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And as for the F2P and P2P interaction, it may not even happen if Jagex doesn't provide this update for F2P.




The info we got says it's on every world, so I assume it's f2p too.




merchanting is going to be completely wiped out except for rare/discontinued merchanting.




It won't be completely wiped out, but it will change. People will still try to find cheap deals from the streets and their contacts in order to create profit.




prices on ALL items that are not rares will fall.




I don't agree with this. This new system will make selling unwanted ending productions easier than it's now, so stuff like gold ores, certain herbs&seconds and maybe even jewelry will be worthier to be made. This inceases their demand and thus affects to the prices of their materials.




Let's take gold bars for example here as they are the things I've been doing for past months. Smelting gold with gauntlets is ok xp, it's not too expensive and it requires pretty much no work. 50k/h isn't bad when compared to cannonballs (15k/h), you lose less money on it than on other metals and it requires less work than smithing steel bars.




However gold ores aren't smelted as much as they could be: the ending productions are painful to sell. With this update selling gold bars will become easier as contacting the potential buyers increases exponentally. This makes gold more attractive and might rise the ore prices by 50-200gp per at tops.




I still believe it will still exist because people will always be looking for quick cash and will sell underprice.




In a larger scale this kind of underprice sellers won't affect a lot. First of all, they will only be too small minority. Second, with the ability to train while your items are being sold there for hundreds of thousands of people and with the more stable prices+larger supply less surprises should come, I don't really see a reason for quick cash.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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Everyone complains of lower prices and no merchanting. The prices will be stable, the people that lower prices to sell fast will be bought up by merchants who will then repost it at normal price or store and post later. It is in no way the ed of merchanting, its an evolution of merchanting.

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Merchanting won't be ruined, but it will change. People could just buy everything that's selling for lower than their price, and sell all of them for their price. There wouldn't be anything lower than their price since they bought them all, so it would force people to either buy theirs or wait for somebody else to sell it for cheaper.

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If it works well, the liquidity of the market will be increased, and that may tend to lower the prices, due to easier trading by non-dedicated merchants.




The only way I can see it shifting Rare prices, is if a considerable number of Rare owners choose to trade their rares to buy supplies for a Skillcape or merchanting.

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i hope this update benefits me, i really hate selling low lvl tree seeds i get from my kingdom and i hope it also drops prices of some of the more pricey items in the game, just kind of trim a few million off the top of party hats and godswords.






because i think jagex will add an infalation stabilizer to this i doubt it will be very much since what the point of selling 10 duel rings if it costs you 100k? maybe it will only cost 1k but still how many trades will go on daily? this could remove more $ out of the game then barrows armor repair.

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is it actually an auction with set times or just putting up your items with a price and people buying them off like a shop?




if its an auction, then people will be able to snipe cheap items, if its a shop, then merchanting is most likely gone forever which i personally think is good, people will start actually playing the game




anyway there are still ways to merchant from members-free world, hopefully the grand exchange will only be for members

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* Certain hard to sell items, such as gold bars, will be easier to sell...




...With the bigger markets and more theoretical customers&competitors, the prices of raw materials, armours and other non-discontinued items will stabilize even more.




The other things to consider are the grimy herbs, skill share and infinites. With skill share, raw materials that were "relatively" worthless at a person's skill level, now become something useable.


In the area of herblore, the higher end will boom. Sara brews and antifire pots are no longer out of people's reach. The cost of hunting monsters will drop. I suspect poison ivy will be the new farming bush of choice.




The other area I see opening up in a big way, is the infinite shop stock. There are new and interesting ways to level in there, stews can easily be made via the shops, and at a fraction of the cost of lobsters. The real bottleneck is supply, but with the grand exchange, the ability to combine resources will make leveling even more easy.

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(off topic)I never knew that this "war" ( well i guess not a war but extreme hatred) existed between merchanters and skillers.




I guess im a "skiller" but i do merchant if i see a good deal. But i do have a lot of "merchant" friends, who make cash faster then me ill admit, but to be a good merchant does take some skill, i mean i hate doing it when i do. I have enough patience to catch 5k lobs but i dont have enough to stand around a bank and type the same stuff over again.




