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Have you ever been hacked?


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Hacked December 2005. Lost everything i had been working throught all summer of 2005. My good friends convinced me to continue playing - and they were right: after all you still got your skills :)


Runescaper since June 2005


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A few times by my friends home keylogger. It was his cousins idea <.<




That was back in classic when i had like 100k to my name. And once for 1million, but he gave it back + more because he quit. So I guess it's even.

Quit RuneScape :)

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i quit around easter last year, and had great security-bank pin, hard-to-guess password, recovery questions that only i knew. at the time, i was member, but it was just running out. i had a santa, about 13m cash, and some barrows part. when i came back, i had a couple of dragon weapons, and about 500k cash. so basically, i lost 33-34m[13m+21-22m]. now i have made back a total of 10.5m, gonna get members in a week, get fletching to 99, magic to 94, and get mage staking. :boohoo: :cry:


The spelling and grammar of that email was that of an 11 year old palestinian goatboy who is speaking english for the first time
Quite simply, Facebook craps on Myspace. Then makes it eat the crap.
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When i first started playing rs, i made it to lvl 29 then all of a sudden i went to log in and it said that they thought that i stole my account. So i got really peed off and eventually about a half year later i logged back in and it let me back in. I didn't lose anything (i don't think since i nearly forgot what all i had in my bank). Now i'm lvl 54 and i've also set my recovery questions, thank god for that.

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I am not sure really if I was hacked or I got into a fight with a random and logged before I saw it. All I remember was I logged out and when I tried to log back in, it said I was already logged in. I finally got back on and I was in lumbridge with everything besides my rune full helm and my rune scimitar. It could have been someone hacked me and was only smart enough to die on my account, or I logged out before I saw a random.

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Nope, I take the security of my account very seriously. Good thing though, I have a lot of investments in my account (RS Gold Wise, no RL trading here. :shame:). :thumbsup:


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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When I first started playing, I used the account I play on now. Then he died and lost all his stuff so I made a new account. I got him up to level 22 and got him full mith. (which was a big deal at the time) Then one day someone just hacked him. :( I was too much of a noob at the time to have set recoveries and stuff. So I went back to the old account, and raised all his skills. But before that I made recovery questions and changed his pass I also set a bank pin when the time came. If he was hacked I don't know what I'd do.

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I got hacked 2 years ago. Lost the entire account... This was before bank PINs existed, of course... It was only mid-50s for level but it had about 5M worth of items... I bounced back by using the back-up account and now it is level 112, so I think I'm doing pretty well for myself.

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I've never been hacked, I've been pass scammed (That was when I was stupid.). Lol.






Its amazing why people don't get punished for sending keyloggers to computers.




I've heard that the hackers now days use password generators to get into accounts.

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This one time, my friends (irl) used a keylogger (while I was at their house) to hack into my account. They only took a few gems and my rune med, which they later returned to me as a birthday present. :XD:

> SELECT * FROM users WHERE clue > 0;

0 rows returned

There's no place like

There are only 10 types of people

in this world: those who understand

binary and those who don't.

This statement is false.

$DO || ! $DO ; try

try: command not found

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I once got hacked when I have been playing RS for about 4 months...


It's true, I was a newb, and most of my bank was junk(some 15k cash and iron stuff) but to me, it was my fortune. :oops:


It turns out it was my friend (who doesn't play) hacked me just for the hell of it. <.<


Then one time, probably several months after beeing hacked the first time, I logged in to find myself in a completly different location, with items in my inventory that weren't there when I logged out. Nothing happened after that. :-k


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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Once. I lost.......... 20k by getting scammed out of my password (yeah, newbish). I created a new account, and after 3 days or so I realised I could have just recovered the previous account... but I didn't even bother with it. Let the scammer have some fun with it, I though, since I already had more money than that at that time and didn't want to drop trade.


Oh, and you are hacked if someone breaks into the JaGeX database, gets your password, and tries it. If someone says the "Free membership" scam, and you fall for it, you have not been hacked, you have been scammed. Learn the difference, kiddos. :shame:



You're being watched.

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I don't believe I have, I mean, I've given accounts and items to friends... I did have a pure miner once... Zorgovsky... he got hacked and I used to see him on my friends list all the time... I made a lot of money before he got hacked though... loser hackers :lol:

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