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You don't get rep on the cataclysm factions until level 85 from dungeons, so pointless getting a tabard before then.


Really? Oh well. :P Still get levels in dungeons and I'll just get the tabard when I pass the vendor.


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So at the rate I'm going at I'll probably get 85 in under 8 days /played.


I have 6 days 22 hours /played right now, half way through 83. No Heirloom gear on a fresh toon. (only got about 800g from my other character here). So yeah, pretty crazy how fast you level these days. I was fully expecting taking a couple of months at least to get to 85... instead I've done it in a few weeks (or will).


Oh and note that I probably could have shaved a good bit of time off too. There is some afk time involved, I spent 75-79 doing pure BG leveling and I've really never done the northrend alliance quests before so was unfamiliar with them.

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Being familiar with a questline only makes it boring not faster lol.


Got my third epic from exalted Dragon-something. When I have my exalted cloack from guardians of Hyjal I'm going to start reforging my stuff.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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You don't get rep on the cataclysm factions until level 85 from dungeons, so pointless getting a tabard before then.


Really? Oh well. :P Still get levels in dungeons and I'll just get the tabard when I pass the vendor.

You can still get rep from dungeons with the Horde/Alliance factions at any level doing dungeons.


Btw, I resolved my hard disk space, so now I can actually play WoW.


And I have to say that Worgen really don't get much in the way of rep. Hell, I'm a worgen and I have revered with Darnassus, yet Gilneas is barely any higher than Stormwind (both at Honored, along with the other factions)


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I was already exalted with all the Horde factions pre-WotLK. Farmed a LOT of Runecloth and got a bunch from my friend when he grinded AD reputation. I earned a lot of money from Jewelcrafting and bought a bunch too.


Click my signature for my blog!

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Rep is probably way easier to getsince the cataclysm revamping of zones.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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Managed to sneak away from the family and future in-laws for half an hour and finally finished this for title numero 29. The month break begins tomorrow so this was a great way to end it ; )

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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Me and two friends were bored one day so we all downloaded the 10 day trial. None of us had played before and we all made the same characters (hunters, forget what kind, maybe a ranger?). Pretty fun couple hours, but I don't think I'd buy the game.



[Admin Edit: Attempting to publicly humiliate a user in your signature is inappropriate]


Quit Runescape... Dec 2001 - Jan 2008 on and off... mostly off.

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Will this PC run well in raids?


Intel Core i7-870 overclocked to 3.2 GHz

NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT (Getting a new one soon)

4GB of RAM


It should have no problems whatsoever. The 9800 might have some issues in 25-man raids when you have spell details set to high settings (I'd recommend against doing so as overly complicated spell graphics tend to cover up things that are more important, such as The Fire :P), but other than that nothing should cause significant slowdown.

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So... uh, what is a good rotation for a level 49 retribution paladin? I recently (as in, an hour ago) switched from holy to retri and I am absolutely lost. Tried looking online but every guide has been written either during early beta ("we're trying to figure this [cabbage] out") or use a bunch of confusing acronyms that I'm too lazy to look up. It would be very much appreciated if someone could spell out the spells I should use!


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4 pieces of PvP gear so far. (3 armor pieces and trinket). Stats suck though, my hit is really low though. Technically I could go into heroics now although I'm not sure people would be happy with that. At the moment just kind of getting geared up... waiting for my friend to get 85 on his paladin. Not really any interest in PvE stuff although I'd like to get a decent weapon.


Started to level archeology as well. Figured I should being a dwarf and all. Plus there is a nice epic staff you can get from it :S.

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Will this PC run well in raids?


Intel Core i7-870 overclocked to 3.2 GHz

NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT (Getting a new one soon)

4GB of RAM


It should have no problems whatsoever. The 9800 might have some issues in 25-man raids when you have spell details set to high settings (I'd recommend against doing so as overly complicated spell graphics tend to cover up things that are more important, such as The Fire :P), but other than that nothing should cause significant slowdown.

Well, I managed to get my i7 overclocked to 3.8 GHz (I have a good fan).


And I get 150+ FPS on high settings. :thumbup:

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Hotfix for today makes it so that winning as attacker in Tol Barad gives 1800 honor O_O.


I've already won as attack twice (been attack 3 times total I think) and one of those was "For Whom the Barad Tols" (Win <10 minutes attack) as well. Looking forward to awesome honor.

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So... uh, what is a good rotation for a level 49 retribution paladin? I recently (as in, an hour ago) switched from holy to retri and I am absolutely lost. Tried looking online but every guide has been written either during early beta ("we're trying to figure this [cabbage] out") or use a bunch of confusing acronyms that I'm too lazy to look up. It would be very much appreciated if someone could spell out the spells I should use!


You really don't have a rotation, you're based pretty heavily around the RNG of Holy Power, which is why Ret is kinda lacklustre atm.


Crusader Strike whenever it's off cooldown, Hammer of Wrath when they're low, either use Templar's Verdict for some damage or Word of Glory to heal yourself at 3 Holy Power. Judge, I think Seal of Truth is the Ret seal now, but Righteousness might be better. I think there's a Talent/glyph that turns it more into what Seal of Command used to be. Divine Storm should be used when there's a lot of enemies around, like... 6-7, I think, because it shares the cooldown w/Crusader Strike. When... Art of War procs, I think it is, your Exorcism is instant and does double damage. And of course there's Zealotry and Inquisition and Avenging Wrath, your Cooldown kinda things, so use them when you think is necessary. Holy Wrath does pretty decent damage now, and it hits everything, but I'm not sure if Consecration is worth the mana hit.


Of course, at 85, you can download the addon CLCRet, which is like a suggestion mod, it tells you what the best move would be to use.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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Almost forgot, what kind of DPS should I be looking at at 85 in 5 man stuff?


