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I have spent countless hours around the Tip.It homeworlds, both on F2P and P2P, going around saying HYT! here and there.


Not once have I had a HYT! response from a Tip.Iter :P


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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Calm down and WAIT. It has only been 3 days since the update. Does it not occur to you that some(most) of the pcers are playing for the void set? Pc is nerfed and those who can do slayer will do slayer, there is lesser pcers spending points on mage and range, so those people are out. If Jagex is going to do something about pc it will be during next week's update.




Anyway, the problem of high population in worlds is unlikely to affect aussies and eastern asians. In our timezone, morning here is nightime in US and vice versa. The common playing time for us usually is afternoon, which is non-peak times, w99 has <1k players inside.




Meh, I want a world I can rc peacefully in, not w27 (some rc pking clan's homeworld i read about?) or w99 (mass lag during peak times and unusually more rc pkers)

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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world 97-100 are literally full now(although world 100 always has) so i think we should wait a week or two to see how the pest control players spread across the worlds.




i agree though that world 7 for f2pers should be changed to world 107?its always full midday times and since its one of the uk servers its gonna be full 90% of the time.world 107 sounds good to me.

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Why 27...? Why not something with repetitve digits like 111 or something?
anything but 111!! last thing i want is a place i remember as a slaughter ground than the tip.it it world. apparently 27 seems to be in favor for statistical reasons so im'a go with that. ::'




EDIT: i wish i hadnt quit now. i could have had a full set of void (exclud gloves) in the time it takes me to get a void top. <.<


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Why 27...? Why not something with repetitve digits like 111 or something?
anything but 111!! last thing i want is a place i remember as a slaughter ground than the tip.it it world.




Take it easy....no one is going to pk you in falador.

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I say 28 because that's already my homeworld :P.



Click sig for blog ^^


6,627th to 99 fletching

33,986th to 99 attack

4,871st to 99 thieving


Whip drops: 28 / Dark Bows: 7 / Hexcrests: 7 / Focus Sights: 1 / Staffs of Light: 6 / Dragon Chainbodies: 2 (1 KQ Solo 1 Dust Devil)

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Why 27...? Why not something with repetitve digits like 111 or something?
anything but 111!! last thing i want is a place i remember as a slaughter ground than the tip.it it world.




Take it easy....no one is going to pk you in falador.




i dunno...that farmer does look kind of shifty... :?


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Why 27...? Why not something with repetitve digits like 111 or something?
anything but 111!! last thing i want is a place i remember as a slaughter ground than the tip.it it world.




Take it easy....no one is going to pk you in falador.




i dunno...that farmer does look kind of shifty... :?




muwahahahahaha! :twisted:

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Calm down and WAIT. It has only been 3 days since the update. Does it not occur to you that some(most) of the pcers are playing for the void set? Pc is nerfed and those who can do slayer will do slayer, there is lesser pcers spending points on mage and range, so those people are out. If Jagex is going to do something about pc it will be during next week's update.




Anyway, the problem of high population in worlds is unlikely to affect aussies and eastern asians. In our timezone, morning here is nightime in US and vice versa. The common playing time for us usually is afternoon, which is non-peak times, w99 has <1k players inside.




Meh, I want a world I can rc peacefully in, not w27 (some rc pking clan's homeworld i read about?) or w99 (mass lag during peak times and unusually more rc pkers)




Exactly, why are we after not even a week saying we need a new world. Yes it has been full last days but that doesn't mean it wont calm down.


I'd say stick to 99 for atleast 2 weeks. Then, after that maybe choose a new world.




Credits to Skully Sc for the signature.24picns.png

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Woah. Now aquashock and Toast have left for the last few pages, I finally found the normal TIFcommunity back. Those 2 are probably the most ignorant people I've seen this day.








So IF we need to change, we obviously dont want to go to 27 just because some people said. The best seems to me to set up a massive forum poll for all worlds, and then a second poll with the 5 winning worlds who arent too crowded. And then choose a new one.




But I hope it isn't needed. I <3: 99.




And we still can wait a week or 2.








(I'm moving to 98 for the time being btw. Closest related to 99. ;) )



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When we changed worlds the first time, it was because the world was full pretty much all the time. (W9) Like people have already stated, it has been a couple of days, not even a week. Hopefully the hype dies down just so we can keep W99 but if it doesn't in a couple of weeks, you guys can move, I got my homeworld still in me, cause I ain't movin'.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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Woah. Now aquashock and Toast have left for the last few pages, I finally found the normal TIFcommunity back. Those 2 are probably the most ignorant people I've seen this day.








So IF we need to change, we obviously dont want to go to 27 just because some people said. The best seems to me to set up a massive forum poll for all worlds, and then a second poll with the 5 winning worlds who arent too crowded. And then choose a new one.




But I hope it isn't needed. I <3: 99.




And we still can wait a week or 2.








(I'm moving to 98 for the time being btw. Closest related to 99. ;) )




=D> Nice idea of having one big poll and then having a runner up poll. =D>

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I agree that we should wait. The riots can't last forever. It seems like most of the people that are choosing worlds are just throwing them out there at random. Ease of logging into the homeworld should not be the only criteria for choosing a new world. Personally, I would not go to an official world if it was a "dead" world because most of the skills that I work on are tied to spawns, and spawns are slowest on "dead" worlds.




If we are serious about moving the homeworld, some actual thought needs to go into it, not just a knee-jerk reaction like this because some morons decided to temporarily use 99 as their protesting world.


Dragon Drops - 10 Meds, 9 Legs, 5 Skirts, 2 Left Half

PM me to have any potions made or crafting done

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Haha :lol: I noticed that 99 has been full ever since that riot.. I wonder how many of them are actually aware of what they did?




Anyways, I vote for World 2, since we're mad that the rioters stole our world, it's only fair that we steal the merchanters' world.




But seriously though, 27 is fine.

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Wow this thread grew fast!




I think it's too early to deciede, the roits have only justy finished, so let's just hang on a bit and see if this population spurt in World 99 will die off.


I do love W99 too much to just leave it after 3 days of it being full..




Oh, and I also think that if we really do need to move worlds then it should be World 77, but I think we should have a seperate poll on that another time.


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I like World 120 and 99


gonna miss it..






i would choose whatever is decided

Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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5:10 on Friday. Plenty of time for people to be home from school. Every Canadian, Australian or Finnish Server has 1320 or less players in it (apart from w18 of course.)




No I'm not Canadian, Australian or Finnish. Just an observation of where people could look for new homeworld ideas.


99: Agility 28/12/14|Thieving 20/03/15

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