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F2P is more fun then members


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I would rather be a non member sometimes




ThatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s right, I think that in a lot of ways non-member's can be much more fun then members.




I have outlined my reasons in an easy-to-follow list format.




1. There are people EVERYWHERE you go. In member's I see people in banks and popular places. ThatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s about it. (Before you even say it, I am aware that this is because the two types of worlds have the same people capacity but different volumes)




2. The people are cooler. I would rather fish lobsters in a non member karajama then have the convenience of Catherby. Random spamming anyone?




3. It has less of a point! It's a game people, not a part time job. I'm not going to argue with people's opinions on whether or not it is fun to chop down virtual trees all day. My point is that the non members have an overall looser feel.




Don't flame me; I'm not saying that F2P is better than members. I just saying that F2P is better than members in some ways.




I apologize if a similar thread has already been started on this topic, but I'm pretty sure one hasn't. Tell me what you think.


Golden Sun= the best game ever made?

Farming and construction are dumb. I am proud to have level 1 in both.

How to write very bad guides (B3$7 3\/4R!!!!1)

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f2p = Full of noobs.... if you fit in there, you fit in


99 Attack - 99 Strength - 99 Hits - 99 Magic - 99 Smithing

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Zx7r Ninja (Currently Training) Updated 2/14/09: Ags Achieved on 2/15/09

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***Owned a Bandos Godsword since 59 Combat***

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I think being forced to play F2P is at the top of my list of things that would make me quit within 2 days.




Haha.. first I'd use the f2p time to get my mining and smithing up.. and then yeah, I'd quit.




I don't see how f2p is better in any way. Generally, there are less beggars in f2p, less autoers, less scammers, less kids cause their moms won't buy them members and they can't themselves.. I've had hundreds of intelligent conversations on members.. maybe a couple on f2p. P2P has better places, better items, better everything (including, in my opinion, people.)

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I don't think the f2p as much as p2p because i can't find much to do. But that is where i do all my mining at...when i'm not a member. But i support you decsion to like f2p

And the cavemen wondered how to make fire...

Im in the .00001% that finds Firemaking fun. If you find it fun add this to your siggy.



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I can actually see where the topic starter's coming from. In truth, more and more of my friends are starting to treat this like either a full-time job, or some sort of addiction. Back when it was were you weren't paying for it/making the most out of every penny, there was no pressure, no rush for goals, no nothing - it was just a game.




Too bad that feeling can't be ported over to Members. Kinda wish it could be though...

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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when i forgot to renew my members, i felt like dying in f2p.




i understand that its more crowded, but sometimes silence is better

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Thats cool but i dont know if im the only one but honestly i feel the completly different way in some ways because there are those days that i get bored of p2p but when i accomplish a goal like when i got anchients i had fun playing on p2p but then again currently im f2p and i am having fun talking to people that are overall fun to talk to :thumbsup:


so liek i know this dude name foxtrot and he luvs me

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I can actually see where the topic starter's coming from. In truth, more and more of my friends are starting to treat this like either a full-time job, or some sort of addiction. Back when it was were you weren't paying for it/making the most out of every penny, there was no pressure, no rush for goals, no nothing - it was just a game.




Too bad that feeling can't be ported over to Members. Kinda wish it could be though...




i dont try to make the most of every penny.. a month goes by slow and its only 5 bucks.....

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I think being forced to play F2P is at the top of my list of things that would make me quit within 2 days.




i agree, f2p is very boring as it is like members, trapped in a box. The only thing f2p is useful for is firemaking (cheap willows lumbridge general store)

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God I cant STAND F2p. Want to know a few reasons?




1. I'm training firemaking in varrock using the street and making long lines from the center passed the bank. It annoys me greatly when there's others also training, lots of ashes, and not to mention I've been there for at least an hour and then someone has a great idea to make a fire, one single fire, in the middle of my lane. Is it REALLY that hard to walk to the side of the bank to do it?




2. "Can I buy your cape?" Does anyone else have this cape, have you seen this cape anywhere else on F2P, do you see this cape being sold? If you've answered No to any of these questions, then your answer is "No" you cannot buy my cape.




3. Person: Free Stuff Plesae


Me: No


Person: Please!


Me: No






Didn't you hear my the first time? *adds to ignore*




4. Improper grammar. This would include (not limited to, as it includes many others):




"H3y wats up"


"Can I plz hav ur cape?"


"Wer can I lern to play runscap?" (Check the knoledge base, it's right next to your dicitonary)


"Wat is dat ur wearing?"


"Min lvl?"


"Wats your stealing lvl?"


"Wat lvl is ur armor making lvl?"


"Wat r u smiting?"


"phr33 st00f"




5. Complete nit-wits


"Where's the bank?"


"Am I in the bank?"


"How do you bank?"




6. Beggars




7. Autoers, Autoers, Autoers, Default clothing, Autoers, gibberish for Names, Autoers, low levels in mining guild, low levels in the mining guild with gibberish names, low levels in the mining guild with gibberish names and default clothing, Autoers, 30+ people at one yew tree, Autoers, Autoers at every yew tree, Autoers.




8. Want-to-be player mods


Person: Can I have your cape?