I did Grim Batol today (normal). Pulled 12k DPS on the first fight (all of this is as Demonology Warlock) and then the last boss there I pulled 9k. Just kind of wondering what sort of DPS for bosses is fine to get into heroics. (I have 334 avg iLvl but most of that is PvP gear).

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Almost forgot, what kind of DPS should I be looking at at 85 in 5 man stuff?


I did Grim Batol today (normal). Pulled 12k DPS on the first fight (all of this is as Demonology Warlock) and then the last boss there I pulled 9k. Just kind of wondering what sort of DPS for bosses is fine to get into heroics. (I have 334 avg iLvl but most of that is PvP gear).


That... sounds about right. I'm a healer, so all I can really go on is what I've seen in Recount and stuff, but you pull more DPS than most people I random into Heroics with. They usually sit on 10k most of the time. Erudax kinda sucks for DPS, though, doesn't it? There's target switching and stuff, IIRC. And ofc, you are a warlock, so you can lock down 3 mobs most of the time. Warlocks that are decent at CC can pull like 5k DPS and I wouldn't mind, har.


Finally completed Stonecore fully. Got cockblocked by the server downtime a while ago while we were working on Ozruk. It's probably one of the hardest Heroics I've completed, but everything is nice when it works. Ozruk was the worst fight as a Holy Paladin. I had to either switch out one of my major glyphs for the Exo one to put a dot on myself, or Hand of Sacrifice the tank at a good time. I mean I can live through the shatter easily, but it does like 50k damage that I have to heal. : <


Most embarassing moment in there: on Corborus after wiping a few times due to tank failing at picking up adds, tank getting hit by the burrow thing, etc (the tank was kinda awful), we get into the burrow phase with everyone alive. Me over vent: "See, this is easy when everyone pays attention and doesn't suck." Burrow comes up under me, instead of running out the side I try running the full length of it, and die. ._. Luckily I get a brez from the moonkin and we finish the fight. No shoulders though. ._.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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Yeah Erdux (the guy I got 9k on) kind of sucks. Had to wait and pop meta for killing the add(s).


That first guy though was pretty much just a straight dps race. I do think my dps was a bit inflated there as he went down pretty much in the time of my meta (so extra 20% dmg there). However I had forgotten to use my Demon soul buff (15% haste 15% dmg 15 seconds) so yeah :P.




Really the biggest thing that worries me is my hit. My hit sucks. I can lock down targets pretty easily though. One with fear and then if there is an elemental/demon I can lock down that as well. Technically I could lock 3 down (fear, banish, succubus) but I'm demonology and don't dps with succubus out.


Also should mention my DPS on trash was lowered a bit, especially because we were using a lot of CC and I couldn't just spam my pets felstorm ability. Still I think I had 6900 dps overall for the run on average.



In other news 150ish Archeology so far. Kind of interesting.

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DPS for me has fluctuated so much. I remember for one fight (can't remember which one) I had about 15k dps, then next time I ran the instance it was only like 7k dps. So no idea why that happened. Probably doesn't help that I currently have to use mage armour over molten armour on my mage as otherwise I run out of mana every other cast pretty much. Need to get slightly better gear before switching back.

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Almost forgot, what kind of DPS should I be looking at at 85 in 5 man stuff?


I did Grim Batol today (normal). Pulled 12k DPS on the first fight (all of this is as Demonology Warlock) and then the last boss there I pulled 9k. Just kind of wondering what sort of DPS for bosses is fine to get into heroics. (I have 334 avg iLvl but most of that is PvP gear).

You're outdamaging a lot of people I see in PUGS so you're good to go. The most important part is knowing the tactics.

That first guy though was pretty much just a straight dps race. I do think my dps was a bit inflated there as he went down pretty much in the time of my meta (so extra 20% dmg there). However I had forgotten to use my Demon soul buff (15% haste 15% dmg 15 seconds) so yeah .

You're in for a surprise in heroic mode. Wiped a lot before we got that one down. One of the few fights where DPS has to do more thinking than "don't stand in the fire".


I am currently looking for a guild that raids 2 nights a week and not during the weekend. My server is too hardcore :(


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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So... uh, what is a good rotation for a level 49 retribution paladin? I recently (as in, an hour ago) switched from holy to retri and I am absolutely lost. Tried looking online but every guide has been written either during early beta ("we're trying to figure this [cabbage] out") or use a bunch of confusing acronyms that I'm too lazy to look up. It would be very much appreciated if someone could spell out the spells I should use!


You really don't have a rotation, you're based pretty heavily around the RNG of Holy Power, which is why Ret is kinda lacklustre atm.


Crusader Strike whenever it's off cooldown, Hammer of Wrath when they're low, either use Templar's Verdict for some damage or Word of Glory to heal yourself at 3 Holy Power. Judge, I think Seal of Truth is the Ret seal now, but Righteousness might be better. I think there's a Talent/glyph that turns it more into what Seal of Command used to be. Divine Storm should be used when there's a lot of enemies around, like... 6-7, I think, because it shares the cooldown w/Crusader Strike. When... Art of War procs, I think it is, your Exorcism is instant and does double damage. And of course there's Zealotry and Inquisition and Avenging Wrath, your Cooldown kinda things, so use them when you think is necessary. Holy Wrath does pretty decent damage now, and it hits everything, but I'm not sure if Consecration is worth the mana hit.


Of course, at 85, you can download the addon CLCRet, which is like a suggestion mod, it tells you what the best move would be to use.


Thanks a bunch. Yeah I figured you should use Crusader Strike whenever possible, but some people commented that, hey Divine Storm has improved a lot in Cataclysm, maybe it could replace Crusader Strike(!). But then I wondered how the hell you'd build Holy Power. Ugh. Anyway, this helped me a bunch!


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