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I was bullied until I learnt to stand up for myself but I don't think I want to talk about it at the moment. I might change my mind another time though.




Striker, don't let the fact that you were bullied taint your view on the rest of the world. You will find that people are nice if you just give them the chance to be.


The Poison Fairy

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I've never been subject to proper bullying. I've had someone call me lame names like "smelly" in year 3, but that stopped after a few weeks, and we became friends a few weeks after that. :|




I've not heard any of my friends be subject to proper bullying either, it's jsut never happened in the schools/areas I've been to. :?




I've heard about people that have been bullied at an escalated level, and it can be quite nasty. I'm just thankful I've never had it. :|

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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I dont get bullied, I bully.




Lol! Arent you cool!:D




I dont bully/or get bullied. Im just one of those popular kids, hehe hate to brag about it. So because I don't bully any1, popular, etc, people tend to avoid bullying me cause i'll sting them with a good comeback(a clean one[no bullying:p lol]




Edit: Some people joke around with me " your fat, your ugly, loser, etc " but i dont assume thats bullying/ because i dont get hurt by it :)

--Quit--(As of December 22th, 2007)

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Like 7 years ago in the ninth grade, some moron tried bullying me on the first day of school, it turns out I was much more well built then him, so, after the fight, both his eyes were black, his nose and lips were bleeding, and one of his arms was broken. :shame: on him....and =D> for me.

I am an alien dudes!

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I've always average height, and I don't do much that stands out, so I've never really been bullied. However, coming from a country in which there are many bullying-related suicides (Japan,) I think something should be done about it.

mssigqc5.jpgI do English to Japanese and Japanese to English translation for free! Just keep it under 5 sentences, and PM me to use my fluency in Japanese to your advantage!
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just remember, one day every bully will get his, and when they do, everyone will turn their backs and walk the other way.

I get 30$ a day working at a haunted corn ma(i)ze, dressing up and scaring people crapless.
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just remember, one day every bully will get his, and when they do, everyone will turn their backs and walk the other way.






Juvenile faith in karma.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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nothing too bad happened too me but I just can't stand to see anyone, get picked on.




in grade 8 we were playing broomball (Hockey with weird sticks and no skates, best game ever) some littler kid was getting tripped for 'playing runescape' by people who wern't quite friends but not strangers. i got mad and whiped my helmet at him




I hate when I get violent but I can't help my very short fused temper.

omg, a lemon!


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I'm quiet and shy. But I get along with everyone. I'm an A student (occasional B's), but I don't act like a nerd. I play sports and I have a great sense of humor. When I am bullied(Nerd, geek etc.), I reply with sarcasm.






I love you too...


Ha ha you're a homo!


(Crickets chirping)




And then I walk away, leaving him struggling to understand the nine-letter word.




PS: There aren't very many "physical" bullies. Fist fights are rare. Unless, you live in the Bronx...Mostly poor places. Nowadays, bullies just annoy you.




Good luck to anyone who is bullied. Stand up for yourself, don't take that.


If it so happens that you are in a fist fight, simply shield your face and pin your opponent on the ground. You can't get in trouble for tackling a guy.

My F2P Moneymaking Guide!

Always gargle before a takeoff. Wakka Wakka!

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If you ever have to fight someone in school, keep 3 things in mind.




1) If a person can identify who started it or if it's in sight of a camera, you likely won't get in as much trouble.




2) Any type of combat training does help. Especially when your opponent's got none of his own.




3) Anything can be a weapon if used correctly.




If you keep yourself trained and prepared, you're more likely to walk away from a fight not only less damaged, but you might also "discourage" any other bullies from messing with you. Kinda the same way that Japan was discouraged from continuing the second World War after Hiroshima. :-w :anxious:

You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

You wanna mess with me or my friends? Pick your poison.

If you have any complaints about me, please refer to this link. Your problems are important to me.

Don't talk smack if you're not willing to say it to the person's face. On the same line, if you're not willing to back up your opinions no matter what, your opinion may as well be nonexistent.

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6 feet tall, broad shoulders, muscles.






No one dares :roll:




Ego, much?





It's actually truth-much. Bullies pick on people who are smaller than them. If you pick on someone bigger and stronger and they fight...guess who looks like an idiot?




You do know big fat kids get picked on? =D>




I was saying, you can say you didn't get picked on as I did, no need to go into details of how muscley (LOL) you are for instant e-cred. You just look like a dork, it's the internet, no one believes you anyway.

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nopers, never been bullied.




i've always been well known....but even then no one's really messed with me..




im not a tough guy or a hard [wagon] but i'd definately beat the hell outa someone if they touched me -.-. always hated the idea of "bullies" and i wont take it.

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3) Anything can be a weapon if used correctly.





Who needs a weapon? If he's dumb enough to open his mouth then you've got one hell of a chance to knock his [wagon] out.. Or if he's smart enough to keep his mouth closed just fake a punch at his face, put everything you've got into a jab in his stomache and while he's bent over gasping for air take that chance for a finishing blow.. Cross out #3 and put a check next to #2.

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3) Anything can be a weapon if used correctly.




That's why I carry a rubber band around with me at all times. Combined with paper (Paper wasps), pencils, or even by itself, it's a nice weapon. And teachers can't confiscate it unless I do something with it. Which I don't unless some kid comes after me and starts a fight, in which case, I don't get punished either.




