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I can finish off my last achievement diary thing tomorrow.








[hide=Detailed list]143,177 Flax


100,991 Raw tuna


30297 Raw swordfish


10 Loop halfs (+2 Chest)


10 Teeth halfs


35 Green boots


36 Green gloves


18 Diamonds


162 Emeralds


305 Sapphires


87 Rubies


3 Kuarm seeds


78 Guam seeds


43 Tarromin seeds


30 Harralander seeds


10 Toadflax seeds


3 Avantoe seeds


4 Lantadyme seeds


5 Irit seeds


2 Dwarf seeds


10 Ranarr seeds


2 cadantine seeds


1 Snapdragon seeds


47 Marrentill seeds




306 Chests:




6 Diamonds


23 Cosmic Talismans


21 Rubies


36 Emeralds


75 Sapphires


2 Loop half


30500 Gp




Clue scroll:




37 Earth runes


47 Mind runes


Black longsword


Studded chaps




Keys: (10+1)




11 Uncat dragonstones


New Key


5 Raw swordfish


6500 gp


3x Misc Runes


3 Rune bars


2 Spinach rolls[/hide]


holy.....how much u spend/how long u leave/average popuarity rating/total profit

~ 3,072nd to 99 Mining on August 30th, 2009 ~
~ 112,084th to 99 Magic on April 16th, 2011 ~

~ 131,681st to 99 Crafting on March 29, 2019 ~

~ 178,385th to 99 Prayer on April 2, 2019 ~

~ 234,921st to 99 Defence on May 9, 2019 ~

~ 173,480th to 99 Herblore on June 21, 2019 ~

~ 155,160th to 99 Smithing on July 16, 2019 ~

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I Been thinking about this for a while now and I think it will pack a punch for all high levels. A boss in the edge of runescape along the corners it lies. It can use magic, melee, range, and it can heal! also it should have 3 co monsters defending it. A mage, a archer, and a warrior. All of them have special abillitys. The Mage could heal itself and other monsters. The archer should shoot 100 arrows at ounce. And the warrior should hold 2 weapons at ounce. And the main beas can destroy anything in one hit! you might think what will be the rewards? well I think it should drop any rare item you can think of except holiday items :o. If you think you can solo him thik again it could destroy you in one hit! Now you can only Imagine how many people could come to group him. I think 30-45 players should come all together. If you are wondering what its level should be I think it should be a level 1064 :o. And the co bosses should be level 364. But the mage can drop a new set of robes. The archer should drop a new set of chaps, body, vambraces, and coif. And lastly the warrior should drop a new set of armour and a new weapon. well this is my idea for a monster and I hope you liked it. but please don't complain if it's not on right forum i'm not sure if I can find a thread for bosses and such. Well thats all I got to say.:)




* #-o Why oh why do people have to do this #-o

¤ Macaw 1000 ¤

|99 Attack/Strength/HP|



macawsicecream.jpg This noob gave me Ice Cream... ©

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I Been thinking about this for a while now and I think it will pack a punch for all high levels. A boss in the edge of runescape along the corners it lies. It can use magic, melee, range, and it can heal! also it should have 3 co monsters defending it. A mage, a archer, and a warrior. All of them have special abillitys. The Mage could heal itself and other monsters. The archer should shoot 100 arrows at ounce. And the warrior should hold 2 weapons at ounce. And the main beas can destroy anything in one hit! you might think what will be the rewards? well I think it should drop any rare item you can think of except holiday items :o. If you think you can solo him thik again it could destroy you in one hit! Now you can only Imagine how many people could come to group him. I think 30-45 players should come all together. If you are wondering what its level should be I think it should be a level 1064 :o. And the co bosses should be level 364. But the mage can drop a new set of robes. The archer should drop a new set of chaps, body, vambraces, and coif. And lastly the warrior should drop a new set of armour and a new weapon. well this is my idea for a monster and I hope you liked it. but please don't complain if it's not on right forum i'm not sure if I can find a thread for bosses and such. Well thats all I got to say.:)




* #-o Why oh why do people have to do this #-o




Uhh...Wrong topic? Maybe?

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I wonder if they went far enough to make Ice Cleave the Phoenix's weakness...


Seriously, I haven't hit bad once with the special attack.




Does anyone know if you can use the Phoenix familiar against the Phoenix herself?





you cant use the familiar or pets in her lair.



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

InsanityV2 Did the Franz Ferdinand Sig.

Killerwatt is responsible for the Arctic Monkeys sig.

Pat_61 did the B-2 sig and the raptor sig.[/hide]

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i imagine she is week to ice and water mage spells too




How did you come to this conclusion exactly?






deduction. bird made of fire. fire+water=no good for the fire. fire bird+water spell=no good for the fire bird. mind it isn't tested, she might be an oil fire :P

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Eh, from my trade a few pages ago (Sold green partyhat Cash/Scarves/PVP Gear).




I had a Z hood Banked.


Z Bottom in that trade.


Traded The chaps + corrupt top, with some of my junk + cash for a normal top.


Traded The Statius Legs + some of my junk + cash for staff.




In the end, I had to spend about 700k of my junk, and about 1m cash. (Rest of the value was in the other trade)








I actually like the look of this set 8-)



the trick is to balance all of these methods to get 99 and either play real life or train another skill while farming.


635th to 99 Farming 12/16/07

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Eh, from my trade a few pages ago (Sold green partyhat Cash/Scarves/PVP Gear).




I had a Z hood Banked.


Z Bottom in that trade.


Traded The chaps + corrupt top, with some of my junk + cash for a normal top.


Traded The Statius Legs + some of my junk + cash for staff.




In the end, I had to spend about 700k of my junk, and about 1m cash. (Rest of the value was in the other trade)








I actually like the look of this set 8-)




i'd love to be there when an evil chicken comes to you :lol: :lol:




2nd troll to 840+ post count.

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Eh, from my trade a few pages ago (Sold green partyhat Cash/Scarves/PVP Gear).




I had a Z hood Banked.


Z Bottom in that trade.


Traded The chaps + corrupt top, with some of my junk + cash for a normal top.


Traded The Statius Legs + some of my junk + cash for staff.




In the end, I had to spend about 700k of my junk, and about 1m cash. (Rest of the value was in the other trade)








I actually like the look of this set 8-)




i'd love to be there when an evil chicken comes to you :lol: :lol:


I though it degrades starts by just wearing it?

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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I wonder if they went far enough to make Ice Cleave the Phoenix's weakness...


Seriously, I haven't hit bad once with the special attack.




Does anyone know if you can use the Phoenix familiar against the Phoenix herself?





you cant use the familiar or pets in her lair.




Actually, you can. It will only work if you summon it in the last room (the room with the pyre), or else the cave will mysteriously eat your familiar.


angel2w.gifmaursangeli.gifCredits to Littleboy for the signature.

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How is that an requirement? if it is, should'nt it be mentioned in the guide?




WGS Glitch, every Melee combat level is a requirement. :lol:


You haven't looked at earlier Melee levelup pictures in this thread, haven't you? :shame: :lol:




OT: Got this yesterday ^^








Did Devious Minds after that ::' No screenie though. :(

Master of Attack ~ August 29th, 2010

Proud to have served the awesome Tip.It Crew <3





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Erm...why would you take 120k fires to iron dragons :?


It's what all the cool people are doing these days, i myself take a blue h'ween mask.



That's why you're on the TZDF blackdawn. Even your balls can tear zombies to shreds.
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