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Words Can Kill (Mods, Please Lock)


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It takes guts to post something as long as this, knowing you'll get totally bull as responses. I commend you. =D>




Realistically, though, RS is a kid's game, and it will never cease to be immature/hurtful. What you are calling for is something that requires a fundamental philosophical change in society, and you need much more firepower to do that.




With that said, you're still right. Things like this are collective, and individuals do eventually make a difference.






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I know this is sick and I'm sorry....but after they said she hanged herself, ti says she died the next day.










it is possible she was alive when they pulled her down, but there was already fatal damage done to the throught and the brain could also be damaged from lack of oxygen.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I dunno what to say. It truly sucks that some parents would go this low to do this. Truly pathetic on the "method" they use.




That's why I never get close/attach to people. You just never know. Your true friends are your inner family.




MySpace just doesn't do enough to protect the youth. Which is sad. All they care is about the money from ads. Like yeah they do put stuff, but it's only so that when incdents like this happens they can show they put "terms and conditions" so they won't get bad publicity.




This girl wasn't taught to be strong which is sad, because she could still be alive if she was.




I wish people will stop going to the internet to picks fights and use it to up your self esteem. Gah people are lame.




@ DOOMY - Some people are just not strong enough. And also if you have tons of people writing crap about you. It will hurt mentally.

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That is really touching article. You make a good point about what words can do, especially online. I will try to be nicer now, because it DOES has repurcussions, you just really never think of that when you are insulting someone.




The story itself is sad as well. I see why the parents did it, but posing as a 16 year old boy wasn't the best way to go about it. I would have acted as a 13 year old girl if I were them. They were just trying to monitor who thier daughter was around, and there is nothing wrong with that. Where they went wrong was being ugly towards her, later causing her to commit suicide. But they did nothing illegal. They did(in my mind) commit a moral wrong, but morals are different for everyone in the world, so to some they did nothing wrong.

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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There are hundreds of millions of children in the world living in unimaginable poverty in the third world, born with aids, been made orphans by aids or both. And this kid kills herself because of some hurtful comments on "My Space"




I'm lost for words.




Kids in the west really don't know how lucky they are. They just hype up a whole load of problems that don't even exist or matter and say they are depressed and suicidal, and this one actually did it, over nothing.




She's devastated her parents lives forever by comitting the most selfish act on the planet. Sympathy? I'm disgusted.

Capone Sabre since April 2001.

99 Attack, Defence, Strength and Hitpoints Achieved January 2005. When it still meant something.



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she was hot too :cry:




Pictures can be deceiving, especially with photoshop.




I cant believe that her mom monitored her myspace account yet let her go out with someone she never even met.




I also cant believe some adults would actually make up a person and go as far as they did.


Quit. PM me if you play The Conduit to exchange friend codes.

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Ya I see a lot of suicidal people in online chat rooms...though, usually, if I hear it I leave the room, or if I've heard it several times that week, when they say "I'm gonna kill myself!" I say "don't tell me, do it!". That's not out of cruelty, it's just depressing seeing people talk about killing themselves, and describing what they're gonna do. :(

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2) that girl is (was) an idiot. I have had severe depression since i was 12, and I have been beaten, taunted, and humiliated, but I would never kill myself from words of a loser.




sucks about the whole eternal damnation in hell, though




I've had similar afflictions as well and I think about suicide every day. Does that make me a moron too?




BTW, Hell doesn't exist. When you're dead you're dead. The end. Nothing afterwards.




Just because you think it's true doesn't mean it is. Darkpoop0 believes in hell, you have to respect that. Same for you, Dizzle.




Darkpoop0, stop being a jackass.








Qeltar, please post this on the RSOF, if you haven't already.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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2) that girl is (was) an idiot. I have had severe depression since i was 12, and I have been beaten, taunted, and humiliated, but I would never kill myself from words of a loser.




sucks about the whole eternal damnation in hell, though




I've had similar afflictions as well and I think about suicide every day. Does that make me a moron too?




BTW, Hell doesn't exist. When you're dead you're dead. The end. Nothing afterwards.




