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Everything posted by stormveritas

  1. I don't understand people like yourself (not trying to be offensive). If you work out how long it takes for you to do the quest, in that time you could of had double the exp in each of those skills and that's generally the case for every quest. What is there to understand? I hate training Mining and Hunter so some free exp for doing a quest is a nice reward. I don't really care if I could get double the exp, why should I do something I don't like in a game? :roll: I don't understand people like you, who have to analyse every single piece of data in the game and try to enforce your ridiculous views onto other people. Don't forget that each new quest adds quest points to your total, which in turn increases your time at Tears of Guthix every week. Those points/seconds add up, and contribute much-needed EXP to your worst skills.
  2. That's a solid list. I liked Kalphites a lot when I was going for 99 range, the guardians were terrific exp and dropped a ton of blue charms. My list: [*:3ovkucz7]Black Demons - drops stink, and they are very powerful, so you need to waste money on pray pots or range them (which is very slow)[*:3ovkucz7]Warped Terrorbirds - I adore the tortoises, hate the birdies.[*:3ovkucz7]Skeletal Wyverns - Horrific. Slow to kill, they hit multiple ways, and ranging them is a giant nuisance as well as very slow.[*:3ovkucz7]Goraks - these guys are TERRIBLE. They hit hard, drain stats, drop very little, and are tough to access. If you go to GWD you're in better shape, but it still takes forever to finish a task. Unlike the Spiritual Mages (who barely damage their opponents), goraks take care of business and cream their opposition, so "ambush killing" as I enjoy in GWD is very difficult. Goraks are the worst task in Duradel's arsenal.
  3. I train through slayer, and if you can use slayer to earn "points" (use slayer guide to learn more), I highly recommend learning how to fletch broad bolts. Broad bolts are amazing. At 50 gp each, they hit harder than mith bolts. Terrific weapons, I can't get enough of them. Been slaying with them and now I'm 300k from 99. :thumbup:
  4. People suggest the whip with good reason. Unless you are planning to camp at Waterfiends, it is the most powerful and versatile weapon in the game in that price range.
  5. Within the inner circle there is a ring of portals to the altars, including the Chaos Altar. After going through the portal, you leave the abyss and go to the altar. You are still skulled, and be wary that death means loss of items. After you convert your essence to runes, teleport back to Edgeville with a glory amulet, bank your runes, and restock essence. Lather, rinse, repeat.
  6. It depends on the nature of the glitch abuse. If you're exploiting something at the expense of others (Falador Massacre), then you are subject to a ban. You are acting maliciously and ruining the experience for other people. If you're exploiting a bug that helps you make money on your own (like the Sara GWD boss bug), then you are simply doing what you can to improve your standing by using strategy. Jagex shouldn't ban you, they should hire you as a beta tester. Consider the Corporeal Beast. Jagex has alluded to a "secret weakness" that helps people kill it, but the concensus so far is that the best "weakness" is just to bring a huge amount of people and swarm it, and even then it is a tough foe. If someone were to find an item that made the CB solo-possible, why should they not exploit it? Just because it was a poor design on Jagex' part doesn't mean we know definitively it was unintentional.
  7. It depends on what you mean. The bosses will eat you for dinner, but you could hang around and pick off enemies you have the slayer level to kill. If you want to fight the bosses, you're simply not strong enough. The only way you'd last is to join a group of stronger players and have them carry the workload.
  8. I don't think it's fair to qualify shows I don't fit into the target audience for. I'm not the one that's supposed to like them. That said: Mythbusters. I've never seen two more pompous people in my life. Not to mention the show is based upon abominably bad scientific hypotheses/conclusions. I want to punch that show in the beret. Flip This/Sell This House style shows. I've seen the same show 70,000 times. My wife loves them. I just don't get it. Deal or No Deal. This is the worst game show in the history of television. The entire show revolves around rewarding people for having good luck and terrible logic. I -HATE- this show.
  9. I really enjoyed this quite a bit. I don't agree with everything (I think Jagex should swallow their pride and roll back for people that get screwed by untested updates), but the overarching point is a good one. I think the game's players deserve more beta testing, and it wouldn't interfere with release timing very much. Consider that each release requires an extra two months of testing, but that would merely result in a one-time two month shift in releases, and then business as usual. Overall we get a very good product for the money we pay, but in the spirit of continuous improvement this would be a nice place to focus.
