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Chinese Trojan on Maxtor HDD hunts online games pass


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Consider this... a lot of this "China" blame is government propaganda. All this blame put on China for toy recalls and poor manufacturing is a way of selling "CHINA IS BAD" to the American public. In truth, and the rest of the world will agree, China is a rising superpower and threat to the US.




For those of you talking about "outsourcing"... that's just the government's deceptive word for "capitalistic competition." China just produces things cheaper and faster than us, that's not 'cheating.' As for jobs, blame India - many telemarketers and IT guys actually reside in India. THAT is outsourcing. Most of you are referring to the TRADE DEFICIT.




The trade deficit is the fact that the US is too lazy to make its goods and instead buys them from the rest of the world. That's no one's fault but the US's.




With that said, many Chinese ARE poor. And, it's sad that they have to resort to hacking gaming accounts for cash :shock:




I am from the US.


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Wait.. so you're saying this new program can keep guessing passwords until it finds the right one, then sends it to a certain person?




That's the basic idea of bruteforcing, nothing new on that :P




Except sadly, in this case it's an embedded trojan. They don't even need to use a bruteforce attack, they just gather logs from all your keystrokes and mouse clicks, and will find out which user & pass you use for a game.




That's pretty worrying, because there is absolutely no way to know if a HD is "genuine" when you buy it from a store (or if you buy a new PC). Subcontractors in China don't make all that much money, they have a lot of incentives to take bribes from the triad and organized crime who will steal anything that can be re-sold... In exchange for a ridiculously easy-to-mass-produce custom trojan on all their HD's.




This is very bad publicity for them though, hopefully that will deter them at least slightly :?

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well, i have to say.... i have absolutely no idea what that means... :-w


can someone please explain in a short, basic "if you do this, that will happen" format?


and whats this about randomly guessing at your pass until it gets it? that i do understand, and it certainly isn't good.


luckily i have very strange passwords...

nudist hippy vegan elves who inexplicably wear leather.
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Wait.. so you're saying this new program can keep guessing passwords until it finds the right one, then sends it to a certain person?




That's the basic idea of bruteforcing, nothing new on that :P




To efficiently bruteforce runescape passwords you would need 1000s of ip addresses.


If it works like that, in that they just have a bot that guesses a, b, c, d... aa, ab, or even if it guesses popular passwords, there 's little to worry about, as long as you have a not popular password (Something like "Runescape" or "lol". I calculated the chances of guessing my password in any single guess and it came out to be about 1 in 1,549,720,764,160,156,250,000, not so worrying if I I'm understanding this (probably not :XD: ).




In any case, as long as you scan EVERY file you download BEFORE you open it with good anti-virus scanners you should have no worries about losing your account. Combine that with an a weekly or daily virus scan of your computer and recoveries and you have a winning combo :wink:


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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Did read an article in the Channel Register today conserning viruses on new blank external Maxtor Hdd. Those Hdd`s from a unnamed chinese subcontractor had by magic ( what else ? they wont say sure we did it ) been infested by a virus. More correct the virus called AutoRun-AH a trojaner that according to Channel Register is designed to do 2 things. 1 Disable the antivirus detection of it, and 2 collecting online game password.




AutoRun-AH is a Trojan that searches for passwords to online games and sends them to a server located in China. It also disables anti-virus software.




Possibility of those storage boxes still in shops is slim , also it seems like most of them ended up in Taiwan. That is not what i fear most. But will more and more chinese employers missuse their possibility of infecting un used storage systems. (I do say chinese only because most computer hardware happens to be made there due to low cost, not because i say that chinese people is more likely to do that ). Do we only se the start of some few ppls attempt to get their hand on virtual goods or is this case just execptional. Sure there have been more and more reports of chinese hackers lately. But most of those seems to be somewhat official.




Feel free to comment






anyway the article is http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2007/11/12/maxtor_infected_hdd_updated/




NUKE CHINA!!! :uhh:




Srsly, first they try to poison our kids and now they try to steal our st00fs. :-w




I think China should nuke you for killing all those innocent Iraqi, Vietnam and Korean kids.

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I'm a little bit disgusted by this thread . How can some of you guys make statements like ... bomb china ... and china have done it again ... are you guys thick as well as ignorant.




Just because 1 chinese company does something wrong, that doesn't mean the whole of china is responisble. If that was the case then america would have to be destroyed numerous times a day ... just take a look at the dodgy dealings that companies in other major countries like america pull against other countries on a daily basis ... but this isn't the fault of america as a whole ... the blame lies with the individual companies.




They will put less lead in your imported food tonight for that comment. :D




But yeah. China needs their own internets if they can't be nice to the rest of the world's.

