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the mining animation is changed too!


The animation has been like this for a rather long time, It wasn't hidden either, it was mentioned in an update in the front page. :-k






The mining animation HAS changed, and it was NOT on the front page(unless it was hidden underneath the new Silverlight story). It still looks like the pickaxe weighs 500 pounds but while I was mining pure essence I noticed that the player does not follow through with the swing as much, he kind of stops 3/4s of the way then pulls it back, then goes for another swing.




If you don't believe me you can try it for yourself.




But of course if you haven't mined about 5k essence ever since the first mining animation update, it might not be noticable to you. It just surprises me that nobody here seems to have mined at all today. :/








yes the mining emote when mining p ess has changed. its weird now.



I am known only as The Seer. I have many names and many different forms. Cross me at your own risk, fight me at your own peril, but join me and fight by my side, and none shall stand before our power.

Owner of the Quest, Firemaking*2-12-08*, Fletching, Magic, Defense, Cooking, HP, Attack, Strength, Herblore, Summoning, Farming and Prayer Capes.

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Simply cool, didnt know that hting of the duel arena nor the one of the hiscores and the one of the quests requirments is just cool!!!


WTF did he just say?




Cool! I didnt knew that Hiting? at the Duel Arena nor the one of the highscores? and?????? the one of the Quest requirements??!?!?!?! is just cool!!!




Pretty much a WTF?!?!?!?!? moment :-k






Also to unspam this post the sound when you hit an arrow sounds diffrent?


Dont know if its true or its my new headphones.

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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Haven't seen it posted before, but I just got 71 firemaking and correct me if i'm wrong but the animated fire is new. I believe it was just a picture before but now it's actually like a real fire.



To get in her you need a lockpick...

Wait for it, wait for it..Bow chicka bow wow!

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Not sure if this hidden or not, even old or new but I just got a new random where i was in a class and had to answer the next object in a pattern.




i was to lazy to see if this was new hidden stuff or not.. :)


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Not sure if this hidden or not, even old or new but I just got a new random where i was in a class and had to answer the next object in a pattern.




i was to lazy to see if this was new hidden stuff or not.. :)


It was announced :notalk:


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the mining animation is changed too!


The animation has been like this for a rather long time, It wasn't hidden either, it was mentioned in an update in the front page. :-k






The mining animation HAS changed, and it was NOT on the front page(unless it was hidden underneath the new Silverlight story). It still looks like the pickaxe weighs 500 pounds but while I was mining pure essence I noticed that the player does not follow through with the swing as much, he kind of stops 3/4s of the way then pulls it back, then goes for another swing.




If you don't believe me you can try it for yourself.




But of course if you haven't mined about 5k essence ever since the first mining animation update, it might not be noticable to you. It just surprises me that nobody here seems to have mined at all today. :/








yes the mining emote when mining p ess has changed. its weird now.




It's just slower but I think it's a bug.

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As a side effect of this, you'll notice that the Mining animation has changed. Getting the Mining sounds to match up was a bit of a tough job, so we put some work into the animation to iron out those problems. The result is a really nice bit of work from the Graphics team that should make Mining a bit more enjoyable.





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When you raise a level while in combat (ex: range, mage, atk, str, def) the monster stops attacking you until you click the "Click here to continue" button. Well, at least that's what happened to me when I raised my ranged level.




Probably happened quite lately because i had 90 ranged a couple of weeks ago and i lost the message( :cry: ).

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There might have been an update with the spiritual ranger drops. I've had my fair share of these as slayer assignments so I know what to normally expect from them, but then again this could have been an extremely lucky fluke.




ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ The bowstring that they drop is now noted (a good thing, I always wished to myself that it was)




ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ Occasionally, the oak longbows(u)(12) will drop noted as well, as well as dropping in unnoted form.

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You no longer receive a "Disclaimer" after going through Shantay Pass :mrgreen:




I wonder if that makes them tradable rares now? And I think that came out with the Doomsayer quite awhile ago.


Nope, because I collected them before the update, and now they have gone. I think Jagex have removed them from the game.

Retired Tip.It Crew Mapper.

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You no longer receive a "Disclaimer" after going through Shantay Pass :mrgreen:




I wonder if that makes them tradable rares now? And I think that came out with the Doomsayer quite awhile ago.


Nope, because I collected them before the update, and now they have gone. I think Jagex have removed them from the game.


lol, if it wouldnt have dissapeared, think what will happen in 2 years:




Laserdude4444:"selling shantay disclaimer!!---20m!!"


Someone who quit runescape 3 years ago and just came back: "...lol"

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Given they were untradable in the first place....


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text now disappears with you if you logout, you used to be able to type text in, logout login to the same world later and find the text still remaining in your pre-sent form of the text box. it was rather helpful for CW when writing down the score of the team and comming back to find out which team was winning the most while you were away.

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Is it just me or have they cleaned up the pinball random? Used to be it seemed like you were looking through very dirty, streaky glass; now its just like your looking through clean glass. Everything still has a blueish tint but those annoying white streaks are gone.




EDIT: Yes i'm sure of it, they updated the look of the pinball random. Heres how it used to look (stole from runetips mainsite, under the random event general guide




See the obnoxious white streaks? They're gone. I'll get a pic up as soon as I can.

racistmodhq9.png Racist Mod (may or may not have been taken out of context)

Figuring out what to put in my signature just takes too much work.

If your still reading this, your a noob.


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