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"He got that through botting ofc"


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I major problem I have playing runescape today is constantly being accused of botting by random people, he did some soulwars and owns a dragonfire shield at a low level so he must be a bot.

Its not just jealous level 90s who can barely afford a whip, I've had maxed combat players constantly telling me I bot because I have more cash than them, or a higher level.

"herblore level"


"rofl mines 65 nice botting"

Most annoyingly is when I'm trying to train hunter, personally I enjoy training the skill and I'm currently going for 99, I hunt on pvp worlds to avoid the botters but when someone does come along again I get called a bot for my highish hunting level, even when I respond and tell them they are being stupid. I once even had an idiot trying to lure me away with box trap to the wolves despite having repeated that I already had enough box traps and I wasn't going to follow them ...

Now I realise that there are ALOT of hunting/fishing/mining/wcing bots and most pures with claws or defence pures with dfs's are obviously bots if they are around 200 total with every other stat 1 but the one they are currently training ( the money from 99 hunter suspiciously covering the cost of a pair of claws or a dfs).

People do not even check up on their facts before telling me I am a bot "nice botted summoning" or "you bot for your charms at sw then?"(I cannot even receive charms at my combat level from soul wars)


I'm not sure why people are so quick to accuse someone of botting, jealously that someone a lower combat level (which is meaningless anyway, I have nearly 30mil xp) has better items/levels than them, ignorance of what a bot is, or they are just downright stupid?

Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


[hide=old sig]



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Its not just because your low level. (edit: I mean combat sorry.) Everyone gets that. I dont speak to idiots so I must of been reported hundreds of times by now.


They might focus on your combat level being low but all that changes as you get higher combat is they speak in terms of 'no life' or botting instead. Both are abuse.


Rofl look at that high level noob botting rofl!!!!££!

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They don't assume you bot, they're just like you said jaleous but not of the fact that you have 70 herblore but because of the fact that they see you as a noob that has a higher skill than theirs, therefore they start to harras you.

Calling people bots is something people have done for ever, now it's more than ever because there's looooads more people playing.


I'm lv 132 and i have 2045 skill total, i have never been called a bot but i have been flamed and harrased in other ways by noobs who were jaleous or just out to kick some trouble.

I am therefore usually a nolifer or a mommas boy and they supposedly did all bad things to my mommy :(

Anyway no matter what, people will always find a spot where it hurts you the most

You'll tend to put yourself way above them and you won't notice it as much anymore.

jupjup.png[~Visit my Slayer Blog~]jup.png



Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.~unknown~

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I get accused of botting all the time, but the funny thing is, none of my skills are high at all, I just like melee. So if I had botted, I must have sucked at it. The people that accuse me are usually people who are mad at me for crashing them though. It's funny though, and I get a good laugh out of a few lvl 100s telling me I botted for 73 fishing that way I could afford my gear... :roll:

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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I've been accused of botting several times for not responding to people. There's no rule that says I have to respond to you so don't assume because I'm not speaking that I'm botting.


Also had someone at Dark Beasts the other week basically say "You suck because I have a higher combat level and slayer level". At which point I pointed out that I have 99 slayer and of course he then said I must have done soul wars for it.


I just tend to ignore people like that, they have no basis for saying it and are most likely just jealous and/or trolling. Just add them to your ignore list and carry on.

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I've been accused of botting several times for not responding to people. There's no rule that says I have to respond to you so don't assume because I'm not speaking that I'm botting.




People accused me of botting since '02, heard it over hundred of times. Jealous much? or just hatin' on me? Lmaol!


When I get accused of botting, just switch world or Ignore them. Don't wast your time with them. Haters will be haters :lol:


2002 - 2003 RuneScape Classic Clans: Wild Dawgs (WD). Court of Dragons (CoD). BlacKnights (BK). Black Dragon Knights (BDK).

2009 - 2010 RuneScape 2 Clan/Team: Hardly Dead (HD). Ex-Team Silent Ember (SE).

~ Hmong Pride ~

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I remember last week while I was on my way to the fire giant dungeoneering spot, I got up while near the log by the coal trucks to get a glass of water. When I came back, no one was there but this was in my public chat:



Assist me w/ agil?


L fail bot, reported


I wasn't doing anything, just standing there. There's nothing I could have possibly been botting, except maybe the coal trucks. But... the coal trucks? Why in the world would a level 124 be botting coal?


Intelligence is abound :mellow:

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Since quite alot of the runescape community are children which cannot figure out how to train their skills properly, I'd just put it down to jealousy. :thumbup:

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I would never say something like that in public chat but I do get a bit nervous when I see someone in a Soul Wars Cape at TDs asking what brews are then promptly getting destroyed in combat

2496 Completionist

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It's because you do bot dfser ;D


I know what you're saying. 9 months ago the account i'm playing right now was a level 65 black pure from 2002, now i'm combat 128 with the charms for 132 combat, 95 prayer, 3 non-combat 99's and over 101 million total xp. I've been called a botter many times because most of the time i'm on the clan chat tab instead of paying attention to public, it's always funny to try and see them explain away how i could have possibly botted nearly 100 million experience in 9 months without getting banned. People who don't know how to be anywhere near efficient with their playing time will always accuse people who make good progress in little time of either botting or no-lifing because it makes them feel better about themselves if they have an excuse for why your account is better than theirs is. That's just how children/pre-teens/angry teen's logic works.


- Panda P K

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Ever once in a while i'll get accused of botting at ivy because i dont talk becuase i do hw when im there. It's not that big of a problem tho, normally i just type a line of text then they appologize really fast. it amazes me how fast a little crown with m on it can change somebodys mind.

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you mean people bot in this game? /sarcasm


Sometimes i do the same thing in this game for a 12 hour session (i work 12 hour night shifts and runescape keeps me from sliting my wrists) and what really scares me is tripping the bot warden.


When i get into a grove im sure i look like a bot sometimes, and im sure people report me.


I love the "no life" comments, i play at work only pretty much, and never play at home. So tell me how can i no life?


Haters are always going to hate! i dread the day i start hunter from all the bot horror stories.

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Skillers and low levels tend to be bots. For example, if you could bot, would you rather bot on your main or make a fresh level 3 and go bot? Especially before the trade limit, most people would rather bot on level 3 accounts and give the supplies over. There was no risk.


Dungeoneering isn't a skill.

I'm faster than bots at Sorceress Garden.

PM me if you want to chat. My PM is always off.

My keyboard is on fire. Want some?

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