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Left 4 Dead


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Uhm okay, this was pretty unexpected, right? L4D has been out a bit more than half a year, and they announce a sequel already? I was kinda hoping they would work on and improve the current one for a few years at least. Feels like the current one was just a demo.




The trailer looks fantastic though, and I like Valve so I will of course buy this.


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Ok, here's my thoughts:




Nick: I just want to stab him - looks really stupid.


Rochelle: Ok, this scares me - she is nothing sexy like Zoey, and in the movies, sounds like a man.


Coach: Don't make me lol. It's probably a spin-off of Survivor: Tocantis. And he's probably the next "Pills here!" mascot. [/Louis referance]


Ellis: Don't get me started - he just makes me lol.


The new infected - no. Just no.


New hand-to-hand combat - ok, I guess. Pushing back was really good,but that is the only physical combat we need in L4D.




Overall - I feel this will be a failure sequal. I liked the old L4D when news was first announced, but this didn't spark a flame in me like the original did. Doesn't mean I won't get it though.

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I saw a frying pan. It made zombies die, I want to play this one now.



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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Uhm okay, this was pretty unexpected, right? L4D has been out a bit more than half a year, and they announce a sequel already? I was kinda hoping they would work on and improve the current one for a few years at least. Feels like the current one was just a demo.




The trailer looks fantastic though, and I like Valve so I will of course buy this.




Exactly what I was thinking. It's a bit soon to be releasing stuff about a sequel IMO.

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Uhm okay, this was pretty unexpected, right? L4D has been out a bit more than half a year, and they announce a sequel already? I was kinda hoping they would work on and improve the current one for a few years at least. Feels like the current one was just a demo.




The trailer looks fantastic though, and I like Valve so I will of course buy this.




Exactly what I was thinking. It's a bit soon to be releasing stuff about a sequel IMO.




Especially for a Source game that's BUILT for modding.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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The melee weapons is what I'm really excited for. One-hitting the daylights of special infected is going to be epic. Also in the trailer there seemed to be TONS of more gore, which is always needed in a Zombie game. :)




Hopefully what they said about bringing the original game into this game so we don't need to switch games on the PC or whatever on the xbox is implemented by release or at least by February.




This is going to screw with all of the competitive leagues that started up though around L4D, expecting a long-term life of the game.

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Haha, black people. \'




Anyways It's a bit soon considering the fact that we just got survival mode. AW well, I'm getting it regardless.




Also I can tell those incendiary rounds are going to be Hell if you shoot a Hunter with it...

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Ok, here's my thoughts:




Rochelle: Ok, this scares me - she is nothing sexy like Zoey,




Hahaha post of the month.




She not wearing a bright red sweatjacket, so I think she won't be the hunters favorite anymore.

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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Seems really early for a sequel when there's so much more that could be done now with the current L4D...




Ellis - Reminds me of Louis for some reason. o_O'


Coach - Reminds me of Bill just by the way he talks: serious.


Nick - Francis. Seriously. Conman and gambler? Sounds like another "badass" character.


Rochelle - Well... She's wearing a red shirt, similar to Zoey's red sweatshirt... :wall:




Anyone see the video showing "fire ammo?" That threw me off completely. :lol:




The Charger special infected seems like a pretty good idea. I like the idea of double switches too so that we don't have so much boring wait time for the panic event to send. :P




The only thing that bugged me was that the game's set in the daytime. It just doesn't seem right for some reason. When I hear about zombies, I think about the "night of the living dead."




The swamp portion of a campaign that I've been hearing about should turn out pretty interesting. :) Whole game itself sounds like its based in the southern states of the US (there's a Savannah campaign apparently). Looks like we've moved from Pennsylvania to the South. Next thing you know we're gonna move to the Midwest, the West, the Great North, and Hawaii. :?