Just because you think it's true doesn't mean it is. Darkpoop0 believes in hell, you have to respect that. Same for you, Dizzle.




Darkpoop0, stop being a jackass.








Qeltar, please post this on the RSOF, if you haven't already.




That's a banwish waiting to happen. The people on the RSOF are too ignorant to fully comprehend the gravity of both the Megan incident and the effects their behavior have on other people. They would most likely reply with "lol she got pwned" or "wot an idoit."

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she was hot too






Pictures can be deceiving, especially with photoshop.


Why would somebody photoshop that picture?




Just because you think it's true doesn't mean it is. Darkpoop0 believes in hell, you have to respect that.


Just because darkpoop0 believes in hell why doesn't that mean the other guy can't gives his counter argument to it? The bottom line is nobody knows until it's too late.




There are hundreds of millions of children in the world living in unimaginable poverty in the third world, born with aids, been made orphans by aids or both. And this kid kills herself because of some hurtful comments on "My Space"




I'm lost for words.




Kids in the west really don't know how lucky they are. They just hype up a whole load of problems that don't even exist or matter and say they are depressed and suicidal, and this one actually did it, over nothing.




She's devastated her parents lives forever by comitting the most selfish act on the planet. Sympathy? I'm disgusted.


If you are in her state of mind then I doubt you're going to be worrying about the millions of people in poverty, after all, you'll rarely meet them as the majority live in other countries. Some people without all the worries she has don't bother about those in poverty, yet you expect her to do so? They don't know how lucky they are because the aren't living in poverty, yet for there to be wealth or even middle classes, there has to be poverty, nobody can live a perfect life. The point to all that being although there are millions in poverty, the only way they really affect her is by making her (and her family) whatever class they are. Suicide is something that I have to agree with you on, though not in all cases (but certainly this one).


It is very sad to see that people can be in this frame of mind, sometimes I think the best thing to do is simply think [bleep] it, log off and do something else to take a break.


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2) that girl is (was) an idiot. I have had severe depression since i was 12, and I have been beaten, taunted, and humiliated, but I would never kill myself from words of a loser.




sucks about the whole eternal damnation in hell, though




I've had similar afflictions as well and I think about suicide every day. Does that make me a moron too?




BTW, Hell doesn't exist. When you're dead you're dead. The end. Nothing afterwards.




Just because you think it's true doesn't mean it is. Darkpoop0 believes in hell, you have to respect that. Same for you, Dizzle.




Darkpoop0, stop being a jackass.








Qeltar, please post this on the RSOF, if you haven't already.




That's a banwish waiting to happen. The people on the RSOF are too ignorant to fully comprehend the gravity of both the Megan incident and the effects their behavior have on other people. They would most likely reply with "lol she got pwned" or "wot an idoit."




This post is supposed to make an impact. Putting it on the RSOF will make a far greater impact than it will here.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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I read this on truthscape, quite sad. No matter how sour a relationship goes, or anything for that matter, I don't see how people could be so cruel to one another.




I mean, everyone can be a jerk at times, including me, but how can you get in an argument that gets to that point?


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If you are that weak minded to commit suicide over being called names online, well then go right ahead. If I were to commit suicide over being called names whether online or in real-life (has happened often enough), I would have done it hundreds of times by now.




What is the world coming to when you hang yourself over something that insignificant in your life. The parents are partially to blame in this situation because they seemingly overmonitored what she did on the internet. If that doesn't lower ones self-esteem, I don't know much else that would.




As for the connection between RS and MySpace I just don't see it.






If the parents knew of her past "problems" they should have known better that letting her go on MySpace, post her picture, and not expect problems to ensue. Therapy helps.


Long Live RSC!

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If you are that weak minded to commit suicide over being called names online, well then go right ahead. If I were to commit suicide over being called names whether online or in real-life (has happened often enough), I would have done it hundreds of times by now.




What is the world coming to when you hang yourself over something that insignificant in your life. The parents are partially to blame in this situation because they seemingly overmonitored what she did on the internet. If that doesn't lower ones self-esteem, I don't know much else that would.




