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Why are people so negative about riots?


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1. Jagex are aware that people liked the old system. But unbalanced trade allows for real world trading which led to credit card fraud, chargebacks and troubles with the bank.


2. Hence Jagex did it not because they wanted to, but because they had to.


3. Hence it doesn't matter how much people want Jagex to reverse the changes. Unless someone figures out a better way of preventing unbalanced trade then the issue isn't on the table for discussion.


4. Hence Jagex can't change their mind.


5. Hence the riots have no effect.


Mechscape World (the original MechScape fansite)

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I simply don't understand why you think that a bunch of people pointlessly spamming "@@@@@@@@" and "bring wildy back!" will sway Jagex at all.


Maybe this will get it through your thick skull: IT DOESN'T WORK! You can sit there and spam all you want but you're never going to get wildy back.



[English translation needed]

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Rarex, they only thing i've EVER seen you do here on tip.it is complain. Why?? If you hate Jagex and hate Runescape so much then why the hell are you still here...? :?:




Jagex didn't remove the wilderness because they hated us, they did it because it was necessary for Runescape to survive. And starting a riot to get the wilderness back is NOT going to get anything done. These riots have happened before, and you know what the result was? Many muted players and guess what... still no wilderness back. Riots in Runescape are stupidly pointless, no matter what the cause is. You are wasting your time with riots. Jagex clearly stated that the wilderness would NEVER return to its state before December 6th, so get over it.




Life is about change, and how you handle it. Seriously, if you cannot learn to adapt to a change in some computer game, then I can't even imagine how you'd handle a real-life crisis.*




*This last part is directed ateveryone in general.



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riots dont do nothing but lag up worlds and spamming from idiot pkers and idiot people trying to rip off a noob or scaming a noob or anyone


and a high change that ur one of the idiots at riots to be a idiot and using auto talkers doing this






rarely ever check forums.

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Rarex, they only thing i've EVER seen you do here on tip.it is complain. Why?? If you hate Jagex and hate Runescape so much then why the hell are you still here...? :?:





He was banned for trolling and is back because of the rollback.




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1. Jagex DOES NOT hate us. The trade, stake, etc. restrictions were to make RWT'ers have to quit or mend their ways.


Thus, there are (almost) no macros.


2. I bet that 50% of tip.it or more doesn't hate Jagex.


3. Riots=lag and spam.


People who don't mind the update end up getting blasted by lag and spam if they near the update.


4. Riots in real life can have a genuine effect on life, as laws in real life are impossible to escape legally.


However, what is the point of rioting, when leaving the game forever would be faster.


And less rule-breaky.

If you jump into a river in Paris, you're insane. If you jump into a river in Egypt, you're in denial.

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1. Jagex DOES NOT hate us. The trade, stake, etc. restrictions were to make RWT'ers have to quit or mend their ways.


Thus, there are (almost) no macros.


2. I bet that 50% of tip.it or more doesn't hate Jagex.



Jagex didn't remove the wilderness because they hated us


It's a company, the whole hate/love thing just doesn't apply to a company. They just want the money. :mrgreen: :lol:




Why don't the pro-riot newbies go do an Runescape riot IRL ? I mean, they obviously take themselves seriously. But than again nobody else does.


It's only like 1000 dollars for the plane tickets and the hotel, it's really not expensive. Why isn't everyone protesting IRL????? Or better, let's all move to cambridge!!! YAY, I'm going to get to learn the brittish accent!

2480+ total

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It's because we actually understand that those updates had to be done, unlike you and all other not really intelligent rioters that think they will change something. If you don't like current situation in Runescape move on other games, you'll probably find other games like WoW much more fun.

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The riots don't work. Partly because Jagex is as stubborn as a Texas Mule with a thorn in its side and partly because of how they're conducted. Although they should have posted ideas in the forum, lets be frank. How many of the ideas that players gave, and had supported by up to 200 or more players, actually were used? The riots were the only other way, aside from the rants section, to vent their spleen. If Jagex HAD implemented some of the ideas, a lot of frustration would have dissipated, because it would seem as though they actually listen to their customers.

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Riots are stupid.


If you want to make your point, do so in a reasonable way. Rioting and promoting anarchy isn't going to get you anywhere. If everyone else thought like this, the world would be a bloody mess.




Grow up, honestly.

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Rarex, they only thing i've EVER seen you do here on tip.it is complain. Why?? If you hate Jagex and hate Runescape so much then why the hell are you still here...? :?:





He was banned for trolling and is back because of the rollback.