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And you know what else? in a few days, it will come back positive for lead paint... :wall:




The stuff that has been out in the media, and everything is a bit over emphasized, like that little part about MRSA spreading around a few weeks back, there was maybe a hand ful of cases in each state, maybe more, but nothing to go crazy and clean. I agree, that alot of stuff from China has been a bit odd, and i've seen a few things that we have in our house, or my baby sister has, and I really kinda freaked.




Now, send a email to China@china. world and tell them to stop trying to poison/steal passwords or anything else to America




(don't really, just emphasizing a bit)

99 Fletching 99 Attack 99 Constitution 99 Cooking 99 Strength

Gamertag: H8tebringer


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Wow, a lot of ignorant people in here. The Chinese didn't try to poison the little kids, it was an accident. If you were joking, that's a really bad joke, and hardly funny.




Wrong!...ish. Someone in my class did a report on the whole Aqua Dot deal...


The company told the manufacturers to use non-toxic glue, but the manufacturers ignored orders and used the toxic glue.






I'm still starting to not like this country more and more...

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all of these viruses makes me hope I was in the Stone Age :| .


Then youd be eating nuts, not driven nuts by something like a trojan.


Seriously, China now starts sounding like The Soviet Union.


I wouldn't be surprised if that actually happens.


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But even if this is the case, I am not at ALL surprised that the Chinese have pulled off something like this. If they find a way to take advantage, they probably will do it. This is the state of the Chinese Society at the moment.




What is this supposed to mean? We're not exactly evil, as you seem to be trying to make us out as. These people are can't exactly represent an entire country. Go away, and take your discriminatory views with you.




Wow China not doing good at the moment are they? First with all the children toys and their use of alot of lead in the paint. All this outsourcing is making mad since our economy is crap. Bush not doing anything. Govenor Granholm (Michigan) doing nothing.




Now china and their little trojan? I barley download stuff now and days.




First of all, outsourcing is not your fault in any way. If we can profit off your broken capatalistic system that only cares about profits, it's your own damn culture's fault.




And second, it's not Chinas "little trojan", ok? It's not as if there's this huge country of 1.7 billion people out to get your account.




Consider this... a lot of this "China" blame is government propaganda. All this blame put on China for toy recalls and poor manufacturing is a way of selling "CHINA IS BAD" to the American public. In truth, and the rest of the world will agree, China is a rising superpower and threat to the US.




For those of you talking about "outsourcing"... that's just the government's deceptive word for "capitalistic competition." China just produces things cheaper and faster than us, that's not 'cheating.' As for jobs, blame India - many telemarketers and IT guys actually reside in India. THAT is outsourcing. Most of you are referring to the TRADE DEFICIT.




The trade deficit is the fact that the US is too lazy to make its goods and instead buys them from the rest of the world. That's no one's fault but the US's.




With that said, many Chinese ARE poor. And, it's sad that they have to resort to hacking gaming accounts for cash :shock:




I am from the US.




Not bad :) You do an alright job of seeing ir from the other side.




Although once again, outsourcing is not India's fault, they took advantage of American companies' money grubbing and are willing and able to do the job for less money.




And as for the people who hack accounts and sell gold for a living, they view it as nothing more than selling a luxury product to rich kids. It's not sad in any way, because they have to make a living somehow, and if i knew my account was being hacked so someone could eat, then I'd rather have a family eat. I'd wager my account is worth approx 1200 yuan, enough for three people to eat for over 2 months.





Wrong!...ish. Someone in my class did a report on the whole Aqua Dot deal...


The company told the manufacturers to use non-toxic glue, but the manufacturers ignored orders and used the toxic glue.






I'm still starting to not like this country more and more...




Wow. Go away and rethink they way you judge an entire country based on some industrial incidents. As as matter of fact, I'm starting to hate your ignorant American culture more and more.




And you know what else? in a few days, it will come back positive for lead paint... :wall:




The stuff that has been out in the media, and everything is a bit over emphasized, like that little part about MRSA spreading around a few weeks back, there was maybe a hand ful of cases in each state, maybe more, but nothing to go crazy and clean. I agree, that alot of stuff from China has been a bit odd, and i've seen a few things that we have in our house, or my baby sister has, and I really kinda freaked.




Now, send a email to China@china. world and tell them to stop trying to poison/steal passwords or anything else to America




(don't really, just emphasizing a bit)




Your name is accurate, as you have brought forth hatred from me. How about I send an emial to [email protected] and ask tell you to quit being so thick-headed? Are you so blind that you don't realize the media blows these events massively out of proportion and deliberately tries to make my country look bad, so their viewership goes up? Every major media outlet does this, whether it be in China, America, or elsewhere.

