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AUTOSKULL BUG FIXED! - Tested and true.


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It's not a bug. Can't you see? Otherwise it would happen 1v1. What happens is someone attacks, and then the person being attacked thinks "Hang on, i'm only 3 iteming so i can't lose anything." They click on the group and click on somebody NOT attacking them, bang they skull.




It is a bug, even though Jagex refuses to acknowledge its existance.




They don't click to attack anyone either. It is just a fault that causes you to auto-retaliate on the wrong person, which causes the skull.








And to these idiots abusing the bug, don't bother coming to us with your "omg! I r teh banned" threads. We'll just laugh your sorry [wagon] off these forums.

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Thanks for the warning. I hadn't seen the other post about it.








The Wild is getting lamer and lamer every day. It's getting infested with NOOB PKers. I don't go there anymore unless I have to.








Jagex is really falling down on quality control of their updates. First the Ranger Walk to Death bug and now this one. Not a good sign.

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Keep to the topic folks , theres quite enough spam and flaming here .....








Thank you :)

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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Yeah... I hate that thing... there are so many ppl abusing it, just coming by and test-kicking ppl....








I was warned and have warned many ppl in game and on my posts on here....








I sent in the bug report, too.


Combat 116+; Total 1900+; All Hard Tasks; (Nearly) All quest points; (Nearly) All skills 60+; An aquatic moose ninja.

Currently: Using 63 hunter to get some of those "Chins", then I'm going to range stuff down. Interruptions of agility when I feel like it, as well.

And lucky enough to get 4 Dragon and 6 Barrow Drops.

[hide]Kwimbob now looks exactly like me in real life except for hair color. Yes, this means I look exactly like the protagonist of that certain anime that my second character, Faye_V is also named after. Yes, I bought a jacket that also looks like his. No in real life I don't have a slain bear to sling over my shoulders. Yes, I'm that skinny even if I no-life it for years in basements. No, I can't shoot a gun. Yes, I can win any other strategic video game you have never played - because I probably have, ahahaha. And yes, I also have brown eyes, yet one of my eyes looks different from the other. And yes, I'm completely oblivious to the [real] world around me as I constantly engineer new solutions to daily problems in my head. When I get hungry, all that isn't food can wait. When I'm sleepy - nothing is of any priority in front of sleep. But at any other time, I never slow down. Never give up. Never Surrender. Makes for a good life.


- See You, Space Cowboy.[/hide][/hide]

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Thank You for the warning! I am sure that this post has already saved and WILL save a bunch of gp from falling into the hands of cheaters.








If anybody that has read my post about jagex/macroers I hope that they are being just as devious as I said was POSSIBLE in this... It would be nice if they were just scribbling down names of all the lame bug abusers and prepping a nice fat "cheating pkers ban". Cheating in ANY form is wrong and should be punished equally. It would be INCREDIBLE (not likely but still :roll: ) if they banned a couple thousand of THESE cheating scum. I hope to see some really angry lvl 100+'s crying about "unfair bans", lol.








And to all of you idiots that say that "Don't go to the wildy if you don't plan on losing everything" I say this: A bug is a bug no matter where it is. How would you feel if there was a bug that was just as dangerous OUTSIDE of the wildy? ANYWHERE that there is risk of dieing (barrows, tzhaar, KQ, etc.) people should be content with a bug that would rob them? Tell me how you would feel if you were a victim of the following situation:








You are innocently killing Dharok. Someone spams you with teleother. You die. Oh wait... THIS ALREADY EXISTS!!! It is the EXACT same situation except you need "accept aid" off as opposed to "auto retaliate" off. In BOTH situations there is a lot of risk involved which the victim knowingly accepts but is cheated out of their items by someone who is ABUSING A BUG!!! It doesn't matter if it is in the wildy or not. Known risk is known risk. Bug abuse is bug abuse, and cheaters are CHEATERS. For those of you who can't follow that simple path of logic please dispose of yourself because the gene pool is tainted enough. :wink:








Again, props to you Leesters for posting this and don't fret there are enough people who share your moral code to keep this game semi-sane for awhile longer. :?


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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it might be bad, but its fun :oops: i think me and friends pked about 30mill yesterday at the new monster, 4 itemers in barrows etc
















Its official. My kid is NOT playing RS. These are values i do not want him to learn.








This has been a bummer night for me. I remember all the replies to my "give death piles back" telling me that I'm crazy, what they lose, its their fault. If people die, they deserve to lose their stuff. The lack of empathy is shocking. I agree with the "if they are a jerk, I keep it" posts, but the number of "their loss, my gain" posts blew me away.








And its "fun" to auto skull people and make them lose their hard earned barrows sets when they expect to keep the three items. Eww.