Me: No


Person: Lol! Reported Noob




9. 11 Year old kids thinking it's cool to swear


Person: Omfg man this is so *** I just got ******


Person2: Wtf hapned?


Person: It was ****ing *** totally got *** ******


Person2: just ****ing tell me!




10. 11 Year old kids making up weird combinations of letters and numbers to substitute swears (They're censored for a reason nit wits)




11. 11 Year old kids obsessed with the bodily function mainly that surrounds the bathroom. A.K.A. having names such as: Poopboy2000




Those are just a few off the top of my head.




I can actually see where the topic starter's coming from. In truth, more and more of my friends are starting to treat this like either a full-time job, or some sort of addiction. Back when it was were you weren't paying for it/making the most out of every penny, there was no pressure, no rush for goals, no nothing - it was just a game.




Too bad that feeling can't be ported over to Members. Kinda wish it could be though...




It's still just a game? I don't try to make the most out of every bite of food I eat because I paid for it. I don't make the most out of every inch I drive down the road because I paid for the gas in my car. I don't sleep in my car so I can savior every part of it because I paid for it. I paid for the game, I enjoy it, and I feel no pressure. People set goals to push themselves to succeed. People make goals to see how fast they can accomplish that goal. I tried going from 1-99 hunter in a month. As you can see I burnt myself out and never finished, but at least I tried.




Honestly, I'm in an extremely pissy mood right now, and I'm going to tell you to grow up and take a look around you. You might now like it, you might disagree with other peoples ways. This is the way we want to live and the way we want to play our game. If you don't like it then you can just get up and leave. Quite frankly I'm sick and tired of people nit-picking and complaining about my life. I enjoy what I do and I have fun doing it, so why don't you keep your comments to yourself and just leave me (and everyone else) alone. If you can't have fun on members that's your problem not mine.




Gosh I feel better.




f2p = Full of noobs.... if you fit in there, you fit in




Brutal.. but true



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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every time i go on a free sever, i get atleast 10 beggers following me.


no thanks- ill stick to p2p.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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dont you dare!!!!!! :ohnoes:






members rocksor...uh...rocks




and btw, in your sig, is that a picture of a stick going into a girls boobies??? <.<


Hate is a strong word<3:


need 130k willows for 99 fm, or 3 mil to buy them "sniff"

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I'd take members anyday over f2p. There are tons of idiots and new players and the people considered noobs that just have no clue what the game is about in f2p.




However I like it. It's more relaxed in my opinion. Someday I'm going to spend like a week in f2p, just training on Lessers and I always used to do to have fun and get money. I just enjoy it. But it's a major inconvenience to everything.



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I would rather be a non member sometimes




ThatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s right, I think that in a lot of ways non-member's can be much more fun then members.




I have outlined my reasons in an easy-to-follow list format.




1. There are people EVERYWHERE you go. In member's I see people in banks and popular places. ThatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s about it. (Before you even say it, I am aware that this is because the two types of worlds have the same people capacity but different volumes)




to be honest, sometimes it is good to be alone. silence is nice when sometimes all that happens is people calling you a noob, or asking you for "phr33 st00f"




2. The people are cooler. I would rather fish lobsters in a non member karajama then have the convenience of Catherby. Random spamming anyone?




most people i saw in karamaja when i was F2P started racist conversations and tried to argue with everyone. also "Fire" "fire plz" "fire now!" etc is a lot mroe spamming than catherby.




3. It has less of a point! It's a game people, not a part time job. I'm not going to argue with people's opinions on whether or not it is fun to chop down virtual trees all day. My point is that the non members have an overall looser feel.




looser? being constricted to fewer skills? being constricted to less of a map? thats loose?




Don't flame me; I'm not saying that F2P is better than members. I just saying that F2P is better than members in some ways.




I apologize if a similar thread has already been started on this topic, but I'm pretty sure one hasn't. Tell me what you think.






i didnt try to flame, but the bold prtty much expresses my feelings toward your overall post

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There is tons more stuff to do in members, meaning you are less likely to get bored doing something. The variety is amazing, and with Jagex adding more Achievement Diaries people feel encouraged to do things they haven't tried before. The only people that think F2P is better are the ones that are adamant about being 'F2P 4 Lyfe'.

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I must say that I agree with you. Espacially the third of yours has made me not going members for all this time I have been playing RS. Because RS is about having fun \' .



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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I have never been member and i have been playing since 2002.


Why is some of you saying F2p is full of noobs?


There are actullay alot of nice, mature people in F2p too and


there is also alot of bots, scammers, noobs etc. in members too.




Neither F2p or P2p is perfect but my choice will always be to play


RuneScape in F2p.

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I somewhat agree. Draynor Village cabbage patch, world 7 - it is definitely nearly always better there. And sometimes, I feel like you can actually find more mature people in F2P than P2P. And yes, Catherby is terrible.




P2P also has points, but I understand what you mean.



People with fluffy pink avatars are generally expected to be nice.
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youll be back, they always come back. f2p are noobs, youll fit in quite nicely :D




[hide]they should just get rid of F2p alltogether, your all noobs anyways.




lol too poor to afford a small $5 a month.[/hide]


^Click for my Newgrounds page!


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