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Tip.It Times Presents: The Exclusive ZEZIMA Interview!


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Just started playing RS again last week and I noticed something strange; it says Zezima was first to 99 smithing. I've been palying since 2001 and I'm 95% sure he was not the first to 99 smithing. In fact I don't remember even knowing about him until rs2 when he had a lot of 99 skills.




Is my memory failing me or is it just that most old timers have quit by now so most new people don't know?

Runescaper (off and on) since late 2001

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Just started playing RS again last week and I noticed something strange; it says Zezima was first to 99 smithing. I've been palying since 2001 and I'm 95% sure he was not the first to 99 smithing. In fact I don't remember even knowing about him until rs2 when he had a lot of 99 skills.




Is my memory failing me or is it just that most old timers have quit by now so most new people don't know?




Your 100% right there. Zezima was far from being the first 99 smither. As a matter affect, Bluerose13x, the most famous RSC rune smither and a great and friendly player, was a far greater smither then zezima. Zezima's only FIRST to achievement were all stats 99 and experience highscores maxed.

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He Wasn't the 1st 99 Smither, what the numbers beside the Skills mean is, The 99's in the Order he got them as.




It means, His 1st 99 Stat WAS Smithing, Not the 1st to it.

My Runescape Account "Lilrich08" has been permanently Banned,

after being Scammed of a Purple Partyhat and Dragon Fire shield.

The Account lasted from March 2006 through September 2007.

It was 114 Combat, 99 Hunter and had an Overall Level of 1776.

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He Wasn't the 1st 99 Smither, what the numbers beside the Skills mean is, The 99's in the Order he got them as.




It means, His 1st 99 Stat WAS Smithing, Not the 1st to it.




Ah I see


The table is very misleading though.

Runescaper (off and on) since late 2001

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  • 4 weeks later...

I saw a little of this when it first came out, but decided to look again.




This interview is awesome, he actually seems like a real person when he's talking not some 'high and mighty' celebrity type. hope he does good with his school ::'




if you can ask him, maybe see if he's religious?(and if so what religion.)

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I saw a little of this when it first came out, but decided to look again.




This interview is awesome, he actually seems like a real person when he's talking not some 'high and mighty' celebrity type. hope he does good with his school ::'




if you can ask him, maybe see if he's religious?(and if so what religion.)




=/ i have spoke to him and from what i can tell he isnt religous =/


Dragon Drops: Platelegs x9, Med Helms x7, Plateskirts x4, Shield Left Half x3, At least 75+ Boots!, Hatchets x5, Ruined Shard x1, Solo Claws x2, Dragon 2Hander x1, Spear x2

Whip x27, Dark Bows x9, Draconic Visage x1

sweetol5.png <- do that when you see me :P

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I read the article a while ago, and found it very interesting. It clears up some of the questions you have about him, like how much he plays, how old is he, and if he go's to school.

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I must say my picture of Zezima has changed completely.


Good luck on your mayors and minors :D


school is a priority!


It really has, I used to think he was a no-lifer that played Runescape all day :uhh: :uhh:




Please don't bump old threads. :shame:


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I must say my picture of Zezima has changed completely.


Good luck on your mayors and minors :D


school is a priority!


It really has, I used to think he was a no-lifer that played Runescape all day :uhh: :uhh:




Please don't bump old threads. :shame:




Bumping of old threads is allowed as long as the discussion is relevant.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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I must say my picture of Zezima has changed completely.


Good luck on your mayors and minors :D


school is a priority!


It really has, I used to think he was a no-lifer that played Runescape all day :uhh: :uhh:




Please don't bump old threads. :shame:




Bumping of old threads is allowed as long as the discussion is relevant.




Okay, I just feel that people bump these threads just in spite of it being bumped and not for the actual discussion value onto which the thread is meant to produce.


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Guest Armagedon46disabled


I must say my picture of Zezima has changed completely.


Good luck on your mayors and minors :D


school is a priority!


It really has, I used to think he was a no-lifer that played Runescape all day :uhh: :uhh:




Please don't bump old threads. :shame:




Bumping of old threads is allowed as long as the discussion is relevant.

owned wanna be mod :shame:
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I must say my picture of Zezima has changed completely.


Good luck on your mayors and minors :D


school is a priority!


It really has, I used to think he was a no-lifer that played Runescape all day :uhh: :uhh:




Please don't bump old threads. :shame:




Bumping of old threads is allowed as long as the discussion is relevant.

owned wanna be mod :shame:




If you read my post under it, my intentions were different.




On Topic: I kept flaming Zezima unnecessarily before this interview. I know better now.


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  • 1 year later...

My View Of Zezima still haven't changed: he's still runescape's most famous player, being piled by lots of people(Sorry,I dont use the term noobs) each day by merely just see him walk a square! He has reached that rank and that fame by working hard on it, not just by saying "can you train my account please?". I mean sheesh, most of people these days just see him and say "OMG!Zezima!" or "Can I Have free stuff plz?". I've seen videos of people meeting him(well...actually following him with run on just incase he runs o.O). Hell, If I'd meet him, I'll just say "hi"(I have that mannerism to say "hi" to people, lolz).




I look at Zezima as not a famous player, but as a model for weaker&new players, to do thier best: to lvl up skills, to get lots of money, etc...




I dont even get the deal with people and PK'ing, if you compare PK'ing that to the real world, it will be like a human killing another human.




if I would pass him one day, I would ask one simple thing..."cya?" :lol: (im serious)




~Peace Out...






Most Visited world: w169




~Let me see you people, in game :D

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hi, welcome to tip it forums vincent-with-one-post, our policy is that when a thread has been inactive for over a year, you leave it alone.






32,606th to 99 magic || 15,388th to 99 dungeoneering || 12,647th to 99 farming

14,792nd to 99 range || 24,954th to 99 herblore

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