I was at barrows and some guy was so proud that he raided someones death pile, and showed me "his loot". He was so proud. Like he earned it somehow. :roll:








I hate the culture of greed in RS. Not something I want to teach my kid, thats for dang sure. When people see me maging barrows in full dragon, I get "please die" alot. . I remember one person even said "Leesters, your guide really helped me, but I still hope you die. Hahaha." Gee, thanks. I'm all warm and fuzzy now








You all know how I feel by now. Most of you don't get where I'm coming from. I probably take the game too personally.








I haven't been flamed more in a year than I have tonight. lol. You should have read the Global Mod blasting me in the pk forum. *gulps* It was well written, too. Aus_Fighter, I was only replying. Editing out of sequence wouldn't read very well. And why doesn't Condor get the flame instead of me? Hes the one that posted in an attacking way so much to make me defend myself. Hmm? Maybe you guys are just sick of me by now. My welcome is definately feeling worn out here. This will be the last I preach on this subject, or probably any other.








Right now, I'm really turned off on the RS culture of looting death piles, pking people with bug abuse, teleothering barrowers to make them die, scammers, hackers, and merchants trying to give too little, and take too much. Bleah. Bleah bleah bleah! What a turn off.








The only cool thing was those posts that were supportive. Thanks for making the bug reports, folks. Maybe it will do some good.








I'm worn out. I'm gonna start a "Blog to Red P-hat" post, keep the Archive updated, and help out in the Help and Advise forum.




Preaching days are over. From now on, I'm just gonna spam a frownie.












No more Leesters as we know him :( Comon man, it's only one stupid Jerk (condor) who's flamed almost every other topic where there is something EVEN slightly related to the new subject...All he is a stupid wanna-be punk mod who thinks that by flaming one of the most respected guys on forums will get a shot at Modding...Don't leave man, there is a lot of people looking up to you...

Knowledge Talks| | Wisdom Listens

~~Heroes Get Remembered, But Legends Never Die~~


Xbox Live & Playstation Network Name: Trojann2

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isnt it supossed to be that way? I think it wasnt an accident, they want it to be that if you atake people in wildy, u get scull, wether u started it or not.








No, you only get a skull when you attack other people, not when attacking back (because that is defending yourself) and as the other posts over this said, jagex knows that it is a bug and they will fix it...



R.I.P. Shiva and Steve

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I have to admit I was shocked at the way the mod in graveyard treated you. It was an all out verbal assault followed by a lock, leaving you no chance to reply or defend your actions. I unerstand why he was armed, I mean you did go in there name calling, but it's very uncouth to give such a verbal thrashing and take away your vicitm's ability to respond. It could have simply been locked or moved.








On the one hand, Jagex does warn people not to take things in the wildy they dont want to lose, but they also promise that if you die unskulled, you keep 3 items. You are not supposed to be skulled unless you attack another player who hasn't attacked you within the last twenty minutes. Therefore, you should have retained your three items.








The bug abusers knew that's not what would happen. The fact that pk teams (I pk - so I have nothing against pking) know that this bug exists and intentionally cause 3 itemers to auto skull is wrong. The clan I'm in would niether practice this nor condone it. It is bug abuse, bug abuse is against the rules and all bug abusers should be banned. You were exactly right on that point.








Looking at the replies you got in graveyard, it seems you posted your thoughts in a forum where bug abuse is acceptable. If I remember right, only one person said that it needed to be fixed. :(








Don't stop posting because of a few firey arrows. I've enjoyed your posts, except your misguided stereotype which lumps all pk'ers into some group of evil people. I'm mostly skiller but I do like pking sometimes. It's fun and most of the people I fight are other pkers, but even when we kill a non-pker, it is the wildy and thats ok. In game, I kill, I die (lots), I enjoy It. That doesnt make me some sick psychotic maniac. I'm a very mild mannered person irl who refuses to kill even a spider. It was/is jagex's intention for players to die in the wildy and lose items but not the way it happend to you


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Thanks for the warning. I hadn't seen the other post about it.








The Wild is getting lamer and lamer every day. It's getting infested with NOOB PKers. I don't go there anymore unless I have to.








Jagex is really falling down on quality control of their updates. First the Ranger Walk to Death bug and now this one. Not a good sign.








You ever played any other MMORPG? I did, and let me tell you that Jagex does not let a lot of errors through compared to a lot of other popular RPGS (Just watch DAOC, it's kinda scary now :P)

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Leesters, you're a respected member of the community who has contributed to many valuable guides. That is why folks reacted 10x more negatively to your rant/name-calling/etc post in the pking forum and in this one.