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I don't think all the stages are in the daytime Forsaken. However during the day the witch roams around instead of sitting down. :lol:






Anyways Valve has said that with L4D2 they are much more confident with it being a "platform" for tons of DLC and such. They wern't happy with L4D.




http://www.joystiq.com/2009/06/02/left- ... -platform/




Left 4 Dead 2 ... already? It's a question that Valve's Chet Faliszek has undoubtedly been answering all day. Wary of the negative connotations that come with annual franchises, Faliszek gave us a candid explanation. Put simply, Valve wasn't entirely satisfied with the original game. "Left 4 Dead 1, like I said, had some of those fundamental things that we wanted to change about it, like the changes to the director, which took really long periods of time and a really long period of testing," he said. "And so, those changes fell in line with the long period of time it takes to create characters and everything else. That's why we're doing Left 4 Dead 2, right?"




A more refined game will also set the stage for a longer lifespan, with Faliszek having no qualms calling the EA-published Left 4 Dead 2 a platform, one that Valve sees "lasting for a much longer period of time" via updates and DLC. "We haven't decided anything yet, obviously, but we're looking at it and looking at Left 4 Dead 2 as being that platform to build on." There's a caveat, of course: "I would say definitely there's some stuff I think, like world-wise and location-wise, that we're saying, 'No, this isn't going to fit in this one, let's put this aside and maybe come back and revisit it.'"




Valve hopes to produce more incentive for revisiting Left 4 Dead 2, with a new gameplay mode -- in addition to the unrevealed one shipping with the game -- already being considered. "There's a lot of ideas that we can start playing around with. But we first need to get this first layer down and settle it." We'll be settling the score with the zombie menace on November 17th.

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Sure if you ignore a better director, random areas as well as spawn locations, improvements to stop the "hide in a corner and melee" tactics and plenty of new levels with a new gameplay mode (yeah they said they will probably have a new one in L4D2) , sure.

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Not that it will be a bad game, I just think that this will KILL the lifespan of L4D 1.




They're still going to keep releasing DLCs for that one.




I dunno, after reading that they weren't all that happy with L4D, it makes sense that they'd start working on a new one instead of wasting a lot of money and energy on releasing huge patches with all these design changes. I just hope the gameplay videos we've seen doesn't feature the final weapon and character models. The white suit arms of the guy they're playing as look downright awful, and the shotgun model looks way too small and is just a really bad model overall. Also why the hell won't they just implement iron sights already?! Killing Floor got it exactly right: iron sights and no crosshair whatsoever. You either zoom in with the iron sight, or do it "shoot from the hip" style and hope you hit something. It adds tons more crazyness and overall intensity to the gameplay.


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I understand that, but Valve is first and foremost a PC developer. The Source engine is built for modding, and that's usually how they keep their games alive, through the community.




This will be a nice treat for console gamers, so thats something, I just don't think a full-on sequel is the answer.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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So it's like L4D + Dead Rising/TF2 melee weapons, during the day, with 1 new zombie.




Sounds like a great way to spend $50.




the other new zombies haven't been revealed yet.

[hide=WOO TEXT! updated Jan 19, 2009 (last quote)]

And Evil you mad bastard. You are definately bringing TET back up to it's glory. No doubt about it. Keep it going champ.

24,485th to 99 defence on 7-23-08

I always forget you're 20 too. I always think you're 25 or something. o.o

Ya think that I'm insane, Its not sane... its not sane

obligitory devart link: http://evil-mumm-ra.deviantart.com/

Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.

She isn't naked so it's legal.
I'm a porn star.
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I understand that, but Valve is first and foremost a PC developer. The Source engine is built for modding, and that's usually how they keep their games alive, through the community.




This will be a nice treat for console gamers, so thats something, I just don't think a full-on sequel is the answer.




Valve wanted to make sure that modders don't spend a ton of time on a game that has some real apparent flaws to it. The more I hear about L4D2 the more I support it, especially if it has mod support right off the bat.

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The guy named Destiny died a bit too early... And I gave him my health kit too. :wall: Would've lasted an hour if it wasn't for that premature death.




Key thing for sure on Survival: DO NOT HEAL UNTIL YOU'RE BLACK AND WHITE!!! :shock: Save the pills for the very last if you can.

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So it's like L4D + Dead Rising/TF2 melee weapons, during the day, with 1 new zombie.




Sounds like a great way to spend $50.




They have actually stated that there will be at least 3 new infected, one of which is the Charger.




And tell me you don't find whacking something with a frying pan, hearing the "Twaaannnggg" sound awesome?








Break the Walls down!

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