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Tip.It The Movie Some news, DELAYED


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Tip.It The Movie




First of all welcome! You may not remember but back in Feburary (I think) I hosted the Tip.It film, we had actors, scripts etc, but, it began to go downhill after a few weeks of production... Actors didn't show up and no work was done. So now after many months, its back, alive and kicking.




Important Information


This is not endorsed with the Tip.It events team (TET), even though I am part of the TET, this is a project I am running on my own. Also, this has been Mod Aproved so if you begin to flame me, enjoy your ban. With that out of the way, lets move on!




General Information


Tip.It The Movie (Title may Change)


Age rating: TBA


Release Date: 2008 (Sorry, this ain't going to be ready by Christmas)




Plot ~New~


When a Mysterious Man begins to work for Tip.It, everything seems all well and good, until 2 Moderators and Misplacedme go missing! Strangely, the Mysterious Man takes over Tip.It as its ruler when Misplacedme is missing... The Kidnapper somehow looks like the mysterious man... Phaper goes in search for a hero to help him find Misplacedme before he and the moderators get fed to rioting pures! With movie refrences and strange plot holes and twists... Save the world or die laughing... You decide!






So far, I am Script writing. Wait a minute, why? 2 Reasons, I had to wipe my computer due to an Error and that there have been some changes to the crew members. I don't know when the script will be complete. Be paitent.




Want to be in the movie? Read this! ~New~


Please copy out this table into your post:


[b]Role in film[/b]

[b]Do you accept to the terms and conditions?[/b]






If you miss 2 or more recordings you will be kicked, if you are going to miss a recording, please leave a message in this topic.


No leaks! Do not leak information about the plot or script quotes to anyone! If I find out people have been leaking information, I will kick you from the production. Please treat me and the other actors with respect, if you bully them or me, I will kick you from the production without warning.[/hide]






Hero (runescapeloser22)


Sidekick (superson)


misplacedme (If the real misplacedme could fill this role, that would be great!)


Mysterious man (Sportzmaniac36)


Moderator 1 (blackdawn)


Moderator 2 (sheep455_is_the_best)


Pure 1 (ArShY)


Pure 2 (00specaww)


Pure 3 (mario_sunny)


Pure 4 (wild_goat_14)


Guards in black armour (bloody_scife, Mithril_Max, kieranread, Chippy_PK)


Servant (Shadowcheval)


Who le Ow (Taken)


Crew Member 1 (darkblade986)


Crew Member 2 (Fedorca99)


Crew Member 3 (Dormado)




I heard this rumour that....


If you hear any rumours about the Tip.It film, be sure to check here for any updates, all updates will be announced on this topic. No where else, if you see someone spreading rumours about the film and if its not announced here, ignore them.




Thanks for reading all, Tip.It The Movie, coming soon to the Internet near you! \' (The topic may seem a bit small but don't worry, as soon as the plot is up and actors are asking to be in the film, the topic will grow)

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Was one of the actors when we had rehersal those many months ago.. So Phaper how is it going? Anything that has happened recently? The main reason why we couldn't complete it last time was due to the inactivity of people and etc. If you want to i will gladly be in this one again.




Good luck

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Aww will it be a comedy i like comedys, and improv that would be funny. Cant see much else working, but it will be a suprise i guess.




You should try a sketch show at one point, like small episodes could work.




Anywho good luck on that.




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Thanks everyone for the replies so far. :) Scripting is almost complete, but I can tell you all that the film will be a comedy. Looking at it so far. It is looking really good, I assure that this film will make you laugh. Also, there is going to be some amazing pardoys of films in the script. Just be prepared :wink:




Time for some replies:


mrmyk, although true, Shey is evil, Shey is awesome so no. <3:




Danqazmlp, I can unoffically say offically that I am looking into it.




manoman, evil oranges you say? Sounds hawt :)




runescapeloser22, this is going to be done in P2P, which reminds me to add that in when I ask for actors.

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