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Everything posted by Dracion1

  1. No no no, you could do a lot better, it depends if your PC & PSU will handle it at the moment. There are many cards that outstrip the 8600gt by a long way for a slightly higher cost, but require a lot more power (watts) to run. A 295 may be the best card, but it'd be wasteful. If you want something really high end perhaps look for a GTX 280 or 285, quite expensive though. If you want something less power hungry and cheaper, the 9600GT looks to be good buy.
  2. You'll make more friends here by staying active and making useful contributions rather than just plainly asking for them.
  3. I'd doubt it very much. The screen probably wouldn't be nearly big enough, and I don't know if it'd be powerful enough to run even low detail.
  4. Queue properly. It's a British thing.
  5. Suitably unimpressed. Despite Microsoft's claims of standards compliant I couldn't get past 12/100 on acid3. Guess I'm sticking to my copy of Firefox 3.1b3, which incidently, was also released recently.
  6. Good news! Proper multicore support has finally been patched into the game :) From what I've heard it's still a bit buggy though.
  7. Before anyone suggests anything: What's your budget for the total build?
  8. Impossible to choose. I've read a lot of those and it's hard for me to pick a favourite. Having said that, Life of Pi was an excellent read.
  9. First games I got on each were: Gameboy: Tetris PS1: Gran Turismo PC: Commander Keen 4 In terms of game age since release though, I've got older ones such as Keen 1 and other DOS games.
  10. What addon did it say was installed? Also have you: Upgraded to the latest version of Firefox? Updated your graphics drivers? More info would be good too, it's hard to say what the problem is at this point. Does RuneScape load before crashing? Does it crash when loading a certain thing? Have you tried 'Safe mode'?
  11. Now there's your problem. I'd seriously advise removing McAffee and replacing it with something else. It's virus protection is poort and it hogs up your computer's memory and cpu a lot. Something like AVIRA Antivir or NOD32 would be much better.
  12. +1. Get the specs off Dxdiag, make sure the PSU gives enough watts (You'll need about 500W to a modern card on a decent setup), and check to make sure the mobo has PCIe.
  13. Very odd :o If there was a new CPU put in it should update itself, I know mine did when I added more RAM so I don't see why it wouldn't notice a new chip. Either that or something's quite wrong somewhere.
  14. I found another today; here in the UK it is illegal to set off a nuclear bomb. You can thank Blair for that.
  15. Dracion1


    Of course, though not all my teachers set a great deal of homework. It's useful I find, keeps your mind fresh on what the subject is about so long as you aren't doing it the night before.
  16. I agree. Pink shirts can actually be quite macho if it's the right shade of pink.
  17. Men balding at the temples at around 50-60ish is the only one I know of, if that counts as a disease.
  18. Ok. Have you got any firewall software that could be blocking ports/applications? You might need to change settings so they're set to allow instead of block. It could also be that your router is set to block certain things. You might need to log into it and change the settings.
  19. Heal good people, server regulars and the like. Eventually you'll find one guy who will go on an insane spree as soldier/demo/heavy and you'll get several achievements in one go :P
  20. Love mucking around on this, especially 'pyro sand' or whatever it's called...
  21. Which version of AOE is this? Also, are you both using the same versions? I had problems with AOK when I tried to play my brother, his version was unpatched and mine was.
  22. Main reasons I like Firefox: Ad-Block Plus NoScript CoolIris
  23. You might have broken it then :P Get a new one, $20 will get you a decent one that will be fine for everything.
  24. Tip.it blue (mithril). :thumbup:
  25. Depends how big the pizza is. Generally a normal or large pizza will do just fine. I once ate 2 at pizz hut, but they were smaller than normal. Anyway, I've always been a bigger fan of calzone than pizza.
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