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Wow, a lot of ignorant people in here. The Chinese didn't try to poison the little kids, it was an accident. If you were joking, that's a really bad joke, and hardly funny.




Wrong!...ish. Someone in my class did a report on the whole Aqua Dot deal...


The company told the manufacturers to use non-toxic glue, but the manufacturers ignored orders and used the toxic glue.






I'm still starting to not like this country more and more...






If you honestly think that the Chinese using lead paint is an accident, you are wrong. Let's put it this way.


Lead paint = Cheaper than unleaded


Cheap = More money for Chinese


More money for Chinese = Making more cheap products..

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Those ruddy Americans. All of them are bombing Iraq and killing our innocent civilians. Every American is responsible for this!










If you honestly think that the Chinese using lead paint is an accident, you are wrong. Let's put it this way.


Lead paint = Cheaper than unleaded


Cheap = More money for Chinese


More money for Chinese = Making more cheap products..




Mattel Inc. is an American toy company and is the largest toy company based on revenue.


On September 21, 2007, Mattel issued an extraordinary apology to China over the recall of Chinese-made toys, taking the blame for design flaws and acknowledging that "vast majority of those products that were recalled were the result of a design flaw in Mattel's design, not through a manufacturing flaw in China's manufacturers."


Mattel recalls in 2007 have led to a bash on "Made in China" products among the American media and public, despite the fact that the majority of the recalls are due to Mattel design flaws revealed by an independent business study and admitted by Mattel itself.




I am Chinese. It was really me and my fellow countrymen who designed those defective toys specifically to target you and our "western enemies". Praise Chairman Mao. :pray:

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Maybe if some of you people actually met some real Chinese people instead of just the word "China" being tossed around in media articles, you would have a better idea of who they are. That is to say, normal human beings.




I really think that a good number of the posts here are not only off-topic, but also inflammatory and highly ignorant. I feel Agresser (sp) has covered most of the main points I would have liked to make, so props to him/her, and those of you who have made the aforementioned type of posts, please reconsider your mindset regarding the countries of the developing world, they will not serve you well in the globalising world of today.

=Proud member of the Order of Cabbage=

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Just face the truth. China is taking over the world.




Yeah, and that's not even a tongue-in-cheek joke anymore.




In a few decades the chinese have already surpassed the US militarily and economically...




And in about 30 years, they'll have reduced the poverty in the countryside so much there will be 1 billion+ chinese living on better average standards than a westerner.




I'm actually trying to learn chinese because of the future benefits (as well as japanese), but I'm finding the written Han characters a pain in the rear... :lol:

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Wow, a lot of ignorant people in here. The Chinese didn't try to poison the little kids, it was an accident. If you were joking, that's a really bad joke, and hardly funny.




Wrong!...ish. Someone in my class did a report on the whole Aqua Dot deal...


The company told the manufacturers to use non-toxic glue, but the manufacturers ignored orders and used the toxic glue.






I'm still starting to not like this country more and more...




So, you automatically think your friend is right just because he did a report on it? Also, why would you hate the country of China? Just because a select few people are tracking passwords and a couple of people in factories messed up? I'm starting to not like you more and more.

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Wouldn't stealing CC numbers be more profitable? lmao :lol:
I'd wager credit card companies both run with more cutouts that means not all fraudulent transactions will go through, and there's the whole illegality factor as well. You start nicking credit card numbers you're gonna piss off authorities.




You nick a WoW password, sell the gold on the account of for a fair few dollars or euros, you piss of the guy with the computer and Blizzard's customer service. Doubt the police will ever hear of it.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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I am Chinese. It was really me and my fellow countrymen who designed those defective toys specifically to target you and our "western enemies". Praise Chairman Mao. Pray




I'm a Chinese as well (I dare not disclose my identity elsewhere as you some of you guys may be brainwashed by the medias, and pointing your fingers at me, blaming me for producing all sorts of toxic stuffs, blah blah blah...) living in Hong Kong. Thus, I'm free from both Communist & Western propagandas.




ni hao, wo men de zhon guo tong zhi (sorry my mandarin isn't that proficient...)




You may say hackers, Trojans, and others viruses are rampant in China. But wait, why don't you take a look at the picture below before you start your argument








When I type the word "software cracking" to the yahoo engine, there are 52 Million result entities, in which, I believe, at least 30%, i.e. 15.6Mil are related to software cracks (Others maybe academic/research papers done on this field)








There are only 1 million entities when searched in the Chinese Yahoo! Comparing these two figures, it is crystal clear that Western software cracking problem, OR HACKER PROBLEM on the whole, is much more serious when compared to the Chinese problem.


Currently taking a break from Runescape

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