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Everything posted by Dracion1

  1. It is. He means that if you are planning to spend less than $50, just get Audacity ;)
  2. Big corporations aren't always friendly. I found something on the MS website anyway. Can be locked now.
  3. Sorry if this has been asked before, but, does anyone know of any program that I can use in XP to get the background to change every 5 minutes or so? Any help appreciated, thanks
  4. Firefox is a lot faster, more secure and is easily customisable with all the add-ons available on the Mozilla website.
  5. +1. Only buy if you know it's a trustworthy seller. From what I've heard Newegg are very good and offer decent prices.
  6. Your links aren't working. You need to right click and select 'Copy Shortcut' or 'Copy Link Location' to get the whole thing.
  7. I don't know and I don't really care.
  8. You said you were playing at school, so I'm not surprised you've just been hacked. It's easily possible someone could have planted a keylogger on one of the computers. Anyway, as you said your recoveries were changed, so you may as well give up. Just goes to show you shouldn't play RS at school.
  9. Sins of a Solar Empire. I technically sold it to a friend, but since it was a pretty decent strategy game I'm borrowing it to reinstall on my PC. Excellent game, even if a single match can take 4 hours on a small easy map.
  10. AVG has gone downhill a lot recently. It misses things and is generally slower I find.
  11. Mouse and Keyboard are the best controllers by far :
  12. Never mind, can be locked. Before you moan, I didn't find a solution.
  13. Middle. My dad earns a six figure salary, he's a high ranking specialist doctor who does NHS work and private practice; so we manage to live pretty well off. He still drives a Vauxhall Meriva though >_>
  14. It was number 2, just to clear things up. I believe lang left his go open to anyone ;)
  15. Relatively easily one imo:
  16. 6k is excessive for a PC. Personally I'd buy something for about 1.5K or a bit less, and maybe upgrade once DirectX11 cards come out later this year. Also, custom building would give you miles better value for money than Alienware.
  17. More random stuff I found today, Lego TF2:
  18. Bear in mind it's not always hugely reliable. Apparently my PC only just meets the requirements for L4D, yet it runs it fine on pretty much highest settings.
  19. Diet Coke > Everything else imo. I've never had this problem though :P
  20. I'm going to a big fanboy and say PC will be best this year, in terms of game releases anyway. *Runs*
  21. 9600GT will perform even better if you want to play other games, but needs more power than a 9500GT. Either will run HD fine though.
  22. That will easily run HD. I'd second getting a fan cooled card over a pasively cooled one, for the reasons stated, and they're normally quite a bit cheaper. Before you do upgrade though, you'll need to make sure your motherboard supports PCIe, and your power supply is rated at about 350+W.
  23. Laptop firewall settings are unrelated to the Xbox. As was said, if you can, try and hook your console up directly to the router. It could also be other people are causing your connection to drop of, especially if you've only got a limited bandwidth and someone is watching videos on youtube or downloading something. Also, it'd be worth checking to make sure the wireless is secure and people aren't leaching off you. Make sure you have a secure key.
  24. Gloucestershire, England. The county with all the farmers in it.
  25. Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader. You left too many clues in ;) Next one:
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