At the same time I understand your frustration. I lost 2 guthans pieces, obby set and a whip when RS crashed on me one time. I was very upset and I reported the problem to Jagex and I of course ranted to everyone on my buddy list who would let me vent. At the same time, as a software developer myself I know my bug report to Jagex was useless because I couldn't give them a repeatable condition on how to reproduce the bug.








Instructing people who have not first hand experienced the bug does not help a software development organization. It creates a false sense of scope to a problem. For example, say for a moment Zezima posted on the forums (which s/he does not). If Zezima said, "I ran into a bug X that got me killed" S/he believes that to be a bug and it probably is. But by creating a tidal wave of people reporting a bug they never experienced can cause non-real bugs to waste valuable developer time.








Sorry you died because of a bug Leesters. You'll make a comeback same as you did when you lost your chain. Its frustrating I know, but good luck.








Sorry so many people flamed you, I hope you dont take this post as a flame.

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his topic was locked before...




why spam again?












Leester is no better than anybody else. Why is HE allowed to break rules?








I don't think I'm breaking any rules with this post. Its a general warning on P2P forum. What rules am I breaking with this post?








The post you copied is from the Pkers forum, which was the wrong place for it. Most definately should have been a Rant.








*sigh* Now, this is going to be a flame war, and will probably get this topic locked, when all I'm trying to do is warn people of a very dangerous bug.








Hopefully with the heavy use on the forums because of the update, everyone will see the warning before it disappears.












I read that one and the mod that locked it was abusing his powers

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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ya man i lost so much there its horrible i reported and pmed evry1 in my list to report it its really [bleep]ed up what the hell is jagex thinking about making that type of update with that bug out therE? :roll:



If a turtle doesnt have a shell, is it naked or homeless ?

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what the hell is jagex thinking about making that type of update with that bug out therE? :roll:
Listen to yourself, jagex doesn't purposely put bugs in the game, thats why they are called bugs :roll:


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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what the hell is jagex thinking about making that type of update with that bug out therE? :roll:
Listen to yourself, jagex doesn't purposely put bugs in the game, thats why they are called bugs :roll:








He didn't say they made the bug. The fact is, Jagex knew about this bug and made this huge multi-lvl wildy update without fixing it first. Now the bug abusers are out in full force. Reminds me of when the abyss was first added. Lucky for me, I had auto-retal off when i died there, although I'm pretty sure the swarm of noobs that attacked me were expecting to get my fr33 barrows st0f!


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what the hell is jagex thinking about making that type of update with that bug out therE? :roll:
Listen to yourself, jagex doesn't purposely put bugs in the game, thats why they are called bugs :roll:








This "bug" has existed for MONTHS. It has been REPORTED for MONTHS.








Jagex has IGNORED it for MONTHS.








Yes, i am surprised Jagex put this update out there without fixing this bug first.








And that Mod in the graveyard was a JERK. He seems to think as long as they're pkers, they're alright. PKERS ARE BUG ABUSERS ARE DIFFERENT.








(No I have not lost anything to this bug... I've known about it for weeks now...)

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The whole skull thing is bugged.




I was down there today "1 iteming" with my dagger. :twisted:




Half the time, I attacked I didnt get skulled.




Also if somebody attacks you and you dont have auto on but you go to strike back you get skulled.




It didn't use to be that way.




But, anyhow I can vouch that protect item still works. 8)

Exclusive Legacy Mode Player



He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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It's not a bug. Can't you see? Otherwise it would happen 1v1. What happens is someone attacks, and then the person being attacked thinks "Hang on, i'm only 3 iteming so i can't lose anything." They click on the group and click on somebody NOT attacking them, bang they skull.




It is a bug, even though Jagex refuses to acknowledge its existance.




They don't click to attack anyone either. It is just a fault that causes you to auto-retaliate on the wrong person, which causes the skull.








And to these idiots abusing the bug, don't bother coming to us with your "omg! I r teh banned" threads. We'll just laugh your sorry wagon off these forums.








Actually, yes it is a bug, and I just got back the "Yes, we are looking into thisgetting this fixed" response from Jagex customer support on my bug report. Everyone who put this bug report should get the same response.








I hope that a fix is possible. They might not be able to fix it. Here's hoping.

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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The whole skull thing is bugged.




I was down there today "1 iteming" with my dagger. :twisted:




Half the time, I attacked I didnt get skulled.




Also if somebody attacks you and you dont have auto on but you go to strike back you get skulled.




It didn't use to be that way.




But, anyhow I can vouch that protect item still works. 8)








Huh? Can someone verify that this is the case? I understand the bit about the bug involving auto-retal on, but this post leaves me confused and concerned. I always leave auto-retaliate off since I don't want to run towards attackers in the wildy (because I always run/tele away!! :)). Will I be skulled if I manually tag someone with my dds even if they started the fight?

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