Anyways...Establishing a good reputation is always nice. Teachers are much more likely to think the "big, fat, noisy troublemaker" started the fight against the "nice, quiet geek". Even though that's probably the case, it can be used to prove your innocence.




I hate when I get violent but I can't help my very short fused temper.


Same. Except occasionally, sometimes I sort of enjoy the violence. I doubt that's a good thing...But eh...Who doesn't like destroying someone you don't like?




I get picked on for being asian.


Be proud of being Asian!


Very few people at my school take the risk of making fun of the Asians. There are just too many to handle if they retaliate. ::'


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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3) Anything can be a weapon if used correctly.





Who needs a weapon? If he's dumb enough to open his mouth then you've got one hell of a chance to knock his [wagon] out.. Or if he's smart enough to keep his mouth closed just fake a punch at his face, put everything you've got into a jab in his stomache and while he's bent over gasping for air take that chance for a finishing blow.. Cross out #3 and put a check next to #2.




Looks like someones done this before.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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i used to get bullied a little bit beacause of my small size and build but because of my quick thinking im able usually to out smart my enemy or whoever is bullying me and ive got into many fights in doing so but some day all of it will come back to haunt them (i now work out an hour a day everyday)and to all of those who are bullied remember to use your brains and not just your muscles in such cases


In the time of peace prepare for war-General Patton

Dsk805 lvl 139 6* mage

Blink182lover lvl 100 7* mage

Founder and Current clan leader of: PunkRock Lovers(rank#4)

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Obviously most of the Americans here such as deloriagod have never experienced the feeling where you are walking home at 2am and you're surrounded by about 40 chavs that want you to "just lend dem some muney for sum smack" and "we won't pull your hair or ought". I'd really like to see some of your fake jabs in an incident there deloria, you're such a hardass though I bet you'd beat them all.

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Obviously most of the Americans here such as deloriagod have never experienced the feeling where you are walking home at 2am and you're surrounded by about 40 chavs that want you to "just lend dem some muney for sum smack" and "we won't pull your hair or ought". I'd really like to see some of your fake jabs in an incident there deloria, you're such a hardass though I bet you'd beat them all.




you act like people dont get bullied by "gangs" in America, deloia was talking about a fight with 1 person, your talking about a 40 man beat down. 40 people not even trained in boxing can take out mike tyson

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Anything can be a weapon if used correctly.




Oh yes I know that one well, this psycho cow tried to jump in to the passenger seat to hit me once when I was 17 and I slammed an empty coke can in to her head from the pile of car rubbish :lol:



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I'm quiet and shy. But I get along with everyone. I'm an A student (occasional B's), but I don't act like a nerd. I play sports and I have a great sense of humor. When I am bullied(Nerd, geek etc.), I reply with sarcasm.






I love you too...


Ha ha you're a homo!


(Crickets chirping)




And then I walk away, leaving him struggling to understand the nine-letter word.




PS: There aren't very many "physical" bullies. Fist fights are rare. Unless, you live in the Bronx...Mostly poor places. Nowadays, bullies just annoy you.




Good luck to anyone who is bullied. Stand up for yourself, don't take that.


If it so happens that you are in a fist fight, simply shield your face and pin your opponent on the ground. You can't get in trouble for tackling a guy.




Nerd was first used in a Dr. S. book, if i ran the circus...Relly thats basicly where it came from, And im proud to be a Dr.S fan!

My pure's stats:








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I got my own back though.




On the last day of year 7 I grew the confidence up to tell the girl who always made fun of me to stfu, the guy who used to always pick on me, I actually threw a chair at his head lol




In high school on the day before I left I wrote a nasty poem about the girl who hit me being a skank, made many copies, went to school early and plastered them all over the wall, shoved chewing gum in her locker key hole and wrote that she was a b*tch in permanent marker in the middle of the table where her and her friends used to sit before walking home.




And my ex who used to bash me, I dobbed him in to the cops for drugs and when he had an open house inspection before I grew the confidence to leave I left his drug stash on the middle of the table so the agent and people who came to view the house saw them LOL




[Note to self, NEVER get on Goddess's dark side]




I don't get bullied, just occasionally verbally assaulted which i usually try to deal with.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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Obviously most of the Americans here such as deloriagod have never experienced the feeling where you are walking home at 2am and you're surrounded by about 40 chavs that want you to "just lend dem some muney for sum smack" and "we won't pull your hair or ought". I'd really like to see some of your fake jabs in an incident there deloria, you're such a hardass though I bet you'd beat them all.




You're damn right I can take them :roll:




We do have gangs here in America, but I guess you're not much of a man if you and all your buddies have to get together to beat someone up. 1 v 1 is the only way to fight imo. Throw in a buddy and you're a pansy.

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Obviously most of the Americans here such as deloriagod have never experienced the feeling where you are walking home at 2am and you're surrounded by about 40 chavs that want you to "just lend dem some muney for sum smack" and "we won't pull your hair or ought". I'd really like to see some of your fake jabs in an incident there deloria, you're such a hardass though I bet you'd beat them all.




You're damn right I can take them :roll:




We do have gangs here in America, but I guess you're not much of a man if you and all your buddies have to get together to beat someone up. 1 v 1 is the only way to fight imo. Throw in a buddy and you're a pansy.




Well thats not how they think is it, throw in a buddy = win, other guy gets smashed.

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