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Your Greatest Fears


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I was wondering what you people fear the most? I generally consider myself as having few fears, except I can't stand insects. Don't bother being specific just say something like "I'm afraid of [insert thingy here]".

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Random Furry Dance!!!

Proud to hate life, since not too long ago!!!

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Drowning, or being trapped in a really small space. I'm not that claustrophic, but if I thought I was trapped I would probably panick a bit.
Basically that, except i AM claustrophobic :P

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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Im simaler to claustrophobic, but its not so much being in a tight space as not have free movement of my limbs. I have no problems with shoulder/chest harness roller coasters, or suits of armour (or diving suit), but being in say a locker, traped in an enclosed slide (no open top), or getting stuck in a snow tunnel (if its really tiny I can get nervous). Once I realise I cant move I start to panic, I just cant stand being restrained.




I dont like large bugs, and Im not overly fond of wasps. I used to really like bees though but I like them less and less each year.




Heres the stange one that I anly got over last summer (good thing being a beach lifegaurd). I used to panic when I could see bottom while swimming in a lake. I still dont snorkel, and I dont mind when I am walking around on purpose, but swimming in to a dock from our raft I would always avoid looking down and pull myself up on the dock (which has a deck 2 ft. above water)without touching bottom in 4 1/2 ft. of water (I am 6ft.tall). Ever since I saw a crab coming out from under a dock while teaching swimming lessons, I always wear water shoes so they cant pinch me.




Heres something. I am only afraid of wasps/hornets/bees when alone or with someone who is afraid of them. When I am in a situation where I could lose my dignity I not only hide my fear, but I dont even feel it.

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I don't have fears... Except the unknown.




I don't care if I got attacked by a bear, a mass murderer with a chainsaw, a huge other animal etc... Those are neutralizable threats.




But the thought of something sinister attacking you with the intent to kill you, but you don't know what it is, who it is, where it is, or why it wants you. I sometimes had nightmares of that. Fortunately I doubt that's possible in our world 8-)

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Not really sure the greatest...But most of my fears, in the end, are death.


For instance, vehicular accidents. (Like plane crashes, car accidents, etc.) The main reason I'm afraid of them is that I could die because of them. Same with fire. I get burned, I burn up, I die. Dogs. They bite me. I bleed to death, I get some disease, something. I die.




So I guess I'll have to say death...


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Electrocution I guess... I once got trapped in an electrical fence when I had to retrieve a ball from a field. My friends pressed down the bottom wire with their feet and I crawled through it, but on my way back one of them let their foot slip and the wire snapped up, and I kind of bounced up and down between them until they pulled me out. I regularly take the train into and out of Amsterdam, and they have high speed trams that have bright yellow third rails running along the rails, and they always make me a little uneasy.

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Losing breathe, tight spaces, being left behind, and Micheal Jackson.

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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I have really bad ornithophobia which is a fear of birds.




It is to the extent that if there is a pigeon on the pavement, I will cross the road so that I don't have to walk past it. It really is a pain in the arse. :(

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My only fear is public speaking really, and drowning cause of a few years back :ohnoes:. Heights i'm fine with, I enjoy looking down from up high. I'm ok with spiders, bur if I walk into a web randomly and feel like a huge sucker is on me i'll jump and scream like a little girl. Porcelain dolls can scare the crap out of me too sometimes.

Quit RuneScape :)

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Losing my family, extremely small rooms, finding out I may not find love in life (I don't fear it as much then it sucking so bad). I also fear losing a limb, drowning, being shot (but that would be cool), being stabbed (this would suck), people on PCP (this is a big one), not too fond of insects, girls who can severely kick my [wagon], and other things.




The one thing I am not afraid of is death. This creeps me out, and I'm not emo, so... yeah, it never really scared me. It's a part of life and when it's time for me to go, I'll go (unless I can be saved, then of course I don't want to go).




Yeah, many of my fears I can't even remember. Hardly any of these pop up at all, so I don't worry.

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My greatest fear is free fall. I feel all fine and good skydiving because I have the control of a parachute, but short freefalls on rides? Scares the hell out of me.




My worst nightmares are falling off buildings.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Other than high levels of pain, spiders. Think I said this on the last thread like this, but their movement is so unpredictable, and they move so creepily, especially the spindly, non-furry ones...




I mean, give me a tarantula over a black widow any day, even if they both creep me out >_> (although I would not classify myself as having arachniphobia; they're just the frikkin' weirdest and creepiest type of species on the planet >_<).




The one thing I am not afraid of is death. This creeps me out, and I'm not emo, so... yeah, it never really scared me. It's a part of life and when it's time for me to go, I'll go (unless I can be saved, then of course I don't want to go).


No one would call you emo for something like that :lol: . Personally, like you I have trouble understanding the general fear of death, it all seems so meaningless. But then again, many people like to entertain ideas of the supernatural and life after death, which I don't really ever do, so that could explain the whole fear-of-death thing.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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The fear of death extends to the inability for humans to comprehend nothingness. It's very understandable.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I have a fear of death, not my own death, but the death of others around me, I don't want to be around when someone close to me dies. Last year, one of my best friends died, and it hit me hard, I had a huge support network, me and all my other friends were there for each other, so were my family, but it made me realise, every time someone close to me dies, I am going to crumble. I know it is natural, but I don't want to do that. I pride myself on being independent, being in control, but death makes you lose control. And that is my greatest fear.

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