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what other forums do you use??~(apart from off topic)


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..I thought you literally mean other forums.. I've been modding 2 forums, the IGN forums and also flashback.info (relatively unknown but has tons of users, usually always 1000+ online).








On tip.it I just browse the active sections usually, like off topic and general (though I'm not up to date on what happens in RS these days :P),and music+movies.




You're an IGN mod? *whistle* Impressive, thats a massive forum with a lot of resources.












Anyway, Off Topic is where it's at for Tip.it








Other sites?




Laser Community - Green laser pointer forums. You, know, the lasers that can burn through stuff? Found the site when I bought mine, the whole place is full of physicists and such so it's a nice place to read topics about galaxies and the like (or talk about the laser's themselves!)








Nope, not anymore hence the 'been'. They now prefer people who can spend way more time than appropriate for a forum, for moderating, but that's ok and I understand since the forum has gotten huge by now and I do realise they are also listed in a stock exchange (so they need to keep up a very professional image)








By the way, what's special about darkwebz? So many people here seem to use it.

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I slightly changed your title, since in your first post you made it sound like which other boards on Tip.it itself do you post on, other than Off-Topic.








I regularly post on Blogscape, Rate This, General, General P2P and General Help & Advice :) And the occasional browse in Off-Topic and The Gallery.

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General P2P.




Off Topic (Lurk most of the time though).




Tech & Computers (Somewhat lurk)




Music & Movies (Lurk aswell)








Yeah I barely post nowadays, just read.








As in other forums though, I use DI boards and I like the occasional /b/ part of 4chan.








/s/ is where its at :P



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Runescape community to check up on clans




WoW forums




WoW clan forums








On tip.it, it's usually Off topic and Music and Movies. More of a lurker though.

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Media Board




Rants Forums




Music and Movies








Aside from TIF:








The Armory forums. [clan]




Varrious other things I might read every once and a while.

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the ARENAscape section




the RS Classic section








Tech & Computers








All the usergroup forums I have access too








And when I have time/interest for it the Runescape forums

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On tip.it only OT and M&M.




















Uol Jogos (portuguese)








*woobs his forums*








EDIT: Rocketman, I know you. :D


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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There are only three places im properly active on:




Tip.It Forums - this place lol




Darkwebz - the forum is only a minor section of the community however




BattlestarWiki - not quite a forum but perhaps worth a mention here








Occasionally I can be found at the following:




RDF Forums - thats the Richard Dawkins Foundation




JREF Foundation forums - browse but very rarely post




Skepticality - With Swoopy and Derek ^_^




BAUT Forum - thats the Bad-Astronomy / Universe Today forum



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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