As for the connection between RS and MySpace I just don't see it.






If the parents knew of her past "problems" they should have known better that letting her go on MySpace, post her picture, and not expect problems to ensue. Therapy helps.






Your darwinian conception of how society should work is fairly hilarious. Does that mean if you're weak enough to get robbed and shot in the process, that you deserved it? And that people should say "thestanner2, what a loser. Couldn't even defend against a perp with a gun."?




I'd love to see what would have happened if your parents decided to make like Sparta and leave you out on a cliff to determine whether you were strong enough to survive the elements. I'm guessing from your demeanor (e-hard) and attitude (ignorant), you'd be gone faster than I could say "society based on principles of compassion".

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If you are that weak minded to commit suicide over being called names online, well then go right ahead. If I were to commit suicide over being called names whether online or in real-life (has happened often enough), I would have done it hundreds of times by now.




What is the world coming to when you hang yourself over something that insignificant in your life. The parents are partially to blame in this situation because they seemingly overmonitored what she did on the internet. If that doesn't lower ones self-esteem, I don't know much else that would.




As for the connection between RS and MySpace I just don't see it.






If the parents knew of her past "problems" they should have known better that letting her go on MySpace, post her picture, and not expect problems to ensue. Therapy helps.






Your darwinian conception of how society should work is fairly hilarious. Does that mean if you're weak enough to get robbed and shot in the process, that you deserved it? And that people should say "thestanner2, what a loser. Couldn't even defend against a perp with a gun."?




I'd love to see what would have happened if your parents decided to make like Sparta and leave you out on a cliff to determine whether you were strong enough to survive the elements. I'm guessing from your demeanor (e-hard) and attitude (ignorant), you'd be gone faster than I could say "society based on principles of compassion".




You seem to be misunderstanding me. I do not condone people cursing at each other and calling each other names, but if you let it get to you so easily, where will it get you? Nowhere. There will always be some jackass in life who will make fun of you because you are fat, short, act foolishly, etc.




I do not think I said anywhere that she deserved what happened to her either, she just let herself get overrun with emotions and her parents seemingly didn't take much notice. I believe it is the parents (closest guardian/relative) responsibility to help their child deal with the harsh reality of the real world.




Note: I have no clue what e-hard is :-k


Long Live RSC!

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Unreal. Just Unreal.




Despite how everything that happened in this situation, all of which is truly most unfortunate, I just want to know what the hell people are thinking sometimes.




Honestly, just think about things before you do them sometimes for crying out loud. How can you wake up and drive to work, while talking on your cellphone, and write and email all at the same time. Then come home and belittle some 13 year old, literally, to death.




Its not that you cant think, its clear you were doing it on your way to work, its clear you can do it every other minute of your life. Yet you cant seem to stop and think that just maybe theres a better way to find out how someone thinks about your daughter?




This goes to not only the parents in this situation "Josh Evans" parents, but to everyone. Why would you say, why would you do, why would you act the way you do if you cant do it to someones face. The lack of "guts" that people have no adays is unimaginable. If your going to do something at all no matter what it is you should at least have the guts not to hide in the clouds of anomity or in the shadows of confusion.




Just come right out and ask the kid face to face, hell ask her parents what they think of your daughter.




They way I always say it is as follows:




"Picture the biggest, baddest, nastiest person that you know, have heard about, or have ever met. Multiply that person, that character, that violence and hatred and short-temperedness by 1,000.




Also do the same thing for the nicest, kindest, and sweetest person that you know, have heard about, or have ever met."




Then if you can honestly, and boy do I mean honestly, say or do whatever you were going to say or do to that person without even the slightest bit of fear, then its something that you say. Then do you Know if its something that was truly well thought out before you say it.








Just sickening. Complete and utter disregard for any form of rationalized thought, thats all this is.




All of these problems however started with whatever dumb [bleep] in congress decided that it would be ok, that talking would always work when diciplining children.




Ya, let me tell you how much that works in war strategies.

