


as i see it, boting, in any form (even if the makers of the game say its ok) is morally wrong.


if the makers of the game say its ok its becouse the flood of bots is unstopable or thay them selfs are botters. obviusly none of thouse resons would make a good argument.


i dont care if another player has higher stats then me via boting, i do care if another player has higher stats then me without boting.


besides, people who buy or rent bots... your giveing money to people who brake the law.

whats the difrence between paying for a bot and buying drugs of a gangster?! *hints back to stolen bank acounts*


yes thay may keep some products low in price but i dont see that as a reson to compensate for even 1% of the damage thay do, and besides if the price goes up more people will get the items them selfs so its not like removeing bots = removeing 100% of the suply of botted items.


I'm a Brony and proud of it!

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besides, people who buy or rent bots... your giveing money to people who brake the law.

whats the difrence between paying for a bot and buying drugs of a gangster?! *hints back to stolen bank acounts*



That's a tad extreme. I'm no lawyer, but I'm fairly sure botting is not illegal, nor do I understand your argument that botting loses Jagex money.


Honestly, whatever floats your boat. People get all bent out of shape over bots, when they're really pretty hard to find if you're not out looking for them, so you can complain about how bad the botting problem is. Every game has bots, and I am fairly sure that will never change. There are so many people with maxed skills anyways it's hardly special, but if you gain pleasure from letting a computer work for you, more power to you. And plus, it really does keep prices down, and I'm a sucker for ridiculous savings.

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Hmmm I haven't witnessed any botters at falcons, but I'd say the green dragon botters in the chaos tunnels are more of a concern. Not only do they all seem to wear the same gear, they never speak (a coincidence when there's 20+ players there? I think not), and they're making tons of money effortlessly. It would be great to have a J mod on each world which looking out for botters, though I'm not sure it would be in their interest, or whether there would be enough J mods to do it.


I remember the last few days of the flax bots, Jagex turned up and went deleting them, it was probably one of the highlights of my RS life.

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firstly i would like to say, jagex loses money from bots. b4 the 2007(?) anti RWT meshures, the cost of the bots was so much higher then the money for memebrship becouse bots used stolen bank acounts to pay.

Those were chinese bots. This is no longer true.


as i see it, boting, in any form (even if the makers of the game say its ok) is morally wrong.

It's morally wrong because the makers of a game say it's against their rules? What?


if the makers of the game say its ok its becouse the flood of bots is unstopable or thay them selfs are botters. obviusly none of thouse resons would make a good argument.

I don't get this.


i dont care if another player has higher stats then me via boting, i do care if another player has higher stats then me without boting.

Cool story


besides, people who buy or rent bots... your giveing money to people who brake the law.

whats the difrence between paying for a bot and buying drugs of a gangster?! *hints back to stolen bank acounts*

*facepalm* I thought you had to be at least 13 to play this game?


yes thay may keep some products low in price but i dont see that as a reson to compensate for even 1% of the damage thay do, and besides if the price goes up more people will get the items them selfs so its not like removeing bots = removeing 100% of the suply of botted items.

You just contradicted yourself there.
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firstly i would like to say, jagex loses money from bots. b4 the 2007(?) anti RWT meshures, the cost of the bots was so much higher then the money for memebrship becouse bots used stolen bank acounts to pay.

Those were chinese bots. This is no longer true.


as i see it, boting, in any form (even if the makers of the game say its ok) is morally wrong.

It's morally wrong because the makers of a game say it's against their rules? What?


if the makers of the game say its ok its becouse the flood of bots is unstopable or thay them selfs are botters. obviusly none of thouse resons would make a good argument.

I don't get this.


i dont care if another player has higher stats then me via boting, i do care if another player has higher stats then me without boting.

Cool story


besides, people who buy or rent bots... your giveing money to people who brake the law.

whats the difrence between paying for a bot and buying drugs of a gangster?! *hints back to stolen bank acounts*

*facepalm* I thought you had to be at least 13 to play this game?


yes thay may keep some products low in price but i dont see that as a reson to compensate for even 1% of the damage thay do, and besides if the price goes up more people will get the items them selfs so its not like removeing bots = removeing 100% of the suply of botted items.

You just contradicted yourself there.

I agree with evil. That post was wrong.

DK drops (solo/LS): 66 hatchets, 14 archer rings, 13 berserker rings, 17 warrior rings, 12 seerculls, 13 mud staves, 7 seers rings

QBD drops: 1 kite, 2 visages, 4 dragonbone kits, 3 effigies, lots of crossbow parts

CR vs. CLS threads always turn into discussions about penis size.
It's not called a Compensation Longsword for nothing.

I've sent a 12k combat mission to have Aiel assassinated (poor bastard isn't even Pincers-tier difficulty).



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A few days ago a rl friend of mine showed me a picture of a soul wars bot. It made me die a little inside.


It had like 99 prayer, defence, strength, range and magic if I remember right. Might have had 99 slayer aswell.

All of that with level 10 constitution, doing a prayer emote by soul wars with the name blocked out.


Could have been some insane person, but if it was why would they block the name out?


there's no way. Botting 99 slayer would take months of running the bot 24/7 let alone getting 99 in every other combat stat besides constitution. Most botters get banned after 4-5 months of running a bot 24/7. But now since may 12th Jagex is only giving out temp bans so you can essentially get caught botting twice without being permed which adds up to around 8-9 months of pure botting time that you can get away with... do you have any idea how much gp/xp you can get away with botting in 8-9 months of 20/7? A Ridiculous amount.

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Call this the evolution of botting. All the bad programs get banned. Bots don't need to be amazing, just good enough.

Botting violates the Terms of Service, so legally you're breaking your contract with Jagex.

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
And I won't be till my head falls off ♪♪

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Okay, seriously? Don't say you're botting even if you're joking. It just makes everybody's job harder.



Whos job is that?

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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You sir are and idiot.


Im litterally laughing your your stupidity. Good job :thumbup:


ohhh the irony....


ON TOPIC: Botting is bad... don't do it... eat your vegetables... brush your teeth

All skills 70+


Trails: 2 x Rune platebody (g)

Barrows: 1 x Dharok's legs

Drops: 1 x Dragon skirt | 1 x Dragon defender

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He coulda been like teh narb in the vid and did another acc


Wouldn't put it past saru tbh lol


lul countertrolled


Noobs: We pay we say

JaGeX: How much will you pay?


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