Oh, lord.


GTFO our forums, troll.


Honestly, it would have been worth another few days of recovery to get rid of people like Rarex.

[English translation needed]

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You were banned for a reason :roll:




1. I dont see JAGeX making the old wildy return...they removed it due to RWT, not because they hated us.


2. If you hate jagex, why play this? got play WOW or something...


3. At riots, all i see is this:










Rioting doesnt change Jagex's mind not to go back to old pk system.




The reason riots work in real life is because you HAVE to; Ill say it; 'play' real life. You cant not live your life (unless you die, then there is no way to riot) so typically, a riot will change things in real life. This is a game. A group of 200 people cannot be coordinated to do anything major, even if its quitting. What will that do? 200 more noobs will come and replace them.


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Riots are stupid.




Agreed. First of all, as many have said, rioting won't change Jagex's mind. If you're gonna stoop as low as rioting, then you might as well stop playing any game at all because you're obviously can't adjust to major changes. When Jagex took away wildy, for example, yeah I was upset, since the old styles of warring and pking are no longer here, but the whole idea of killing someone and looting their corpse still exists. If you rioters can't even get used to that, or refuse to for that matter, then stop playing rs...stop playing any mmorpg, because games like these are gonna change A LOT! Learn to ADAPT pl0x

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Hmmm. Maybe because it is oh ummm... a RIOT? Look up the definition of Riot and then Protest.




Second, you really don't know how lucky you are to have a company like Jagex running Runescape. They do make tough decisions, but because they HAVE TO. It's not as if they just feel like doing it. RWTing threatened the very existence of Runescape. It was bye bye wilderness or bye bye Runescape. For some people the wilderness was their whole Runescape experience, but for the MAJORITY, it wasn't.




If you want an example of a bad gaming company, then look at the Nexon Corporation. You think Runescape is messed up now, then you would probably kill yourself after seeing what they would turn it into.




Some times people have to make the (censored) call, but at least they have the balls to do it.

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Some times people have to make the (censored) call, but at least they have the balls to do it.




Couldn't have said it better myself.




And to the author: Quit dragging your feet and quit, the wilderness is never coming back. And PLEASE stop complaining on TIF. If you want to do that, go to the RSOF. Get out of here.

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First, this is a game, not real life.




2nd: I like Jagex. Where did you get that everyone hates them from? They gave us this game and have done everything they can to make it its best, and I don't think I can recall I time when I haven't supported them. (you don't have to like every update to support them)




And rioting in RuneScape is about as immature as you can get in the game.


Jagex have provided their own rants forum. If you disagree with an update, go there and let off your anger in a mature way, if the thread becomes popular, I can almost guarantee that Jagex will look at it and they will know that the players are unhappy about the update.




Besides, I don't even know why the riots started, when have jagex released a bad update?


(Just because you don't like an update, doesn't mean it's bad)


[spoiler=My 99s (7)]9,638th to 99 Fletching ~ 29th January 2007

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Rioting never solved anything, look at real world riots, what do they do? Let's see: People murdered, trampled, and run over, appealing. Tons of property is destroyed, and people's houses in some cases including memories are lost.




Apply real life to runescape, let's see Mod's have to spend a great deal of time yelling at little kids who are trying to get a thrill off of a computer game. People are promoted to act like idiots in the game, and therefore act like idiots in the real world, hereby pissing me off.




Riots haven't solved anything in the game, unless I'm missing something, I don't really care about the runescape riots and neither do I take part. Let's just stick to petition, and if that fails, you can riot. :P


Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

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I think everyone should riot so I can have all the good training spots to myself.




None of the changes that everybody complains about really affected players like me. I never pked, never staked, never really merchanted much as I used most of what I made. People like me play the game to improve our characters skills not to see if we can kill or scam other players.




I do enjoy seeing everyone upset over a silly game though. Seems a lot of people get upset over 5 bucks a month.

If all the world is a stage, can someone please get all the clowns off the stage so the performance can begin?

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Nothing is wrong with riots in my opinion.




Riots are the senseless, violent protests that normally result destruction of public and private property by civilians. There is everything wrong with riots.




Demonstrations are different, those I have no problem with. That's where a message is clearly given, and people don't end up getting $1,200 in fire damage and slashed tires done to their car that they decided to park on the street while on vacation :wall: .




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