CLICK - 770th to 99 SLAYER 2/4/08 - 204th to 99 Summoning 7/1/08 CLICK



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3 Duo Sara Hilts, 3 Duo Arma Hilts, 2 Trio Arma Hilts.

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Whip Drops: (42!!!) Dragon Drops: (90+!!!!!) 2 D CHAINS!, 3 D Axe, 8 D meds, 7 left halfs, 7 D legs, 6 skirts, 8 Spears[/hide]

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Well here's a little story about RuneScape involving some kids in my neighborhood:




This kid at my sister's school played RS. He met 2 kids online, who were friends in real life. They were friends for about a year and they exchanged personal info (I.E Names, States, School, Etc) Turns out, the two kids he met online happened to live in Nevada. They decided to meet up. The kids went to the park down the street from my house. The kids were 16? 17? The kid who lived by me (The kid who went to my sister's school) was 12-13? Well, they talked and the kids ended up beating the poo out of the kid until he gave his password. The reason? He had a pixelated partyhat.




True story. They better be happy I wasn't at the park or I would've beat the shiznit out of those kids.


I <3 Gears of War 2.


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People do need to realize there are actual people, with lives and friends and famalies on the other end of the pixels they abuse.




Not only in runescape, I see it all over, on Diablo II, Halo, and about every other game I play with other people.




These incidents are sad, and unfortunatly, more frequent.


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I don't think that online bullying is necessarily as serious as you say it is. It definitely shouldn't be done, but will it really cause every teenager to kill themselves? Probably not. That girl had serious problems, and they probably weren't addressed correctly.

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If you are that weak minded to commit suicide over being called names online, well then go right ahead. If I were to commit suicide over being called names whether online or in real-life (has happened often enough), I would have done it hundreds of times by now.




What is the world coming to when you hang yourself over something that insignificant in your life. The parents are partially to blame in this situation because they seemingly overmonitored what she did on the internet. If that doesn't lower ones self-esteem, I don't know much else that would.




As for the connection between RS and MySpace I just don't see it.






If the parents knew of her past "problems" they should have known better that letting her go on MySpace, post her picture, and not expect problems to ensue. Therapy helps.






Your darwinian conception of how society should work is fairly hilarious. Does that mean if you're weak enough to get robbed and shot in the process, that you deserved it? And that people should say "thestanner2, what a loser. Couldn't even defend against a perp with a gun."?




I'd love to see what would have happened if your parents decided to make like Sparta and leave you out on a cliff to determine whether you were strong enough to survive the elements. I'm guessing from your demeanor (e-hard) and attitude (ignorant), you'd be gone faster than I could say "society based on principles of compassion".




Actually, most crimes and drama in our society stem from all the things we do in our society to cater to the "beta" humans. If we let evolution take its course, it would weed out the genes of all the beta males and only the strong ones would survive. Though, that would mean that you, stanner, and I wouldn't be here right now.


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BTW, Hell doesn't exist. When you're dead you're dead. The end. Nothing afterwards.




That might be what you believe but you can't speak for everyone. I don't want to start a debate about the afterlife because it is completely off-topic, but you can't disregard other peoples beliefs just because they aren't in synch with yours.




I really hope all of those ignorant morons who scam their friends of rares and money are reading this, the people on the receiving end might not commit suicide over it but that sort of betrayal has got to hurt. I think some people are too driven to be the "best" and forget that having fun and making friends is the entire point of the game.

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BTW, Hell doesn't exist. When you're dead you're dead. The end. Nothing afterwards.




That might be what you believe but you can't speak for everyone. I don't want to start a debate about the afterlife because it is completely off-topic, but you can't disregard other peoples beliefs just because they aren't in synch with yours.




I really hope all of those ignorant morons who scam their friends of rares and money are reading this, the people on the receiving end might not commit suicide over it but that sort of betrayal has got to hurt. I think some people are too driven to be the "best" and forget that having fun and making friends is the entire point of the game.

Its simple, you cant prove there is a god, science can prove the world is several hundred million years older then the bible says it is, and that man was created far from the 7th day of existance.


Now are you going to trust a 2000 year old fiction novel, or sience which is fact.

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