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My Chemical Romance. Good or bad?


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Not my style. I used to listen to it when I was younger, a quick phase. There is parts in their songs that are catchy and fun, like once or twice per song, but the rest of the song is screams, and noise, that's why I dont like it.

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They're a bit crap, but I can see why people like them. Not a personal favorite but they're just like fall out boy, as much as you hate to admit it, the songs are fun to hum along to.

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I generally keep an open mind about any kind of rock music... but MCR... well... like on page one, you may as well listen to a pig being tortured for all the enjoyment you'll get out of it. That or quite possibly a cat having its fur pulled out one hair by one...


In other words, they're posers who enjoy wearing razorblade braclets and trying to kill themselves. Or maybe we have it wrong. They may be trying to kill us with their pathetic lyrics and music...


I'm not ignorant, I can get by with any Punk or Emo band except them. I just don't like them.


Hope that doesn't sound as bad as I think it does...


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I liked My Chemical Romance more when they weren't on the top 100 charts. I still don't mind their music, but my interest in them has sort of died down, because my interest in the entire emo (don't get up me, it's what they are) has died down over the past year or so. I still don't mind listeneing to them every now and then, but I think I prefer their previous album to their newer one.


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One of my friends once tried to get me to like them. He played me a few songs and I said they wern't really my thing. So he told me I had bad taste in music. Now he is unemployed, uneducated and living off his mother in a [bleep]ty existance.




MCR = bad.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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...And who are they again?






















Joking... don't murder me all you people..




Tbh I'm sticking with punk rock. Ramones, anyone?








This is the change in music:


Sex, drugs, rock&roll








Gender, controlled substances, alternative rock







There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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They are the ultimate uber 1337 ownage according to a random emo guy who plays a lot WoW!




No, seriously, I love some of their songs, it was good when they were full emo and compossed awesome songs like "It's not a fashion statement, it's a deathwish". Too bad they lighted their emo side and became mor emotivated to the punk wave. However, the gothic style they adopted in The Black parade is totally COOL, however, I must say that their new songs are less strong (You can't compare "I don't love you" single with "the ghost of you" because ghost is far better). I am hoping that they nake a new CD with more emo style mixed with dark gothic with skulls and more blood :D




And many MCR haters are just lovers of bad music as 50 cent or those rap awful things.



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for anyone thats just posted








Because having to listen to even the main singer for more than a minute causes my ears to bleed.




Not to mention their lyrics are [developmentally delayed]ed, and they don't sound good at all.

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for anyone thats just posted








Because having to listen to even the main singer for more than a minute causes my ears to bleed.




Not to mention their lyrics are [developmentally delayed], and they don't sound good at all.




*dies of shock*




some one can actually put up a descent reason why..

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Bad, and I've disliked them since I first heard them years ago. They, and all the pop-emo, are dying out, so that's good. I think I see instrumental rock music rising in power, I hope, at least. :P

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