  10. Very nice, pleasantly concise article. Of the killing arts, range is definitely my favorite. I enjoyed this article and can definitely relate to it - very frustrating to gear up to range and find your precious safe spot obliterated by a graphical update. As per the criticism, I think it's an unfortunate byproduct of living in the "everything sucks" era. For whatever reason, people think they appear more cutting edge and "selective" by simply refusing to commit to enjoying anything. Music, movies, comedy acts, and people in general are attacked as a result - a true echo of the cowardice in our society. After all, if you -don't- like something and it ends up being generally heralded as popular, then you simply appear "picky". If you do commit to liking something that is then frowned on by the public, it opens you up the risk of being labeled :gasp: uncool. Case study example #1 is comedian Dane Cook. He was for three years the fastest growing, popular, wildly sought after comedy acts in the world. He was leapfrogging to movies, selling out arenas, and becoming no less than a household name. What happened? Very simple. Radio DJs and disgruntled comedians went out of their way to attack how unfunny they thought he was (which I'm sure had nothing to do with the implicit jealousy reserved for someone wildly more successful than you in your career) and *boom*, all the same people who were buying his CDs and T-Shirts suddenly were put off by this garish, boring, unfunny comedian. Same thing here. The article doesn't suck at all, but it's a hell of a lot easier to say it does than to have the balls to admit to enjoying it and see other people disagree with you.
  11. Definitely scientific. Nothing worse than setting a goal, buying or collecting all your resources to get there, and coming up a little short.
  12. Impetuous Impulses is still a good moneymaker. Hunter took a huge hit, but it's still easy to level and you can still use a few chins for Skeletons / mummies / Castle Wars. I like this, as it will indirectly really help out smithing. There is still a way to powerlevel range far faster than any combat skill - it's called the DWARF CANNON. This will raise prices for cannonballs substantially; a nice boost as the whole game is currently on a slayer kick. Granted cannonballs are a bear to make, but now smithing has a chance to REALLY bring in some big bucks. I can't say I'm surprised by this; Jagex has tried to steer players towards leveling combat through slayer for some time. This is another method to keep people from camping at one spot and watching one stat go through the roof.
  13. I've done them all. The Varrock Achievement Armor is an amazing moneymaker, and the clap-clap gloves are a slayer's best friend. So happy with them, can't wait for more!
  14. Love the idea! I think the war in the middle of Swan Song would be fantastic. The cut scene from killing Bork is nice. Most of the glory in the game is had with combat, but I love skills, so I really would be pleased with farming / thieving / fishing / smithing etc. too.
  15. Outstanding bank, great value, great organization. 9/10, only because some folks have lots of rares that drive worth.
  16. Black masks tend to cost about 400k. It is the equivalent to permanently sipping a super atk and super str pot before every battle. They are -wonderful- if you melee train for slayer. I adore mine.
  17. Moss Giants are fantastic for P2Pers around your level.
  18. If your magic is high enough, I highly recommend powerleveling your fishing with trout and salmon flyfishing and then going to do Swan Song. Monkfish heal better, cook for more EXP, fish for more EXP, and get pulled just as fast as lobsters. They are also less crowded.
  19. If you can get into the ranging guild, the ogres will get gobbled up by fire strike. Goblins may not be a bad choice either, or you can use cows and collect those hides. Either way, enjoy!
  20. It's all relative. If you are a newcomer to the game, a level 40 looks pretty high. As you play, you realize that there are some skills which you can easily reach 40 in a day of work (construction, woodcutting, firemaking, fishing, cooking, etc.). Similarly, some skills are very difficult to work (slayer, farming). There are "standards", but they are based upon common goals of many runescapers. Many like 85 mining, because you can then mine runite. As a level 79 miner, this is a very hard skill to reach unless you are dedicated to mining. Many like 76 fishing, to catch sharks, or 80 cooking, to cook them. There are tons of possible end goals, but what you consider high today will change when you get there. Once you reach that goal, 99 may become the new "high".
  21. Yes, you have some very good stats. Natures will be good money, but so would laws, and you can use the Pest Control Island to get there fast. On top of that, there are always things like fletching magic bows, or yew longs, or mining coal. Some people use Pest Control to make money, although I find it very slow. Making bowstrings is also, believe it or not, pretty quick money. Flax is cheap (or free) and strings are a piece of cake, decent crafting experience, and you don't need to focus much on them.
  22. Talk to all the village people. The Duke, the people, the chef, the priest, the shop owners, Gee, Donnie, etc. After you talk to a whole bunch of them, ask him about that birthmark.
  23. If you aren't a frequent abyss user, you can safely restore your pouches without endangering the loss of them. You don't need to have them with you when you visit the mage in the Abyss to have them fixed - he'll take care of them even if they're in your bank!
  24. Cosmic talismans are hard to come by as a drop as they are fairly rare, but they are also not valuable. You can save yourself by shopping around for one - most people have a few cosmic tiaras I'm sure they'd part with for those death runes or maybe 5k.
  25. I'm clearly missing something then, as I'm at level 59 and it takes me forever to level up. I use some fish on the rogue's den, and use cakes to heal when I thieve knights, but it's slow as hell anyway. What's the secret?
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