Now back on top, im not sure how the great exchange will effect me personal. and i think that Jadex hasn't put out enough information to have any extremely "fact-based" guess, although some of the ideas i've read could be right. It'll probably be quicker to sell items e-mass and if i can do it while loged out that means more time for me to fish :thumbsup:




Although i probably wont use it for the first month just incase there is some bug or something and a lose all of my monks :ohnoes:

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I absoultly belive this will finnaly put an end to those pesky merchants and especialy the lazy people who use autotalkers. Can't tell you how annoying it is to be trying to buy something for a long time (like my stupid daxe) then to finnaly have someone trade you, only to find out they are selling a 3m axe for 3.4m because they are trying to make a profit. Or when I'm trying to sell something for a reasonable price, usualy inbetween the highest and lowest price of my price guide and the person offers me atleast 200k lower only to turn around 5 seconds later and sell it for 400k more then he/she bought it for, I hoping this will put an end to merchants, and a begining to being able to buy items much more quicker, but i belive it might also kill the forums which I don't like because the forums are actually quite useful at times and have actually brought me a profit a time or two. But I have a feeling the autotypers won't go away, i'm predicting they will just be at the (I don't know the name so i'm going to call it auction house) auctin house trying to sell/buy their items anyways but i'm almost certain it will bring an end to merchant as a main money maker because it might take some time to buy and sell items. FINGERS CROSSED IT PUTS AN END TO AUTOTYPERS!!!

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...skills are to make money not typing sad to say...i know alot of people merchant and its a "Skill" to them but whatever get over it :|




Exactly, not to belittle good merchants, but there isn't really such a thing as "skill" in merchanting.




Merchanting is all about buying items for cheap and finding someone dumb enough to pay substantially more for it. It's the oldest practice of business since the history of civilization.




The only 'skill' you need is accumulating the starting capital to begin merchanting with a few expensive items.

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I think an auction house will be great for merchanting. There will be workers, especially in gatherer jobs that won't want to take the time to move small amounts of goods on the auction house, merchants will have an opportunity to gather from these players to sell larger amounts on the auction house. They can also bid on auctions of others who charge too little, driving prices up to an acceptable level or getting a bargain which they can resell for a profit. This will most likely help merchants.

I like WoW.

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is it actually an auction with set times or just putting up your items with a price and people buying them off like a shop?




if its an auction, then people will be able to snipe cheap items, if its a shop, then merchanting is most likely gone forever which i personally think is good, people will start actually playing the game




anyway there are still ways to merchant from members-free world, hopefully the grand exchange will only be for members




I think they hinted in the update that it would be for members/nonmembers both

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seeming as im not much of a merchanter, and make my money though......well im skint jus the odd 4.2m in bank, but i still prefere the odd bargains off the forums, so with the addition surely this'll derive me of my off bargain :wall: :ohnoes: :-k

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I don't think it will ruin merchanting. Personally, if I was in the total opposite side of the world, I won't go running to Varrock just to buy something that I needed. That would be a waste of energy. Merchants will have a way of buying stock and then selling it in the remote areas of the world where skillers are training and may need food or feathers, or whatever they need. Those who just want to sell their stuff will have a place for it. I think it would be better than we think.

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Down with merchanters


Down with world 2


Down with wasting time buying items


Down with wasting time selling items


Down with overpacted banks full of stuff you would rather sell but don't feel like it


Down with autotypers




I think the 2 main things that will drop in price are, treasure trail items, and dragon boots.

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I think it will be the Money Apocalypse.




Think about it. Jagex has registered MechScape. To get people to drop RS and go to MS, they could ruin their own game. See the connection!!! See it? See it?




It's all connected with 9/11 and Construction as well. Jagex destroyed a lot of money when Construction came out.




Jagex Conspiracy Theory #100032



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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It's all connected with 9/11




That's really not very funny, in fact I find it extremely rude :shame: .




But anyway, I'll get back on topic.




After reading through this thread I've decided to just mention a few of the postings that I agree with:




1) I don't feel that this update will make merchanting die out completely, however there is still hope that it will.




2) Merchanting is just a form of scamming. Although it is a legal and 100% legit business, in it's most basic form, it is still scamming. Some rich person preys on the weak and sells to the stupid. (<--AKA you screw someone over for your own good)




3) This update will affect me big time...not financially of course (because I make my money of my own accords), but (at least the way I imagine it) it will save me vast amounts of time and save me a headache or two.




And even if it doesn't fit my likings, hopefully it will be the best for all of us in the RuneScape community :D .




Happy 'Scapping!

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Well the BtS from Jagex said (not a direct quote, but I have the jist of it)




"items across all servers," so I would assume it's between members and free players.




Although, there might be two Grand Exchanges: one for members and one for f2p?

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