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Words Can Kill (Mods, Please Lock)


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{Note to moderators: as I explain in the article I believe this is directly on-topic and relevant to the RuneScape community, and explain why within the piece. ~q)



(Originally published on TruthScape and copied here for the benefit of the Tip.It community and to spur discussion.)




The TruthScape Soapbox - Issue #1 - Words Can Kill




Published: November 17, 2007




The old expression that ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åthe pen is mightier than the swordÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

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Very very true words, I always enjoy reading your work. Its true that behind the pixels on the screen there are real people who have real feelings. People with problems in real life may escape to a virtual world to find friends who may not base their opinions on looks and wealth etc. But when people insult them in this haven there is no where to turn in their minds. Thus things like this can happen, always be careful what you say even if your just being sarcastic.

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I agree with you on how peope shouldnt use words to hurt people, but some people should now better than to take some things to heart...




wooooooaahh, i just read the article and it says that the parents of the neighbors kid sent all the messages. Now what in the hell is full grown adults doing sending harrassing messages to a 13 yr old girl.




And all because they wanted to see how she felt about their daughter, I hope they feel the pain that they brought to that family for the rest of their lives. You would figure that adults, and not only one but a husband and wife would know better.




I do however feel that if someone is receiving messages of this sort especially from a myspace contact then delete that s.o.b.




I've had two or three people i've deleted for sending me such e-mails and messages. But really, she did need some mental help for depression or something cause not many teens hang theirselves because of some messages.




And the nerve of the neighbors to come over and try to help them through the ordeal when they are the ones who started and finished this !!




All i can say is they can rot in hell for what they have done






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a typical case of a boy who only wants sex and a girl who is in desperate need of love because of her low self esteem.i swear the kids around me make me feel sick .they throw around the word "love" like its a fricken dollar bill and have no idea of its true meaning.so sad.








edit:wait the parents made it up? that girl is a idiot. who kills themselve over what a peron they dont even know says?

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a typical case of a boy who only wants sex and a girl who is in desperate need of love because of her low self esteem.i swear the kids around me make me feel sick .they throw around the word "love" like its a fricken dollar bill and have no idea of its true meaning.so sad.
So true. And what's even more sad is that this is considered 'cool.' #-o
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a typical case of a boy who only wants sex and a girl who is in desperate need of love because of her low self esteem.i swear the kids around me make me feel sick .they throw around the word "love" like its a fricken dollar bill and have no idea of its true meaning.so sad.


What? :-k :|

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a typical case of a boy who only wants sex and a girl who is in desperate need of love because of her low self esteem.i swear the kids around me make me feel sick .they throw around the word "love" like its a fricken dollar bill and have no idea of its true meaning.so sad.
So true. And what's even more sad is that this is considered 'cool.' #-o




It's even sadder that both of you missed the point about how this was an attempt by the parents of one of this girl's friends to find out how she felt about her by pretending to be a 16-year old boy.Read the whole post next time/


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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This story almost make teers come out of my eyes :cry: I it so.... I can't even discribe it tbh... Sad story infact.




OF: It was so well written I could imagine it! Nice job!



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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I remember a case several months ago of two tenagers threatening a younger one with a knife in real life. They both made the younger teenager give several items of value in runescape to the other teenager's accounts.




I've heard about this Megan case also; though I have never read the full article, and this is truly sadder than the news.




I hope runescapers from all over will learn from this article and think twice about what they say in runescape.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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look at this two ways:






1) very true




2) that girl is (was) an idiot. I have had severe depression since i was 12, and I have been beaten, taunted, and humiliated, but I would never kill myself from words of a loser.




sucks about the whole eternal damnation in hell, though

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I read about this news about a week ago, and I initially thought it was fake because Google News only returned one result. Unfortunately, it seems that this is real because it is now listed on many news sources.




Condolences to the family.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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a typical case of a boy who only wants sex and a girl who is in desperate need of love because of her low self esteem.i swear the kids around me make me feel sick .they throw around the word "love" like its a fricken dollar bill and have no idea of its true meaning.so sad.
So true. And what's even more sad is that this is considered 'cool.' #-o




It's even sadder that both of you missed the point about how this was an attempt by the parents of one of this girl's friends to find out how she felt about her by pretending to be a 16-year old boy.Read the whole post next time/

Not everyone has the time to read such a long story. All these stories end up the same way, so I assumed it was just like all the others.




look at this two ways:


2) that girl is (was) an idiot. I have had severe depression since i was 12, and I have been beaten, taunted, and humiliated, but I would never kill myself from words of a loser.




sucks about the whole eternal damnation in hell, though

Well, some people are weaker emotionally, and they can't take that kind of punishment. That's why they should seek professional help <.<
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I feel no sympohny for the girl. Not an ounce. Teenagers today create so many unnessary problems its rediculious. So what if a guy is verbally abusing you? You can cry and feel sad, but freaking sucide is out of my mind!




'Me' Teens got to freaking relise that ranks don't mean life or death for god's sake.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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2) that girl is (was) an idiot. I have had severe depression since i was 12, and I have been beaten, taunted, and humiliated, but I would never kill myself from words of a loser.




sucks about the whole eternal damnation in hell, though




Don't you [bleep]ing go there. You have no idea what her situation was. You might not, but as you see, people do. Do not call them idiots.




And try not to condemn people, that isn't your job.




I honestly can't believe some people.








This applies to Nick as well.

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I wouldn't say that the behavior of "Josh Evans" alone was the cause of the girl's suicide. Recall that the girl has had suicidal problems in the past. I'd say that the MySpace incident was more of the straw that broke the camel's back.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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2) that girl is (was) an idiot. I have had severe depression since i was 12, and I have been beaten, taunted, and humiliated, but I would never kill myself from words of a loser.




sucks about the whole eternal damnation in hell, though




I've had similar afflictions as well and I think about suicide every day. Does that make me a moron too?




BTW, Hell doesn't exist. When you're dead you're dead. The end. Nothing afterwards.

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I wouldn't say that the behavior of "Josh Evans" alone was the cause of the girl's suicide. Recall that the girl has had suicidal problems in the past. I'd say that the MySpace incident was more of the straw that broke the camel's back.




In the end, does it matter if it was all that did it or just part?



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What, so the parents who made "Josh" have no punishment at all? (other than the fact that they will be eternally chewed on by satan in a lake of fire in hell). Because of this I want their last moments on earth to be their worst.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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What, so the parents who made "Josh" have no punishment at all? (other than the fact that they will be eternally chewed on by satan in a lake of fire in hell). Because of this I want their last moments on earth to be their worst.




They didn't do anything illegal.


Besides maybe violating some of Myspace's policies, which won't have legal repercussions.


And stop bringing in eternal damnation into this, it has nothing to do with it.


Some people believe in it, some people don't.

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