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09-Feb-2011 � Prisoner of Glouphrie and Gnome Graphical Rework


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Gnomes look like their faces has been stomped together, I like it :) And I've never seen a gnome before so I can't say it's not right.

I liked the quest. A little short, but it was puzzling :)


Also, <3 to the profanity filter.

Not only doesn't curse word get censored.

But normal words in other languages won't be censored for no damn reason.


Ok this is irritating me. I'll go through the cave, make sure Golrana is RIGHT NEXT TO ME before I crawl out of the crevice. I get into the woods on the other side, and she's not there...so then I get to go back to the Observatory and get her again. It's happened 4 times...


I could have sworn when I went out the cave that she was right next to me, but she still disappeared.

Worked the next time I did it.

Well, theres bound to be some glitches.

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I could have sworn when I went out the cave that she was right next to me, but she still disappeared.

Worked the next time I did it.

Well, theres bound to be some glitches.


Yeah I tried going to the sturdy tree and investigating it, but it kept telling me to bring Golrana or a rope. I could bring a rope, but if the game doesn't detect she's there, I can't really continue the quest.

~ Proud Father ~ Proud (Currently Deployed) Army National Guardsmen ~ Proud Lakota ~ Retired Tip.It Crew ~

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I took a few minutes away from the G.E. to investigate the gnome chatheads.


If the rework was intended to make them look more like garden gnomes, then I have to say they failed. The heads are much too broad and flat. They should be more pixie-like.



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Yeah, the one acting as a musician on a tree stump in the forests. ^^


Jailbait ;)




Thought it was decent quest. Jagex is making a lot shorter quests these days, which I don't like. It had a better story line then the last quest they made which was good.


Also, the toggle filter is a joke. Alls I have to say is "OH BOY! Here we go... yet again..." :mellow:

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anyone managed to get a picture of inside this so-called city? (if you do get into it anyway)

Not too interesting. It's has your average dungeon color scheme (take Brimhaven's). There's a few cells on one side, where Bolrie is. And you get to see the machine that turns terrorbirds into warped (failed conversion)/ guard (successful conversion) terrorbirds on the other side. It looks kind of like Nomad's machine but in rectangular prism form. And then there's a cut scene that shows "Glouk" (apparently the name glouphrie has been forbidden for 200 years) that has the exact same color scheme as the rest of the dungeon except with gnomes inside it.


So basically what we've seen so far is just a small room with some cells (Bolrie was the only prisoner btw, lulz), 2 guards, and some selective cut scenes



Skip to 5:38.

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The spirit tree storage seems a little curious to me. Just having it to save bank space doesn't seem to be worth the effort to put into the game. I wonder if there's something they have planned that having seeds saved would be worthwhile.


Upon further reflection, they may just be adding the additional spirit tree patch later and want to give some incentive to be ready for its delayed release.

Edited by o_knames


Maxed total levels

Remaining for Completionist Cape: Livid Farm spell (Borrowed Power)

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Why is my quest title blue? Just completed the quest.

[hide=Drops]Dragon: Spear x1, Med helm x3, legs x2, pickaxe x1, skirt x3, scimitar x1

Barrows: DH helm x1, Verac Brassy x2, Karil Skirt x1, Ahrim Hood x2, Guthan Spear

GWD: Arma Helm x1

Other: Handcannon x4, Leaf Bladed Sword x3[/hide]

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I took a few minutes away from the G.E. to investigate the gnome chatheads.


If the rework was intended to make them look more like garden gnomes, then I have to say they failed. The heads are much too broad and flat. They should be more pixie-like.


Isn't the best conclusion that they didn't want them to look like garden gnomes? The original gnomes did, but they've been changed to move away from that and look more like 'fantasy' gnomes. Basically, small humanoids with different proportions to humans, like dwarves, giants and ogres. It takes getting used to, but I'm starting to like the rework. I think it's more the clothes that I like than anything. Also, what is it with gnomes and unreasonably long capes for their height? They pretty much trail along the ground.

~ W ~



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Why did they smash the gnome's faces in and make them look like messed up leprechauns?

Not the greatest of graphical updates.

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He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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Why did they smash the gnome's faces in and make them look like messed up leprechauns?

Not the greatest of graphical updates.


Because that's what gnomes are silly, messed up leprechauns :rolleyes:



^Golvellius must be so proud^


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I'd say trolls or dwarves are next in line for a serious graphical rework. Wizards could also do with a bit of jazzing up.

It's kind of crap because we've had 2 dwarf quests since they promised us a dwarf graphical update (not the chathead, but it's great nonetheless). Trolls are also long overdue for an update, we've had the first graphically done troll during the Easter event last year, and they even managed a whole group of them in the latest dwarf quest (My Arm). Wonder what's holding them. :thumbdown:

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When I first saw the teasers of the new gnomes, I didn't like them too much, but when I saw them in the quest and such, I was pleased. I think I prefer them now. The soldiers look awesome. XD


An enjoyable quest, perhaps a little short. But I was happy the shape puzzle didn't make me want to throw my computer out the window.




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When I first saw the teasers of the new gnomes, I didn't like them too much, but when I saw them in the quest and such, I was pleased. I think I prefer them now. The soldiers look awesome. XD

Indeed, the soldiers look awsome! Quest was fun too. :thumbup:


For people who did the quest and thought it was too short, try doing it without a guide. :razz:

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