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My gripes about eating out, what's yours?


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I hate it when people (kids more likely) eat at a fast food place and leave their tray on the table with all their garbage (left over fries, wrappers, all that junk) laying around. Really how hard is it to take less than 5 minutes out of your time to throw away your trash?




That grinds my gears.

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I hate it when there is a family with small children.




The horrible little *bleep* run around and scream and fall over, it's so damn annoying.




Its even worse when they start whining, and the parents just keep on talking to another adult. And they cant be stopped if they start crying. #-o



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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I completely thought this was about something else given the recent state of OT. :shock:








But, ahem, yeah... fast food restraunts suck and all that jazz. Those parents with the little kids agrivate the hell out of me. Likewise the stupid teens that just make a mess out of the place.

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I hate it when people (kids more likely) eat at a fast food place and leave their tray on the table with all their garbage (left over fries, wrappers, all that junk) laying around. Really how hard is it to take less than 5 minutes out of your time to throw away your trash?




That grinds my gears.




I work at a fast food place, and I clean the floors/tables, do all that kinda stuff...families with small kids are a nightmare to me. :cry: I also have to clean the dishes, and it's no fun when someone smears stuff all over the trays.


"El que no arriesga no gana"

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Dont mind the whole tray thing really as I rarely eat out at a fast food place as im normally either with mates having a laugh and being a complete nucance or I just sit at another table. Anyway if you go to a really popular place there probably clean it by the time you get there.






At other posher restarants people like old singers who come and get your mates up to dance and sing get on my nerve, as I really dont think thats the point of going to a nice restarant. Sure I dont mind music but if your out on a date not a think I would like.

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Ah, the joys of families with small children in fast-food restaurants.




As a customer at a fast-food place, whenever there are little children about, they drive me *insane*. Parents let them run wild.. they cry.. they get their way.. if they don't they scream bloody murder..




I dunno which is worse, listening to them at a McDonalds or listening to them through the checkout line. @_@

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a couple of weeks ago.. i was in macdonalds with a friend.. and we were sitting there eating peacefully, and on the next table two emo[bleep] guys started kissing... passionately.... put us right off our food tbh.




I love fast food, but I heartily agree that eating in sucks

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I completely thought this was about something else given the recent state of OT.




Wow, I just got that now that I'm home, I read it seventh period :XD: .




Eating out, hm eating out. . .




Dammit Nad. . .




Uh, yeah we only eat out once every few weeks and it's at decent restaurants, so it's usually a decent experience.


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Not being able to go to most restaraunts around this area because our friendship group is between the 17 & 18 gap. If we all don't have ID 18+, we're obviously there to cause trouble and drinkunderage. Why you need ID to sit in a family restaraunt and have a meal when kids are allowed in there with their parents is completely beyond me.

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I once ate at McDonalds and I had a quarter pounder and the meat didnt taste too good so I asked for another one and the lady at the counter said no. I asked her why I couldnt just have another and she said "oh if I did that for you then I would have to do it for everyone who asks." It pissed me off because its not like she owns the restaurant and its not like she will lose money if she gives me 1 burger out of millions sold everyday.




Another time I ordered 2 Big Macs, a large fries and a large coke and the order came out to around $30. I asked her to ring it up again and it came up to around $6.




So yea I really dont bother with fast food anymore.

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I probably have fast food every other day, if not every third day.




The only time I do eat out with family is probably once in a blue moon?




But when I do, I hate those people who jam the straw dispenser! God darn the nightmares. <.<

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I have no gripes when it comes to fast food, short of this one time when I went to the Hungry Jacks/Burger King at about 4am, and the only fluent english-speaking person of the dozen or so staff at the time was the duty manager. Took me 4 attempts to get my order across to the check on the register... then it took her another 3 attempts to enter it in correctly.




Yay for trainees who can't understand you :uhh:

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Worst thing has gotta be a fast food place such as McDonalds where you have multiple queues.




So you're trying to guess which one will move the quickest (generally the one with the least kids and women).




Of course, I always seem to pick the queue where someone decides to order for the entire family of 12 or whatever lol.




I also hate people who are fussy about what they order and hold up the queue. "Yeah, can I have a cheeseburger, but could you take out the gerkin oh, and go easy on the ketchup". If you don't like what's on the menu, then GTF.




Also get annoyed at parents who are unable/unwilling to control their children. It's especially annoying when one decides your legs, from the dozens of other possible candidates, are the one they have to collide with, with the predictable consquence of fries/drinks spilling on the floor or on top of said child and the resultant abuse you have to tolerate from the afore mentioned neglectful parent lol.

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At my old job when I use to work there.. a few black kids came in and ordered some food. They then went outside, threw the trash on the ground and on the newspaper stand, while only less than 1 foot away was a trash can. They also left lots of trash underneath their car which I had to clean up when they drove off.




Really... how distrubing.

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I completely thought this was about something else given the recent state of OT. :shock:





EWWWW I just got it :XD:




Yea, the only fast food I eat now is subway, Mainly because its right outside my school so at lunchtimes i can just go grab a sub, its awesome... Also, theres a lot less kids in subway so its gooood :P


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I once ate at McDonalds and I had a quarter pounder and the meat didnt taste too good so I asked for another one and the lady at the counter said no. I asked her why I couldnt just have another and she said "oh if I did that for you then I would have to do it for everyone who asks." It pissed me off because its not like she owns the restaurant and its not like she will lose money if she gives me 1 burger out of millions sold everyday.




Another time I ordered 2 Big Macs, a large fries and a large coke and the order came out to around $30. I asked her to ring it up again and it came up to around $6.




So yea I really dont bother with fast food anymore.


And you're the kind of customer that made me choose a nice restaurant to work at over fast food :thumbsup: .

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The waitress at my local pizza hut who sneered when she wasn't tipped after we had had the buffet where we served ourselves for the entire meal - I'm damned if I'm paying 10% for a woman to carry a piece of paper to the table.

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:phew: i thought this topic was going to be a lot less "clean" if you know what i mean. :lol:




but i don't like eating out because of OPC (other people's children). That and I find it kind of gross to think about just how many times each resteraunt has reused the same silverware on god knows how many other consumers. Plus, most of the time the food is pretty gross (fast food generaly)




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I hate it when people (kids more likely) eat at a fast food place and leave their tray on the table with all their garbage (left over fries, wrappers, all that junk) laying around. Really how hard is it to take less than 5 minutes out of your time to throw away your trash?




That grinds my gears.




How do you think i feel, i work at Burger King and if that happens I have to clean it up, while im busy working my behind off. I REALLY hate that because people these days are so disrespectful its disgusting, no wonder America is sliding downhill. :x


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